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        상속에 있어서 미성년자 보호

        송효진(Hyo Jean, Song) 한국가족법학회 2010 가족법연구 Vol.24 No.3

        The issue of protecting minor heirs in inheritance is an important part of child protection because the result of such legal actions may change their lives forever. Improvement measures based on root-cause analysis as well as thoroughly-prepared legal system are necessary to prevent young victims of insufficient legal protection in inheritance. The civil law of Republic of Korea protects the minors through persons with parental authority or guardianship based on the legal guardian system. However, regulations on acting against the interest of the minor and on abuse of rights created to limit legal parental authority cannot provide sufficient control. A more proactive measure to protect the minors in parental custody must take place. Meanwhile although an amendment was adopted for the guardianship system, it is still insufficient to protect the minors as the amendment focuses on implementing guardianship for the legal aged. All in all, control over parental custody or guardianship, such as custody control by the Family Court or instituting supervision over guardians, must be strengthened for minor protection. This, however, cannot be the fundamental solution. Too much supervision or control over custodians or guardians may cause inconveniences or burden in acting out their duties, and no matter how much the Family Court strengthens its function, there still will be limitations in getting involved in actual situations. Likewise, legal supervision over the person with parental authority is weak and is unable to suffice as a preventive measure for minor protection. Given such a situation, remedy can only remain secondary in terms of priority and the legal capacity to consider the hardship and suffering of the minor until he/she is remedied is obsolete. Even if remedy may be possible later on, unlike other legal actions, the problems related to inheritance cause irrepairable damages to minors’ lives in terms of impact on their childhood and ensuing consequences in life. Especially, under the inheritance system of Korea which is based on simple acceptance system, the danger a minor may fall into in case he/she cannot be protected by the legal guardian system is significant. Therefore, as a fundamental measure, an exception provision for minors should be legislated in the simple acceptance system since the system may yield results too harsh for minors to bear. It is recommended that after expiration of the decision-making time period, the law should favor limited acceptance for the minor heirs. And improvement should be made so that a supervisory organization oversees the acceptance or refusal of succession to assure no disadvantage is caused to the minor by the custodian or the guardian and that such an acceptance or refusal of succession is made in a clear statement.

      • 재혼가족 부부의재산상 평등권 제고 방안

        송효진(Hyo Jean Song),김은지(EunJi Kim),배인구(InGu Bae),김연재(Yeon-Jae Kim) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) 2017 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2017 No.-

        he values concerning marriage and family are changing in Korean society. These changes that are interlocked with such social phenomena as aging population, increased life expectancy, and increase in remarriage after bereavement and divorce are resulting in the increasing number of stepfamilies. Of those who choose to remarry, not a few enter into de facto marriages, evading the report of marriage for fear of causing such family problems as the conflict with children over property issues. However, the current legislation concerning the property of a couple and inheritance is not properly responding to such changes. This is demonstrated not only in family conflicts but also as gender inequality against women who are relatively in vulnerable situations in family dynamics in terms of property issues, which are also caused by conditions in the legislative system left unadjusted and uncoordinated. In this context, this research reviewed and analyzed legal issues and problems related to the property of couples of stepfamilies from the perspective of gender equality. Furthermore, in response to changing family values and an aging society, the purpose of the research was to suggest measures for legislative rearrangement in the direction of improving gender equality between couples of stepfamilies. To identify legal issues and problems in the property of couples of stepfamilies, review and analysis of the cases applied for legal counseling concerning the property of stepfamilies to the Korea Legal Aid Center for Family in 2015 and 2016 were made in cooperation with the Center. With a view to grasp the trends in remarriage, the issues and tendencies concerning the property of remarried couples, and legal problems thereof, a conference was held inviting the staff members of matchmaking companies who specialize in remarriages, and relevant professionals in academic and legal circles. The results of viewing the issues concerning the property of couples through the prism of remarried couples revealed the following problems. Irrationalities in the existing matrimonial property system became more distinctively apparent. Private autonomy was guaranteed only as a formality. When the operating mechanism based mainly on ‘legal’ system was applied to the phenomena of diverse changes in family, some areas were found where it caused inconveniences to diverse types of families, including stepfamilies. Besides, for spouses who are vulnerable, particularly from a gender perspective, with relatively weaker pensionable rights, which are representative component of safety net, the problem is complexly linked to current conditions, where the provision of livelihood entailing the changes in family status, including conjugal relations, relies not on the public system but excessively on private relations, including property division, etc. To find solutions for such problems, direction for improvement was sought in the following three stages. First, the system concerning matrimonial property should be improved to enhance gender equality between a couple through the establishment of clear legislative guidelines on matrimonial property relations that reflect the changes in family and society such as the increase in divorce and remarriage. Second, as a suggestion for coping with such diverse changes as increase in remarriage, the direction should be set in which a practical level of private autonomy in matrimonial property relations is guaranteed while setting the limits in unfairness found from a gender perspective at the same time. Last, through strengthening of individual pensionable rights that are not affected by changes in marital relations, the vulnerability resulting from the gender-dependent design should be overcome, particularly by the public support system, and thereby a relevant social safety net be reinforced. In line with such direction, improvement measures are suggested as follows. First, the extent of peculiar property, includi Ⅰ. 연구개요 1. 연구 목적 □ 한국 사회는 혼인과 가족에 대한 가치관의 변화, 인구 고령화 및 수명 증가에 따른 사별·이혼 후 재혼이 늘어나면서 재혼가족이 증가하고 있음. ○ 재혼가족에 있어서 부부의 재산을 둘러싼 문제와 갈등은 최근 사회적 이슈가 되고 있지만, 현행 부부재산 및 상속 관련 법제도는 이러한 변화하는 사회 현상에 제대로 대응하지 못하고 있음. ○ 사실혼 관계인 경우 부부간 돌봄과 부양의 의무를 부담하면서도 배우자 사망의 경우 법적으로 사실혼 배우자는 재산상속권이 인정되지 않아, 의무는 있으나 권리는 없는 양태가 나타남. 특히 황혼재혼에 있어 잔존한 고령의 사실혼 배우자(특히 여성 노인)의 경우 생계와 주거 등 경제적으로 취약한 상황에 놓일 우려가 높음. ○ 법률혼 부부의 경우에 있어서도 상속을 둘러싸고 공동상속인인 재혼배우자와 전혼자녀 간의 분쟁으로 이어지는 경우가 많아 더욱 어려운 고민과 과제를 던져주고 있음. □ 이에 본 연구는 성평등한 가족 관점에서 재혼가족에 있어 부부의 재산을 둘러싼 법적 이슈와 문제들을 검토·분석하고, 변화하는 가족가치 및 고령사회에 대응하여 재혼가족에 있어서 부부의 재산상 평등을 제고할 수 있는 법제 정비방안을 제시하는 것을 연구 목적으로 함. 2. 연구방법 □ 문헌연구 ○ 재혼가족 부부의 현황과 재산상 이슈 및 문제점을 파악하기 위하여 국내외 문헌과 선행 연구, 관련 기사, 통계자료 등 문헌·자료를 조사·검토하고 관련 판례 및 법제를 분석하였음. □ 법률상담사례 분석 ○ 재혼가족 부부의 재산과 관련하여 당사자들이 겪고 있는 고충 및 법적 이슈와 문제를 파악하고자 한국가정법률상담소에 2015년부터 2016년까지 2년간 접수된 상담사례 중 재혼가족이 부부 재산문제로 상담해온 경우만을 별도로 추출하여 총 86건을 조사·분석하였음. □ 전문가 집담회 ○ 재혼 트렌드와 재혼부부의 재산 관련 이슈 및 법적 문제를 파악하고자결혼(재혼)정보회사의 재혼 전문가, 학계와 법조 실무 전문가 등과 함께 전문가 집담회를 총 3회 개최하여 현장에서 접한 재혼 희망자들의 고민과 재산상 이슈, 법적 문제 및 개선방향 등에 관하여 자유롭게 의견을 나누었음. □ 전문가 자문 ○ 연구과정에서 재혼가족 부부의 재산 관련 국내외 법제도 및 관련 문제 그리고 개선 방향에 대하여 서면 자문 및 자문회의 등을 통하여 전문가들의 의견을 수렴하여 연구에 반영하였음. Ⅱ. 재혼가족 부부재산 이슈 1. 재혼가족 재산 관련 법률상담사례 분석 □ 법률상담사례 조사 개요 ○ 재혼가족 부부의 재산과 관련하여 당사자들이 겪고 있는 고충 및 법적 이슈와 문제를 파악하고자 한국가정법률상담소에 2015년부터 2016년까지 2년간 접수된 상담사례 중 재혼가족이 부부 재산문제로 비교적 자세하게 상담해온 질적 분석이 가능한 사례만을 별도로 추출하여 총 86건을 조사·분석하였음. ○ 총 86건의 사례 중 내담자가 재혼부부 당사자인 사례가 51건, 재혼 부부의 자녀(전혼자녀 및 재혼자녀)인 사례는 33건, 재혼부부의 부모가 내담자인 사례는 2건이었음. ○ 분석 대상 사례 중 내담자가 재혼부부 당사자인 사례 51건을 연령별로 살펴보면 60대가 15건(29.4%)으로 가장 많았고, 50대 14건(27.5%), 70대 10건(19.6%)로 50대 이상이 많은 분포를 보였음. 80대도 3건이며, 내담자가 재혼 당사자의 자녀인 경우가 33건에 이르는 것을 감안하면 고령층의 사례가 많은 것으로 나타남. ○ 전체 분석대상 상담사례 86건 중 상담 사유를 유형별로 보면, ‘재혼 배우자 간 재산 문제’가 20건, ‘재혼부부와 자녀(계부모·친부모와 전혼자녀·재혼자녀)를 둘러싼 재산문제’에 관한 상담이 62건, ‘기타 관계 간 재산문제’는 4건이었음. ○ 전체 분석대상 상담사례 86건 중 재혼부부가 법률혼 관계인 경우는 63건, 사실혼 관계인 경우는 23건으로 나타남.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가족의 해체에 따른 아동 보호의 문제

        송효진(Song, Hyo-Jean) 한국가족법학회 2012 가족법연구 Vol.26 No.2

        With the rapid increase in number of marriage migrant women and migrant workers flowing into Korea, we have now in effect entered into a multi-cultural society. As the number of multi-cultural families increases, the number of children of these families is also increasing. Accordingly, Korean society is more and more faced with various issues related with these children. According to Statistics Korea’s data, in 2010, the number of divorces of multi-cultural families accounted for 9.6% of the total number of divorces in Korea. According to Seoul Family Court, in May 2011, the proportion of divorce suits of multi-cultural families takes up more than 40% of the total of divorce suits filed at the Court over the last three years. Statistics Korea’s data shows that the number of children of divorced multi-cultural families was only 500 in 2004. However in 2010, the number reached around 1,500, which is more than a threefold increase. This, even, is only the number identified in official statistics. The number of children of illegal immigrants or foreign children who moves to Korea after their mother or father’s remarriage with a Korean national is likely to have been missed out in the official numbers. So, if we count this in, the number is much bigger than the officially identified. What is more, since more than 10,000 multi-cultural families are divorcing each year, it is expected that the number of children of these divorced families will continue to increase. In this paper, I will mainly touch upon what issues there are related with Korea’s Civil Code and Nationality Act when ensuring human rights and welfare of children of broken up multi-cultural families. Firstly, the issue of designation of person with parental rights and primary fosterer of children of divorced multi-cultural families often comes with hard case such as Chuncheon District Court ruling(2002. 11.15. 2002 De-Dan636 Ruling). In this case court gave custody of the child to a violent father instead of a mother illegally living in Korea who can be deported any day. However, if we consider the fact that she had to choose to escape with her two year-old baby from her violent husband of common law marriage, we cannot but question whether the court’s decision to designate the violent father to be the person with parental right and primary fosterer is reasonable and right for the child’s wellbeing. This case clearly shows the social issues of multi-cultural family breakdown and difficulties in protecting children of these families. Moreover, especially in many cases of divorced multi-cultural families that are poor, children are left out of social help. They may be left at a child-care center in Korea. They may live as an illegal immigrant in the home country of his or her migrant parent or may be put at a child-care center in that country out of reach and protection of the Korean consul in that country. We have no idea of the number of these children, those who are out of legal protection and system. We do not have any provisions or legal system that forces the divorced parents to carry out their obligation of child-rearing and to screen whether this is properly done. This is not only a task in addressing multi-cultural family issues, but also a fundamental task for protecting our children in average Korean divorces. Secondly, we should consider the visiting right of children of the divorced multi-cultural families. The visiting right guaranteed by the Korean Civil Code is not only a right of the parent but also that of the children. Article 9 of “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, which Korea adopted, stipulates that “States Parties shall respect the right of the child who is separated from one or both parents to maintain personal relations and direct contact with both parents on a regular basis, except if it is contrary to the child's best interests.”

      • KCI등재

        가족다양성 보장을 위한 법제 대응에 있어 쟁점 고찰 - 다양한 파트너십과 공동체 관계의 제도화 이슈를 중심으로 -

        송효진(Hyo-Jean Song) 이화여자대학교 젠더법학연구소 2021 이화젠더법학 Vol.13 No.3

        혼인율의 감소, 1인 가구의 증가, 가족 가치의 변화에 따라 법률혼과 혈연 중심의 가족 개념을 토대로 한 현행 제도의 대응 필요성에 대한 논의가 이어지고 있다. 선행 연구와 정책 및 입법 동향을 살펴보면 가족다양성에 대한 제도적 대응과 변화의 필요성에 대한 논의는 무르익었으나, 이제는 제도화의 구체적인 방향 및 쟁점에 대해서 본격적인 논의가 필요한 시점이다. 그간 정책 및 입법 동향은 법률혼이 아닌 비혼의 파트너십 관계 제도화 논의에서부터 최근에는 다양한 공동체에 대한 제도적 대응 논의까지 매우 다양하고 확장적으로 또 동시에 전개되고 있다. 특히 비혼 동거 파트너십 권리보장 관련 입법 논의에서 시작되어 이제는 동시에 다양한 공동체의 포용으로까지 논의가 확장되면서, 입법론에 있어 이러한 확장적 논의를 하나의 제도안에 담아갈 것인지, 또 어떠한 프레임으로 제도의 방향을 잡아야 하는지 구체적으로 고민해야 할 단계이다. 그러나 담론부터 입법론까지 다양한 논의들을 제도화에 포섭하는 문제는 간단하지는 않다. 이는 외국에서의 입법 과정 및 사회적 논의와 국내 논의의 시작이 법률혼 대상의 확장성 및 비법률혼 파트너 관계의 제도화 이슈를 중심으로 이루어져 왔으며, 이러한 입법 논의가 국내에서는 여전히 미완으로 진행 중인 상황에서, 다양한 공동체 관계까지 확장된 논의가 연장선상에서 함께 이루어지면서 세세한 입법상의 쟁점 논의를 더 모호하고 어렵게 하고 있지는 않은지 갈라서 살펴볼 필요도 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 다양한 파트너십과 공동체 관계의 제도화 이슈를 중심으로 쟁점을 검토하고 입법화의 방향을 모색해 보고자 하였다. With the rate of marriage decreasing, the number of single-person households increasing, and the value of family changing, discussions on the necessity of modifying the existing system, which is based on the legal marriage and blood-oriented family system, are on the rise. Investigation into previous studies as well as policy and legislation trends uncovers those who are involved in this area well discussed the need of the institutional response and change of family diversity. It is believed that now is the time to talk in earnest the direction of institutionalization and the issues that have to be reviewed. Until now, policy and legislative trends have unfolded in very diverse and expansive manners, from the discussion of institutionalization of non-marital, non-legal partnership to more recently the talk about the institutionalization of diverse types of communal relationship. In particular, given that discussions that have been initiated on legislative talks in relation to the guarantee of non-marriage partnership expanded to those about the inclusion of various communities, it is time to think concretely about whether to put those growing discussions into one system and what frame to establish for proper future direction at the time of legislation. Yet, the problem of embracing various discussions from discourse to legislative theory into institutionalization is not simple. The legislative processes and social discussion in foreign countries and the starting point of domestic talks have centered on the expandability of marriage-oriented partnership and legally married people and the issues of institutionalizing non-marriage partnership. Considering that those legislative talks are still in progress in Korea, it is necessary to investigate in detail whether those conclusive talks about diverse communal relationship make hot-button issues more vague and difficult in the legislative discussion because of their alignment with the aforementioned discussions. Against this backdrop, this paper reviews the issues of institutionalization of various partnerships and communal relations and seeks the direction of legislation.

      • KCI등재

        출생신고제도의 개선방안

        송효진(Song Hyo Jean) 한국가족법학회 2017 가족법연구 Vol.31 No.2

        Under the birth registration system stipulated in the current 「Act on the Registration, etc. of Family Relationships」 (hereinafter, the ARFR), birth registration omissions or delays and false registrations, as well as the resulting abandonment, trafficking, and illegal adoption of babies, have been raised as important social issues. Thereunder, those with a duty to report births (in principle, fathers or mothers) are solely responsible for registering births. Therefore, until they register births, the government cannot identify whether babies were born or not. Hospitals simply issue birth certificates to them, not directly involved in birth registrations. Moreover, issues such as registration omissions and false registrations are legally handled after they occur, thereby causing blind spots in children’s rights mentioned above. The amendment bill of the ARFR, which contains a provision on the abolishment of the acquaintance-certified birth registration system, has recently passed the 19th National Assembly, leading us to expect that urgent issues in birth registration can be resolved. However, more fundamental solutions thereto need to be discussed and reviewed. Against this backdrop, this research study aims to examine problems in the birth registration system under the current ARFR and to seek ways to introduce a hospital-based birth notification system as a solution thereto.

      • KCI우수등재

        가사소송법 개정안에 대한 고찰 - 이행의 확보 및 관할에 있어서 미성년 자녀의 복리 보호를 중심으로 -

        송효진 ( Hyo Jean Song ) 법조협회 2017 法曹 Vol.66 No.3

        가사소송법 전부개정법률안(이하 `개정안`)이 2017. 3. 22. 입법예고(법무부공고 제2017-73호) 되었다. 개정안은 “인격의 존엄과 양성의 평등 및 미성년 자녀의 복리 보호”를 기본 이념(개정안 제1조)으로 하여 미성년 자녀의 복리보호를 위한 제도를 대폭 보완·개선하였다. 관련하여 개정안에서 특히 주목되는 부분은 이행의 확보에 있어서 미성년 자녀의 복리를 보호하기 위한 제도의 개선을 도모하였다는 점이다. 또한 관할에 있어서도 미성년 자녀에 대한 양육 공백이 발생하지 않도록 세심한 배려를 개정안에 담고 있다. 개정안은 이행의 확보와 관련하여, 사전처분의 실효성을 높이기 위하여 사전처분에 집행력을 부여하고 즉시항고의 집행정지 효력을 배제하였다(개정안 제138조). 또한 개정안에서는 미성년 자녀 인도청구의 집행에 관한 별도의 규정을 신설하였다(개정안 제143조). 그리고 양육비 등 불이행에 대한 감치 요건을 정당한 이유 없이 `3기(期) 이상 의무 불이행` 에서 `30일 이내 의무 불이행`하면 감치가 가능하도록 완화하여 제재의 실효성을 제고하였다(개정안 제149조). 미성년 자녀의 복리와 밀접한 관련이 있는 사건의 관할에 미성년자녀의 보통재판적이 있는 곳의 가정법원을 추가하여 양육자의 재판출석으로 인한 미성년 자녀의 양육 공백이 발생하는 것을 방지하고자 하였다(개정안 제37조, 개정안 제140조 등). 미성년 자녀의 생계와 복리에 직접적으로 관련 되는 양육비 등의 이행확보를 위한 수단들을 강화한 가사소송법 개정안은 양육비불이행으로 고통 받는 미성년 자녀와 한부모가족에게 큰 도움이 될 것으로 생각된다. 가사소송법 개정안의 조속한 통과를 기대한다. The Amendment Bill of the Family Litigation Act (hereinafter, `the Amendment Bill` or `the Bill`) was pre-announced on March 22, 2017, before its legislation (Justice Ministry Notice No. 2017-73). Based on the basic concepts of “Respect for Human Dignity and Gender Equality and Protection of the Interests of Minor Children” (Article 1 of the Amendment Bill), the Bill comprehensively revised and improved the system for protecting the interests of minor children. What should be specially noted is that the Bill aims to reform the system to safeguard the interests of minor children by ensuring performance. Moreover, even in terms of jurisdiction, it includes specific provisions designed to prevent vacuums in taking care of minor children. In the context of ensuring performance, the Bill makes advance decisions executable to raise the effectiveness thereof and prevents immediate appeals from having the effect of suspending the execution (Article 138 of the Amendment Bill). It has also a new separate provision regarding the execution of requests for the delivery of minor children (Article 143 of the Amendment Bill). The detention requirement for those who fail to pay childcare costs (, etc.) was also lessened to make it possible to detain them in case they do not fulfill duties within 30 days, rather than three or more times, without valid reasons (Article 149 of the Amendment Bill). The main purpose thereof is to improve the effectiveness of the punishment. The Bill also aims to avoid vacuums in rearing minor children attributed to a foster parents` attendance at trial by adding a family court with general jurisdiction for minor children to the list of competent courts for cases closely related to the interests of minor children (Articles 37, 140, and so forth of the Amendment Bill). In particular, it has stricter rules for ensuring the payment of childcare costs directly connected with the livelihood and interests of minor children, which are deemed to be of great help to the children and single-parent families suffering from non-compliance with duties to pay child rearing expenses. We look forward to seeing the Amendment Bill be passed as quickly as possible.

      • KCI등재

        가족관계등록제도의 개선방안 연구

        송효진(Song, Hyo-Jean),박복순(Park, Bok-Soon) 한국가족법학회 2014 가족법연구 Vol.28 No.2

        This study aims to review the implementation and draw up improvement plans of the Act on the Registration, etc. of Family Relationship (hereinafter referred to as the “Family Relationship Registration Act”). In order to investigate actual problems facing the general public in the implementation of the family relationship registration system, surveys had been carried out among various people working in the area; public officials in charge of the implementation of the family relationship registration system, legal experts such as lawyers and scholars, and counselors in relevant institutions and organizations. Based on the aforementioned research, an improvement plan is made as follows: First, this study proposes two improvement methods to overcome the patriarchal family system and the former family register system; a proposal to abolish the place of registration site system or to restrict the display of one’s place of registration site. Second, the adoption of “birth notification system” in order to ensure the authenticity of family relationship registers, especially that of its reporting systems, such as birth and death registration. The current birth registration system allowing “the identity verification by knowledgeable persons(including neighbors, friends, relatives, etc.)” should only be applied in very exceptional cases, while the procedures for registering births by unmarried fathers should be improved through the adoption of birth notification system or simple procedures; such as, through submitting paternity test results provided by authorized institutions. Likewise, in order to ensure the authenticity of death registration, it is necessary to consider adopting and abolishing the system aforementioned, for improving birth registration system. Third, in order to improve the protection of personal information, the current “Partial Verification System” needs to be actively utilized and issuance of partial verification certificates should be put into practice as a default rule. The range of people eligible to request the issuance of certificates should be further limited in order to prevent unnecessary leaks and abuse of personal information. An administrative disposition, then, should be prepared as well to impose restriction on the violation of the rules limiting the requesters eligible for applying for certificates. Fourth, reflecting the era of globalization, administrative procedures need to be segmentalized; establishing standard operation guidelines for each nationality, institutionalizing the issuance of English certificates for family relationship, and allowing the entry of both Korean and English names of spouses from foreign countries in their passports.

      • 한국 체류 난민여성의 인권 실태에 관한 연구

        송효진(Hyo Jean Song),김소영(Soyoung Kim),이인선(Inseon Lee),한지영(Jee Yong Han) 한국여성정책연구원 2016 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2016 No.-

        Since the enforcement of the refugee act in 2013, the number of women refugees has fundamentally increased, at the same time, the refugees in korea showed a growth in its amount. Among the population of refugees, only males make their voices, not females. By doing so, refugee women could not reveal how vulnerable they are in Korea. It makes them unable to receive timely protection from the Korean Government. The policy for refugee women is absent in terms of gender difference, which makes the case worse. In spite of this current unfavorable conditions, there are few academic researches and the policy for refugee women. Those insufficient understandings for refugee women are a possible crucial point for future research, suggesting requirement on urgent need of basic data for further policy-making and system improvement. This study conducted in-depth interviews for refugee women staying in Korea to grasp the status of their human rights and reflect their voices and desire, finally analyzing refugee-related law in terms of gender perspective. The study suggests the following policy proposals and legal improvement methods in order to develop better treatment for refugee women in Korea. In such context, it is indispensable to add some regulations for refugee women when they are on a process for their legal status to be determined under the current refugee law. In details, including ‘gender guidelines’ into the Refugee Law is needed, considering varied situations refugee women have. It is because there is the first priority for some groups such as pregnant women or people accompanying children who must be provided with proper space and nutrition. To simply put, there are no considerations toward those underprivileged women. Therefore, this study argues allocating the same sex officials in charge of screening refugee women at an migration office, guaranteeing gender-sensitive education toward officials at an migration office. When it comes to victims of violence such as sexual or domestic violence, providing further physical or psychological treatments are needed as well. Ultimately, this paper strongly argues importing further gender consideration into refugee Law, especially toward refugee women. Ⅰ. 서론 1. 연구필요성 및 목적 □ 최근 국제적으로 난민 문제가 가장 큰 현안으로 대두됨에 따라 우리나라의 국내 난민에 대한 관심도 높아지고 있다. 그러나 적극적으로 자신들의 목소리를 내는 난민은 성인 남성이 주가 되어, 난민여성의 실태와 취약성은 드러나지 못하고 있다. 이에 따라 시의적절한 보호를 받지 못하고 있고, 성인지적 관점에서 난민여성에 대한 정책도 부재한 실정이다. □ 난민여성이 여성이기 때문에 노출될 수 있는 박해(정치적 박해로 인한 성폭력, 여성할례, 성매매)에 대한 이해가 국내에서는 매우 부족한 실정이며, 실태파악조차 되어 있지 않다. 또한 난민여성은 난민신청과정에서부터 정착에 이르기까지 임신, 영유아 자녀 동반 등 특수한 상황에 처한 경우가 많으나, 이러한 상황에 대하여 ?난민법? 시행 이후 적절한 절차적 보호와 배려가 이루어지고 있는지, 또한 어떠한 문제가 있는지에 대한 파악도 필요하다. □ 그러나 난민법 시행 전후로 수행된 선행연구 및 난민에 대한 실태조사에 있어 난민여성의 실태 및 현황이 드러나지 아니하여, 정책 제언 및 법제도 개선의 기초자료로서 활용할 수 있는 연구와 자료의 생산이 시급한 상황이다. □ 이에 본 연구에서는 유엔난민기구 한국대표부 및 난민지원 NGO 전문가들의 협조를 받아 한국 체류 난민여성에 대한 심층면접 조사를 실시하여 난민여성의 인권 실태를 파악하고, 한국 내 난민여성들의 인권 상황 및 처우를 개선하기 위한 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 2. 연구 내용 및 방법 □ 한국 체류 난민여성의 인권상황 및 실태를 파악하고 그들의 처우를 개선하기 위한 방안을 모색하고자, 한국에 체류 중인 난민여성(난민신청자, 인도적 체류자, 난민인정자) 21명에 대한 심층면접조사 및 그 결과를 분석하여 난민여성의 인권 상황 및 실태를 파악하고, 현행 난민법제를 성인지적으로 분석하여 문제점을 검토하고, 이를 바탕으로 그 개선방안을 제시하였다. □ 본 연구에서는 난민여성의 인권을 젠더박해와 난민인정, 입국과정과 난민신청절차에서의 여성 인권 보호, 생활정착과정에서의 여성 인권이라는 세 차원에서 파악하고 이들 영역을 난민여성의 인권 실태 연구의 범위에 포함하였다. Ⅱ. 한국 체류 난민여성의 인권실태 1. 심층면접 조사 개요 □ 한국에 체류 중인 난민여성의 인권상황 및 실태를 파악하고 난민여성의 경험을 들어보고자 한국 체류 난민여성에 대한 심층면접조사를 실시하였다. 면접대상은 민간 난민 지원 단체와 관련 전문가를 통해 의뢰하였으며, 면접대상자는 난민지위(난민신청자, 인도적 체류자, 난민인정자), 출신국(아프리카권, 아랍권, 아시아권 등), 결혼여부, 자녀유무 등을 고려하여 섭외하였다. 최종면접에 참여한 난민 여성은 총 21명으로, 면접은 1회에서 필요에 따라 2회 진행되었으며, 일대일 면접 또는 소집단 면접으로 실시하였다. 면접은 2015년 12월 중순부터 2016년 2월 초까지 진행되었으며, 난민으로 본국을 떠나오게 된 사유, 난민입국과정 및 신청절차에서의 경험, 한국 입국 후 난민으로서 살아가는 경험 등의 사항으로 내용을 구성한 반구조화된 질문지를 활용하여 면접을 실시하였다.

      • 비혼모에 대한 법제도 운영 현황과 개선방안

        송효진(Hyo-jean Song) 한국젠더법학회 2019 젠더법학 Vol.10 No.2

        이 논문에서는 비혼모에 대한 주요 법제도 운영 현황과 젠더 관점에서 비혼모 관련 법제 운영의 문제를 살펴보고, 그 개선방안을 모색하였다. 비혼모에 대한 법제도 및 그 운영은 가부장제 및 정상가족 중심의 관점에서 완전히 벗어났다고 보기 어렵다. 부계혈통중심의 가족제도가 아닌 다른 방식으로 가족을 구성하여 삶을 살아가고 있다는 이유로 비혼모가 법제도에서 예외적으로 취급되거나 배제되지 말아야 한다. 가족형태에 따른 차별을 포함한 모든 형태의 차별이 없도록 하는 접근이 가족법 분야에서부터 그리고 각 분야 법제 및 정책에 있어서 기본이 되어야한다. 자녀의 성(姓)을 아버지의 성(姓)을 따르는 것을 원칙으로 하는 부성우선주의 원칙은 폐지되어야 하며 성평등하게 개선되어야 한다. 태어난 아동을 가족형태에 따라 혼인 중의 출생자와 혼인 외의 출생자로 구분하고 명명(naming)하는 법의 태도는 전환되어야 한다. 비혼모가 혼자서 집에서 출산한 사례와 같이 가정법원의 확인을 거쳐 출생신고를 하여야 하는 경우에 있어, 절차적 어려움으로 출생신고가 지연되지 않도록 제도적 보완책을 강구하여야 한다. 가족관계 증명에 있어 비혼모의 사생활 보호 문제가 주요한 이슈중의 하나였지만 증명서에 있어 사생활 보호는 보편적인 법익으로 단지 비혼모에게만 해당되는 문제는 아니다. 가족관계 등 증명서 발급에 있어서 사생활보호가 강화된 것은 매우 바람직하다. 그러나 실효적으로 운영되도록 보완이 필요하다. 비혼모가 고립되거나 소외되지 않도록 시민으로서 공동체로 나와서 어울려 살 수 있도록 법제도의 운영과 정책적 지원이 이루어져야 한다. 비혼모가 처한 현재의 경제적·사회적 불평등한 상황을 개선하기 위해서는 더욱 적극적 지원이 필요하다. 급여자격과 분리하여 한부모가족지원서비스를 이용할 수 있는 대상자를 확대하여 자립과 자녀 양육을 위해 돌봄과 주거 등 관련 지원 서비스가 필요한 한부모에게 기회를 주어야 한다. 지원서비스의 내용과 종류에 따라 지원 대상을 달리하는 것도 고려하여야 한다. 양육비이행 절차에 있어 어려움이 많은 비혼모의 특수한 상황을 고려하여, 한시적 양육비지급을 확대하고, 나아가 대지급제도의 도입을 검토하여야 한다. 비혼모의 시민으로서의 권리와 삶의 회복을 위하여 일자리, 돌봄, 주거 등 기본적인 생계가 가능하도록 하는 지원이 강화되어야 함은 물론 일-돌봄-생활의 균형이 가능할 수 있도록 비혼모 자신의 삶의 질, 사회적·문화적 권리의 실질적 보장도 중요한 지원 내용으로 포함하여야 한다. This paper is designed to look into how legal systems for single mothers have operated, to review issues in the operation thereof from gender perspectives, and to seek ways to enhance such systems. Legal systems for single mothers and the operation thereof are hardly deemed to completely break away from patriarchy and normal families-based perspectives. In legal contexts, we should avoid excluding or exceptionally treating such mothers simply because they organize families and live life differently from the mode in which others do under patriarchal family systems. The approach in which all kinds of discrimination including those that are family type-related are eliminated should be a basic element of all legal systems and policies including the Family Act. The current systems where children should in principle take their fathers’ family names need to be revised in a gender-equal way. We should also change legal arrangements where children born in and out of wedlock are distinguished by family type and named in different ways. When births should be reported after being officially acknowledged by the Family court, as in the case of single mothers giving birth to a child alone at home, procedural difficulties often delay registering them. These systems should be reformed to prevent such delays. In terms of the certification of family relations, protecting the privacy of single mothers has been one of the key issues. However, in this context, privacy protection belongs to universal legal goods and therefore is not limited to safeguarding such mothers. It is very desirable to strengthen privacy protection in issuing family relations certificates and so forth. However, such a system should improve to ensure effective operation. Offering policy support, legal systems should be set up to prevent single mothers from being isolated in socio-economic contexts and to enable them to effectively function as community members. More active support is required to better handle socioeconomically unequal circumstances facing single mothers. By expanding the scope of those who can benefit from the single parent family outreach program regardless of eligibility to receive benefits, the government should provide single parents with necessary services such as care and housing and thereby help them live an independent life and take care of their children. Differentiating beneficiaries by service content and type should also be taken into account. Considering that single mothers have had difficulties in paying childcare costs, the government should temporarily expand financial support for child care and review the introduction of subrogation payment systems. Stronger support in employment, care, and housing should be provided to help single mothers sustain their basic livelihood, while enabling them to enjoy higher quality of life and social and cultural rights in order to promote workcare-life balance.

      • KCI등재

        비성애적 관계의 법적 승인에 대한 캐나다 입법례 연구

        안소영 ( So-young An ),송효진 ( Hyo-jean Song ) 이화여자대학교 법학연구소 2021 法學論集 Vol.26 No.2

        우리 사회에는 다양한 가족 형태가 등장하여 그 비중이 증가하고 있다. 이러한 현실에 맞추어 정부에서도 다양한 가족의 제도적 수용기반 마련을 위한 정책 입안에 힘쓰고 있으나, 여전히 혼인과 혈연을 기준으로 한 가족 개념이 법제 전반에 걸쳐 유지되고 있다. 캐나다에서는 2001년 가족 다양성, 더 구체적으로는 혼인을 매개로 한 전형적인 가족 개념에서 벗어나, 캐나다 시민들이 맺고 있는 관계의 다양성을 검토하는 시도가 이루어졌고, 그 결과 캐나다 시민들의 개인적 관계를 성애적 관계, 비성애적 관계, 돌봄 관계로 유형화하였다. 이를 바탕으로 당시 ‘관계’를 규정하고 있는 모든 법과 정책들을(가령, 법이 정한 혜택을 부과하는 기준으로 관계를 규정하고 있는 경우 등) 재검토 하여, 캐나다 시민들이 선택한 다양한 관계가 법적으로 승인될 수 있도록 법과 정책들을 개선할 것을 권고하는 보고서가 발간되었다. 이 글에서는 캐나다 법률 위원회가 발간한 해당 보고서 내용을 자세히 살펴보고, 보고서에서 권고한 사항이 반영된 캐나다 노동법 및 앨버타주의 입법례를 검토한 후, 우리 법제가 나아가야 할 방향에 대해 시사하는 바를 논의한다. Various types of families have emerged in our society, and in line with this reality, the government is also striving to devise policies to lay the foundation for the institutional acceptance of various families. However, the concept of families based on marriage and blood ties is still maintained throughout the legal system. In 2001, an attempt was made to examine the diversity of relationships among Canadian citizens. As a result, the personal relationship of Canadian citizens was categorized into ① conjugal relationship, ② non-conjugal household and non-conjugal relationship, ③ caregiving relationships. Based on this, the report, “Beyond Conjugality: Recognizing and supporting close personal adult relationships,” by reviewing all the laws and policies that define “relationships” (for example, when a relationship is stipulated as a criterion for imposing benefits set by law, etc.), recommended the improvement of the laws and policies so that the various relationships selected by Canadian citizens can be legally recognized. This article takes a closer look at the aforementioned report published by the Law commission of Canada and reviews the 「Canadian Labor Code」 and the Alberta legislation 「Adult Interdependent Relationships Act」, which reflect the recommendations of the report. Finally, this article presents the implications for the direction of South Korea’s legal system.

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