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      • 봉독약침이 류마티스 관절염 환자의 기능회복 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

        이상훈,이현종,박상민,김수영,박재경,홍승재,양형인,이재동,최도영,김건식,이두익,이윤호 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2003 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2003 No.-

        Objective: To evaluate the effects of bee venom acupuncture(BVA) on the rehabilitation and quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis(RA) patients Methods: Patients with RA were treated with the BVA therapy twice a week for 3 months. Tender joint counts, swollen joint counts, morning stiffness, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate(ESR), C-reactive protein(CRP), patient global assessment, physician global assessment, Korean health assessment questionnaire(KHAQ) were estimated and analyzed before and after BVA therapy. Results: Tender joint counts, swollen joint counts, morning stiffness showed significant decrease after BVA therapy. But, as acute inflammatory reactants, ESR showed no significant difference and CRP showed significant increase after BVA therapy. Patient global assessment physician global assessment, and KHAQ index showed significant improvement after BVA therapy. Conclusions: BVA therapy can improve rehabilitation and health-related quality of life RA patients as well as clinical symptom and signs. Further study is required in more population with large scale including acute inflammatory reaction of BVA therapy.

      • 수입각증후군에 의한 급성 복증 1례

        정은욱,지삼룡,이영태,박지훈,김동기,제인수,채두근,박성재,박은택,이연재,이상혁,설상영,정정명 白中央醫療院 2005 仁濟醫學 Vol.26 No.1

        Afferent loop syndrome is an uncommon complication of a gastrectomy and Billroth Ⅱ reconstruction. It may cause symtoms at any time from the first postoperative day to many years after the gastrectomy. Afferent loop syndrome is characterized by abdominal pain, vomiting and elevation of serum amylase. Thus, it is difficult to differentiate afferent loop syndrome from other cause of acute pancreatitis. However, the history of gastrectomy can be an important clue for diagnosing afferent loop syndrome. We experienced one case of chronic afferent loop syndrome with acute pancreatitis. After appropriate management, the abdominal pain disappeared and serum amylase level decreased. We report this case with a review of relevant literatures.

      • 한국 연근해 황아귀 Lophius litulon (Jordan)의 자원평가 및 관리방안 연구

        박영철,이재봉,최석관,안두해 한국수산자원학회 2003 한국수산자원학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구에서는 1985년부터 2001년까지 17년간의 황아귀 어획량 및 노력량 자료와 어획물 체장조사 자료를 이용하여 한국 연근해 황아귀 자원에 대한 자원생물학적특정치를 추정하였다. 어획물곡선을 이용하여 추전된 한국 연근해 황아귀의 순간전 사망계수 (Z)는 0.91/년이며, 어구가입연령 (t_(c))은 1.3세였다. 또한, 자연사망계수 (M)는 0.27/년으로, 순간어획사망계수 (F)는 0.64/년으로, 어장가입연렁(t_(r))은 0.3세로 추정되었다. 황아귀 자원을 가입당생산량 모델에 적용시킨 결과, 가능한 최대 가입당생산량이 948g 임에 비하여 현재의 t_(c) = 1.3세, F = 0.64/년에서의 가입당생산량은 559g 정도로 나타났다. 여기서 t_(c)를 현재 상태로 고정시킨 후, 가입당생산량을 높이는 방안을 생각해 보면, 현재의 F 값 0.64/년에서 증가할수록 가입당생산량은 감소하는 경향을 보이고 있지만, 현재의 어획강도 (F)를 고정시키는 경우에는 t_(c)를 현재의 1.3세에서 4세 부근으로 조정하면 최대의 가입당생산량(948g)을 얻을 수있고, 이 t_(c)값은 역시 F_(0.1)방법에서 추정된 적정 어획체장음 연력으로 환산한 결과와 거의 일치하였다. 또한, 가입당생산량 및 가입당산란자원량 모델을 이용하여 생물학적 관리기준점이 되는 F_(0.1)과 F_(35%) 및 F_(40%)을 각각 0.14/년, 0.26/년, 0.22/년으로 설정하였다. 지난 17년간 어획자료를 사용하여 잉여생산모델에 의해 추정된 MSY는 Schaefer와 Fox 모델에 의하여 각각 7.740톤과 7.720톤으로 유사한 결과를 나타냈다. 또한, CPUE/CPUE_(M8Y) 비는 1보다 큰 값을 보여 황아귀의 자원상태는 한국 TAC 산정을 위한 ABC 추정시스템의 4a 단계에 해당되었다. 따라서, MSY 및 자원상태를 고려하여 한국 연근해 황아귀 자원의 2002년도 관리시점의 생물학적허용어획량은 7,730톤이 적정한 것으로 판단되었다. The purpose of this study is to estimate population ecological parameters, including instantaneous coefficients of natural and fishing mortalities, and age at first capture, as well as to carry out stock assessment of yellow goosefish Lophius litulon (Jordan) in Korean wafers. Using the catch curve, the instantaneous coefficient of total mortality (Z) of yellow goosefish was estimated at 0.91/year and the age at first capture. 1.3 years. The instantaneous coefficients of natural and fishing mortalities (M and F) were estimated to be 0.27/year and 0.64/year, respectively. A yield-per-recruit (YPR) analysis showed that the current yield per recruit of about 559 g with F of 0.64/year at t_(c) of 1.3 years. was lower than the possible maximum yield per recruit of 948 g. With to fixed at the current level, the yield per recruit tended to decrease as the current F (0.64/year) value increased. Thus, it is suggested that the maximum yield per recruit can be attained with a fixed F value at the current level by increasing t_(c) from 1.3 rears to 4.0 years. Based on YPR and spawning biomass per recruit (SPR) models, the biolegical reference points, such as F_(0.1), F_(35%), F_(40%), were suggested as 0.14, 0.26, 0.22 per year at current age 1 of recruitment. Employing surplus production model (SPM) with catch per unit effort of the Korean large stow net fishery during the periods of 1985-2001, the estimated MBYs were similar between the Schaefer and Fox models, ranged from 7,74D to 7,720 mt. Finally, we suggested that acceptable biological catch (ABC) of yellow goosefish in 2002 should be 7,730 mt, based on the MSY and the current status of the stock in Korean waters.

      • 키위(Actinidia chinensis)의 休眠枝揷에 關한 硏究

        朴才昊,文斗吉 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1990 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        키위 苗木을 短期間內에 大量으로 生産할수 있는 方法을 究明하기 위하여 'Hayward' 品種을 供試하여 休眠枝揷을 實施한 바 그 重要 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 揷木床土의 加溫 (24℃와 28℃)은 揷穗의 發根 및 地下部 生育에 도움을 주지 못하였다. 2. 揷穗 基部의 Rooton 塗布는 揷穗의 發根 및 뿌리의 生育을 촉진하였다. 3. 揷木時期에 있어서 4月 上旬 보다는 3月 中旬에 揷木하였을 때가 發根率, 根의 生長 그리고 出芽率이 良好하였다. This study was conducted to establish the effective methods of dormant wood cutting of kiwifruit tree(Actinidia chinensis Planch. cv. 'Hayward'). Cuttings from one-year old shoots of six-year old tree were taken in mid Feb. and planted under mist in polyethylene film house. Results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. Heating of soil temperature (24℃ and 28℃) didn't improve rooting and shooting percentage of cuttings. 2. Treatment of the basal cut end with Rooton increased rooting percentage and accelerated root growth. 3. Based on the rooting percentage, number of roots per cutting and shooting percentage, the suitable time for dormant wood cutting was found to be mid March rather than early April.

      • 효율적인 통합 업무를 위한 정보관리 시스템 구축

        박두순,안종근,공용해,정재헌 호서대학교 반도체제조장비국산화연구센터 2001 반도체장비학술심포지움 Vol.2001 No.-

        기업의 효율적인 정보시스템 구축은 정보화 사회에서는 반드시 필요하다.또한 기업의 성장 규모, 기업의 요구 사항, 기업의 보다 향상된 업무를 위해 시스템을 능동적으로 구현, 확장, 재구성되어야 한다.이에 정보의 연계, 최신 정보의 효율적 관리를 이용한 구체화와 정보화를 유지할 수 있다.이를 위하여 중소 업체에서는 한 번에 많은 투자를 해야되는 종합 정보화 시스템보다는 생산 관리, 인사 관리, 회계 관리 등 각각에 대한 정보화를 위해 가장 기본적인 프로그램들을 업체의 특성과 차별성을 고려하여 실용 업무에 보다 적합한 자동화 시스템구성의 필요성이 강조된다.따라서 이들 시스템간에 서로 정보를 교환하고, 의사결정을 하는 종합 관리 시스템을 구축하여야 하는데, 이를 위하여 기존에 개발된 영업관리, 생산 관리, 인사 관리, 회계관리 프로그램들을 통합하는 것이 새로운 시스템을 개발하는 것보다 경제적, 기능적 측면에서 매우 유리하다 할 것이다. 본 연구에서는 (주)두양금속의 기존에 사용중인 영업관리, 생산 관리, 인사 관리, 회계 관리 시스템을 통합하고자 이미 구축된 시스템을 분석하고 각각의 독립된 업무를 연계하여 효율적인 정보 관리 시스템을 구축하는 것에 목적을 두고있다.

      • KCI등재

        조증과 유사한 갑상선기능항진증 1례

        박두병,김용희,기백석,이재광 大韓神經精神醫學會 1996 신경정신의학 Vol.35 No.2

        The psychiatric symptoms produced by hyperthyroidism are less clearly defined than those occured with myxedema. The typical psychiatric syndrome of hyperthyroidism is reported by most authors to simulate a bipolar disorder. Other forms reported were simple, catatonic and paranoid schixophrenia; psychotic depression; functional psychosis; organic brain syndrome; and atypical psychosis. No clear picture, however, exists concerning any fixed psychotic syndrome. Sometimes the patient become delirious while other times experience of hyperexcitability simulating mania that is quite confusing for the clinician to differentiate from bipolar disorder. The authors experienced a case of hyperthyroidism simulating bipolar disorder. The case was a 49-year-old male patient who developed a episode of delirium and manic symptoms during treatment of hyperthyroidism. Although mania is directly associated with thyroid hormone level, this case is not considered primary bipolar disorder because of close proximity between onset of hyperthyroidism and manic episode. Absence of past history and family loading for the bipolar disorder further support its relationship with hyperthyroidism. We considered that this patient's course of illness is embarrassing for there is a episode of delirium as well as manic symptoms. Psychiatrists should be aware of psychiatric syndromes including bipolar disorders associated with hyperthyroidism.

      • 지진응답평가를 위한 비선형 약산법의 오차해석

        박진화,강병두,노필성,김재웅 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 2003 硏究報告 Vol.25 No.2

        Recently, a variety of methods are proposed to solve the problems shown in a existing performance-based design of structure. The most accurate one among analysis methods for the performance evaluation of structure is nonlinear time history analysis. However, the approximate analysis methods in aspect of practicality and simplicity are needed. Even though there are linear capacity spectrum method and nonlinear capacity spectrum method through nonlinear static analysis as the representative approximate methods, a repetitive calculation process is consumed and the result is also likely to be inaccurate. Therefore, this research presents nonlinear direct spectrum method which directly enables nonlinear maximum response to derive, after obtaining the yielding strength and the frequency of structure from pushover curves, without going through a series of calculation processes. Also, it is proposed to compare and examine the accuracy and practicality through an example structure.

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