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      • 한국 연근해 황아귀 Lophius litulon (Jordan)의 자원평가 및 관리방안 연구

        박영철,이재봉,최석관,안두해 한국수산자원학회 2003 한국수산자원학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구에서는 1985년부터 2001년까지 17년간의 황아귀 어획량 및 노력량 자료와 어획물 체장조사 자료를 이용하여 한국 연근해 황아귀 자원에 대한 자원생물학적특정치를 추정하였다. 어획물곡선을 이용하여 추전된 한국 연근해 황아귀의 순간전 사망계수 (Z)는 0.91/년이며, 어구가입연령 (t_(c))은 1.3세였다. 또한, 자연사망계수 (M)는 0.27/년으로, 순간어획사망계수 (F)는 0.64/년으로, 어장가입연렁(t_(r))은 0.3세로 추정되었다. 황아귀 자원을 가입당생산량 모델에 적용시킨 결과, 가능한 최대 가입당생산량이 948g 임에 비하여 현재의 t_(c) = 1.3세, F = 0.64/년에서의 가입당생산량은 559g 정도로 나타났다. 여기서 t_(c)를 현재 상태로 고정시킨 후, 가입당생산량을 높이는 방안을 생각해 보면, 현재의 F 값 0.64/년에서 증가할수록 가입당생산량은 감소하는 경향을 보이고 있지만, 현재의 어획강도 (F)를 고정시키는 경우에는 t_(c)를 현재의 1.3세에서 4세 부근으로 조정하면 최대의 가입당생산량(948g)을 얻을 수있고, 이 t_(c)값은 역시 F_(0.1)방법에서 추정된 적정 어획체장음 연력으로 환산한 결과와 거의 일치하였다. 또한, 가입당생산량 및 가입당산란자원량 모델을 이용하여 생물학적 관리기준점이 되는 F_(0.1)과 F_(35%) 및 F_(40%)을 각각 0.14/년, 0.26/년, 0.22/년으로 설정하였다. 지난 17년간 어획자료를 사용하여 잉여생산모델에 의해 추정된 MSY는 Schaefer와 Fox 모델에 의하여 각각 7.740톤과 7.720톤으로 유사한 결과를 나타냈다. 또한, CPUE/CPUE_(M8Y) 비는 1보다 큰 값을 보여 황아귀의 자원상태는 한국 TAC 산정을 위한 ABC 추정시스템의 4a 단계에 해당되었다. 따라서, MSY 및 자원상태를 고려하여 한국 연근해 황아귀 자원의 2002년도 관리시점의 생물학적허용어획량은 7,730톤이 적정한 것으로 판단되었다. The purpose of this study is to estimate population ecological parameters, including instantaneous coefficients of natural and fishing mortalities, and age at first capture, as well as to carry out stock assessment of yellow goosefish Lophius litulon (Jordan) in Korean wafers. Using the catch curve, the instantaneous coefficient of total mortality (Z) of yellow goosefish was estimated at 0.91/year and the age at first capture. 1.3 years. The instantaneous coefficients of natural and fishing mortalities (M and F) were estimated to be 0.27/year and 0.64/year, respectively. A yield-per-recruit (YPR) analysis showed that the current yield per recruit of about 559 g with F of 0.64/year at t_(c) of 1.3 years. was lower than the possible maximum yield per recruit of 948 g. With to fixed at the current level, the yield per recruit tended to decrease as the current F (0.64/year) value increased. Thus, it is suggested that the maximum yield per recruit can be attained with a fixed F value at the current level by increasing t_(c) from 1.3 rears to 4.0 years. Based on YPR and spawning biomass per recruit (SPR) models, the biolegical reference points, such as F_(0.1), F_(35%), F_(40%), were suggested as 0.14, 0.26, 0.22 per year at current age 1 of recruitment. Employing surplus production model (SPM) with catch per unit effort of the Korean large stow net fishery during the periods of 1985-2001, the estimated MBYs were similar between the Schaefer and Fox models, ranged from 7,74D to 7,720 mt. Finally, we suggested that acceptable biological catch (ABC) of yellow goosefish in 2002 should be 7,730 mt, based on the MSY and the current status of the stock in Korean waters.

      • 계량어탐 및 트롤조사에 의한 봄철 한국 남해 멸치(Engraulis japonicus) 자원의 현존량 추정

        최석관,김진영,김순송,최영민,최광호 한국수산자원학회 2001 한국수산자원학회지 Vol.4 No.-

        봄철 한국 남해안에 서식하는 멸치의 분포특성과 현존 자원량을 추정하기 위하여 2000년 4-5월 및 2001년 3월에 실시한 계량어탐과 트롤조사 및 해양환경조사 자료를 이용하였다. 그 결과, 멸치는 남해동부해역의 여수에서 부산에 이르는 연안해역을 중심으로 띠 모양을 이루며 고밀도로 분포하였고, 남해서부해역에서는 제주도 서쪽해역에서 낮은 밀도로 분포하였다. 멸치가 고밀도로 분포한 해역의 표층수온과 염분은 12-15℃, 33.6-34.5의 범위로 각각 나타났다. 계량어탐과 트롤조사에 의하여 분석된 멸치의 현존 자원량은 2000년에는 198,970톤, 2001년에는 117,740톤으로 추정되어 봄철의 한국 남해안은 월동장에서 북상하는 멸치의 주요서식처로 확인되었다. Spatial distribution characteristics and biomass of Pacific anchovy, Engraulis japonicus, in the southern Korean waters during spring season were estimated by the hydroacoustic, trawl and oceanographic surveys in April-May 2000 and March 2001. Pacific anchovy appeared high-density schools in the coastal waters with the range of 12-15℃ sea surface temperature and 33.6-34.5 sea surface salinity from Busan to Yeosu and low-density in the western part of Jeju Island during spring season, 2000 and 2001. Biomass of Pacific anchovy by echo integration and trawl survey was estimated to be 198,970 tons in 2000 and 117,740 tons in 2001. The fact that Pacific anchovy distributed with high density in coastal waters of southern part of Korea during spring season identified this region as main habitat of Pacific anchovy stock migrating northward from over wintering ground.

      • 한국 연근해 보구치 , Argyrosomus argentatus HOUTTUYN 의 자원생태학적 연구 4. 자원생태학적 특성치 및 자원량

        이만우,강용주,장창익 한국수산자원학회 1999 한국수산자원학회지 Vol.2 No.-

        Population ecological parameters and stock biomass of the white croaker, Argyrosomus srgentatus in Korean waters were determined, based on fishery data from the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute(NFRDI)and available biological data. The instantaneous coefficient of total mortality(Z) of the croaker was estimated to be 1.380/year, and annual survival rate(S) was 0.25. The estimated instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality(F) for the recent years was calculated to be 0.922/year. The age at first capture of the croaker was 1.12 year. Based on these parameters, the estimation of annual biomasses of the white croaker stock was carried out by a biomass-based cohort analysis using data of annual catch in weight at age for 1975~1995 in Korean waters. The biomass of the croaker had a peak in 1984 with about 11,700 mt. However, it has continuously declined to the level of 4,000 mt in 1995 since 1984.

      • 한국 연근해 갯장어 , Muraenesox cinereus (FORSKAL) 의 자원관리에 관한 연구 - 3 . 성숙과 산란

        강용주,장창익,전복순 한국수산자원학회 1998 한국수산자원학회지 Vol.1 No.-

        Spawning and fecundity of Muraenesox cinereus captured in Korean waters were investigated from August 1996 to July 1997. Spawning took place during June and July and larger females matured earlier than smaller females. The relationship between fecundity(Fc) and body length (BL) is : Fc = 4.7981BL 2.5097. The mean and 955 confidence interval of absolute and relative fecundity were 611,884(±479,973) and 358(±149), respectively. Fecundity per unit body weight increased with body length approximately, but decreased when body length was over 121 cm . Females reached at the first maturity with body length of 70.57cm, All the females with body length bigger than 101~110cm sexually matured.

      • 동해의 수산자원 현황 및 연구 방향

        김수암,강수경 한국수산자원학회 1998 한국수산자원학회지 Vol.1 No.-

        The East Sea/Sea of Japan surrounded by Korea, Japan, and Russia is a semi-enclosed marginal sea in the mid-latitude of the Pacific Ocean. Because a lot of oceanographic phenomena occurring here resemble those in large ocean, it is frequently called the miniature of large ocean. About 350-400 fish species reside in cold and warm currents of the East Sea, and the annual fish catch might exceeds about 3 million MT, though precise collection of fishery data is not possible currently. The most representative fish resource is walleye pollock which is the semi - demersal species in cold water. The largest fishery for pollock is formed near Won San Bay in the North Korea, and the total catch of pollock is thought to be around 1 million MT from the whole East Sea annually. Some small pelagic fishes such as sardine and anchovy are important species in warm waters off Japan, comprising around 1.5~2.0 million MT annually. Squids, saury, and sandfish are also economically valuable species in Korean and Japanese waters. One of the difficulties experienced to study fishery science in this region is a lack of international cooperation between neighbouring countries. The North Pacific Marine Science Organization(PICES) and the Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics(GLOBEC) may coordinate to overcome the scanty of fishery statistics and to solve the complexity in fishrey management. Especially, the Climate Change and Carrying Capacity(CCCC) program of PICES-GLOBEC could provide a basis to develop the eco system management for fish resources under rapidly changing environments climate in the future.

      • 한국 연근해 보구치 , Argyrosomus argentatus HOUTTUYN 의 자원생태학적 연구 5. 자원평가 및 관리방안

        이성일,장창익,백철인 한국수산자원학회 1999 한국수산자원학회지 Vol.2 No.-

        Stock assessment was conducted for the white croaker in Korean waters, using fishery data for the past 21 years and biological data. The maximum sustainable yields(MSY) from Schaefer and Fox surplus production models were estimated to be about 5,900 metric tons(mt) and 5,100 mt, respectively. An yield-per-recruit analysis showed that the current yield per recruit of about 37g with F=0.922/year, where the age at first capture(tc) is 1.12 years, was lower than the maximum possible yield per recruit of 41g.Fixing tc at the current level and increased fishing intensity(F) yielded a decrease in the predicted yield-per-recruit from 37g to about 33g . However, the estimated yield-per-recruit increased to 41g by increasing tc from the current age (1.12 years) to age 2 with F fixed at the current level. Age 2 corresponds to the optimal length ar first capture obtained from the F 0.1 method. Yield-per-recruit and spawning biomass-poer--recruit were estimated under harvest strategies based on Fmax F 0.1 F35% and F40% And, the acceptable biological catch (ABC) was estimated to be about 1,240 mt. Finally, the strategies for the rational management and stock rebuilding of white croaker discussed and suggested.

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