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      • 광섬유 방사선 센서와 EBT 필름을 이용한 심부선량 백분율 측정 및 비교

        조동현,장경원,유욱재,신상훈,이봉수,문주현,박병기 제주대학교 방사선응용과학연구소 2008 방사선응용과학연구소논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        In this study, fiber-optic sensor is fabricated to measure PDD of CLINAC. As a scintillating light generated by a high energy X-ray from the medical LINAC is measured using photo diode amp system, It is expected that a high-resolution, real-time fiber-optic dosimeter for medical LINAC can be developed.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 치료용 방사선의 입사각에 따른 광섬유 방사선량계의 체렌코프 빛 측정 및 분석

        장경원,조동현,유욱재,신상훈,서정기,이봉수,박병기,문주현 제주대학교 방사선응용과학연구소 2008 방사선응용과학연구소논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        In this study, we have measured scintillating light generated in a fiber-optic dosimeter by high energy photon and electron beams using a charge-coupled device. The intensity of Cerenkov lights are also measured and characterized as functions of incident angles and energies of the high energy beams from a clinical linear accelerator. To minimize or remove Cerenkov light, a simple subtraction method using a background optical fiber and wavelength discrimination method using optical filters are investigated. Also, the intensities of Cerenkov light induced by high energy photon and electron beams are compared.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 매체현실과 문화변화

        최문규,김회봉,조경식,서규환 한국독일어문학회 2000 독일어문학 Vol.11 No.-

        Der Begriff "Medienrealita¨t" ist heute aktuell geworden. Obwohl die Medien zur Vemittlung der Kommunikation auch in der Vergangenheit sehr verallgemeinert worden sind, gelten sie heute nicht mehr als bloβes Mittel. Die Entwicklung der elektronischen bzw. technologischen Medien vera¨ndert sowohl die Realita¨t unserer Welt als auch das Sein schlechthin. Der Begriff "Medienrealitat" ist synonym mit den anderen Begriffen wie "digitaler Schein" bzw. "virtuelle Realita¨t". "Informationsgesellschaft", die den tradierten Gegensatz zwischen Sein und Schein. dem Wahren und dem Falschen auflo¨st und zu einer neuen "Form der Realita¨t" avanciert werden. Um die Medienrealita¨t zu analysieren. werden im zweiten Kapitel die verschiedenen Elemente illuminiert, durch die neue Medienrealita¨t und Kultur konstituiert werden: ganz neue "immaterielle Basis der Information. Macht der Bilder, Geschwindigkeit, neue computerielle Wahrnehmung. "Medienwerk". Diese Elemente beherrschen sowohl die Realita¨t als auch die Kultur. Abschlieβend wird die Mo¨glichkeit reflektiert. wie die Kunst (besonders die Literatur) die Medienrealita¨t u¨berwinden und ihre alternativen Wege ero¨ffnen kann. Im dritten Kapitel wird der Begriff "virtuelle Realita¨t" philosopisch uberpruft, wobei er die Gemeinsamkeiten mit den tradierten philosophischen Begriffen wie "dynamis, "potentia, "virtualite"~possibi1ite usw. teilt. Auch kann der Widerspruch der "virtuellen Realita¨t" besta¨tigt werden, die vor allem auf der radikalen Vera¨nderung von Technik. Information und Kapital basiert. Das heiβt: es ist ein Widerspruch oder die Verhu¨llung der ontologischen Implikation, daβ die virtuelle Realita¨t durch die allma¨hliche Negierung ihrer Virtualita¨t zur Realita¨t erhoben wird. Im vierten Kapitel wird das Verha¨ltnis der Gesellschaft zu Umwelt. Information und Medien aus der Sicht der Luhmannschen Systemtheorie betrachtet. Daraus ergibt sich. dass die Gesellschaft als Sozialsystem bei ihrer Selbstreproduktion mit der Leitdifferenz von System/Umwelt operiert und damit die elbstreproduktion der Gesellschaft von der Vera¨nderung ihrer Umwelt (Technik, Bewuβtsein, Organismus usw.) abha¨ngig ist. Dabei ist deutlich, dass Medien (Schrift. Buchdruck. Elektronik usw.). die zur Verbreitung der Informationen dienen, bei der Evolution der Gesellschaft eine entscheidende Rolle gespielt haben. Schlieβlich handelt es sich um die unterschiedlichen soziologischen Theorien u¨ber das Verhaltnis von Medien und Gesellschaft. In den Vordergrund treten dabei die Theorien von D. Bell und M. Poster. Bells Theorie der postindustriellen Gesellschaft behandelt die Entwicklung der Technologie. die heute die Kultur und die Gesellschaftsstruktur stark vera¨ndert. Gegen Bell postuliert Poster eine Wende von der Produktionsweise zur Informationsweise, indem er die erwandtschaft mit der postmodernen Theorie teilt. Seiner Perspektive zufolge gilt heute nicht das Kapital. sondern die Information als Hauptmovens der Gesellschaft. Die Medien ko¨nnen weder das Absolute noch die Utopie sein. Was der Euphorie der sog. "idealen Entwicklung der Medien" kritisch gegenu¨berstehen kann. ist nichts anderes als die kritische Reflexion der Kunst.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1997)

        김재홍,문득곤,김정수,김용준,임동진,박상훈,김희성,이민수,송기훈,김갑형,김형석,성소영,이인섭,김석우,황지환,조창근,김경문,부태성 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been pandemic and remains one of the most common STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods : For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the Venereal Disease Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results : In 1997. 99 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 45(45.5%) were PPNG. Conclusion : The prevalence of PPNG in Seoul, which had been decreased to 39% in 1996 after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, is increased to 45.5% in 1997.

      • KCI등재후보

        2005년 약국에서 판매된 코감기약

        하기철,정문현,이진수,조래정,이혜경,김은실 대한감염학회 2007 감염과 화학요법 Vol.39 No.1

        Background:Upper respiratory infections (URIs) are the most common infections in developed countries and are the major reasons for the consumption of medicines including antibiotics. In Korea, antibiotics and glucocorticoids were dispensed by pharmacies without prescriptions before July 2000, when the dispensation of antibiotics without doctor's prescriptions was prohibited. The objective of this study is to investigate the rate of antibiotic dispensation by pharmacies for the treatment of common cold and to identify the dispensing pattern for URI management in 2005, i.e., 5 years after the establishment of the prohibition policy. Materials and Methods:In August 2005, medical students visited 90 drugstores in three cities (Seoul, Chonan, and Chunchun) and received medications for the treatment of illnesses that simulate the common cold, i.e., rhinorrhea and nasal stuffiness that had lasted for one day and were not accompanied by fever. The components of the dispensed medicines were identified by pharmacists at a university hospital. Results:All the components of the dispensed medicines were identifiable in 85 cases (94.4%), and the mean number of medicines was 1.36 (S.D.±0.724); no difference was observed among the three cities. The antibiotics ampicillin and chloramphenicol were identified in two pharmacies in Seoul and Chunchun, respectively. Glucocorticoids were not dispensed in any case, and a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug was dispensed in only one case. Compound medicines are increasingly used as cold remedies; the components of the most frequently dispensed medicine were acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, and pseudoephedrine. Herbal medicines were also frequently included in cold remedies (38.9%); licorice (30%) and ginger (26%) were the two most frequently used medicinal herbs. Conclusion:There was a marked decrease in the dispensation of antimicrobials, glucocorticoids, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs without doctor's prescriptions. Chloramphenicol continued to be dispensed as a URI medication. Increased use of compound and herbal medicines as cold remedies suggests a need for the evaluation of the additional benefits of herbal medicines, their adverse effects, and the drug interactions between herbal and conventional medicines. 배경 : 상기도 감염은 선진국에서 발생하는 가장 흔한 감염증이어서 이를 치료하기 위해 투여되는 약제는 전체약제 소모의 중요한 원인이며, 약제 부작용, 경제적 손실, 항균제 내성 유발에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 한국에서는 의약분업이 시행된 2000년 이전에는 항균제나 부신피질호르몬의 처방이 약국에서 자유롭게 되었지만, 의약분업이 시행되면서 감소하였을 것으로 추정되나 이에 대한 연구는 없었다. 이에 약국에서 판매되는 감기약에 항균제가 얼마나 포함되는지를 조사하고 판매되는 감기약의 실정을 알기 위해 이번 조사를 하였다. 재료 및 방법 : 2005년 8월 11일과 12일에 걸쳐 서울, 춘천, 천안의 개원 약국을 대상으로 의과대학 학생이 직접 방문하여 조사하였다. 비염(발열이 동반되지 않은 1일간의 콧물과 코막힘)을 주소로 하여 감기약을 받았으며, 이를 대학병원의 약품정보실 근무 전문 약사가 동정하였다. 결과 : 판매한 모든 약을 확인할 수 있는 경우가 85건(94.4%)이었다. 약의 종류는 1.36(S.D.±0.724)종이였으며, 지역별 차이는 없었다. 2개(2.2%) 약국에서 판매한 감기약에 항균제가 포함되었고, 서울과 천안에서 각각 1개 약국이었다. 서울 약국에서는 ampicillin이, 춘천에서는 chloramphenicol이 포함되었다. 부신피질호르몬이 포함된 경우는 없었으며, 비스테로이성 항염증제로는 이부프로펜 1건(1.1%)만이 있었다. 복합 감기약의 사용이 늘었으며, 3가지 성분을 포함한 경우가 제일 흔해 acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, pseudoephedrine의 조합이었다. 한약제가 감기약에 포함된 경우는 35건(38.9%)이었고, 흔한 성분은 감초와 생강 또는 건강(ginger)이었다. 결론 : 의약분업 이후 약국에서 처방된 감기약에는 항균제, 부신피질호르몬, 비스테로이드 항염제의 판매는 급격히 감소하였다. Chloramphenicol이 아직도 감기 치료제로 판매되고 있으며, 복합 감기약의 사용이 늘었고, 생약이 흔히 포함되어 이의 효과 판정, 부작용, 약물 상호작용에 대한 조사가 필요하다.

      • 광섬유 집합체 센서를 이용한 6MV 광자선의 반음영 및 심부선량백분율 측정

        신상훈,장경원,조동현,유욱재,서정기,이봉수,문주현,박병기 제주대학교 방사선응용과학연구소 2008 방사선응용과학연구소논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        In this study, a fiber-optic bundle sensor has been developed using water-equivalent organic scintillating fibers for photon beam measurement. Beam penumbra and percent depth doses(PDD) are measured according to the depth of the photon beam. This sensor has many advantages such as high resolution, real-time measurement and ease of calibration over conventional radiation measurement devices.

      • 원예치료 및 미술치료가 학교 부적응 청소년의 자아개념 향상에 미치는 영향연구

        손기철,엄수진,배혜진,조문경,은옥주,최외선 충북대학교 한국과학재단 지정 첨단원예기술개발 연구센터 2002 연구보고서 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구는 원예치료와 미술치료가 학교부적응 청소년의 자아개념, 내적 통제력, 불안감소에 미치는 영향을 조사하고자 실시되었으며, 그 결과는 각 치료의 효과성이 비교·분석되었다. 인천 남구에 위치한 W공업고등학교에서 대조군 15명, 원예치료군 15명, 미술치료군 15명을 주 2회씩 2001년 9월 27일부터 12월 13일까지 원예치료군에는 원예치료 프로그램을 미술치료군에는 미술치료프로그램을 실시하였다. 원예치료 및 미술치료는 각각 전문 치료사에 의해서 행해졌다. 원예치료 및 미술치료 프로그램의 효과를 알아보고자 자아개념(Self-Concept Scale), 내적 통제력 척도(Inner-Control Scale), 특성불안 척도(Trait-Anxiety Scale)을 각 프로그램의 실시전과 실시후로 조사하여 비교하였다. 원예치료군에 있어서는 자아개념척도 중 자아수용, 성격적 자아, 총 자아 긍정 항목에서 통계적으로 유의한 향상을 보였고, 특성불안척도에서는 우울 및 불안 항목에서 매우 유의한 감소를 나타내었다. 한편, 미술치료군에 있어서는 내적통제력과 특성불안척도중 자신감이 유의하게 향상된 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때, 원예치료군은 프로그램 과정중 자기표현의 기회를 제공함으로써 자아개념이 향상되었으며, 또한, 공동작업을 하는 집단 프로그램을 통하여 내면의 불안과 갈등이 완화되었다고 판단된다. 반면, 미술치료군은 치료자와의 개인적인 상담과정을 통하여 내면의 불안과 갈등이 완화되었고, 지점토 및 칼라믹스 만들기 등 활동적인 프로그램을 통하여 내면의 감정을 통제하는 능력이 향상되었다고 판단된다. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of HT (horticultural therapy) and AT (art therapy) on the changes of self-concept, inner control, trait anxiety of the school maladjusted adolescents. 45 school maladaptive of teenage students participated in therapy program at the W high school were randomly assigned to 3 groups: 15 for the horticultural therapy, 15 for art therapy, 15 for control group. The program were carried out from Sep. 27 to Dec. 13, 2001 as an activity group. Activity group attended twice a week for 1 hour. For evaluation of the effectiveness of each therapy, Self-Concept Scale, Inner-Control Scale, Trait-anxiety Scale were used 2 times, that is, before/after HT or AT program. According to the results, self satisfiction, personal self, and total positive self items among Self-Concept Scale were significantly improved, and tension and anxiety item among Trait anxiety Scale were significantly decreased in HT group. On the other hand, in AT group, both inner control and self confidence item in Trait-anxiety Scale were significantly improved. In conclusion, in HT group it was suggested that the improvement of self concept could be brought about by being provided the chance of self expression during program and the alleviation of inner anxiety and discord resulted from group therapy program in which joint work have been provided. In case of AT group, it was logically postulated that the alleviation of inner anxiety and discord resulted from personal counselling with AT therapist during program and the improvement of inner control was caused by active program such as painting paper clay, making color mix, and etc.

      • 신세포암과 신우요로 상피암의 CT상 감별점

        최효경,구동억,방선우,이문규,조경식,오용호 울산대학교 의과대학 1993 울산의대학술지 Vol.2 No.2

        It may be difficult to differentiate renal cell carcinoma involving collecting system from renal pelvis urothelial tumor invading into renal parenchyma. The purpose of this study was to find out CT differential points of two diseases. 15 cases suggested invasion into other compartment in CT images were selected and evaluated about the presence or absence of hydronephrosis, CT renal function, renal contour changes due to mass and tentative diagnosis. Renal cell carcinoma was characterized by no hydronephrosis(80%), normal CT renal function (100%) and outward bulging mass(100%). However, renal pelvis urothelial tumor showed hydronephrosis(70%), abnormal CT renal function(60%) and preserved reniform shape(100%). In conclusion, renal contour changes and CT renal function are reliable criteria in differentiating two diseases.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        자가면역성 갑상선 질환에서 TSH 수용체 자가항체의 이질적 특성

        조보연,김원배,김광원,이문규,이명식,민용기,정재훈,김경아 대한내분비학회 1997 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.12 No.2

        Background: It has been known that most of thyroid stimulating antibodies(TSAbs) may interact with epitopes near N-terminal, and thyroid stimulation blocking antibodies(TSBAbs) near C-terminal on the extracellular domain of TSH receptor. However, many authors have reported different results about epitopes reacting with TSH receptor autoantibody(TRAb). TSBAbs inhibit thyroid stimulation of TSH and TSAbs at the receptor level. However, it has been reported that there are some TSBAbs which bind to the other sites, not TSH receptor, or block post-reeeptor process. These findings raise the possibility that TRAbs may be heterogeneous according to the mechanism of action. In order to investigate the heterogeneity of TRAb, we undertook immuno- precipitation using synthetic peptides of TSH receptor and measured TRAb activities by FRTL-5 cells and chimeric CHO cells. Methods: We studied 102 patients with autoimmune thyroid disease(Graves disease 32, Hashimotos thyroiditis 29, atrophic thyroiditis 41) and 35 healthy persons. Three synthetic peptide fragments of TSH receptor were used to perform immunoprecipitation with serum or IgG of patients and healthy persons, TSAb and TSBAb activities were measured by FRTL-5 cells and CHO cells transfected with wild-type and 2 mutant TSH receptor cDNA(Mc2, Mc1+2). Mc2 and Mcl+2 were rnade to substitute amino acid residues of 90-165, 8-165 of the TSH receptor with corresponding residues of LH/CG receptor, respectively. Results: Two out of 10 IgGs extracted from Graves disease and 2 out of 9 IgGs from atrophic thyroiditis had specific bidings over 0.84% in immunoprecipitation with peptide I(amino acid residue 35-50). Four out of 18 IgGs from Graves disease, 9 out of 41 IgGs from atrophic thyroiditis, and 6 out of 14 IgGs from Hashimotos thyroiditis had specific bidings over 0.84% in immunoprecipitation with peptide II(amino acid residue 317-332). Only 2 out of 10 IgGs from Graves disease had specific bidings over 0.84% in immunoprecipitation with peptide III(amino acid residue 341-358). When 10 IgGs extracted from Graves disease were reacted with wild-type, Mc2, and Mcl+2 CHO cells, 7 IgGs in wild-type and 4 IgGs in Mc2 had positive for TSAb activities. In 10 IgGs from atrophic thyroiditis, 5 in wild-type, 5 in Mc2, and 3 in Mcl+2 CHO cells had positive for TSBAb activities. In Hashimoto's thyroiditis, only 1 with hyperthyroidism had positive for TSAb activity in wild-type and 1 with hypothyroidism had positive for TSBAb activities in both of wild-type and Mc2 CHO cells. Therefore, patients with Graves disease were divided into at least 3 groups according to the TSAb activities measured by wild-type, Mc2, Mcl+ 2 CHO cells and TBII activities. And patients with atrophic thyroiditis were divided into at least 4 groups according to the TBII activities, TSBAb activities by wild-type, Mc2, Mcl+2 CHO cells and FRTL-5 cells. Conclusion: From these results, epitopes of TSH receptor reacting with TSAb or TSBAb in autoimmune thyroid disease may be scattered in the TSH receptor, although epitopes of TSAb tend to be near N-terminal and those of TSBAb near C-terminal. Graves disease or atrophic thyroiditis were divided into 3 or 4 groups according to the TBII and TRAb activities. Therefore, TRAb detected in autoimmune thyroid disease may be heterogenous. (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 12:176-193, 1997)

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