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        고려가요 처용가의 텍스트성 연구

        송태윤 ( Tae Yun Song ) 한민족어문학회 2012 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.62

        1. 언어의 표면에 드러나는 형식적인 요건인 응결성을 갖추기 위한 장치로는 일반적으로 회기(recurrence), 병행구문(parallelism), 환언(paraphrase) 등이 동원되는데, 고려가요에서는 이들 장치들이 어떠한 효과를 거두고 있는가를 분석한 결과를 제시하면 다음과 같다. 1.1. 회기-처용가에서 ‘성대, 처용아바, 열병대신’의 회기는 처용아비가 열병대신을 제거함으로써 신라가 태평성대하다는 것을 말해주고 있다. 이것은 텍스트 생산자가 처용의 위력을 텍스트 수용자의 인지 공간에 활성화시켜 오래 기억하도록 하기 위함으로 생각 된다. 1.2. 병행 구문 -처용가에서는 ‘-애/에’를 매개로 병행 구문을 잇닿게 하여 처용의 얼굴을 묘사했다. 이것은 동일한 인지 환경을 형성함으로써 수용자의 인지 공간에 등가적 구조로 머무르게 하는 의미상의 효과까지 얻고 있다. 1.3. 환언 -처용가에서는 ‘綠李야’는 ‘외야자’의 환언이다. 환언되는 내용은 등가적 관계를 가진다. 이로 인해 내 신코를 맬 사람이 확실해졌고, ‘머자 외야자 綠李여’가 부하이 거나 아래 동료라는 것도 짐작할 수 있다. 이와 같이 이름이라는 의미상의 등가성을 통하여 텍스트의 긴밀성을 강화하고 있다. 2. 텍스트 안에서의 의의의 연속성이라고 할 수 있는 응집성은 문장 및 단락 간의의미 관계를 문장과 개념들의 관계 구조로 나타내어 거시 구조를 먼저 분석하고 이어서 미시 구조를 분석하였다. 그 결과 현재 전해지고 있는 처용가는 주술성 내포 등의 주제 구조를 진솔하게 표출해 낸 것으로 파악된다. 또 처용의 행위는 무속 신앙의 무격과 같은 역할을 담담했던 인물로 볼 수 있다. 주로 명제의 연쇄에 의지하고 있는 처용가는 주제를 효과적으로 드러내기 위해 미시구조들이 단단한 응집성을 이루면서 거시 구조를 형성하고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 상황성에서는 처용의 열병신에 대한 상황 점검과 관리로 열병신을 쫓아내었음을 알 수 있는데 이의 결과는 처용의 굿에 의한 플라시보(placebo) 효과라고 생각된다. 텍스트 생산자들이 지니고 있는 다른 텍스트의 지식에 의존하는 상호텍스트성에 있어서는 고려가요 처용가에 신라 향가 처용가의 삽입으로 인해 상호텍스트성의 관계가 있음을 알 수 있다. 고려가요 처용가를 분석하다 보면, 시 텍스트의 해석에 있어서도 매우 효과적으로 활용될 수 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 이는 현실의 통화 행위 속에서 발휘되는 텍스트성의 여러 특성들이 시 텍스트에도 그대로 적용될 수 있음을 의미한다. This study, a text-linguistic research on Cheoyongga, a Goryeo song. aims to analyse how coherence, cohesion, intentionality, situationality and intertextuality as five of seven textuality conditions are realized in the song. 1. As devices to have coherence as a formal condition displayed on the surface of language, recurrence, parallelism, and paraphrase are used and the results analysing how they are realized in Cheoyongga are presented as follows: 2. For cohesion referring to continuance of meaning in texts, semantic relations between sentences and paragraphs are presented as a relation structure of sentences and concepts. Macro-structures were first analysed followed by micro-structures. As a result, it was suggested that Cheoyongga expressed a thematic structure such as intention of enchantment honestly. Also it is guessed that Cheoyong was an exorcist. In Cheoyongga, micro structures are firmly cohered to form macro structures, which reveals a theme effectively. When Cheoyongga through test and control of situationality, intentionality to make language constrcuts a text with coherence and cohesion and intertextuality which depends on knowledge of other texts were analysed, it was discovered that they can be very effectively used for interpretation of poetry text. It means that many characteristics of textuality which are exhibited under communication behaviors in reality can be also applied for poetry text.

      • 구강보건교육과 치위생과 홍보에 관한 조사연구

        송윤신,최은미 경복대학 2002 京福論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구는 구강보건교육과 치위생과에 대한 인식을 알아보고, 구강보건교육을 통한 학과홍보의 방향을 모색하여 경쟁력 있는 학과를 운영하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 서울과 경기북부 지역의 5개 여자고등학교의 3학년에 재학중인 482명의 학생을 대상으로 설문도구를 사용하여 2001년 11월20일부터 12월3일까지 14일간 자기기입식 방법으로 조사하였다. 자료의 분석을 위해 SPSS/PC+를 이용하여 실수와 백분율, Pearson X²검증을 실시하였으며 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 치위생과에 대한 인식을 알아보면 1. 조사대상자의 62.3%가 치위생과에 대해 알고 있었으며, 37.7%가 금번 구강보건교육을 통해 알게 되었다. 2. 치위생과를 알게 된 경로는 '오늘 교육으로'(33.6%)와 '친구'(19.9%)가 가장 많았다. 3. 조사대상자의 43.7%가 치위생과에 지원의사를 나타냈으며, 지원이유는 ‘취업이 잘됨’(45.2%)과 ‘전문직업’(22.8%)이 가장 많았으며, ‘오늘 교육으로’도 20.8%를 나타냈다. 4. 치과위생사에 대한 사회적 인식은 간호사보다 좋거나 비슷하다가 91.2%이었으며, 회사원보다는 78%, 공무원보다는 63.3%, 교사보다는 56%가 좋거나 비슷하다로 나타났다. 둘째, 구강보건교육에 대한 인식을 알아보면 1. 교육자가 대학생인 것에 대해서 99.8%, 교육자료에 대해서는 98%, 교육시간에 대해서는 91%, 교육자의 태도에 대해서는 99%가 긍정적인 의사를 나타냈다. 2. 가장 기억에 남는 교육내용에 대해서는 스케일링(20.8%), 잇솔질법(20.6%), 치아미백(17.8%), 치위생과 소개(12.3%) 순으로 나타났다(P<.001). 3. 후배들에게도 구강보건교육을 하는 것에 대해서 79.4%가 찬성하였다. 이상의 결과를 정리해보면 치위생과와 구강보건교육에 대해 매우 긍정적으로 인식하고 있으며 구강보건교육이 치위생과 홍보에 많은 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 지역을 넓혀가며 계속적으로 대학생들이 직접 구강보건교육을 실시하도록 하는 것이 필요하며, 치위생과 재학생들의 학과 선택 후 만족도에 관한 후속연구가 필요하다고 생각한다. The purpose of this investigation is to find out what ordinary people know about the department of Dental Hygiene and the education for the oral health. Based on the result of the investigation and through the oral health seminar, the school can also find a way to introduce the oral health department, and it will offer the basic information to run the department effectively with students who will become competitve suppliers. The research was made by four hundred and eighty two girls who are third graders in high school in northern portion of Seoul and Kyung-Ki. Five girls high schools joined the research for fourteen days from November 20th to December 3rd, 2001. The data was obtained using self-administering questionnaires. To analyze the result of the research, I found out the actual number, the percentage, and Pearson x by using SPSS/PC+. The following is the result of the research. First, how much do people know about the Dep. of Dental Hygiene. 1. 62.3% of the students knew about the study of Dental Hygiene, and 37.7% of the students got to know about it through the oral health seminar. 2. 33.6% of the students answered that they got to know about the study of Dental Hygiene through the oral health seminar. 3. 43.7% of the students wanted to pick the dep. of Dental Hygiene for their college major, and 68% of their reason was because they could get a job easily and become professional. 22.8% of 45.2% students answered that they would apply for it because of the knowledge they gained about the department through the seminar. 4. The students thought that being a oral hygienist is 91.2% better than or equal to being a nurse and 78% better than being a company employee. They also thought that it is 63.3% better than a public servant and 56% better than or equal to a teacher. Second, how much do people know about the oral health seminar? 1. 99.8% of the students thought that it is good to have the college students as their educators, and 98% of them had positive reaction toward the education materials. 91% of them thought that the length of seminar was appropriate, and 99% of them thought that the educators' attitude was passionate. 2. In the investigation on the most interesting contents of oral hygiene instruction, 20.8% of the subjects responded the instruction on scaling and 20.6% answered the toothbrushing method. The education the tooth whitening and the instruction of dep. of dental hygiene is 17.8% and 12.3% respectively. 3. 79.4% of the students approved that the younger students also have get the education about the oral health. As discussed above, the students considered the oral hygiene and the oral health seminar very positively. It also seems that the seminar was effective to introduce the department of oral hygiene. So it is essential for the college students to keep educating more and more high school students. Further on, it is also important to investigate how much the students satisfy after they choose to major the oral hygiene.

      • 치과의사 및 치과대학생을 위한 교과 및 교육과정

        송윤헌 대한두개하악장애학회 1993 대한두개하악장애학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        지금까지 병원에 내원하는 환자의 주소를 보면 동통이 가장 많지만 최근에는 원인을 확인 할 수 없는 안면동통환자가 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 이에 따라 치과의사 및 치과대학생들에게 동통에 대한 지식을 체계적으로 교육할 필요가 있다. 이에 도움을 주고자 IASP(International Association for the Study of Pain)가 치과의사 및 치과대학 학부 과정에 필요하다고 제안한 동통의 연구와 치료에 관한 교육과정을 번역하였다. 이글은 IASP Newsletter-May/Jun 1993의 p2-4에서 정리한 글이다. 여기서는 Chares B. Berde. MD. Ph.D에 의한 동통의 연구와 치료에 대해 서술하고 있다. 이달에 출간됨을 기쁘게 생각하며 IASP는 학부과정과 치과의사교육 교과과정에 대해 제안한 것이다. 이것은 Issy Pilowsky교수가 위원장을 맡고 있으며 Courses and Curriculsa 대학에 있는 IASP위원회에 의해서 준비되었다. 위원회에 특별한 자문을 해준 Dr. Jack Gerschman, Prof. Barry Sessle, Prof. J. p. Rood에게 깊은 감사를 드린다.

      • 과민성방광의 비수술적 치료 : 방광의 저장용적을 증가시키는 치료법 Therapy to Increase Bladder Storage Capacity

        송윤섭,문기혁,박영호 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.1

        Overactive bladder including frequency, nocturia, urgency ate common and Its cause is decreased bladder storage capacity. Non-pharmacologic therapy to facilitate bladder storage capacity are behavioral, bladder overdistention or electrical stimulation. For behavioral therapy, patient education about lower urinary tract function, information about lifestyle changes or dietary modification, bladder training which includes instituting intervals of timed voiding and gradually increasing these intervals, pelvic floor physiotherapy with or without biofeedback are necessary. For physically or mentally challenged individuals, schedulled toileting or prompted voiding is necessary, too. Bladder overdistention, electrical stimulation or neuromodulation are also used for the treatment of overactive bladder.

      • 결과지식의 상대빈도가 무용 회전동작에 미치는 영향

        송윤희 원광대학교 2003 論文集 Vol.31 No.-

        To know what results will be produced in training Double Turn(D.T.) when each of verbal, visual, and verbal visual Knowledge of Result is given to the students, They are classified the 40 ballet students under 2 years of training into 4 groups, taught them D.T. for 8 weeks and measured the turning angle of each group with an angle meter every 2 weeks. The results are as follows: After 8 weeks of training, the group given verbal Knowledge of Result presented higher growth from 421.8˚ of turning angle to 676.2˚ than the growth of the controled group (420˚ before →460˚ after), which was over three times as high as that of the controled group (controled +39.6˚ v.s verbal +254.4˚). So did the group given visual Knowledge of Result present higher growth (426.3˚ before → 678.0˚ after, +251.7˚). And, of all the groups, the group given verbal and visual Knowledge of Result present-ed the highest growth (421.1˚ → 696.9˚, +275.8˚). And there was a difference between the group given 50% of respective frequency and the group given 25% of respective frequency: in the visual group and in the verbal and visual group, the group which was given high respective frequency made higher growth in their D.T. than the group given low respective frequency, while, in the verbal group, after 2 weeks of training the high respective frequency group made better growth, but after 4 weeks, the low one made better growth.

      • 신고리 지역 기상관측을 통한 계절별 대기안정도 특성분석

        송상근,김유근,오인보,정주희,조윤미,우경은,강태훈 부산대학교 환경문제연구소 2003 環境硏究報 Vol.21 No.-

        In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of atmospheric stability to investigate local environment change at an atomic power plant in Gori region. The used data was obtained from field observation of major meteorological variables such as wind direction and speed, air temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation using AWS (Automatic Weather System) in Gori region from February to September in 2003. As a result, when strong northerly winds (more than 4~6 m/s) and weak northwesterly winds (2~3m/s) blow, atmospheric stability was neutral and stable from winter to spring, respectively. Atmospheric stability (neutral) in summer was similar to that in two other seasons (winter and spring), but it was stable for weak southwesterly winds (2~3 m/s). Finally, atmospheric stability was neutral for strong winds (over 4~6 m/s) in fall without respect to wind direction, while that was stable for very weak winds (less than 2 m/s).

      • KCI등재

        치과용 접착제가 복합레진 인레이와 레진시멘트의 결합력에 미치는 영향

        송미혜,박수정,조현구,황윤찬,오원만,황인남 大韓齒科保存學會 2008 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.33 No.5

        본 연구는 레진시멘트의 레진인레이에 대한 접착 시 접착제 혹은 primer의 사용이 결합력에 영향을 미치는지 평가하기위해 시행하였다. 직경 5 mm,높이 4.5 mm의 원기둥 형태로 제작한 레진인레이(Tescera, Bisco, USA)의 표면을 1000번,1500번 그리고 2000번 사포로 주수 하에서 연마하여 평편한 면을 형성한 후 레진인레이의 표면에 sandblasting을 시행한 후 표면에 1분 동안 silane을 도포하였다. 2군으로 나누어 한 군은 대조군으로,다른 한 군은 표면에 동일한 제조사의 접착제나 프라이머를 도포한 후 중합하였다. 레진인레이 상에 3 mm 직경의 구멍이 형성된 아크릴판을 고정하고,구멍에 레진 시멘트를 주입하여 경화시켰다. 레진 시멘트는 Panavia-F(Kyrary), Varolink-II(Ivoclar-Vivadent), RelyX Unicem (3M ESPE),Duolink (Bisco)와 자가중합형인 Multilink(Ivoclar-Vivadent)를 사용하였다. 제작된 시편을 만능물성시험기에 위치시고 전단결합강도를 측정하였다. 측정 결과 접착제나 프라이머를 도포한 군은 대조군에 비해 전단결합강도가 증가하였다 (p < 0.05). 하지만 Variolink-II와 Panavia-F는 전단결합강도의 차이를 보이지 않았다. 대조군에서는 각 레진 시멘트 간에 전단결합강도의 유의한 차이를 보였으며 (p < O.O1),Variolink-II가 가장 높은 결합강도를 보인 반면,자가중합형인 Multilink가 가장 낮은 결합강도를 보였다. 하지만,접착제나 프라이머를 도포한 군에서는 각 제품 간에 전단결합강도의 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이상의 결과 이원중합형이나 자가중합형 레진시멘을 이용하여 레진인레이 부착 시 silane 처리 후 접착제나 프라이머의 도포가 결합 강도의 증가를 위해 필요하리라 사료된다. This study analyzed the influence of dental adhesive/primer on the bond strength between indirect resin composite and the resin cement. Seventy disc specimens of indirect resin composite (Tescera Dentin. Bisco) were fabricated. And bonding area of all specimens were sandblasted and silane treated for one minute. The resin cements were used with or without application of adhesive/primer to bonding area of indirect resin restoration: Variolink-II (Ivoclar-Vivadont): Exite DSC, Panavia-F (Kuraray): ED-Primer, RelyX Unicem (3M ESPE): Single-Bond. Duolink (Bisco): One-step. Mulitlink (Ivoclar-Vivadent): Multilinh Primer. Shear bond strength was measured by Instron universal testing machine. Adhesive application improved shear bond strength (p < 0.05). But Variolink II and Panavia-F showed no statistically significant difference according to the adhesive application. With the above results. when resin inlay is luted by resin cement it seems that application of dental adhesive/primer is necessary in order to improve the bond strength.

      • 왜소음경증과 남성 성기능에 관한 연구

        송윤섭,김민의,이남규,박영호,전윤수,김응구 순천향의학연구소 1997 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.3 No.2

        Micropenis is defined as a normally formed penis with a size greater than 2 standard deviations below the mean. Twenty three patients with micropenis were managed at Soonchunhyang University Hospital from January 1988 to December 1995 We interviewed and examined them with micropenis to investigate the cause of micropenis, concomitant diseases, the efficacy of treatment and their sexual activity in postpubertal men. The patients were divided into 2 groups: 16 prepubertal and 7 postpubertal men. 9 patients had cryptorchidism, 3 of them were bilateral and 5 patients had hypospadias. Etiology was determined by hormonal assay including HCG stimulation test ; 8 as hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, 4 as primary testicular dysfunction and 5 as idiopathic. However etiology was undetermined in 6 patients. All patients had endocrine therapy using HCG or depot testosterone. All except 4 cases responded satisfactorily. All postpubertal patients(group 2) were below the 10th percentile. Puberty was delayed in 3 patients in the older group. All patients were heterosexual and they have had erections and orgasms. Five patients have had ejaculations, 3 of them were sexually active and they have experienced vaginal penetration, Nevertheless, their sexual partners have had complaints and the patients themselves have felt ashamed and dissatisfied. Fortunately, they were mentally healthy. None of these patients were married or had a child.

      • KCI등재

        델파이 조사를 통한 대학 수업컨설턴트 역량 탐색

        송윤희,남민우,엄미리 이화여자대학교 교육과학연구소 2014 교육과학연구 Vol.45 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the competencies of instructional consultants in universities. To achieve this objective, a two-round Delphi methodology was used to collect data through a series of surveys to obtain the consensus of experts in the instructional consulting field. The findings of this study determined 24 competencies that were divided into three categories: Foundational, general, and core. Specifically, foundational competency was comprised of 4 personal competencies and 4 job related competencies. General competency was comprised of 3 performance competencies and 3 counseling competencies. Core competency was comprised of 5 instructional consulting knowledge and 5 instructional consulting skills. The results of this study are expected to provide basic references for future directions in training instructional consultants.

      • 만성전립선염 환자에 있어서 항정자항체의 존재와 정자의 운동성 감소

        송윤섭,김민의,박영호 순천향의학연구소 1997 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.3 No.1

        Chronic prostatitis may be related to the decrease of semen quality affecting fertility due to the existence of antisperm antibody. So we evaluated the characteristics of antisperm antibody in the control group and patients with chronic prostatitis. Statistical significance was noted in average path velocity(VAP), straight line velocity(VSL), curvilinear velocity(VCL), beat frequency(BCF), elongation of sperm motility parameters between the control group and patients with chronic prostatitis. Detection of antisperm antobody with direct and indirect immunobead test were 0%(0/11), 9.1%(1/11) in the control group and 6.3%(1/16), 37.5%(6/16) in the patients with chronic prostatitis. Titers of antisperm antibodies according to isotype (% binding, control group/ patients with chronic prostatitis) were 0/0.63±2.5(IgG), 0/0(IgA), 0.13±0.5/0(IgM) with direct immunobead test and 0.18±0.60/1.19±1.80(IgG), 0/0.06±0.25(IgG), 0/1.25±2.32(IgM) with indirect immunobead test. Statistical significance was noted in VAP, VCL, BCF between chronic prostatitis patients with and without antisperm antibody. The correlation between IgG and VAP, IgG and VCL existed. In conclusion, decreased sperm motility and the antispermantibody were found in chronic prostatitis. The antisperm antibody showed sharp contrast between the control group and the patients by indirect immunobead test, rather than by direct immunobead test. The existence of antisperm antibody correlated with sperm motility in chronic prostatitis.

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