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      • KCI등재

        Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator Therapy for Aortic Thromboembolism in Four Dogs

        한세명,Ji-Ye Lee,Kyeong Kweon,최민철,윤정희,Hwa-YoungYoun 한국임상수의학회 2016 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        Four dogs were brought to the Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital of Seoul National University (VMTH SNU) with a history of hind limb ataxia, three with pain, one without pain. Three of the four showed weak to absent femoral pulses and cold extremities. Thromboembolism was identified by ultrasonography in the external and/or internal iliac arteries. A thrombolytic agent, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA), was administered (0.5-1 mg/kg, every 60-120 min, 3-5 doses). Two dogs (Cases 2 and 3), which were instantly provided rt-PA treatment, survived 6 and 17 months, respectively, although hematemesis and hematochezia were observed during treatment. In the other two dogs (Cases 1 and 4), rt-PA was administered 4 and 28 days after the appearance of pelvic limb symptoms, which may have limited the benefits of the treatment. When rt-PA treatment is instituted instantly and the side effects are monitored thoroughly during treatment, a good prognosis might be expected in canine aortic thromboembolism. For this reason, we suggest that rt-PA treatment should be initiated immediately if thromboembolism is identified.

      • KCI등재

        델파이 기법에 의한 동물보건사의 자아존중감 조사용 설문지 개발

        한세명,김충희 세명대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2024 人文 社會科學硏究 Vol.32 No.1

        · 연구 주제: 동물보건사의 자아존중감 설문조사를 위한 척도 개발· 연구 배경: 자아존중감은 자신에 대한 가치를 믿는 것으로 중요한 행동의 동기이며 정신건강과 밀접한 관련이 있음. 동물보건사는 동료나 고객과 의사소통 시 갈등의 발생, 동물을 다루는 강도 높은 업무 등으로 스트레스가 높고 자신의 가치를 제대로 평가하지 못하는 근무 환경이 되기 쉬움. · 선행연구와의 차이점: 동물보건사의 특수한 업무환경이 고려된 자아존중감 평가 척도는 아직 개발되지 않았음. · 연구 방법: 동물보건사 양성과 관련된 전문적인 지식을 함양하고 있는 전문가 위원 21명으로 델파이 패널을 구성하여, 자아존중감 척도를 개발. 142명의 동물보건사를 대상으로 개발된 척도의 문항으로 설문조사를 시행함. 타당도와 신뢰도 분석은 IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0을 이용하여 실시함. · 연구 결과: 개발된 10개의 문항의 내용타당도 CVR 값은 모두 1점으로 적합하여 설문조사를 실시함. 구성타당도 요인분석에서 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin(KMO) 표본 적합도는 0.908, Varimax에 의한 회전성분 행렬값은 0.5 이상으로 확인되며 단일의 하부요인을 가짐. 공통성은 0.4 이상으로 적합함. Cronbach’s α = 0.927로 높은 신뢰도를 가져 척도를 개발함. · 공헌점 및 기대효과: 동물보건사가 임상에서 적용할 수 있는 직무상의 특성을 평가할 수 있는 도구 중 하나로서 자아존중감의 측정 도구를 개발하여 효과적이고 유효하게 사용하여 자아존중감 회복에 도움을 줄 것으로 생각함. · Research topics: Development of a self-Esteem questionnaire for veterinary nurses · Research background: Self-esteem is the belief in one's self-worth, which is an important motivator for behavior and is closely related to mental health. Veterinary nurses are prone to a high-stress and inability to properly evaluate their value due to conflicts when communicating with colleagues and clients, and intense work with animal-handling. · Differences from prior research: There is currently no self-esteem survey questionnaire that takes into account the special work environment of veterinary nurses. · Research method: A Delphi panel of 21 experts who have specialized knowledge related to the education of veterinary nurses was formed to develop self-esteem questions. A survey of 142 veterinary nurses was conducted with a questionnaire on developed questions. Validity and reliability analysis performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0. · Research results: The Content Validity Ratios(CVR) of the 10 developed questions was all suitable with 1 point. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) anaysis for the 10 questions was 0.908, the factor analysis by Varimax was above 0.5, and it had a single subfactor. The Cronbach's α value was 0.927, which was found to have high reliability. · Contribution points and expected effects: By developing a questionnaire that can measure the self-esteem of veterinary nurses, we believe that it will be used effectively to help restore self-esteem of veterinary nurses.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy of Chronic Kidney Disease with Uncontrolled Azotemia in Six Dogs

        한세명,김종택,이종복,서경원,송우진,유민옥,황철용,윤화영,Han, Sei-Myoung,Kim, Jong-Taek,Lee, Jong-Bok,Seo, Kyoung-Won,Song, Woo-Jin,Ryu, Min-Ok,Hwang, Cheol-Yong,Youn, Hwa-Young The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics 2015 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        본 케이스는 요독증이 해소되지 않는 말기 만성 신부전 환자에서의 지속적 신대체요법에 관한 보고이다. 본 원에 내원하여 만성신부전으로 진단 내려진 6마리의 환자에서 수액요법과 같은 일반적인 대증요법에 개선이 없었다. 따라서 혈액투석방법을 진행하였다. 평균 57-72%의 요소감소율을 보인 4마리의 환자와 37.3%의 요소감소율을 보인 1마리의 환자견에서 좋은 개선을 보였다. 하지만 6마리의 환자견에서의 93회 혈액투석 동안 체외흐름 폐색, 항응고제 사용에 의한 과도한 출혈등과 같은 부작용이 12회 발생하였다. 따라서 요독증이 개선되지 않는 만성 신부전 환자에서의 지속적 신대체요법은 유용하다 할 수 있으며 혈액투석동안 면밀한 부작용 관찰이 중요하다 여겨진다. The purpose of this case report was to present the treatment of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in dogs with end-stage CKD with uncontrolled uremia. Hemodialysis were carried out 6 patients who failed to improve clinical status with conventional management for CKD. Four dogs with urea reduction ratio (URR) range of 57-72% and 1 dog with URR of 37.3% showed good outcome with decreasing tendency of pre-dialysis Therefore, we suggest that CRRT could be recommended for use in CKD dogs with uncontrolled azotemia or uremia and should be monitor carefully throughout the CRRT.

      • KCI등재

        Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy of Chronic Kidney Disease with Uncontrolled Azotemia in Six Dogs

        한세명,김종택,이종복,서경원,송우진,유민옥,황철용,윤화영 한국임상수의학회 2015 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.32 No.5

        The purpose of this case report was to present the treatment of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in dogs with end-stage CKD with uncontrolled uremia. Hemodialysis were carried out 6 patients who failed to improve clinical status with conventional management for CKD. Four dogs with urea reduction ratio (URR) range of 57-72% and 1 dog with URR of 37.3% showed good outcome with decreasing tendency of pre-dialysis Therefore, we suggest that CRRT could be recommended for use in CKD dogs with uncontrolled azotemia or uremia and should be monitor carefully throughout the CRRT.

      • KCI등재

        Enhanced proliferation and differentiation of Oct4- and Sox2-overexpressing human adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells

        한세명,한상훈,고예린,장구,라정찬,강성근,이희우,윤화영 생화학분자생물학회 2014 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.46 No.-

        Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are attractive candidates for clinical repair or regeneration of damaged tissues. Oct4 and Sox2, which are essential transcription factors for pluripotency and self-renewal, are naturally expressed in MSCs at low levels in early passages, and their levels gradually decrease as the passage number increases. Therefore, to improve MSC proliferation and stemness, we introduced human Oct4 and Sox2 for conferring higher expansion and differentiation capabilities. The Oct4-IRES-Sox2 vector was transfected into human adipose tissue MSCs (ATMSCs) by liposomal transfection and used directly. Oct4 and Sox2 were successfully transfected into ATMSCs, and we confirmed maintenance of MSC surface markers without alterations in both red fluorescent protein (RFP) (control) and Oct4/Sox2-ATMSCs. Enhanced proliferative activity of Oct4/Sox2-ATMSCs was shown by WST-1 assay, and this result was further confirmed by cell counting using trypan blue exclusion for a long period. In addition, FACs cell cycle analysis showed that there was a reduction in the fraction of Oct4/Sox2-ATMSCs in G1 with a concomitant increase in the fraction of cells in S, compared with RFP-ATMSCs. Increased levels of cyclin D1 were also seen in Oct4/Sox2-ATMSCs, indicating acceleration in the transition of cells from G1 to S phase. Furthermore, Oct4/Sox2-overexpressing ATMSCs showed higher differentiation abilities for adipocytes or osteoblasts than controls. The markers of adipogenic or osteogenic differentiation were also upregulated by Oct4/Sox2 overexpression. The improvement in cell proliferation and differentiation using Oct4/Sox2 expression in ATMSCs may be a useful method for expanding the population and increasing the stemness of ATMSCs.

      • 개의 발톱골절 이후 전신염증 증례보고

        한세명(Sei-Myoung Han),김향미(Hyang-Mee Kim) 한국동물보건학회 2022 한국동물보건학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        Claw fracture disease can often be encountered in veterinary medicine, but the rate of visits related to claw diseases in South Korea has not been accurately investigated. This case is about systemic inflammation after a toenail fracture. A 2-year-old male, a Pomeranian dog visited the animal medical center with acute vomiting and anorexia after undergoing declawing for a fractured claw at another hospital. To evaluate the cause of vomiting, blood tests, X-rays, and abdominal ultrasonography were performed. In blood tests, C-reactive protein and D-dimer levels were 105 mg/L and 560.05 ng/ml, respectively, which were higher than normal, and the cPL kit test was negative. At the time of admission, the affected area was not properly protected and did not coalesce with a purulent exudate. It was judged that the cause of vomiting was an inflammatory reaction that progressed throughout the body. Therefore, an antibiotic injection and fluid treatment were performed during hospitalization, and the affected area was treated with sugar dressing 4 times a day. As the inflammation level gradually improved, the clinical symptoms also improved. Therefore, this case suggests the importance of correct postoperative management after initial claw damage and declawing from the animal health point of view.

      • 반려동물 입양과정과 유기동물 발생에 대한 관련성 고찰 및 해결방안 모색

        한세명(Sei-Myoung Han),김민철(Min-Chul Kim),김성호(Seong-Ho Kim),이수정(Soo-Jung Lee),오희경(Hee-Kyung Oh) 한국동물보건학회 2022 한국동물보건학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        As the companion animal market has grown rapidly, social awareness of affection for animals and animal protection has also developed rapidly. However, as a result, various social problems (unethical puppy mills, conflicts between companions and non-companions, increase in abandoned animals, dog bite accidents, etc.) are occurring. In particular, social costs are increasing due to the increase in lost and abandoned animals, so it is necessary to reduce lost and abandoned animals and promote adoption. However, this problem is not simply a matter of the increase in companion animals. It is related to social problems such as the factory breeding business, the adoption of companion animals without sufficient understanding of companion animals, the perception that abandoned animals are not healthy, lack of guidance in the adoption process, and dissolution of adoption. Therefore, in this review, domestic and overseas cases were compared and necessary improvement measures were found in the process of adopting a companion animal. It is expected that the occurrence of abandoned animals will be reduced by making animal registration mandatory with a built-in wireless identification device. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the impulsive adoption of a companion animal by providing an education system for adopters so that they can adopt with sufficient education and consideration period. It is also important to eliminate prejudice against the adoption of abandoned animals by checking the health of animals under protection from animal shelters. Furthermore, it is necessary to make efforts to lead to the formation of a social community and the promotion of the adoption of abandoned animals by operating an education program that continuously spreads companion culture based on the local community.

      • KCI등재

        Retrospective study of degenerative mitral valve disease in small-breed dogs: survival and prognostic variables

        김현태,한세명,송우진,김보은,최민철,윤정희,윤화영 대한수의학회 2017 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.18 No.3

        Small-breed dogs (n = 168; weight < 15 kg) diagnosed with myxomatous mitral valve degeneration based on a routine clinical examination, radiology, electrocardiography, and echocardiography at the Seoul National University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital were included in this study. Survival periods were determined, and there were significant differences in survival rates among the three International Small Animal Cardiac Health Council classes. The mean follow-up period was 14.3 ± 12.1 months. Univariate analysis revealed that dyspnea, pulmonary edema, and vertebral heart score were significantly associated with survival time (p < 0.05). Additionally, age, left atrial-to-aortic root ratio, ejection fraction, and left ventricular end diastolic volume were associated with an increased risk of death (p < 0.1), while body weight, body condition score, systolic blood pressure, arrhythmia, syncope, fractional shortening, and end systolic volume were not associated with an increased risk of death. These results suggest that among the assessed variables dyspnea, pulmonary edema, and vertebral heart score could be useful prognostic factors for providing patient information to owners.

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