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      • KCI등재

        취학전 아동의 學習準備度의 決定要因에 관한 일 연구

        정계숙 부산대학교 사범대학 1986 교사교육연구 Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analysis causal relationship among the variables, child's sex, age and birth order, father's education and occupation, mother's education, which are supposed to affect basic learning skills of kindergarten children. The data for this research was collected form 189 children (61 boys, 54 girls) and their mothers from 4 kindergartens attached to public elementary school located in Pusan. Some features of the analysis are worth nothing. First, child's age and sex, father's education and occupation, home environmental stimulus level play an important role in kindergarteners' basic learning skills. Especially, father's education and occupation directly and indirectly affect children's basic learning skills. Second, child's birth order affect only home stimulus level as mediating variable. This indicate the indirect effect of child's birth order on basic learning skills through the path to home stimulus level. Third, unexpectedly mother's education shows no direct and indirect effect on basic learning skills. Fourth, there are relatively large residual paths to home stimulus level and basic learning skills.

      • KCI등재

        이야기나누기 시간의 교사-유아 간 상호작용 연구 : 소통과 단절 현상을 중심으로

        정계숙,견주연 한국유아교육학회 2011 유아교육연구 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구는 이야기나누기 시간의 교사-유아 간 상호작용을 소통과 단절이라는 의사소통의 현상을 중심으로 살펴볼 때 현장에서 실제로 어떻게 이루어지는지를 탐색해보고, 바람직한 교사-유아 간 상호작용에 관한 교육적 함의를 찾아보고자 하였다. 연구 참여자는 만 5세반 2학급의 담임교사 2명과 51명의 유아들이었고, 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이야기나누기 시간의 교사-유아 간 상호작용은 소통적인 측면이 총 187회이고 단절적인 측면이 총 489회로, 단절적인 측면에서의 상호작용이 약 2.6배 정도 많이 나타났다. 둘째, 유아교실에서 교사-유아 간 상호작용은 교사의 발화방법과 내용에 따라 긍정적인 소통이 발생하였는데, 하위 범주로는 "타인의 생각 존중", "긍정적인 감정과 정서 고취", "호기심 유발을 통한 감수성 자극" 및 "신체적 욕구 허용" 등이 도출되었다. 교사-유아 간 상호작용의 또 다른 특성으로는 소통의 단절이 나타났는데, "몸의 움직임 통제", "생각과 사고 주입", "감정과 정서 강요" 및 "정서적 무감각 노출" 등이 하위 범주로 도출되었다. 그리고 연구 결과의 교육적 시사점에 대해 논하였다 This study explores how verbal and non-verbal interactions between teachers and young children in large group discussion are formed through focusing on mutual communication and communication breakdown. The participants were 2 teachers and their 51 young students, all aged 5. An analysis unit was designated as a teacher verbal initiation-child response set appearing in teacher-children interactions. The findings of both the qualitative and quantitative analyses of these interactions are summarized as follows: First, the total of interactions between teachers and children included 187 teacher verbal initiation-child response sets of mutual communication and 489 sets of communication breakdowns. Second, the analyses of mutual communication interactions were divided into 4 categories: "respecting another person's idea," "encouraging positive feeling and emotion," "stimulating sensibility through the incitation of curiosity" and "allowing physical needs." Third, the 4sub-categories indicating that the relationship between teachers and children had broken off were designated as "controlling body movement," "infusing thinking and idea," "forcing feeling and emotion" and "exposing emotional insensibility." These findings guide the study's discussion of the implications for developing strategies to achieve desirable classroom interactions of mutual cmnmunication between teachers and children.

      • KCI등재

        유아교사의 관계지향성 및 일체감과 교육공동체 구현 행동 실천과의 관계: 공동체의식의 매개효과

        정계숙,손환희,박희경 한국생태유아교육학회 2019 생태유아교육연구 Vol.18 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to identify the mediating effect of early childhood teachers’ sense of community in the relationship between their awareness of relationship-orientation and unification as “we-consciousness” variables and actions for building an educational community. The subject were 212 early childhood teachers, who were rated on scales measuring the teachers’ perception of relationship-orientation, unification, sense of community, and actions for building educational community. The data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation, multiple regressions for analyzing mediation effect, according to the procedure suggested by Baron and Kenny(1986) and the Sobel test to confirm the significance of a mediation effect. The results showed that teacher’s perceptions of relationship-orientation and unification were influencing variables regarding actions for building educational community and that teachers’ sense of community had a mediating effect on the relationship between we-consciousness variables and actions for building an educational community. This study provided meaningful implications for the direction of teacher education and the methods of constructing the organizational culture of early childhood institutes, to support the establishment of educational communities that emphasize the warm and positive relationship between the members. 본 연구는 유아교육현장에서 교육공동체 구현의 필요성이 제기되는 시점에 유아교사의 유아교육기관 구성원과의 공동체의식이 우리의식 요인인 관계지향성 및 일체감과 교육공동체 구현 행동 실천 간의 관계에서 매개효과를 가지는지에 대해 살펴보는 것이 목적이다. 이에 유치원과 어린이집에 근무 중인 유아교사 총 212명을 대상으로 관계지향성 및 일체감, 교육공동체 실천, 공동체의식 측정도구를 사용하여 자료를 수집하였다. 이를 기술통계, 상관분석 및 중다회귀분석을 이용한 Baron, Kenny(1986)의 매개효과 분석 절차에 따라 자료를 분석하였고 매개효과의 유의성을 확인하기 위하여 Sobel test를 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 유아교사의 관계지향성과 일체감은 교육공동체 구현 행동 실천에 대한 영향 요인이며 유아교육기관 구성원과의 공동체의식은 관계지향성, 일체감과 교육공동체 구현 행동 실천과의 관계에서 부분 매개효과를 갖는 것이 확인되었다. 이러한 연구결과는 교사의 교육공동체 구현을 위한 실천 행동의 증진에 교사의 관계지향성과 일체감의 강화와 유아교육기관 구성원과의 공동체의식의 향상이 중요함을 알게 해주었으며, 구성원 간의 따뜻하고 긍정적인 관계가 강조되는 교육공동체 구축을 지원하는 교사교육의 방향과 유아교육기관의 조직문화 형성에 대한 시사점을 제공하였다는데 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        예비 특수교사의 대인관계 스트레스, 공동체의식 및 불안 간의 구조적 관계 분석

        정계숙,박희경 한국지체.중복.건강장애교육학회 2019 지체.중복.건강장애연구 Vol.62 No.3

        연구목적: 본 연구는 예비 특수교사의 대인관계 스트레스와 공동체의식 및 불안 간의 구조적 관계를 밝힘으로써 교사 자질과 정신건강 지원을 위한 방안을 모색해보고자 하였다. 연구방법: 이를 위해 특수교육을 전공하고 있는 대학생 215명을 대상으로 설문지를 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 수집된 자료는 기술통계, t-test, ANOVA, 상관분석, 구조방적식모델링 그리고 매개효과를 확인하기 위해 부트스트래핑을 실시하여 결과를 도출하였다. 연구결과: 첫째, 대인관계 스트레스와 공동체의식 그리고 공동체의식과 불안 간에는 유의미한 부적 상관이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 대인관계 스트레스와 불안 간에는 유의미한 정적 상관이 있었다. 둘째, 대인관계 스트레스과 불안과의 관계에서 공동체의식은 부분 매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 결론: 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 대인관계 스트레스와 불안을 극복하고 공동체의식을 증진하기 위한 특수교사 양성과정에 대한 시사점을 제공하였다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of pre-service special education teachers’ sense of community on the relationship between the interpersonal stress and anxiety. Method: The subjects of the study were 215 university students majoring in special education and they answered questions from 3 rating scales. Using the collected data, descriptive analysis, t-test. ANOVA, correlations analysis, and SEM were applied. Additionally, mediation analyses were conducted using bootstrapping techniques for testing mediators by Mplus. Results: First, there were significant correlations among the interpersonal stress, anxiety and sense of community. Second, the sense of community had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between interpersonal stress and anxiety. Conclusion: The results made suggestions for the tasks of special teachers in training courses to overcome interpersonal stress and anxiety and to promote a sense of community.

      • KCI등재

        혁신도시 거주 어머니의 육아환경에 대한 만족도 및 요구도: J시를 중심으로

        정계숙,류수민,박지영 한국보육지원학회 2016 한국보육지원학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to examine the satisfaction and needs of mothers living in J innovation city with the child-rearing environment. A survey was conducted on 223 mothers with young children. The results are as follows: First, parents’needs on all items of economic, social and physical child-rearing environment were higher than their satisfaction on the items. Second, according to the reasons why parents are moving to J innovation city, there were significant differences between groups in their educational environment among subcategories of the economic and physical child-rearing environment. Third, according to the residential area they previously lived in, there were differences between groups in their child-rearing environment, such as the conditions of house location and educational environment among subcategories of the economic and physical child-rearing environment. The limits and implications for the administrational support for building a hopeful child-rearing environment in an innovation city were discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        따뜻한 유아교육공동체 형성을 위한 구성원의 공통 핵심 역량 요소 탐색

        정계숙,윤갑정,박희경 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 2016 교사교육연구 Vol.55 No.2

        The purpose of the study was to examine the community members’ core competences for forming a ‘warm’ early childhood educational community as an ideal model of early childhood education. For this purpose, 6 people including parents, teacher, practician in the communal childcare cooperatives and 6 people including professors, directors teacher, school supervisor participated in the Focus Group Interview (FGI). The results were as follows: The first core competencies for developing a ‘warm’ early childhood educational community was sense of partnership which was characterized by; ‘understanding each other and warm hearted sympathy’, ‘a common purpose for children’s future’, ‘forgiveness and accepting each other’s differences’, and ‘meeting for building a positive relationship’. The second core competencies for developing a ‘warm’ early childhood educational community was sharing of key values between members which was characterized by; ‘establishment of self-identity and community identity’, ‘sharing perspectives and values on education’, ‘willingness for learning together in daily life’ and ‘democratic communication skill and decision-making ability’. Implications for the core competencies development and support toward building a warm early childhood educational community was discussed.

      • KCI등재

        사회 , 정서발달 문제로 상담실에 의뢰된 아동에 관한 기초연구 : 진단과 중재를 위한 시사 Implications for Diagnostic Assessment and Intervention

        정계숙,박명화 한국정서학습장애아교육학회 2001 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.17 No.1

        The study aimed to analysis the characteristics of children with social emotional difficulties referred to the Child Counseling and Intervention Center of Pusan National University since July 2000 for finding implications for the better diagnostic assessment and intervention practices. The subjects were 81 children aged 2-8. The criteria of classification for the children were 3 demographic variables, diagnosed characteristics, types of problem behaviors, characteristics of child rearing environment and life history. The results as follows: First, boys were referred 2.3 times more than girls and the group of primary grade children was the most frequently referred one(50.6%), the next group was 3-5 year old children(43.2%). Second, the results of the diagnosis by child psychiatrists was a little different from the diagnostic assessment by the research team. 10 of 28 children diagnosed by child psychiatrists were autism(35.7%). But, in the researchers' diagnostic assessment, the number of children with autism was 4(14.3%) of them. Third, there referred more children classified to the internalized problem type than children classified to the externalized problem one, 67.9% vs 32.1%. Fourth, the analysis of the environmental risk factors showed that 'change of caregiver over 2 times' factor was most frequently experienced(36.1%) among 81 children with social-emotional difficulties and the rate of children over-exposed to TV and Video program was 17.1%. Fifth, Children who ware medicated in child psychiatric clinic were 15(18.1%) of 81 children. 6 of the them were with ADHD. Some implications for the better diagnostic assessment and intervention program for young children with social-emotional difficulties were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        부모-교사 파트너십에 대한 유아교사의 주관적 태도 분석 : Q-방법론의 적용

        정계숙,윤갑정,손환희 한국영유아교원교육학회 2015 유아교육학논집 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of the study was to examine the types and characteristics of early childhood teachers’ attitude on the parent-teacher partnerships. The Q-methodology was applied as a research method for analyzing the subjectivity of the participants. More precisely, first, the Q-population was developed from the individual responses of 121 teachers who work in the preschools through brainstorming and interviews about the parent-teacher partnerships. Second, the Q-sample was constructed of 60 statements through the discussion with experts in the early childhood field. Next, 40 early childhood teachers were finally selected as the P-sample of the study. The Q-sample was divided according to their subjective attitude. Results indicated a four-factor solution indicating common attitudes of parent-teacher partnerships among all early childhood teachers. The differences in the factors were interpreted as ‘parent is my sincere partner: successful partnerships though empathy’, ‘parent is awkward partner: partnerships is not ready for a state psychologically’, ‘parent is ambiguous partner: partnerships are affected by the parents’ attitudes’, and ‘parent is incomplete partner: partnerships is possible to be provided with external conditions.’ We discussed supporting ways for each type of early childhood teacher and education contents for pre-service early childhood teachers toward parent-teacher successful partnerships. 본 연구는 부모-교사 파트너십에 대한 유아교사의 주관적 태도를 알아보기 위하여 Q방법론을 적용하였다. Q방법론의 절차에 따라 먼저, B시의 유치원과 어린이집에 근무하는 유아교사 121명을 대상으로 브레인스토밍과 면담을 실시하여 Q-모집단을 구성하고, Q-표본(60개)을 추출하였다. 이를 활용하여 40명의 P표본을 대상으로 Q-표본을 분류하도록 하였다. 연구 결과, 부모-교사 파트너십에 대한 유아교사의 주관적 태도는 4가지 유형으로 나타났다. 제 1유형(35%)은 ‘부모는 진정한 나의 파트너: 공감을 통한 성공적인 파트너십’, 제 2유형(27.5%)은 ‘부모는 불편한 파트너: 심리적 준비가 안 되어있는 파트너십’. 제 3유형(25%)은 ‘부모는 미정(未定)의 파트너: 부모의 태도에 영향을 받는 파트너십’, 제 4유형(12.5%)은 ‘부모는 미완(未完)의 파트너: 외적 조건이 구비되어야 가능한 파트너십’이었다. 본 연구에서 도출된 결과를 토대로 유형별 유아교사의 부모와의 파트너십 형성을 위한 지원방안과 예비유아교사교육의 내용에 대해 논의하였다.

      • 대인간 기술(People Skills) 증진 프로그램의 효과 연구(Ⅰ)

        정계숙,심미경 부산대학교 영유아보육연구소 1998 영유아보육연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The study aimed at implementing the social enhancement program, named the People Skills Program for children with problems of social development and describing the effects of the program. As a group counseling program, the People Skills Program was focused on enhancement of children's self-understanding and social skills. Four children from four elementary schools were target children referred by their mother and teachers to the Counseling Depart of Child Educare Research Institutel, Pusan National University. Two boys were in the 3rd grade and two girls were in the 2nd grade. The K-ABC Intelligence Test and the Social Skill Rating Scale were applied to identify whether the developmental charcteristics of the referred children were suitable for the program and the development levels of social skills of the target children. With annecdotal records for 12 sessions, each of the sessions took 90 minutes, once a week, the behavioral changes of the target children were analyzed. Effects of the program were described and discussed.

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