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      • 금융위기 이후 소유구조가 기업가치와 경영성과에 미치는 영향

        임선화,송동섭 글로벌경영학회 2018 글로벌경영학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.2018 No.1

        본 연구는 소유구조가 기업의 경영성과와 기업가치에 미치는 영향에 대해 연구하였다. 연구표본은 거래소기업을 중심으로 2009년부터 2016년까지의 4,965개의 표본으로 실증분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 외국인투자자지분율이 기업가치에 미치는 효과를 검증한 결과, 통계적으로 유의하게 나타 나고 있다. 둘째, 대주주지분율이 기업가치에 미치는 효과를 검증한 결과, 통계적으로 유의하지 않게 나타 나고 있다. 셋째, 외국인투자자지분율이 경영성과에 미치는 효과를 검증한 결과, 통계적으로 유의하게 나타 나고 있다. 넷째, 대주주지분율이 경영성과에 미치는 효과를 검증한 결과, 통계적으로 유의하지 않게 나타 나고 있다.

      • 담자균류 목질섬유소 분해효소의 특성과 산업적 이용

        임선화,강희완 한국버섯학회 2016 한국버섯학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Basidiomycetous fungi are one of the most potent biodegraders because many of its species grow on dead wood or litter, in environments rich in lignocellulose. For the degradation of lignocellulose, basidiomycetes utilize their lignocellulytic enzymes, which typically include laccase (EC, lignin peroxidase (EC, xylanase (EC, and cellulase (EC In recent years, the practical applications of basidiomycetes have ranged from the textile to the pulp and paper industries, and from food applications to bioremediation processes and industrial enzymatic saccharification of biomass. Recently, spent mushroom substrates of edible mushrooms have been used as sources of bulk enzymes to decolorize synthetic dyes in textile wastewater. In this review, the occurrence, mode of action, general properties, and production of lignocellulytic enzymes from mushroom species will be discussed. We will also discuss the potential applications of these enzymes

      • KCI등재

        미군정의 실시와 전라남도도지사고문회의 조직

        임선화 호남사학회 2010 역사학연구 Vol.38 No.-

        This paper analyses that the U.S Military Government's polical partner through the investigation of Cheon-nam Provincial Advisory Council. Through this personal analyses we can have the clue of the change of the political partners for each time. The existing study describes these political partner's tendency is conservative right wing. However in this paper shows the political partners includes the people who receive the confidence to Korean people. It includes of Korea Democratic party and National Society for the Rapid Realization of Korean Independence. But the member's number is overwhelming in Seoul not in Cheon-nam province. Choi Young-wook, Deputy Governor of the Provincial Government of Cheon-nam, influences about this. Provincial Military Government wants to enervate the People's Committee and efficiently control this province that they need the confidential people in this district. They nominate the people as the member of Advisory Council. After the enervating for People's Committee, they need the person who can purge the left wing as the political partners. The man is Seo Min-ho. After the Liberation Provincial Military Government's choice of political partner is not the same mood the choose some different right wing it depends on difference circumstance. It situation was showed not Cheon- nam province but also Central. 이 글은 전남도자시고문회를 통하여 해방 직후 미군정이 정치 파트너로 상대하였던 인물을 분석하고자 한다. 이 인물들의 분석을 통하여 미군정이 정치 파트너로 지목하였던 사람들이 시기별로 변화되었음을 알 수 있는 단초를 제공할 것이다. 기존의 연구에는 미군정이 파트너로 지목한 사람들의 정치적인 성향을 모두 일관적으로 ‘보수우파’라고 규정하였다. 하지만 이 글에서는 해방 직후 미군정이 선택하였던 한국인들은 점령지 시민들에게 신망을 받고 있는 사람들도 포함되었다는 것이다. 물론 그 속에는 한민당과 독립촉성국민회 관련자들도 포함되어 있었지만, 서울에서처럼 일방적인 숫자는 아니었다. 이는 한국인 도지사대리를 역임하였던 최영욱의 영향도 무시할 수 없다. 하지만 미군정이 염두에 두었던 것은 인민위원회를 무기력화시키고, 효과적으로 지방을 통치하기 위해서는 전남도민의 신망을 얻고 있었던 사람들의 도움이 필요하였고, 거기에 적합한 이들을 도지사고문회의 위원으로 선출하였다. 인위를 무기력화한 이후 1946년 탁치정국에서 미군정은 정치파트너로서 더욱 강력하게 좌익을 몰아붙일 인물이 필요하였다. 그가 바로 서민호이었다. 즉 해방 이후 미군정이 선택한 파트너가 모두 똑같은 색채를 띠고 있는 우파가 아니라는 것과 상황에 따라 미군정의 파트너 선택이 다른 모습을 띠었음을 밝히고자 하였다. 이러한 모습은 전남 뿐만 아니라 중앙에서도 볼 수 있는 것이었다.

      • KCI등재

        뷰티코디네이터의 고객만족 교육프로그램이 서비스 품질에 미치는 영향 - 성격 특성의 매개효과를 중심으로 -

        임선화,박철호 대한미용학회 2020 대한미용학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of a customer satisfaction training program for beauty coordinators that compared service quality based on personality characteristics. The study utilized data gathered from 418 respondents that included hospital coordinators, skin care workers, and nursing assistants who serve as beauty coordinators at plastic surgery and dermatology hospitals in Seoul and in the Gyeonggi Province. Data from the customer satisfaction training program for beauty coordinators was correlated with measures of service quality to identify any significant relationships. A 3-step regression analysis was subsequently carried out to identify mediated effects. Results indicated that the personality characteristics of the respondents influenced the outcome of the customer satisfaction training program for beauty coordinators, and that personality characteristics were related to service quality. The findings of the present study provide information that will be useful for developing training programs to improve service quality of beauty coordinators in a variety of settings.

      • KCI등재

        여성배우자의 시간가치 및 가족규모가 외식수요에 미치는 영향

        임선화,유소이,홍성훈 한국농업경제학회 2016 農業經濟硏究 Vol.57 No.5

        This paper investigates the impact of household size and wife’s value of time on the demand for food away from home by using the sample of married households in Household Income and Expenditure Survey. The estimation results employing Tobit model with heteroscedasticity showed that per capita eating out expenditures decreased as 3.6 thousand Won while it increased the ratio of eating out expenditures relative to total food expenditures as 1.9%. These results imply that as household size increases, economies of scale effect in eating out consumption makes households reduce per capita food-away-from-home expenditures although eating out preferring effect due to the increase in total time spent on home meal production overpowers home meal preferring effect due to the economies of scale in it.

      • KCI등재

        미군정기 한민당 전남도당의 조직과 활동

        임선화 호남사학회 2011 역사학연구 Vol.42 No.-

        이 논문은 해방 이후 결성되었던 한민당 전남도당에 관한 연구이다. 전남도당은 1945년 10월 미군의 광주진주와 더불어 조직되었고, 도군정에 적극 협력하였다. 전남도당이 조직적으로 확대된 계기는 탁치정국에서 반탁운동을 전개하면서부터였다. 학생단체 청년단체를 지원하여 격렬한 반탁운동을 전개하였으며, 부·군단위까지 조직을 확장시켰다. 1947년 한민당은 읍·면단위까지 조직을 확장시켰으며, 이러한 힘을 바탕으로 1947년 후반기부터 본격적인 단독정부 수립 운동을 이끌었다. 이러한 한민당의 파급력은 여러 우익단체들 특히 청년단체를 앞세워 남로당 등을 무력으로 압도하였기 때문에 가능하였다. 한민당 전남도당에 관계하였던 이들은 미군정의 관리로 재직하기도 하였다. 또한 한민당 전남도당 간부들 가운데 우익 청년단체의 지도자들도 다수 눈에 띈다. 한민당 전남도당의 가장 큰 역할은 탁치정국 이후 우익 세력이 지방에 침투할 수 있도록 많은 지원을 하였고, 또한 행동대 역할을 한 학생·청년단체와 함께 군·읍·면 단위까지 진출하여 단독선거를 치룰 수 있는 기반을 마련하였다. This paper is about the Korean Democratic Party in Jeonnam Provincial Part which was established after the Korean Independence. Korean Democratic Party in Jeonnam Provincial Part was organized in a October 1945 after the U.S army stayed in Gwang-ju, and it cooperated so much the Provincial Government. Korean Democratic Party in Jeon-nam Provincial Part's enlargement caused to change the Trusteeship political situation. It supported the Student Group and the Youth Group to develop the anti-Trusteeship, and it expanded to Bu and Gun. Korean Democratic Party expanded it to Yup and Myun in 1947, and the late 1947 it can lead the campaign of the establishment of a separate government. Korean Democratic Party had many right-wing especially the Youth Group overwhelmed to South Korea Labor Party. In Korean Democratic Party the Korean Democratic Party in Jeon-nam Provincial Part's connected people served and U.S Military Government officer. Also there were many Korean Democratic Party in Jeon-nam Provincial Part's executives served the Right-wing's Youth Group's leader. Korean Democratic Party in Jeon-nam Provincial Part‘s main role was it spread its right wings power to the small district unit in Korea and its acting part, Student Group and the Youth Group can permeate into Gun, Yup, Myun unit and they prepared the independent election.

      • KCI등재

        대동청년단 전남도단부의 결성과 활동

        임선화 한국근현대사학회 2011 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.56 No.-

        This study is about the organization and activity of United Young Men’s Party in Jeon-nam provincial part. United Young Men’s Party Jeon-nam provincial part was organized by united of other young men group like other central young men association. But the method of the union brought much repulsion, so many right wing associations became violent. In Jeon-nam provincial part had problems that they will approve central correspondent or not rather than they disagreed among their union of the other group. The central association, United Young Men’s Party wanted to control the Jeon-nam part by the correspondent and the Jeon-nam part didn’t want it. Jeon-nam part tried to decrease the affection of the central association. And then this try was accepted. According to this process we can realize that the central association United Young Men’s Party accepted the local part’s unique characteristic rather than they insisted the subordinate relationship. They are the union of many groups so there are limitation of the centralization. United Young Men’s Party in Jeon-nam provincial part was established on 1947, October 26 with Lee Chung Chun in attendance. Strangely Seo Min Ho had no relation with young men group, he was just Jeon-nam pronincial governor in Jeon-nam before but he became a leader of United Young Men’s Party in Jeon-nam. It wasn’t said, why did he change his concern into young men group. At that time the young men group was the action group. So the group’s leader will have so much power to the right wing in Jeon-nam province. After the establishment of United Young Men’s Party in Jeon-nam province, Bu, Gun(府,郡) part were established and then eup, myun(邑,面) were, too. This showed the difference with the right wing politician and the before junior group. It means that the right wing expanded its power to small part of the whole country. Korean National Youth Corps was established in 1946 and then province part were established in late 1947 It means that the right wing’s power reached to the province in late 1947. United Young Men’s Party wanted to be origin of national military. It concerned about military so it gave the spiritual education and the physical training. The train happened in each district or United Young Men’s Party’s training place. Another important mission was collecting rice. Those days the collecting rice was compulsory and violent execution. The farmer felt antipathy to not only United Young Men’s Party but also right wing’s young men group because they were against the left wing’s acting and the worse they collected the rice. There was a separate election at the late 1947 and this paper wants to look for the United Young Men’s Party in Jeon-nam Center connect with the election and its support and the connection of central part but there was no report. United Young Men’s Party needed a lot of money for all these action. United Young Men’s Party raised the fund with United Young Men’s Party sponsor group but they couldn’t raise enough money. Eventually they forced the money to farmer and they used the violence. 1947 in December United Young Men’s Party in Jeon-nam Center declared that they will take part in the separate election. And then they decided that they will support Rhee Syng Man through the meeting of the leader of province and county. United Young Men’s Party took part in the separate election and one of the candidate was elected. United Young Men’s Party expanded its power under the protect of U.S military and police. The right wing permeated all of the province like this way.

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