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        식민지 지식인의 민족적 열등감과 보복심리

        오선민(Oh, Sun Min) 구보학회 2010 구보학보 Vol.5 No.-

        1933년 『동아일보』에 연재되는 박태원의 『반년간』은 문명을 번역하기 위해, 문명국으로 공부하러 떠난 일본 유학생의 동경 생활기를 본격적으로 다룬다. 주인공 철수는 식민지 주체성이 인종적인 열등감에 의해 굴절되는 경로를 자신의 연애담을 통해 보여주게 되는데, 이 과정에서 식민지 근대 주체가 내면화하게 되는 폭력이 밝혀진다. 철수는 이민족 여성인 스미에와 동족 여성인 미사꼬 사이를 오가며 서서히 무기력해지고 만다. 하지만 그의 무기력은 자신을 인정해주는 제국의 하위 주체에게 성적 폭력에 가까운 힘을 행사한 일을 은폐하는 방편이기도 했다. 작품은 제국과 식민지는 ‘보는 자=지배하는 자=남성’과 ‘보이는 자=지배받는자=여성’이라는 심상 위에서 상상적 관계를 맺고 있다는 것을 드러내었다. 그 상상적 관계는 애초부터 식민지 출신의 지식인에게는 불만족스러울 수밖에 없는 구도였다. 작품은 문명의 이식자인 일본 유학생의 억눌린 인정욕망이 제국의 하위 주체인 하급 여성을 향한 성폭력으로 전환될 위험을 예고한다. 그리고, 그 폭력성이 쉽게 같은 민족의 하급 여성에게로 옮겨갈 수 있는 가능성을 그린다. Non-Western modern is translated modern. It is because that the 20th century of non-Western endeavors to build a modern by designating all the 19th century’s sector of customs and sensibility, as well as system of society and politics, as civilization, and by translating. What should be done to transfer civilization? First of all. someone must learn civilization through texts or experiences. Then, he who has been embodied civilization within him has to explain civilization to people, drawing it. What civilization is, how valuable it is, and how it can be transferred, should he, tasted of civilization, explain and display. In these sense, modern colonized subjects are the translators of civilization themselves. In the similar way of translators’ work, those who try to transfer civilization are learners of civilization in the beginning, but they soon acquire their authority as spokesmen of civilization, as they come to colony, embody and speak for civilization. The transferrer of civilization is inevitable to embody civilization, disrupting himself between the values of Western and non-Western as if the translator-subject produces two linguistic community, disrupting himself between the language of the translated and the translator. By pondering this disruption, we are able to look into the reproductive structure of civilization and the method by which modern colonized subjectivity is molded. Taewon Park’s “Bannyeongan(During Half a Year)”, serialized in “Dongailbo” in 1933, seriously deals with a Choseon student’s life in Tokyo who goes to Japan, a civilized country, in order to translate civilization. This work traces the process on which colonized subjectivity is refracted because of inferiority. The protagonist Cheol-su meets the daughter of a boarding house in Tokyo, while he goes with a maid Misako from Choseon in the streets. By juxtaposing the love between the different races and the love between the same race in Tokyo as a civilized space, the work predicts the danger which repressed social 인정욕망(desire for recognition) of the student, a transplanter of civilization, will convert into sexual violence towards the low level female, a subordinate subject of an empire. Moreover, it depicts the possibility that the violence can easily be transmitted to the other low level female from the same race. “Bannyeongan(During Half a Year)” fathoms that modern colonized subject prescribes to itself with sexually discriminative knowledge built upon dichotomy of male and female, and also warns us that the strong aggressiveness of the dichotomy prompts the inside of modern subject.

      • KCI등재

        중등학교 지리답사 연구 -목적, 유형, 계획과 제약요소-

        오선민 ( Sun Min Oh ),이종원 ( Jong Won Lee ) 한국지리환경교육학회 2014 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        The aims, types, planning and constraints of geography fieldwork in 20 secondary schools were investigated. Geography fieldwork were commonly implemented in the forms of school clubs, while ones utilizing regular geography class hours were rare. Teachers emphasized personal development by enriching students’ geographical experiences rather than subject-specific purposes such as acquisition of field technique. Five types of geography fieldwork were identified based on the types of student activity and levels of student involvement in fieldwork preparation. Although observation fieldwork were still prevailing, other types of fieldwork stressing investigatory and inquiry activities were also found. Teachers said that the internet and geography books would be the main source of fieldwork information and that accessibility, geographical importance, and student interest were factors considered in deciding fieldwork sites. Constraints in implementing geography fieldwork include lack of financial support, short period of fieldwork time, complicated procedure in applying for support and permission, great time and efforts required to plan and implement, safety issue, students’ passive attitudes towards fieldwork, and examination-oriented school system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        내셔널리즘 이전의 인터내셔널 : 『월남망국사』의 조선어 번역에 대하여

        고병권(Goh Byeong-gwon),오선민(Oh Sun-min) 한국근대문학회 2010 한국근대문학연구 Vol.11 No.1

        번역은 근대 내이션의 탄생에 결정적인 역할을 했다. 번역은 두 개의 언어 공동체를 매개하는 일이기 때문에, 무엇보다 매개를 필요로 하는 각각의 언어 공동체를 상정하게 한다. 근대 계몽기의 번역 표상은 일본어에 대한 조선어, 영어에 대한 조선어와 같은 약분 불가능하고 상대적인 언어공동체의 존재를 의심없이 받아들이게 했다. 하지만, 번역 과정에서 실제로 만나게 되는 것은 두 개의 언어 공동체로 결코 수렴될 수 없는 의미와 기호의 무수한 차이들이다. 고전과 같은 중요한 저작들을 시대와 공간을 가로질러 계속 번역할 수 밖에 없는 까닭은 바로 이 번역 불가능한 차이 때문이다. 근대 계몽기에는 시급한 정치적 상황 때문에 서양에서 생산된 지적 성과물들을 곧바로 조선어로 옮길 수가 없었다. 한글을 근간으로 한 자국어, 즉 서양의 지식을 옮겨 들어와야 하는 이 편의 언어 자체가 미숙했다. 신문과 공문서 등에서 본격적으로 한글을 쓰면서 독자 대중과 소통했던 것은 1896년 부터다. 이러한 정황에서 번역은 중역일 수밖에 없었다. 근대 한국에서 중역은 제대로 원본을 옮겨오지 못한 불철저함, 일본어를 거친다는 의식이 갖는 정치적 불감성 등의 이유로 비판의 대상이 되어 왔다. 하지만 거듭 번역했다는 사실 자체에 주목한다면, 중역 안에서 발생한, 이편과 저편 내이션의 언어로 환원되지 않는 무수한 차이들에 대해 주목해야 할 필요성이 발생한다. 『월남망국사』는 근대 계몽기 중역의 대표적인 사례로서 오랫동안 비판받아 왔다. 베트남 지식인 판 보이차우가 일본에서 중국 지식인 양계초와 만나 대담한 중국어를 현채가 먼저 국한문으로, 그것을 주시경이 다시 국문으로, 이것을 또 다시 이상익이 구연하기 쉬운 국문으로 거듭 바꿔서 번역한 작품이다. 식민지가 되자마자 금서 목록 1위에 올랐지만, 또한 식민지 기간 내내 가장 적극적으로 지하에서 읽힌 독립 운동 매뉴얼이기도 했다. 본고에서는 이렇게 거듭된 번역 속에서 어떤 차이가 생산되었는지, 그리고 그 차이들은 1910년 식민지 직전의 조선에서 민족과 공동체에 대한 어떤 상상력을 만들었는지를 연구한다. 『월남망국사』는 프랑스에 망한 월남을 반면교사로 삼으며 독립을 촉구하기도 했지만, 오히려 월남과 조선, 제국주의 질서 하에서 배제된 타자들의 연대 속에서 독립의 가능성을 모색하는 정동을 생산했다. 『월남망국사』의 번역들은 번역이 두 개의 언어 공동체를 상상시키는 기제일 뿐만 아니라, 끊임없이 언어 공동체들의 틈새를 보여주고 무수한 언어적 차이들과 함께 무수한 삶의 차이들을 만들어 내는 활동이라는 점을 잘 보여준다. Translation played a decisive role in the birth of the modern nation. Because translation is a mediation between two linguistic communities, two separate linguistic communities that require a mediation need first to be constructed. Translation in the enlightenment period allowed people to accept without suspicion the existence of irreducible and relative linguistic communities, of a Ch?son language that can be translated into Japanese or English. But what we encounter in the process of translation is that there are countless differences between meaning and representations that can’t be consolidated. The reason we have to carry on the work of translating important works like the classics is because of this impossibility of translation. During the modern enlightenment period, because of urgent political and cultural situation, direct translation of intellectual materials produced in the West into Ch?son language was not possible. This idea that one language had to be translated into one’s native tongue, the need for Western knowledge to flow in, was itself something unfamiliar. Communication with the reading public was just taking place in 1896 with the newspaper and official communiqu?s that were beginning to be actively written in Korean. In this milieu, translation could only have come in as a double translation. Even until recently, criticism regarding the inability to translate from the original and the political unsusceptibility of having to obtain translations via Japan was rampant. But if we focus on the fact that double translation did in fact occur repeatedly then we can’t ignore the countless differences that were produced, which does not allow us to return to this or that national language. “The History of the Fall of Vietnam” was criticized for a long time for its role as a definitive double translation. This text, which records in Chinese a conversation between the Vietnamese intellectual Phan Boi Chau and the Chinese intellectual Liang Ch’i Ch’ao in Japan, was translated by Hyun Chae into gookhanmun, a mix script of Korean particles and Chinese characters. The text was translated again by Ju Sikyung into gookmun, a Korean script; and again by Yi Sang-ik into an even simpler narrative style gookmun. It was the first book to be censored as soon as Korea became a colony, and the mostly enthusiastically read underground by activist throughout colonization as a manual. I discuss in my paper the differences that were produced during these repeated process of translation and the imagination of nation and communities these translation produced during the colonial period of 1910. “The History of the Fall of Vietnam”, on the one hand, called for liberation from colonial rule using Vietnam’s fall under France’s rule as a cautionary tale. It also incited Vietnam and Ch?son, nations that were excluded from imperial rule, to seek liberation by uniting their forces. We discover with the translations of “The History of the Fall of Vietnam” that translation is not only something that allows us to imagine two linguistic communities but an activity that shows the gap between linguistic communities and the countless differences between languages and lives.

      • KCI등재
      • 전문대학 교수의 교수능력과 교육요구

        나승일 ( Seung-il Na ),이용환 ( Yong-hwan Lee ),정남용 ( Nam-yong Chung ),오선민 ( Sun-min Oh ),이명훈 ( Myung-hun Lee ),신혜진 ( Hye-jin Shin ) 한국고등직업교육학회 2002 한국고등직업교육학회논문집 Vol.3 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to identify the important teaching skill as perceived by junior college professors and to determine their performance level and educational needs in the selected teaching skills. One hundred twenty three professors from five different junior colleges were asked to indicate their ability to perform each of 40 teaching skills and also to rate the importance of each on a mailed questionnaire. The educational needs of junior college professors were analyzed by using the Hershkowitz's criticality function. The findings of this study were as follows. 1) The important teaching skills as perceived by junior college professors were those in 'instructional plan and preparation', 'instructional evaluation', and ’use of teaching method/techniques7 areas. 2) They perceived that their current performance level in most teaching skills was just beyond the ordinary level but was lower than the good level. 3) The highest needs were 'determining learning level & interests of students', 'using problem solving techniques’,and 'establishing student performance criteria’. It is recommended that the programs to enhance the teaching skills of professors should be developed based on their educational needs.

      • KCI등재

        북미 유학생 영어인식의 정치성

        오선민 이화어문학회 2014 이화어문논집 Vol.32 No.-

        1925년부터 1936년까지 북미 유학생 총회는 총 7권의 유학생 학회지를 간행했다. 그 이름은 ≪우라키≫ 였으며, 이것은 'Rocky'를 적극적으로 음역(音譯)한 것이었다. 학회지 제목에서도 잘 드러나듯 북미 유학생들은 이문화 번역자로서의 자신들 주체성을 영어 능력 속에서 확인하려고 했는데, 의외로 ≪우라키≫ 에서 확인되는 것은 이들의 우수한 영어 능력이 결코 인종의 장벽을 넘지 못했다는 점이다. 북미 유학생들은 지속적으로 자신들이 여타의 유색인들이나 동류의 황인종들보다, 심지어 일본인보다 우수한 영어 능력자라는 것을 강조했지만, 이러한 하류 동류화에 대한 저항은 백인 중상류 사회에 절대로 속할 수 없는 그들의 처지를 더욱 강조할 뿐이었다. ≪우라키≫ 의 필진 중 북미 유학생의 영어 인식이 그들의 주체화 과정에 미치는 영향을 가장 심각하게 고민했던 이는 임영빈이었다. 그는 조선 최고의 수재도 끊임없이 미개인으로 격하될 수밖에 없는 북미 유학생 주체의 곤란한 딜레마를 그들의 영어 체험을 중심으로 문학화하려고 노력했다. 그는 자신의 문제의식을 귀국 후 대동아 공영권의 열기가 팽창해져 있던 1940년 전후에 다시 한번 문학적으로 문제 삼았다. 그런데 ≪우라키≫ 작품의 주인공이 겪었던 영어(백인) 앞에서의 모멸감은 귀국 후 작품에서 백인을 향한 폭력적 충동으로 전환된다. 일제 말기 대동아 공영의 논리는 북미 유학생들의 내면에 깊이 도사리고 있던 심각한 열등감(하류 동류화의 경험)을 공격적으로 분출시키는 계기로 작동하는 것이다. 임영빈 문학의 이러한 변모가 의미하는 바는 무엇인가? 작품들은 북미 유학생의 주체화 과정이 문명의 폭력을 내면화하는 과정이었음을 보여주고 있었다. The Assembly of Korean Students in North America published a total of seven issues of their academic journal from 1925 to 1936. It was named as “우라키”, which was the active phonetical translation of ‘Rocky.’ As demonstrated in the name, the students made attempts to manifest their subjectivity as the translators of foreign culture, which could be identified as their English proficiency, but, unfortunately, what can be found in “우라키” is that their excellent proficiency in English never brought them removal of racial barrier. Although they continuously emphasized that their English proficiency was superior than the other colored peoples, the yellow race as same as them, or even Japanese, this rebellion against the attempts to identify them as the lower kind, ironically, more remarkably highlighted their situation that they could never belong to the middle-upper class in the white society. Among the writers of “우라키”, it was Im Yeong-bin who seriously concerned about the influence of Korean-students-in-North America’s cognition of English in the process of their subjectification. He struggled to translate into literature, focusing on their English experience, the tough dilemma of Korean-students-in-North America subjects that even the best intellectuals in Korea was ceaselessly but to be downgraded as the uncivilized. After coming back to Korea, around 1940, when the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere enthusiastically expanded, he again exposed his point of view by means of literature. Surprisingly, humiliation that the main character of a certain work in “우라키” felt toward English language or the white race converted into violent impulse toward the white race in the work written after he came back to Korea. The idea of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere in the late period of Japanese occupation served as a catalyst that spurted the serious inferiority―the experience of being identified as the lower kind― profoundly embedded inside of Korean-students-in-North America. What does the change expressed in Im Yeong-bin’s literature mean? The Literature shows that the subjectification of Korean-students-in-North America was the process of internalizing the violence of civilization.

      • KCI등재

        일 도시 여고생의 음주관련 요인에 관한 연구

        김주형,김은경,김효정,문현숙,오선민,박나경,신혜정,이경원,이지선,최연옥,최진희,한유정,현수인 대한간호학회정신간호학회 2002 정신간호학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        This study was designed to examine the factors associated with alcohol consumption among the Korean high schools girls. 283 female students were sampled from two high school in Seoul, Korea. They were given questionnaires and were asked to fill in and return them during a class hours. The factors included in the questionnaire were analyzed to see their contributions to alcohol consumption using chi-square. Alcohol consumption was associated with lower school performance(p=.001). High alcohol expectancies increased alcohol consumption(p=.000); however, depression did not show a statistically significant relationship to alcohol consumption. Mothers' alcohol consumption, having many alcohol consuming friends and watching TV commercials picturing alcohol were found to be associated with alcohol consumption, p=.049, .000, .000. respectively. Results may imply that alcohol consumption may not be a coping behavior of the depressed high school girls. Parents in Korea should be more concerned about alcohol consumption and its impacts on their daughters. Media effects on alcohol consumption need to be stressed and deserve attention from the public.

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