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        한 대학병원 부속 건강검진센터 이용자의 만족도와 재이용 의사에 미치는 요인

        김희경,류황건,Kim, Hee-Kyoung,Ryu, Hwang-Gun 한국병원경영학회 2001 병원경영학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to serve as a basis for providing quality medical service and mapping out consumer-centered marketing strategies to successfully cope with the rapidly changing medical environment and meet consumer needs, by examining what affected the satisfaction and revisit of health Promotion center Client. The subjects in this study were 186 of visitor to health Promotion center in a university hospital in the city of Busan. A survey was conducted with structured questionnaire from March 2 to 30, 2001. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS for Windows (ver10.0). For more statistical analysis, frequency analysis, component analysis, t-test, ANOVA and correlation analysis procedures were utilized. Results of the study can be summarized as follows: 1. Regarding demographic characteristics, 51.6% of the Client investigated were male, and 48.4% were female. The greatest number of them were in their 40s(38.9%). 86.5% were married, and 34.2% were self-employed. 44% were a high-school graduate, and the monthly mean income of 59.4% was one to three million Won. And, the residential area of 46.8%, the largest percentage, was a half-an-hour distance from health Promotion center. 2. The most common motivation of their selection of the health Promotion center was a recommendation by Staff and neighborhood(59.7%), followed by excellent facilities and services(17.2%), the tradition and reputation of the hospital(7.5%), and its publicity pamphlets(7.5%). 3. 45.9%, the largest percentage, acquired health-related information from their friends or acquaintances. 43.8%, the greatest percentage, visited there because they felt there's something wrong with their body. 53.4% worried about the possibility of being attacked by cancer, and 57.5% wanted to take a precise cancer examination. For health maintenance, 50.1% got regular exercise. Regular exercise was considered most crucial for health maintenance or promotion. 4. The largest reason they used that examination center again was the kindness of employees(52.7%), followed by the tradition and reputation of the hospital(21%) and excellent examination setting and equipment(10.8%). 5. By demographic factor, there was no significant difference between the man and women in satisfaction level with examination and expenses. The women expressed more satisfaction at facilities, and the high-school graduate group were more contented with expenses. 6. As a result of investigating their satisfaction level according to the motivation of selecting that examination center, the group that chose the center due to excellent facilities and services were more satisfied with examination and expenses. 7. As for the relationship of total examination satisfaction to revisit. intention, there was a higher correlational relationship between total health examination satisfaction and expense satisfaction. Especially, the more they were satisfied with examination, the more they were willing to revisit there for another examination.

      • KCI등재

        일부 지역아동센터 구강건강증진 프로그램 운영 횟수에 따른 효과 비교 연구

        김희경,배수명,신선정,류다영,손정희,엄미란,신보미,이민선,김은주,최용금,Kim, Hee-Kyoung,Bae, Soo-Myoung,Shin, Sun-Jung,Ryu, Da-Young,Son, Jung-Hue,Eom, Mi-Ran,Shin, Bo-Mi,Lee, Min-Sun,Kim, Eun-Ju,Choi, Yong-Keum 한국치위생학회 2011 한국치위생학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Objectives : The aim of study is the comparison of effect in oral health education frequency and contents for elementary school students from a part of community child center to run and suggest a practical and effective oral health promotion program for local community child center. Methods : The program has been running for 4 trials in G district in Seoul and 2 trials has been conducted in S city in Gyung gi province. The comparison was done in independent samples test of awareness, knowledge and behavior of children of community child center in both G district and S City and paired t-test was conducted before and after oral health promotion program to find out those same 3 items. Results : As a result, after the comparison of plaque control score of Oral health promotion program frequency, significantly better result was show in 4 trial program with 55.3 score(p<0.05), No significant result of plaque control score was shown in 2 trail program(p>0.05). Conclusions : As a result of the Oral Health Promotion program which has been conducted in 2 different session type, knowledge, awareness and behaviour has been changed, however, There were no significant difference between Oral health education frequency of those two different program. Also with the result of Plaque control score of those two programs were not satisfying level. Therefore, in conclusion, the management and operation of the Oral Health Promotion program is needed and it must be based on health promotion which it would change the behavior and attitude of the children.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        COVID-19 시기 여성 독거노인의 건강체험

        김희경(Hee Kyung Kim),김현경(Hyun Kyoung Kim),박철희(Chul Hee Park) 한국노인간호학회 2023 노인간호학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the health-management experiences of older women living alone during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic through the photovoice method. The research question was as follows: “What were the physical, psychological, and social health management experiences of older women living alone during COVID-19?” Methods: Data collection was conducted by a photovoice method. We visited the homes of 8 participants aged from 80 to 89 years old in the city of Daejeon between June 23 and July 14, 2022 using purposive sampling. Results: As a result of the photovoice study, 125 photos, 15 sub-themes, and four themes were derived. The first theme was “loneliness deepened by COVID-19”, which consisted of the following sub-themes: “lack of communication due to COVID-19”, “staying in nature”, and “aggravated loneliness during COVID-19”. The second theme was “difficulty getting out of the residence”, which included the following sub-themes: “relief stress from COVID-19”, frustrated by the difficulty of going out”, “decreased orientation and going out less frequently”, and “avoiding going out for fear of falling”. The third theme was “health-care lost”, which involved the following sub-themes: “silence as giving up on life”, “asthenia due to lack of appetite”, “painful body”, “many medications and poor health”, and “treatment that doesn't help”. The last theme was “something to depend on during COVID-19”, which consisted of the following subthemes: “gratitude to care givers”, “longing for a bereaved family”, and “precarious place of residence”. Conclusion: Older women living alone experienced aggravated vulnerability and difficulty with health management due to a lack of social support during the COVID-19 period. This study suggests the need for a social safety network and vividly reveals the necessity of caregivers’ support and policy assistance for socially vulnerable populations.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 노년에 대한 인류학 연구의 이론적 정향 검토

        김희경 ( Hee Kyoung Kim ) 한국문화인류학회 2014 韓國文化人類學 Vol.47 No.3

        본 연구는 지금까지 실시되어 온 노년에 대한 인류학 연구의 이론적 정향을 비판적으로 검토해 보고자 하였다. 그리하여 인구고령화가 보편화되고 있는 현대사회에서 노년에 대한 인류학 연구가 나아가야 할 방향을 모색해 보았다. 본 연구는 지금까지 노년을 다루어 온 연구들을 크게 노인문화를 탐색한 연구, 사회분화의 원리로서 연령에 주목한 연구, 노년의 근대적 구성에 대한 연구로 분류하여 각 연구경향의 특징과 장점 그리고 한계를 살펴보았다. 검토 결과, 노인의 목소리에 귀를 기울여야 한다는 초기 인류학의 주장은 여전히 중요하지만, 노인들을‘사회적 문제집단’으로 타자화하는 시각에서 벗어나야 할 필요가 있으며 노인뿐 아니라 노년을 구성하는 다양한 세력들로 논의를 확장시킬 필요가 있다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. 사회집단 분화원리로서 연령을 다룬 연구들은 노화의 경험에 영향을 주는 보다 광범위한 주제들과 접목을 시도했지만, 노년에 대한 본격적인 논의로까지 발전하지는 못했다. 한편 노년에 대한 근대적 구성에 대한 연구들은 노년에 대한 논의를 지식·담론의 생산, 주체의 구성, 의료화라는 굵직한 주제와 접목시키고 있다는 점에서 매우 유용한 관점을 제시하고 있지만 노인들과 의사, 정치가, 기업가, 공무원 등 다양한 행위자와의 역동적인 관계를 제대로 파악하지 못하고 있다는 점에서 한계를 보여 주고 있다. 따라서 앞으로의 연구에서는 노년에 대해 폭발적으로 증가하는 사회적 관심과 의학지식이 인간의 삶에 미친 포괄적 영향과 고령사회에 살면서 얻게 된 통찰을 기반으로 사람들은 다시 기술과 지식, 담론을 어떻게 변화시키고 있는지 그 역동에 주목할 필요가 있다. This study aims to examine the theoretical trend of anthropological studies on the culture of the elderly, and suggests a future direction for anthropological studies of the elderly in a society with a rapidly aging population. Early anthropologists who mainly paid attention to listening to the voice of the elderly generally overlooked why the elderly were labeled in modern society as a‘problematic group.’Therefore, these studies treated the elderly as the socially weak or as‘the Other’that should be studied. By contrast, in recent researches, the researchers have focused on various agents who subjectify the elderly as problematic beings. However, such researches generally deal with the history and production of discourse and knowledge, and do not give much attention to the dynamics between the elderly and various agents in the field. In order to overcome such limitations, I claim that a more in-depth examination about the process of creating new rules on the elderly is needed. Additionally, I suggest that researchers should focus on how the elderly break up and reassemble the professional discourse and knowledge in their own way.

      • KCI등재

        미조구치 겐지 영화에 나타난 게이샤의 표상 ― 전후(戰後)의 기온이야기《기원잡자(祇園雜子)》를 중심으로 ―

        김희경 ( Hee Kyoung Kim ) 한국일본어교육학회 2015 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.72

        日本映畵の巨匠の一人として呼ばれている溝口健二は、新派悲劇から女性解放の映畵に至るまで樣ケな形式の映畵 を創造してきた監督であり、日本國內はもちろんのこと世界的にも名監督として認められ、映畵史に大きな足跡を殘した 巨匠として評兩されている。彼は日本が近代化を成就する段階においても、依然として嚴存している前近代的家父長制と 資本主義が生んだ日本社會の暗い面に注目しながら、そのような狀況の中で女性が男性の出世と家族の生計を維持する ために、自らを犧牲する生き方にカメラアングルの焦点を合わせている。 特に彼は、芸者のような下層階級の女性たちの生き方と社會的關係を執拗に畵面に收めている。溝口健二の作品の 中には``祇園``を背景にした幾つかの作品があるが、それは彼自身が芸者のような社會のどん底に生きている女性たちに 興味を持ってきたこともあるが、芸者であった自分のお姉さんの存在による獨特な個人史によるものでもあるだろう。 本稿では1953年に製作された作品《祇園雜子》を通じて戰後の日本の社會の中で``祇園``という空間を生活の基盤と して生きている三人の芸者と彼女たちの關係、また祇園の芸者たちに予えられる社會的な差別と視線を調べてみた。溝 口健二は自分の作品でよく扱ってきた女性たち、特に社會のどん底で生きていく下層階級の女性の生活と運命とを《祇 園雜子》でもそのまま採用している。戰後に製作されたこの映畵ではアプレゲ-ルである榮子と卽成世代である美代春の 世代間の葛藤さえなければ映畵の雰耕氣や登場人物たちの生き方は1936年に製作された《祇園の姉妹》と驚くほど似 ている。ただ榮子の若しい行動と言い方から時代的な背景が戰後であることを推測することができるだけである。さらに 芸者を扱っていた以前の作品での前近代性の家父長制と男性中心社會を告發し、抵抗したヒロインの堂とした姿の代 わりに《祇園雜子》はそのような社會や制度に妥協したり、または現實に挫折して順應してしまう芸者美代春と榮子の姿 を描いている。 このように溝口健二は、日本の社會で神秘化されてきた芸者の隱蔽された虛像を表わして、ヒロインが希望を捨てて 現實と妥協し、そのような妥協が選擇の余地のない芸者の運命に對する順應という圖式を示している。すなわち、戰後の 日本社會の中での芸者のような下層階級に置かれている女性の地位と生活は依然として戰前とあまり變わらないことを 言っていることを知ることができる。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        유학생의 학문적 문식성 수업 연구 - 분석과 비판 수준의 활동을 중심으로 -

        김희경 ( Kim Hee-kyoung ) 한성대학교 한성어문학회 2018 漢城語文學 Vol.38 No.-

        국내 대학에서 수학하는 유학생이 증가하면서 높은 수준의 한국어능력을 함양해 실제적인 학업 수행에 필요한 한국어 교육을 요구하는 학생들도 늘고 있다. 그런데 기존의 학문 목적 한국어 교육의 목표는 ‘이해, 적용’ 수준의 사고 활동에 집중되어 있다. 이와 달리 내국인 대학생의 (한)국어 교과에서는 비판적, 종합적 사고력을 크게 강조하고 있다. 이는 내국인 대학생과 같은 교과 과정에서 수학해야 하는 유학생 수업에서 분석, 평가(비판)와 같은 고등의 사고 발달이 도외시되고 있음을 보여준다. 이에 유학생의 학문적 문식성 수업에서도 다원적으로 목표 설정이 필요한 상황임을 지적하지 않을 수 없다. 본고에서는 문어 중심으로 학업 활동이 이뤄지는 대학에서의 학업 상황을 고려하여 학문적 문식성 수업에서 분석, 평가(비판) 활동으로써 사고력을 신장하는 방안을 모색 하였다. 제시한 모형에 따라 동료 텍스트나 다른 텍스트를 대상으로 분석, 평가(비판)의 문식 활동을 한 결과를 함께 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 유학생의 학문적 문식성 수업에서도 사고력을 신장하는 분석과 평가(비판) 활동이 가능함을 확인하였다. The number of the students from abroad in Korean universities is increasing, and the variation in their Korean language ability is found to be getting larger. Some students suffer from such hardships as postponing their education and giving up on their learning due to a deficiency in the Korean language as a means for college academic ability. In this respect, the number of students who want the Korean language education increases, much as they want to acquire a higher level of Korean language proficiency so that they can fulfill the practical academic tasks. When the objects of Korean Language education for the purpose of performing academic tasks are examined, based on such objective criteria as the objective standards, or the internationally acceptable Korean language education models, it can be found that the goals for the Korean language acquisition focuses on the level of thinking activities only for its ‘understanding’ and ‘use’. When it is compared with the level of thinking required for the skills in practical college education, a large gap is found. The Korean Language classes for the native students stress the critical and extensive thinking. However, in the language classes for the international students such higher thinking activities as ‘analysis’ and ‘criticism’ are ignored even though they also have to study in the same curriculum with the korean students. Therefore, It should also be aimed at analyzing and criticizing activities in the academic literacy classes for the international students. In this study, the characteristics of academic literacy classes in order to develop the students’ abilities for ‘analysis’ and ‘criticism’ are investigated in the concept of Korean language as a tool for the purpose of scholarship as having the same value as that for academic literacy. In the activities for the academic literacy, such class examples are suggested as to repeat the training for analysis in order to enhance the students’ analytical abilities, and to repeat the training for the feedback (criticism) based on the knowledge as its standard. In this investigation, the analytical abilities and the abilities for the feedback (criticism) are confirmed.

      • KCI등재

        일부 치과위생사의 방사선 질관리에 관한 지식, 태도 및 행위

        김희경 ( Hee Kyoung Kim ),김혜영 ( Hae Young Kim ),박지일 ( Ji Il Park ),임희정 ( Hee Jung Lim ),홍수민 ( Su Min Hong ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2010 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.34 No.2

        Objectives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the awareness of dental hygienists about the quality assurance of radiation and activities to improve and ensure radiograph quality. Methods. A self-administered questionnaire was implemented among 205 dental hygienists who worked at general hospitals, dental offices, and dental clinics in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province from September to October, 2009. Results. The hygienists scored a mean of 7.0±2.22 out of 15 for knowledge of quality control in radiation. For attitude to quality control, they got 75.5 out of 100 points. Quality assurance behavior, scored 41.9 out of 100 points. Dental hygienists with extra education on quality assurance (p=0.001) and were better at it (p=0.003) had a better knowledge score, and those with higher self-rated quality assurance (p=0.006) and those with higher knowledge score (p<.0001) showed a more positive attitude toward quality control. Conclusions. Boosting radiation quality assurance among dental hygienists requires programs to improve, knowledge and incentives to focus attention on quality control and job performance.

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