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      • KCI등재

        Complete genome sequence of Sphingobium sp. strain PAMC 28499 reveals a potential for degrading pectin with comparative genomics approach

        So‑Ra Han,Sung‑Min Jang,Young Min Chi,Byeollee Kim,정상희,Yung Mi Lee,Jun Uetake,Jun Hyuck Lee,Hyun Park,오태진 한국유전학회 2020 Genes & Genomics Vol.42 No.9

        Background Spingobium sp. PAMC 28499 is isolated from the glaciers of Uganda. Uganda is a unique region where hot areas and glaciers coexist, with a variety of living creatures surviving, but the survey on them is very poor. The genetic character and complete genome information of Sphingobium strains help with environmental studies and the development of better to enzyme industry. Objective In this study, complete genome sequence of Spingobium sp. PAMC 28499 and comparative analysis of Spingobium species strains isolated from variety of the region. Methods Genome sequencingwas performed using PacBio sequel single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing technology. The predicted gene sequences were functionally annotated and gene prediction was carried out using the program NCBI nonredundant database. And using dbCAN2 and KEGG data base were degradation pathway predicted and protein prediction about carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes). Results The genome sequence has 64.5% GC content, 4432 coding protein coding genes, 61 tRNAs, and 12 rRNA operons. Its genome encodes a simple set of metabolic pathways relevant to pectin and its predicted degradation protein an unusual distribution of CAZymes with extracellular esterases and pectate lyases. CAZyme annotation analyses revealed 165 genes related to carbohydrate active, and especially we have found GH1, GH2, GH3, GH38, GH35, GH51, GH51, GH53, GH106, GH146, CE12, PL1 and PL11 such as known pectin degradation genes from Sphingobium yanoikuiae. These results confrmed that this Sphingobium sp. strain PAMC 28499 have similar patterns to RG I pectin-degrading pathway. Conclusion In this study, isolated and sequenced the complete genome of Spingobium sp. PAMC 28499. Also, this strain has comparative genome analysis. Through the complete genome we can predict how this strain can store and produce energy in extreme environment. It can also provide bioengineered data by fnding new genes that degradation the pectin

      • KCI등재

        Effect of By-Product Gypsum Fertilizer on Methane Gas Emissions and Rice Productivity in Paddy Field

        Jun-Hong Park,Yeon-Kyu Sonn,Myung-Suk Kong,Yong-Seon Zhang,Sang-Jo Park,Jong-Gun Won,Suk-Hee Lee,Dong-Hwan Seo,So-Deuk Park,Jang-Eok Kim 한국토양비료학회 2016 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.49 No.1

        Rice cultivation in paddy field affects the global balance of methane (CH₄) as a key greenhouse gas. To evaluate a potential use of by-product gypsum fertilizer (BGF) in reducing CH₄ emission from paddy soil, CH₄ fluxes from a paddy soil applied with BGF different levels (0, 2, 4 and 8 Mg ha<SUP>-1</SUP>) were investigated by closed-chamber method during rice cultivation period. CH₄ flux significantly decreased (p<0.05) with increasing level of BGF application. 8 Mg ha<SUP>-1</SUP> of BGF addition in soil reduced CH₄ flux by 60.6% compared to control. Decreased soil redox potential (Eh) resulted in increasing CH₄ emission through a CO₂ reduction reaction. The concentrations of dissolved calcium (Ca) and sulfate ion (SO₄<SUP>2-</SUP>) in soil pore water were significantly increased as the application rate of BGF increased and showed negatively correlations with CH₄ flux. Decreased CH₄ flux with BGF application implied that SO₄<SUP>2-</SUP> ion led to decreases in electron availability for methanogen and precipitation reaction of Ca ion with inorganic carbon including carbonate and bicarbonate as a source of CH₄ formation under anoxic condition. BGF application also increased rice grain yield by 16% at 8 Mg ha<SUP>-1</SUP> of BGF addition. Therefore, our results suggest that BGF application can be a good soil management practice to reduce CH₄ emission from paddy soil and to increase rice yield.

      • 일반논문 : 통신자료제공제도(전기통신사업법 제83조 제3항)의 문제점과 개선방안 -ISP에 대한 수사기관의 통신자료제공 요청과 이용자의 정보인권 보장을 중심으로

        김소리 ( So Ri Kim ),이수진 ( Su Jin Lee ),임효준 ( Hyo Jun Im ) 서울대학교 BK21 법학연구단 공익인권법연구센터 2013 공익과 인권 Vol.13 No.-

        이 연구에서는, 수사기관이 이용자의 인적사항 등을 요청하면 전기통신사업자가 이에 응할 수있도록 한 ‘통신자료제공제도(전기통신사업법 제83조 제3항)’의 문제점과 개선방안에 대해 논한다. 이 제도에 대한 논란은 2010년부터 본격화되기 시작했으며, 2012년에 있었던 헌법재판소 결정과 고등법원 판결로 인해 사회적 이슈로 떠올랐다. 통신자료제공제도의 활용 건수는 매년 큰 폭으로 증가하는 추세이다. 이런 현상의 본질적인 이유는 ISP(인터넷서비스제공자)가 수사기관의 요청에 대해 예외 없이 통신자료를 제공하고 있다는 사실에 있다. 현행법상으로 통신자료제공 여부를 결정하는 주체는 법원이 아닌 ISP다. 그러나 ISP는 이러한 결정을 할 역량이 부족할 뿐더러 거절 시 받게 될 수사기관으로부터의 압박에서 자유롭지 못하다. 이 때문에 통신자료제공제도는 법문상 ‘재량적’으로 규정되어 있음에도 불구하고 사실상 ‘강제적’으로 운용되고 있다. ‘정보의 유통에 대한 개인의 통제권’을 그 주요 내용으로 하는 정보인권은 새로운 영역의 권리를 보편적 권리로 격상시킨 ‘새로운 인권담론’이며, 동시에 기존의 인권담론과 그 맥락을 같이하고 있는 ‘기본적 인권’이다. 특히 정보와 관련된 권리들이 기존의 권력관계와 맞물리며 작동할 수밖에 없다는 점에서 정보인권을 소수자 문제와 연결지어 생각할 필요가 있다. 통신자료제공제도에서 쟁점이 되는 정보인권은 익명표현의 자유와 개인정보자기결정권이다. 우선 통신자료제공제도는 2012년 위헌 결정이 내려진 ‘제한적 본인확인제(일명 인터넷 실명제)’와 마찬가지로 익명 표현의 자유를 침해한다. 이는 익명 표현의 자유라는 이용자의 개인적 권리를 침해하는 것에서 더 나아가 이용자의 자유로운 의사표현을 바탕으로 여론을 형성하는 ISP의 언론의 자유 또한 제한하는 결과를 낳는다. 그 외에도 통신자료제공제도는 개인정보자기결정권을 근본적으로 침해한다. ISP가 제공하는 통신자료는 이용자의 개인정보에 해당한다. 그러나 이를 제공함에 있어 정보주체인 이용자의 동의를 요구하는 등의 사전개입절차가 없고, 사후통지절차 또한 미비하다. 민감한 개인정보에 대하여 그 어떤 통제장치도 마련되고 있지 않은 것은 기타 유사한 제도와 비교해 보았을 때도 불합리한 것으로 평가된다. 그러므로 통신자료제공제도는 폐지 또는 개정되어야 한다. 우선 ‘수사기관의 통신자료 취득행위’를 대상으로 헌법소원심판을 청구함으로써, 부수적 규범통제에 의해 통신자료제공제도 자체에 대한 위헌결정을 받아내는 방법이 있다. 이와 달리 입법론적으로는 이 제도를 삭제하거나 수정하는 방법도 생각해볼 수 있다. 우리가 상정하는 새로운 입법안은 영장주의를 기본원칙으로 채택하고, 이용자의 사전개입절차 및 사후통지절차를 마련하는 것을 그 내용으로 한다. 통신자료제공제도는 어디까지나 ‘통신비밀 누설 금지 원칙’의 예외에 해당한다. 그럼에도 지금과 같이 주객이 전도된 상태가 방치되고 있는 것에는, 정보인권 침해에 대해 미온적인 태도를 보이고 있는 국가의 잘못이 크다. 국가가 나서지 않는다면 이 제도의 잠정적 피해자인 국민들이라도 나서야 한다. 정보인권이야 말로 새로운 민주주의를 위하여 다시 한 번 쟁취해 내야 할 우리의 ‘인권’이기 때문이다. This paper deals with the problems and improvement plans of the Communication Data Provision System(Telecommunications Business Act §83-3) which allows ISP (Internet Service Provider) to provide users` personal data when requested by investigation agencies. The controversy over this system kicked into high gear in 2010 and became a main social issue after the decision of the Constitutional Court and the ruling of the High Court in 2012. The use of the Communication Data Provision System has considerably increased year by year. This trend largely originates from the reality that ISP provides investigation agencies with users` personal data with few exceptions. Under current law, it is not the Court but ISP that decides if providing users` personal data is approved or not. However, ISP does not have enough ability to make such decision; moreover it cannot avoid the pressure that investigation agencies may exert especially when ISP refuses to provide data. Because of this, although the law leaves the provision of user`s personal data ‘to discretion’, the Communication Data Provision System is more likely to be operated ‘by force’. The discourse about information human rights, which defines the individual`s control over the distribution of information as its core content, has contributed to newly raising the status of information human rights up to the stream of the universal rights. Also it has served as the discourse about ‘fundamental human rights’ which extend the realm of the previous human rights discourse. Especially given that information-related rights are not free from the existing power relations, we have to further consider minority-related issues with regard to information human rights. The freedom of anonymous speech and the right to informational self-determination are the two issues mainly discussed about information human rights with regard to the Communication Data Provision System. First, the Communication Data Provision System can infringe the freedom of anonymous speech, similar to the Restrictive Identification System(the so-called Internet Real-name System) which was ruled unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court in 2012. This can breach not only the user`s individual rights, the freedom of anonymous speech, but also ISP`s freedom of speech that makes ISP shape public opinion based on users` free expression of opinion. In addition, the Communication Data Provision System fundamentally infringes the right to informational self-determination. The communication data provided by the ISP is the user`s personal information. However, there is no proceeding for users` prior intervention, such as requesting process for users` consent, nor is there any follow-up proceeding to notify the users. Given the other similar systems, the absence of control system whatsoever on such sensitive personal information can be problematic. Therefore, this paper argues that the Communication Data Provision System should be abolished or revised. The first alternative to the present system is to file a petition in an attempt to get a decision of unconstitutionality on the Communication Data Provision system from the Constitutional Court. By filing a constitutional appeal against the investigation agency`s ‘acquisition’ of communication data, the system can be found unconstitutional through incidental norm control(Incidenter-Kontrolle). Secondly, the statement that this system should be deleted or revised can be supported by the principle of legislation. The new legislation bill projected in this study includes warrant requirement as a basic principle as well as user`s prior intervention proceedings and follow-up notice proceedings. The Communication Data Provision System has been exempted from the basic principle, ‘prohibition of communication secrets` leakage’. The main reason why this preposterous situation still exist is closely related to the lukewarm attitude of the government toward the information of information right. If the government does not take any measures, then at least the citizens, the potential victims of this system, should do so. Information human rights is the ‘human rights’ that we should strive again to achieve for a new democracy.

      • 불소계 투광성 고분자 중간체(FCAF)의 합성

        김광한,소원욱,박인준,문상진,이수복 한국공업화학회 2003 응용화학 Vol.7 No.2

        고부가치의 불소계 투광성 고분자는 반사방지 필름, 반도체 보호필름, POF(plastic optical fiber) 및 섬유 가공제 등 광관련 소재산업에 폭넓게 사용되고 있어 최근 이에 대한 연구가 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 발연황산(SO₃/H₂SO₄)을 이용한 DCIPFB(1,2-dichloro perfluoro butyl iodide)의 산화반응에 의해 대표적인 불소계 투광성 고분자인 Cytop 중간체의 하나인 FCAF(fluorinated chloro acyl fluoride) 합성시 반응온도 등의 대표적인 실험변수에 따른 FCAF의 합성특성을 고찰하였다. 그 결과 반응온도 및 반응시간의 증가와 더불어 DCIPFB의 전환율은 증가하였으나 FCAF의 선택율은 감소하였다. 이 때 생성물의 정성 및 정량분석을 위하여 GC/MS 및 GC를 사용하였다.

      • 청주공항 주변지역의 항공기 소음 실태 조사

        신택수,연익준,김창환,주소영,김광렬 충북대학교 건설기술연구소 2002 建設技術論文集 Vol.21 No.2

        The present study is aimed to survey the aircraft noise around Cheongju International Airport, so the survey on the aircraft noise was undertaken from July 7 to July 13, 2002 continuously. As a result, it was found that number of passing aircrafts and WECPNL value per day are different with days of the week. On Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday the influence of aircraft noise was lower than that on Tuesday and Thursday. The aircraft noise level of three residential areas around the airport was examined. The noise levels of 1.2km, 1.0km and 4.0km away from the airport runway were 74.7, 83.3, 67.7 WECPNL respectively. It was found that there is little affect of noise on residential life in two surveyed areas, but in the other area, noise is so loud that it should be anticipated to be noise damaged area.

      • HSS STI-CMP적용을 위한이중 패드의 최적화

        서용진,박성우,김철복,정소용,이경진,김기욱,박창준 대불대학교 2002 大佛大學校大學院 硏究論文集 Vol.- No.1

        As the device geometry shrinks to the deep submicron region, chemical mechanical polishing(CMP) planarization become a more essential technique of advanced ULSI process. Also, CMP process was required for the global planarization of inter-metal dielectric(IMD), inter-level dielectric(ILD) layers and interconnections with free-defect. Especially, the complete global planarization of IMD, ILD and interconnections can be achieved only with the CMP process. However, as the IMD and ILD layer gets thinner, several problems were found in the CMP process. It does have various problems such as dishing effect, torn oxide defects and nitride residues in oxide. So, it leads to severe circuit failure, which affects yield. In this paper, we studied the characteristics of polishing pad, which can apply STI-CMP process for global planarization of multilevel interconnection structure. Also, we investigated the effects of different sets of polishing pad, such as soft and hard pad. As an experimental result, hard pad showed center-fast type, and soft pad showed edge-fast type. Totally, the defect level has shown little difference, however, the counts of scratch was defected less than 2 on JR111 pad. Through the above result, we can select optimum polishing pad, so we can expect the improvement of throughput and device yield.

      • KCI등재

        Preliminary Guidelines for the Clinical Evaluation and Management of Long COVID

        Kim Yoonjung,Kim Seong Eun,Kim Tark,Yun Ki Wook,Lee So Hee,Lee Eunjung,Seo Jun-Won,Jung Young Hee,Chong Yong Pil 대한감염학회 2022 Infection and Chemotherapy Vol.54 No.3

        Long-lasting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) symptoms beyond 12 weeks, the so-called ‘long COVID’ have been increasingly reported worldwide. Long COVID can be manifested in various forms, and there is an increasing demand for proper assessment and management. However, it is challenging when trying to determine the best-practice standards of care based on the current evidence because there is no internationally agreed clinical definition or clear treatment pathway. Therefore, the present guidelines have been drafted to provide advice on diagnosis and management based on the latest updated available evidence and the consensus of expert opinion. So far, no standard test and drug treatment can be strongly recommended for patients with long COVID because of a lack of evidence. The present guidelines provide advice based on 12 key questions, including appropriate interventions for long COVID that can be used in clinical practice. Continuous careful observation and studies related to long COVID are needed for the long-term impact of COVID-19 and proper management for long COVID to be determined.

      • KCI등재

        경희의료원 제3 중환자실(동서협진중환자실)에 입원한 89명의 중증 급성기 뇌경색 환자에 대한 임상적 고찰

        허홍,소형진,임주혁,조인영,이혜영,민경윤,류재환,이범준,Heo, Hong,So, Hyung-Jin,Im, Ju-Hyuk,Cho, In-Young,Lee, Hae-Yong,Min, Kyoung-Yoon,Ryu, Jae-Hwan,Lee, Beom-Jun 대한한방내과학회 2007 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.28 No.4

        Objects : To gain better insights of East-west integrated treatment of ischemic stroke. We analyzed 89 patients with severe acute ischemic stroke who were admitted to the East-west integrated intensive care unit. Methods : Subjects enrollment was from the East-west integrated intensive care unit of Kyung Hee Medical Center from March 2006 to February 2007. Patients were admitted within 14 days after the onset of ischemic stroke. We assessed the subjects' general characteristics, risk factors, admitting routes and periods, diagnostic imaging, process of western treatment and Korean traditional treatment, complication and consequence. Results : The proportion of males was 50.6%, of females 49.4%, average age was male 66.0$\pm$10.3 and female 71.1$\pm$10.5. Average length of hospital stays was 19.5 days. Monthly admissions were highest in November and December. The admission route was through emergency room (61.8%) or ward (34.8%). Mean Glasgow coma scale score was 10.0$\pm$2.5, average time from symptom of onset to hospital admission was 2.3$\pm$2.2 days. Dominant ischemic vascular territory was middle cerebral artery (66.3%). Initial western treatment was argatroban (22.5%), urokinase (28.1%), and heparinization (38.2%). Distribution of Sasang constitution of So-yang to Tae-eum to So-eum was equal to 5.4 to 2.9 to 1.5. Major complications were observed in 40 (42.7%) patients. In hospital mortality was 12.4% (11 deaths), all of them caused by aggravation of neurological deficit and only 3 of them with major complications. There appears to be a significant positive relationship between length of hospital stay and occurrence of complications (P<0.05). After discharge from the ICU, 64 (71.9%) patients were improved, 11 (12.4%) patients had expired, and 14 (15.8%) patients were transferred. Conclusions : From this study, we suggest that patients with severe acute ischemic stroke should be treated with East-west integrated therapy for more favorable consequences and decreased mortality.

      • KCI등재

        장기저장 미곡의 성분 변화 특성

        소규호,김영수,홍재식,정준영,조재민 한국식품영양학회 1999 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.12 No.4

        미곡의 장기저장에 따른 이화학적 특성의 변화를 조사하여 효율적인 저장방법을 구명하기 위한 기초적 자료를 제공하기 위해 4년간 조곡상태의 미곡 50가마니를 상온 창고에서 저장하면서 성분 변화를 조사하였다. 고내 온도의 변화는 계절에 따라 35℃ 정도였다. 미곡의 수분함량은 저장기간 동안 15% 이상으로 증가한 적이 없어 비교적 안전하였으나 곡온이 18℃이상 유지되는 매년 6월부터 9월까지의 4개월 동안은 고내 습도의 상승과 함께 미질 저하를 일으킬 수 있는 저장 위험 기간이었다. 저장기간 중의 환원당, amylose 함량, 조단백의 변화를 조사한 결과 각각 입고시 0.24%, 19.23%, 7.02%에서 4년간 저장후 각각 0.5%, 20.31%, 7.46%로 증가하는 경향이었다. 저장미의 amylogram 특성을 조사한 결과 저장 기간이 길어짐에 따라 최고 점도, 최종 점도 및 setback은 입고시 각각 449B.U, 610B.U, 161B.U에서 4년 후 493B.U, 715B.U, 222B.U로 높아졌다. 반면에 Breakdown은 입고시 125B.U에서 4년 후 76B.U로 낮아졌다. 저장미의 호화응집성(gel consistency)은 입고시 44.7mm에서 4년후 39.9mm로 감소하였으며 지방산도는 입고시 4.5KOH㎎/100g에서 4년 저장후 각각 24.4KOH㎎/100g로 증가하였다. 배아율과 배아활성은 각각 97%, 100%에서 4년 후 각각 0%, 0.4%로 감소하였다. 한편 미곡에 착생한 미생물상의 변화를 조사한 결과 저장기간이 길어짐에 따라 세균 착생립수는 감소하고 곰팡이의 착생립수는 다소 증가하는 경향이었다. In order to investigate the changes of rice qualities during 4 years storage of paddy stored in warehouse of normal temperature condition. Temperature in warehouse was changed more than 30℃ under the influence of average temperature outside of a warehouse. Water content of paddy was not increased over 15%. But, as average temperature in wasehouse was gone up 18℃ from June to September every years, it was supposed that these periods were to be deterioration of rice quality. On investigation of change in paddy components during the long term storage, reducing sugar, amylose, crude protein were increased 0.24%, 19.23%, 7.02% at enterance time to 0.5%, 20.31%, 7.46% 4 years later, respectively. Max. viscosity, final visocity and set back value by amylograph were increased 449B.U, 610B.U, 161B.U to 493B.U, 715B.U, 222B.U but breakdown was decreased 125B.U to 76B.U with the increase of storage period. Gel consistency of rice stored was decreased 44.7mm at enterance time to 39.9mm 4 years later. Fatty acid was increased remarkably 4.5KOH㎎/100g to 24.4KOH㎎/100g. Germination ratio and germ activity of paddy during long-term storage were decreased 97%, 100% to 0%, 0.4%, respectively. With the increase of storage period, contaminated paddy by molds increased and its by bacteria decreased.

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