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        국내 참외의 수확 후 관리 및 포장기술 연구

        김정수(Jung-Soo Kim),최홍열(Hong-Ryul Choi),정대성(Dae-Sung Chung),이윤석(YounSuk Lee) 한국원예학회 2010 원예과학기술지 Vol.28 No.5

        본 총론은 주로 더운 여름에 집중 출하되고 있는 국내 참외에 대한 소비 판매 증대를 위한 품질개선을 위한 수확 후 관리 기술 및 포장재 적용 현황을 고찰하였다. 최근 재배 생산, 유통, 판매 측면에서 고품질 참외 상품화를 위한 수확 후 선별, 예냉, 저장, 유통, 포장 등 다양한 전처리 과정을 통한 과실 품질의 많은 향상을 보이고 있다. 참외 저장은 품종에 따라 다르겠지만 일반적으로 90-95% 상대습도에 7-10℃ 온도의 저온 조건이 적당하며, 수확된 참외의 고품질 유지를 위하여 저온 장해를 받는 온도 조건에서 보관해서는 안 된다. 수확 후 에틸렌의 발생을 억제를 위한 1-MCP 처리, 활성물질을 가지는 기능성 포장재, 참외의 호흡률을 고려한 CA저장 및 MA 포장은 2-3% 산소 및 5-10% 이산화탄소조건이 참외의 적정 저장 조건으로 볼 수 있다. 이러한 수확 후 관리 처리 기술의 적용 등은 참외 품질 유지와 저장 기간을 늘일 수 있을 것으로 기대되며, 특히 유통 및 저장에서 취급 중 발생할 수 있는 상품성 저하에 대해 효과적이며 안정적으로 적용할 수 있다. 현재 고품질 참외 제품에 대한 다양한 첨단 선도유지 처리 기술이 연구 진행되고 있지만 품종, 수확시기, 그리고 판매 환경조건 등을 고려한 연구가 필요하며, 국내 참외의 국제 경쟁력을 가지기 위하여 해외 제품과의 브랜드 차별화를 위한 전략적인 연구가 지속적으로 필요하다고 판단된다. Oriental melon (Cucumis melo var. makuwa) is a popular and high-value market fruit cultivated in Korea. Consumers are becoming increasingly interested in oriental melon as a healthy diet over the past few years. However, the melons have relatively high quality loss because the fruit are mainly produced for a limited period of time in the summer season. Lack of the proper postharvest treatments and high temperature exposure at harvest or during distribution are the most critical environmental factors limiting postharvest life of fruit. This review focuses on the overview of current research studies for postharvest treatment and functional packaging technology of oriental melon in Korea. Major physiological problems of the harvest fruit include the ripening process in quality changes of the produce such as loss of weight, firmness, flavor, and decay during the storage periods. Low temperature at 7 to 10℃ with high relative humidity of 90 to 95% is the suitable environmental condition used to maintain the quality of fresh oriental melon. Controlled atmosphere (CA) storage or modified atmosphere (MA) packaging can be used as supplemental treatments to extend postharvest-life. For oriental melon, an optimum CA is currently recommended to be 2-3% oxygen and 5-10% carbon dioxide atmosphere. Precooling, pretreatments of ethylene action and functional packaging system can be applied to oriental melon after harvest in order to extend storage life. Major active packaging technologies are concerned with a selectively gas permeable film related to respiration of produce and the packaging applications of ethylene removal, antimicrobial, and antifogging substances to keep the effective freshness of fruit.

      • KCI등재

        포도 수확후 관리기술 최근 연구 동향

        장성호(Seongho Jang),이승구(Seung Koo Lee) 한국원예학회 2009 원예과학기술지 Vol.27 No.3

        The grape has been classified as a non-climacteric fruit with a relatively low physiological activity. However, some studies report that transient increase of endogenous ethylene production occurs just before verasion. Major problems after harvest include stem browning, berry shattering, wilting of berry, and gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea. The grape is stored at -1 to 0℃ with 90 to 95% RH. Constant low temperature and high RH are important to control water loss and decay. Preharvest applications of chitosan, abscisic acid, ethephon, or ethanol improve grape quality (skin color, decay, and weight loss) and shelf-life. Chitosan, UV irradiation, eugenol or thymol, sulfur dioxide, and chlorine dioxide gas are treated on grape after harvest in order to extend shelf-life and preserve quality. Controlled atmosphere or modified atmosphere packaging can be used as supplemental treatments to extend postharvest-life. 2-5% O₂ + 1-3% CO₂ is currently recommended for table grapes. SO₂ is used for decay control. 10-15% CO₂ in air can be used to control gray mold. Optimum range of temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric composition depends on the cultivar. 포도는 비급등형 과실로 분류되지만 착색기 직전에 내생에틸렌이 증가하며 성숙 중 에틸렌의 영향을 받는다. 수확 후 저장 중에는 갈변, 탈립, 마름, 부패 등의 문제가 발생하는데 이를 막기 위해서는 기본적으로 수확 후 예냉을 하고 저장시에 -1~0℃, 상대 습도 90-95%를 유지해 주어야 한다. 또한 수확 전ㆍ후 처리를 통해 저장성을 높일 수 있는데 수확 전 키토산, ABA, 에테폰, 에탄올 처리와 수확 후 키토산, UV, eugenol, thymol, sulfur dioxide, chlorine dioxide등의 처리는 포도 품질 유지와 저장 기간을 늘이는데 효과적이다. CA와 MA저장에서는 2-5% O₂+1-3% CO₂의 공기조성이 제시되고 있다. 특히 부패를 막기 위해 사용되는 SO₂는 10-15% CO₂ 조성으로 대체될 수 있다. 이러한 다양한 저장 환경과 처리 조건은 포도의 품종과 저장기간에 따라 달라진다.

      • KCI등재

        국내 딸기의 수확 후 관리와 포장기술 현황

        이성민,박인식,정대성,정천순,이윤석 한국포장학회 2014 한국포장학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        국내 딸기는 영양학적으로 우수한 과실로 소비자들은 대부분 신선한 생과로 이용하지만, 유통 기간 이 매우 짧고 경도가 약하며 곰팡이에 의한 부패가 쉽게 발생하여 선도유지 에 어려움이 있다. 딸기의 주요 부패균인 Botrytis cinerea, Rhizopus stolonifer는 생존율이 높고 쉽게 전이되어 품질 저 하가 심각한 수준으로 이의 성장을 제어하기 위하여 수확 후 예냉, 이산화탄소, 이산화염소 처리 등을 있으며, 포장 처리 방법으로 modified atmosphere 포장, 가식성 코팅, 고산소 포장, 산소 흡착제 등을 적용하여 유통기간 연장 및 품질 개 선 효과를 가진다고 연구 보고되었다. 딸기는 1차 포장 형 태인 PET 용기에 담아 이를 골판지 상자에 포장하여 국내 및 해외 유통에 주로 이용하며 주요 수출국은 홍콩, 싱가포 르를 대상으로 해마다 수출국이 늘어나고 수출양이 증가하 고 있다. 최근 수출 딸기의 유통 기간 연장을 위한 품질 개 선 필요성에 따라 다양한 유통 과정에 적합한 수확후 선도 유지 처리 연구가 요구되고 있으며 상품성 부여를 위한 수 출 대상국 소비자의 기호성에 맞춘 개선된 포장이 필요하다고 판단된다. The purpose of this study was to review the brief physiological characteristics and some factors of the quality decay of strawberry harvested in Korea. Strawberries are highly perishable with soft surface. Surface injury and fungus growth are common as a result of handling and distribution. Many growers and distributers are considered to protect the physical impact and inhibit the fungus growth for prolonging the shelf life in the distribution and market channels. Postharvest treatments of precooling, carbon dioxide, chlorine dioxide, ozone, and ultrasound are practiced on strawberry in order to extend shelf-life and preserve the quality. Modified atmosphere packaging, edible coating, and oxygen absorbent application can be used as supplemental treatments to extend postharvest-life of strawberry. The packaging types for current domestic and export strawberry in Korea were summarized. The findings from this study can be lead to a better understanding of strawberry packaging development associated with the proper handling and distribution of strawberry. This could be useful for the strawberry growers, distributors, and buyers.

      • KCI등재

        Centrifuge Tube Trap: A Direct-Sampling Mini Plankton Light Trap for Under 3USD

        Seong Lee Neoh 한국해양과학기술원 2022 Ocean science journal Vol.57 No.1

        Of the light plankton traps, tube traps are the simplest and easiest to construct. However, they have a serious limitation—the need to process the sample postharvest. This usually involves the time-consuming transfer of samples from the trap to a separate storage vessel. To eliminate this problem, a tube trap was constructed using a centrifuge tube that acts as both the trap and also the final storage vessel. The light source was an ordinary pen-style flashlight inserted in another centrifuge tube to waterproof it, which is then used to illuminate the sampling centrifuge tube. Post sampling, the centrifuge tube is capped and directly removed for storage with no concentration stage required. Field trials indicated that this centrifuge tube trap is effective in trapping phototactic organism, in particular the calanoid copepods.

      • Reducing Postharvest Losses of Rice Through Efficient uses of Handling Facilities: A Comparative Study of Practices in Indonesia And Korea

        ( Agus S. Somantri ),( Dae Sob Lee ) 한국농업기계학회 2018 한국농업기계학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        The main problem in increasing of rice production is the high loss of rice (10-15%) due to the use of improper equipment on each stage of harvesting and post-harvest. Based on Korea's success in increasing rice production through the use of high-tech equipment is necessary to be applied gradually in Indonesia in order to improve the production of rice by reducing the losses of rice. This study aimed to develop the technical policies to reduce the yield loss of rice by reference to the success of Korea. The methods used were (a) identification of current status of rice postharvest management system in Indonesia and Korea; (b) comparison analysis of the rice postharvest management system in both countries; (c) SWOT Analysis; and (d) arranging the recommendation of rice postharvest management strategy. The results showed that the use of properly postharvest facilities had given a good yield on postharvest handling of rice in Korea. The comparison of rice productivity between Korea and Indonesia respectively i.e. rice losses in Korea 3% and 10-15% in Indonesia, while the milling rate in Korea 73.5% and in Indonesia 63-65%. The postharvest management system of rice in Korea is able to increase production, reducing losses and cost, strengthen farmer’s position in the market, and enhancing market efficiency. In order to increase food security in Indonesia by implementing better rice postharvest management system, it is needed the strategic policies include: a. Government must support mechanization programs; b. Agricultural Science and Technology Promotion; c. Postharvest management system must be supported by relevant agencies; c. Development of dissemination and training program; d. Provide technical assistance to farmers to start business, and develop local products to increase farm income; e. Strengthen the role of the Agricultural Cooperative. Moreover, the impact of postharvest management policy in Korea will be reviewed and it will be used as a reference to develop the postharvest management policy in Indonesia. The implementation of this policy was expected to improve the rice production, reducing the losses, reducing cost, enhancing the rice processing facility, and increasing the efficiency of marketing system. In the long term, the goals of enhancing rice postharvest management system strategies are for increasing food security level, increasing food competitiveness, and increasing the farmer’s income.

      • KCI등재

        과실류 수확 후 손실률 조사기법 개선 및 적용

        이진수,최미희,최현진,임병선 한국국제농업개발학회 2019 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.31 No.1

        Recognition of postharvest loss for each commodity contributes to be basic information for developing postharvest technologies and handling manuals. In order to calculate the postharvest loss of fruits precisely and scientifically, we improved calculation models for total loss and average loss. A total loss calculation model can express both weight loss and non-commodity rate at the same time. The model equation is「total loss = non-commodity rate + weight loss in sound commodity」. Fruits with a relatively long shelf-life, such as apples, pears and persimmons, adjust the shipping amount in response to market demand. Therefore, an average storage loss calculation model was developed to reflect the shipment proportion by storage period. The model can be expressed as「average storage loss rate = Σ (total loss rate by storage period × shipping rate by storage period)」. As a result of application of the postharvest loss calculation models, ‘Fuji’ apples stored for 6 month at three packing houses exhibited 4.7% of average loss. In addition, the postharvest loss calculation models can be applied to assess average loss of commodities consisted by diverse cultivars and distributed through various market types. It is expected that the proposed postharvest loss calculation models will enable accurate diagnosis of postharvest losses and contribute to the development of postharvest technology. 과실류의 수확 후 손실률을 정밀하고 과학적으로 산출하기위하여 종합손실률과 평균손실률 계산 모델을 개발하고, 이를적용하여 산지유통센터 3개소의 저장 사과의 손실률 산출 및확대 적용 방안을 제시하였다. 과실류 저장 중 증가하는 중량감소율과 비상품과율을 동시에 표현하기 위하여 종합손실률 계산 모델「종합손실률 = 비상품과율 + 상품과 내 중량감소율」 을 개발하였다. 사과와 같이 상대적으로 저장을 오래하는 과실류는 시장 수요에 대응하여 출하량을 조절하므로, 저장기간별 출하량 비중을 반영하여저장 평균손실률 계산 모델「저장 평균손실률 = (저장기간별 종합손실률 × 저장기간별 출하비율」 을 개발하였다. 개선된 손실률 계산 모델을 사과의 저장 평균손실률과 포도의 수확 후 선별 손실률 산출에 적용한 사례를 제시하였다. 산지유통센터 3개소의 ‘후지’ 사과의 6개월 간 저장 평균손실률은 4.7%로 산출하였으며, ‘캠벨얼리’, ‘거봉’, ‘MBA’ 포도의수확 후 선별 시 발생하는 평균 손실률을 3.4%로 산출하였다. 또한 유통시장 형태별 물량 점유율을 손실률에 적용하여 특정과실의 유통시장 내 평균손실률 산출 예시를 제시하였다. 시료 수, 조사지역, 품종 둥을 확대하여 개선된 손실률 계산모델을 적용한다면 수확 후 손실의 정밀한 진단이 가능하며, 수확후관리 기술의 발전에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대되며해외농업기술개발사업 대상인 개발도상국의 수확후관리 매뉴얼개발에 활용이 가능할 것으로 보인다.

      • Use of Ionizing Radiation as a Phytosanitary Treatment for Postharvest Disease Control

        정래동 한국방사선산업학회 2014 방사선산업학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Postharvest diseases cause considerable losses to harvested fruits and vegetables worldwide. Fresh produce suspected of harboring postharvest disease must be treated to control anypathogens present. Although there are various treatments to control postharvest losses by pathogens,the current community is eager to take safer and more eco-friendly alternatives to help withhuman health and reduce environmental risks. Ionizing irradiation is a promising phytosanitarytreatment that has a significant potential to control postharvest diseases in use worldwide. Althoughalmost 19000 metric tons of sweet potatoes and various fruits are irradiated each year in six countriesto control postharvest disease, irradiation continues to be a debate, with slow acceptance byindustries. Irradiation alone is not effective as a fungicide, and an over dose affects the physicalproperties of irradiated products. A combination of irradiation with other treatments such asheating, biocontrol agents, chlorination, and nano Ag particles is to enhance their effectiveness. Challenges to the use of phytosanitary irradiation are an avoidance of irradiated postharvest andcost of the irradiation facilities, and thus consumers still need to be educated on the principles andbenefits of irradiation and prepare an optimum economy of scale for commercial use. In this review,we evaluated the current phytosanitary irradiation, and combination with various other treatmentsto minimize the postharvest losses.

      • KCI등재

        Postharvest technologies for fruits and vegetables in South Asian countries: a review

        Mohammad Akbar Faqeerzada,Anisur Rahman,Rahul Joshi,박은수,조병관 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2018 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.45 No.3

        Agricultural systems in South Asian countries are dominated by smallholder farmers. Additionally, these farmers have limited access to pre- and post-harvest technologies due to their high initial cost. The lack of these technologies in postharvest handling is responsible for 20% to 44% of fruit and vegetable losses. These high losses are largely the result of a generally weak basic postharvest infrastructure for the preservation of products, which avoids damage from improper handling, transportation, packaging, and storage. High postharvest losses of products negatively affect food availability, food security, and nutrition, as the producer is able to sell less of the farm yield and the net availability of these food commodities for consumption is reduced. An underlying cause of these postharvest losses is the limited awareness and knowledge bases of stakeholders (researchers, farmers, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and merchants) in the traditional supply chains in which these losses occur. The analysis presented in this paper explores the state of postharvest practice in South Asian countries and discusses options for low-cost postharvest technologies in the region that can support small-scale farmers and provide a viable pathway for supply to the market, joining with modern value chains and bringing about individual and regional reduction in postharvest losses of fruits and vegetables. The improvement of basic and simple low-cost technologies through precise research efforts has the potential to prevent such huge losses of products, and help meet the ever-increasing demand for food in South Asian countries.

      • KCI등재

        A Review of Technologies to Prolong the Shelf Life of Fresh Tropical Fruits in Southeast Asia

        Kusumaningrum Dewi,이승현,이왕희,모창연,조병관 한국농업기계학회 2015 바이오시스템공학 Vol.40 No.4

        Southeast Asia, a typical tropical region, plays an important role in exporting a variety of fruits worldwide. The market for fresh fruits has been growing consistently, and this is a chance for Southeast Asian countries to increase their national income. However, export of tropical fruits has limitations such as a short shelf life and difficulty in maintaining the quality because of tropical climate conditions and undeveloped postharvest technologies in Southeast Asia. An important objective for developing postharvest technologies is to extend the shelf life of fresh fruits without deterioration in fruit quality. Therefore, it is essential to determine factors that affect the shelf life of fruits. The shelf life of tropical fruits is significantly dependent on the inherent properties of the fruits, extrinsic conditions, postharvest treatment, and microbial contamination. Recently, Southeast Asian countries have supported agricultural research groups for developing new postharvest technologies and minimizing postharvest losses and maintaining export fruit quality so that the total sales of tropical fruit farms can increase. This review introduces how the primary factors for extending the shelf life of tropical fruits can be determined and discusses the development of postharvest technologies for tropical fruits in Southeast Asian countries.

      • KCI등재

        신선 농산물의 수확 후 포장 및 저장 기술과 관련된 특허 동향 분석

        최지원,김수연,이정수,이지현,임수연,양해조,엄향랸 한국포장학회 2021 한국포장학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        Patents for postharvest technology of fresh fruits, vegetables and mushrooms fluctuated in their filing number until the 2000s, but then there has been a steady increase in the 2010s, indicating that the technology has high growth potential in the international agricultural market. Using 551 valid patents for fresh fruits and 337 for fresh vegetables of 5 countries, patent trend of postharvest technology was analyzed in this study with two categorized technologies as packaging and storage. In Korea, patents from national research institutes such as the Korea Food Research Institute and Korea (Rural Development Administration) are dominated, and a number of patents for the postharvest storage of fresh vegetables by Mitsui Chemicals, a Japanese chemical company, have been registered. Agrofresh, a multinational company in the USA, holds a number of patents for postharvest storage of fresh fruit not only in its own country, but also in Japan and Europe. Postharvest technology of fresh fruits and vegetables was found to has a number of patents, mainly from national research institutes and multinational corporations, and this suggests that R&D and commercialization of the technologies are actively taking place.

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