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      • KCI등재후보

        동북아시아 현생인류의 등장과 사냥도구의 지역 적응에 대한 연구

        이헌종 한국구석기학회 2009 한국구석기학보 Vol.- No.20

        It seems to be spontaneously settled to hunting tools related with previous Paleolithic culture since Homo sapiens had appeared in Northeast Asia. Blade tool technology was succeeded from Levallois technique centering into Siberia, especially Altai region. This technology made an influence to originate in two cultures; Kara-Bom culture based on Blade culture and Karakol culture based on Microblade culture. Moreover, two cultures gradually expanded their sphere into the whole of Northeast Asia. In the Korean Peninsula before this Blade culture reached in the Korean Peninsula and Japanese Archipelago, a series of tools in abrupt retouch of tang part were gradually founded because Flake tool tradition based on Pebble tool tradition had settled in the Early Upper Paleolithic. A tanged point was also used as an important hunting tool in Korea. In case of Japan, according that Knife type tool culture based on flake tool tradition was settled around 30,000 B.P., it was used to a hunting tool made retouch of tang part for its equipment. Around 30,000 B.P., the Blade culture was settled in Korea via China, and this made it spread into the Korean Peninsula to hunting tool focused on tanged point. This tool making technology was introduced into Japan, and was operated as a catalyst to diversify the hunting tool of Knife type tool culture. A foliate biface was a major factor of Karakol culture based on Microblade culture related with Karakol culture. With the appearance of Microblade culture, bifacial leaf-shaped point and composite tool were settled as an important hunting tool in Siberia and the Far East area as it might be influenced from the foliate biface. In case of Japan, a tanged point was also gradually disappeared after the introduction of Microblade culture with leaf-shaped point appeared. In case of Korea, however, a tanged point was continuously used as a major hunting tool during the whole Upper Paleolithic, and it is assumed that various tools like bilateral point, bifacial leafshaped point, and bifacial arrow head were co-used in each area of Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, during the transition period from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic, it is considered that the hunting tool was settled to leaf-shaped point, leaf-shaped tanged point, and bifacial arrow head as shown in Gosanri site

      • KCI등재

        Solid-State Culture를 이용하여 조제한 노루궁뎅이버섯 균사체-뽕잎발효물의 면역 및 항염증 활성

        김훈(Hoon Kim),정재현(Jae-Hyun Jeong),신지영(Ji-Young Shin),김동구(Dong-Goo Kim),유광원(Kwang-Won Yu) 한국식품영양과학회 2011 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.40 No.9

        뽕잎(Morus alba leaves)의 생리활성을 증강시키기 위하여 solid-state culture 방법을 이용하여 노루궁뎅이버섯 균사체(Hericium erinaceum)를 뽕잎에 배양하여 조제한 노루궁뎅이버섯 균사체-뽕잎발효물(MA-HE)을 열수(MA-HEHW)와 에탄올(MA-HE-E)로 추출하였다. MA-HE의 용매 추출물 중 MA-HE-HW는 100 μg/mL의 시료농도에서 시료대조군인 비발효 뽕잎 또는 액체배양으로 얻은 노루궁뎅이 균사체 종균의 열수추출물(MA-HW와 HE-HW)보다 증강된 마이토젠 및 장관면역활성을 나타내었다(각각 saline 대조군의 1.41과 1.52배). 한편, LPS로 자극한 RAW 264.7 murine macrophage에서 염증반응에 중요하게 관여하는 매개인자인 nitric oxide, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1β 및 IL-6의 생성 억제효과를 확인한 결과, MA-HE-E는 1,000 μg/mL의 농도에서 LPS 처리군 및 시료대조군보다 유의적으로 증강된 항염증활성을 나타내었다(LPS 처리군 의 45.1, 41.3, 70.2와 55.7% 억제). 또한, RAW 264.7 세포에 대하여 노루궁뎅이버섯 균사체-뽕잎발효물의 MA-HEHW와 MA-HE-E는 1,000 μg/mL의 고농도에서도 독성을 나타내지 않았으나 시료대조군 중 에탄올추출물인 HE-E와 MA-E는 각각 80.1과 30.7%의 세포생존률을 나타내어 독성이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 solid-state culture 를 이용한 노루궁뎅이버섯 균사체의 뽕잎발효는 비발효 뽕잎보다 면역활성 및 항염증활성을 증가시킬 뿐만 아니라 독성을 감소시키는데 중요하게 작용하고 있어 균사체 발효과정에서 뽕잎에 생물학적인 전환과정이 일어나고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. After mulberry (Morus alba) leaves were fermented with Hericium erinaceum mycelium by solid-state culture to enhance physiological activity, fermented mulberry leaves (MA-HE) was extracted by hot-water (MA-HE-HW) and ethanol (MA-HE-E). MA-HE-HW showed enhanced mitogenic and intestinal immune system modulat-ing activities (1.41 and 1.52 fold of saline control, respectively) compared to hot-water extracts of non-fermented mulberry leaves (MA-HW) and H. erinaceum mycelium (HE-HW) at 100 μg/mL. Meanwhile, when we tested the inhibitory effects of extracts on nitric oxide (NO), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-6 production, MA-HE-E significantly inhibited these pro-inflammatory mediators in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells (45.1, 41.3, 70.2, and 55.7% inhibition of LPS control at 1,000 μg/mL). In addition, MA-HE-HW and MA-HE-E did not show any cytotoxicity on RAW 264.7 cells at 1,000 μg/mL whereas HE-E and MA-E indicated cytotoxicity (80.1 and 30.7% cell viability of saline control). These results suggest that mulberry leaves fermented with H. erinaceum by solid-state culture might have enhanced immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects compared to non-fermented mulberry leaves, resulting in ingredients biotransformed for fermentation with H. erinaceum mycelium.

      • KCI등재후보

        후기구석기의 전반기(IUP∼EUP) 유럽지역 호모사피엔스의 ‘생명-공생문화’: 알타이계ㆍ레반트계 생명인식의 교차와 진전

        정경희 한국유라시아연구원 2024 유라시아문화 Vol.11 No.-

        중기구석기 이래 아프리카∼레반트지역의 초기호모사피엔스에 이르러 ‘삼각⋅마름모(⋅잎)형 생명상징’, 또 ‘인격화된 생명신으로서의 모신상’이 첫등장하였다. 양자의 상관관계는 명확치않았지만, EUP 레반트 호모사피엔스계가 유럽지역으로 진출하여 이룬 오리나시안문화에 이르러 ‘삼각형 계통 모신자궁문’이 등장함으로써 양자가 같은 계통의 상징임이 분명해졌다. 그 의미까지 더해보면, ‘레반트-오리나시안계, 삼각⋅마름모(⋅잎)형, 땅, 모신(지신)’ 생명상징이 된다. 그러던 중 IUP 알타이 호모사피엔스에 이르러 생명의 근원이 땅이 아니라 하늘이라는 인식이 새롭게 등장하였다. ‘원(⋅방⋅태아)’ 상징이 그러하다. 여기에서 ‘원(하늘의 근원적 생명, 모신⋅천신)’은 ‘방(땅)⋅태아(생명체)’까지 아우른 개념이다. 하늘의 근원적 생명에서 땅과 땅위의 모든 생명체가 나왔다고 보기 때문이다. 레반트-오리나시안계 생명상징과 대비되는, ‘알타이계, 원(⋅방⋅태아)형, 하늘(⋅땅⋅생명체), 모신(천신)’생명상징이다. 양계통의 차이에서 IUP 이래 알타이계의 생명상징이 유럽지역으로 전해진 생명문화사적 의의가 도출된다. 곧 중기구석기 이래 이어진 ‘삼각⋅마름모(⋅잎)형, 땅, 모신(지신)’의 생명인식 위로 ‘원(⋅방⋅태아), 하늘(⋅땅⋅생명체), 모신(천신)’의 생명인식이 새롭게 접목, 양계통의 생명인식이 공존⋅병행된 의의이다. 물론 알타이지역에서도 양계통의 생명인식이 공존⋅병행되었다. 양지역에서 양계통의 생명인식이 뒤섞여 나타났지만, 주된 경향성은 있었다. 알타이지역 ‘주: 원(⋅방⋅태아)형, 부: 삼각⋅마름모(⋅잎)형’, 유럽지역 ‘주: 삼각⋅마름모(⋅잎)형, 부: 원(⋅방⋅태아)형’의 경향성이다. 흥미롭게도 이러한 경향성은 현재까지도 여전히 유효하다. 특히 좁게로는 동북아지역, 넓게로는 알타이바이칼∼몽골고원∼동북아지역에서 생명의 근원을 ‘하늘(⋅땅⋅생명체), 모신(천신)’으로 보는 경향이 강고하다. 양계통의 생명인식은 중기구석기 이래 오랜 시간성과 역사성이 보여주는 호모사피엔스 진화의 기록이자, 특히 생명체로서의 우리 호모사피엔스종이 진화해가는 방향이 생명진화의 궁극적 방향인 ‘공생’, 곧 ‘하늘과 땅 사이에서 살아가는 모든 생명체의 한생명적 공생’의 방향임을 보여주는 이정표이다. 이러한 방향으로 진전되어온 초기호모사피엔스 이래 호모사피엔스문화를 ‘생명문화’, 또는 ‘생명-공생문화’로 개념화해보게 된다. Since the Middle Paleolithic period, Early Homo sapiens in Africa and Levant region had created ‘the Triangle⋅Lozenge(⋅Leaf)-shaped life symbols’ and ‘the Mother Goddess Statues’ as a personalized Life God forthe first time. The correlation between the two was unclear, but by the time of Aurignacian, which was created by the Levantine Homo sapiens’s expansion into Europe, ‘the Mother Goddess’s triangular uterine pattern’appeared, and thus it became clear that both were symbols of the same lineage. Adding its meaning to these symbols, it becomes ‘Levantine-Aurignacian lineage, Triangle⋅Lozenge(⋅Leaf)-shaped, Earth, Mother Goddess(Earth God)’ life symbols. Meanwhile, in the IUP Altaic Homo sapiens’s society, the new awareness emerged that the source of life was not the Earth but the Heaven. This was ‘the Circle(⋅Square⋅Embryo) life symbols’. In these symbols, ‘the Circle(the fundamental life energy of the Heaven, Mother Goddess⋅Heaven God)’ is the concept that encompasses the Square(Earth) and the Embryo(Living things). This is because it is believed that the Earth and all living things on the Earth have emerged from the fundamental life energy of the Heaven. Comparing these life symbols with the Levantine-Aurignacian life symbols, it becomes ‘Altaic lineage, Circle(⋅Square⋅Embryo)-shaped, Heaven(⋅Earth⋅Living things), Mother Goddess(Heaven God)’ life symbols. When understanding the difference between both lineages, it is possible to understand the significance of the fact that the Altaic life symbols had been transmitted to European society since IUP. That is, the life awareness of ‘Altaic lineage, Circle(⋅Square⋅Embryo)-shaped, Heaven(⋅Earth⋅Living things), Mother Goddess(Heaven God)’ life symbols were newly grafted on ‘Levantine-Aurignacian lineage, Triangle⋅Lozenge(⋅Leaf)-shaped, Earth, Mother Goddess(Earth God)’ life symbols that had continued since the Middle Paleolithic period and the life awareness of both lineages coexisted and parallel. Of course the life awareness of both lineages coexisted and parallel in the Altaic society also. In the European and Altaic society, the life awareness of both lineages appeared mixed, but there was a major tendency. In the Altaic society there was the tendency, ‘the primary life symbols: Circle(⋅Square⋅Embryo), the secondary life symbols: Triangle⋅Lozenge(⋅Leaf)’, and in the European society there was the tendency, ‘the primary life symbols: Triangle⋅Lozenge(⋅Leaf), the secondary life symbols: Circle(⋅Square⋅Embryo)’. Interestingly, these trends is still valid even now. In particular there remains a strong tendency to view the source of life as ‘Heaven(⋅Earth⋅Living things), Mother Goddess(Heaven God)’ in Northeast Asia narrowly and in the Altai⋅Baikal∼Mongolian Plateau∼Northeast Asia broadly. The life awareness of both lineages is the records of Homo sapiens’s evolution shown by its long time and history since the Middle Paleolithic. In addition, it is a milestone that shows that the direction in which our Homo sapiens species as a living things is evolving is ‘Coexsistence’(‘Coexsistence of all living things between the Heaven and the Earth’). The culture of Homo sapiens since Archaic Homo sapiens and Early Homo sapiens, which has progressed in this direction, is conceptualized as ‘the Life-Coexsistence Culture’.

      • KCI우수등재

        元代 茶 文化의 특징

        서은미 동양사학회 2022 東洋史學硏究 Vol.158 No.-

        There are many prejudices in the study of tea culture during Mongolia's reign over China. The prejudiced view of nomadic domination is representative. This perspective also influenced tea culture research. Most of the assessments are that there was no development in tea culture and history at this time. They said this period is merely a transitional period. And they excluded the element of development. However, the Yuan Dynasty established a specific tea making method and tea drinking method. These are how to make tea with the process of rubbing tea leaves and how to drink them using tea leaves. This is distinct from the previous and later periods of the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. The tea culture of the Yuan Dynasty was by no means a period of development or transition. At that time, the making powdered tea declined and the boiling leaf tea were established as a new mainstream method. It was an era in which tea manufacturing methods with a process of rubbing leaves were settled, and leaf tea-centered consumption was achieved. Only after going through the tea-boiling method and manufacturing method of the Yuan Dynasty era could be the method of making tea soaked in water in the next era possible. It can be seen that the atmosphere that values the acceptance and convergence of various cultures and practicality and technology of the Yuan Dynasty also contributed to the development of tea culture.

      • KCI등재

        Diversity Distributions and the Anthocyanin Associations of Fungal Endophytes in Diferent Colored Grapevine Leaves

        Jing‑Chao Chen,Man Yu,Fang Liu,Jin‑Zhuo Qu,Xiao‑Xia Pan,Han‑Bo Zhang,Ming‑Zhi Yang 한국식물학회 2020 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.63 No.2

        Anthocyanins composed the major pigments which conferred sensory and chemical values to red grapes and wines. Multiple factors involved in grape anthocyanin biosynthesis have been greatly covered to date. However, the endophytes which closely associate with plants, their possible roles in plant coloration are still under clear. Our present research frstly investigated the diversity distributions of culturable fungal endophytes (CFE) in diferent colored grapevine leaves which harvested from same vineyard and cultivar, and then proposed method to analyze the possible efects of these fungal endophytes on anthocyanin concentrations of grape cells. In totally 532 endophytic fungal isolates, 19 OTUs belong to 13 genera were isolated from fve color diferent grapevine leaves. Obvious leaf color specifcity of CFE communities were observed distribution in diferent colored grapevine leaves in this experiment. Assessing the infuences of those isolated CFEs on anthocyanin concentrations of a teinturier grape pulp cells via dual culture system revealed that anthocyanin promotion fungal strains were more possibly isolated from red and purple colored grape leaves. And elite CFE strains such as DQ53 and DQ55, both belong to the fungal genus Epicoccum, which conferred signifcant promotion efects on grape cellular anthocyanin contents were selected out. And the transcriptions of anthocyanin biosynthesis association genes MYBA1, UFGT and F3′5′H in grape cells, were signifcantly infuenced by these endophytic fungi, furtherly implicated the involvements of these genes in fungal endophytes-mediated grape cell anthocyanin promotion process. Additionally, endophytic fungi triggered anthocyanin promotion in grape cells seem independently to that of the light mediated anthocyanin synthesis pathway. This work demonstrated that beside other environmental factors, endophytes may also involve in grape anthocyanin metabolisms. And the study provided methods and clues to explore fungal endophytes in colored grape leaves which possibly applied in grape pigmentation processing.

      • Direct Somatic Embryogenesis of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn., an Endangered Medicinal Herb

        Thomas, T.Dennis,Jacob, Alphonsa The Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology 2004 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research Vol.6 No.3

        In vitro multiplication of Curculigo orchioides was achieved by direct somatic embryogenesis in young leaf segments. Immature leaf segments of about 0.5 cm in length were cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of BAP (2-10 $\mu{M}$) or Kin (2-10 $\mu{M}$). Optimum response in terms of per cent cultures responding (89%) and the number of embryos per explant (16) were observed on MS medium supplemented with 8 $\mu$M BAP. The emergence of several somatic embryos on the adaxial side of the leaf segments was observed one month after the culture. Germinated somatic embryos were grown up to about 1.5 cm length before transferring to maturation medium. For maturation, the individual embryos were isolated and transferred to MS medium supplemented with BAP (5 $\mu{M}$) and NAA (0.5 $\mu{M}$). The plantlets emerged from the embryos were transferred to soil containing 1 peat: 1 sand with 90% success. The embryos were formed directly on the leaf segments without any callus phase. Direct regeneration of somatic embryos is important for the conservation of this endangered species, as rare somaclonal variants are likely to arise than from indirect regeneration.

      • Ornithogalum의 엽삽과 조직배양에 의한 신속 대량번식

        서정근,주문갑,이완희 한국국제농업개발학회 2002 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.14 No.3

        엽삽시 kinetin과 BA처리에서 자구생성이 증가하였으며, 이 중 kinetin 100mgㆍL^-1처리시 자구발달이 가장 촉진되었다. 엽삽시 온도는 17℃에서 자구발달이 증가되었으며 신초와 뿌리발달도 잘되었으며, 엽삽시 잎의 중 상부보다 기부부위에서 자구발달수가 현저히 증가되었으며 신초길이도 증가 되었다. 자구의 정식 후 재배온도 17℃와 20℃에서 구직경과 신초수가 증가되었으며 개화도 촉진되었다. 조직배양시 MS배지의 인편조직에서 신초발생수가 가장 증가되었으며, 1/2MS배지에서는 잎조직에서 증가되었으며, 모든 식물체 부위에서 NAA 0.25mgㆍL^-1와 BA 1.5mgㆍL^-1처리시 신초발생이 가장 증가되었다. 잎 부위별 자구발달은 잎의 기부부위에서 신초수와 뿌리수가 증가하였으며, 기내 배양온도는 19℃, 23℃ 및 16℃ 순으로 신초발생과 뿌리발달이 촉진되었다. Sucrose 60gㆍL^-1처리가 30gㆍL^-1처리보다 신초수가 다소 증가되었으며 ancymidol 0.8mgㆍL^-1처리시 신초수와 뿌리발달도 증가되었다. Bulb development was more promoted by treatment of BA and kinetin with 100㎎ㆍL^-1 than any other treatments in leaf cuttings. Bulb, shoot and root development were most promoted at 17℃. Number of bulblets were significantly increased when part of proximal position of leaf was used. Development of bulb diameter, shoot number and flowering were significantly promoted when planted in temperature at 17 and 20℃ compared to 23℃. Shoot number was highly increased in MS medium with bulb scale segments than other treatment in vitro culture. 0.25㎎ㆍL^-1 NAA mixed with 1.5㎎ㆍL^-1 BA was the best hormonal combination for plantlet formation in all plant parts. Among plant parts, leaf was the best materials for induced shoot development. Shoot and root number were increased in proximal position of leaf. Shoot and root development were increased in the order of 19℃, 23℃ and 16℃. Shoot number was more promoted with medium of 60gㆍL^-1 sucrose treatment than 30gㆍL^-1 and shoot and root development were promoted with medium of 0.8㎎ㆍL^-1 ancymidol treatment.

      • KCI등재

        잎들깨 멀칭재배 및 파종기에 따른 생육특성

        김동관,정찬식,천상욱,국용인,김명석,방극필 韓國作物學會 2004 Korean journal of crop science Vol.49 No.3

        잎들깨 반촉성 재배시 흑색유공 polyethylene 멀칭효과와 파종적기 구명 및 입모향상 시험을 수행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 흑색유공 polyethylene 멀칭재배가 무멀칭재배에 비해 지온이 높고, 출현이 빠른 반면 성숙이 늦고, 경장이 크며, 엽수량뿐만 아니라 종실수량도 많았다. 2. 생육과 저온피해 등을 고려해 볼 때, 잎들깨의 안정적인 파종기는 1월 상순이었다. 3. 입모향상에 도움이 되는 피복재료는 부직포와 투명 polyethylene이나 출현 후 안정성이나 관리의 편의성 등을 고려해 볼 때 부직포가 적당하였다. In case of a semi-forcing culture for vegetable perilla, the following research results on the effect of black polyethylene mulching, the optimum sowing season, and the seedling stand improvement method were drawn. Soil temperature was higher and the emergence was faster in a black polyethylene mulching culture than in a non-mulching culture. However, the mature was late, the main stem were larger, and the seed yield, as well as the leaf yield, was greater in a mulching culture than in a non-mulching culture. Considering growth and chilling injury, the stable sowing season of vegetable perilla was judged to be the early in January. The covering materials for improvement of the seedling stand can be a non-woven fabric and hyaline polyethylene. However, the non-woven fabric seemed to be quite suitable in view of the stability and convenience of control after the emergence of perilla

      • KCI등재

        Enhanced Production of β-D-glycosidase and α-L-arabinofuranosidase in Recombinant Escherichia coli in Fed-batch Culture for the Biotransformation of Ginseng Leaf Extract to Ginsenoside Compound K

        김태훈,양은주,신경철,황경환,박준성,오덕근 한국생물공학회 2018 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.23 No.2

        Ginsenoside compound K is an essential ingredient in nutritional supplements, cosmetics, and traditional medicines. However, cultivation for the production of enzymes involved in ginsenoside biotransformation has not been attempted in a fermenter. The host strain Escherichia coli ER2566 and the constitutive pHCE vector were selected for the efficient production of β-D-glycosidase, and expression medium composition to produce Sulfolobus solfataricus β-glycosidase expressed in E. coli was optimized in flask and batch cultures. The total activity of β-Dglycosidase in fed-batch culture using a fermenter increased 14-fold before optimization. S. solfataricus β-D-glycosidase and Thermotoga petrophila α-L-arabinofuranosidase were produced in a fed-batch culture. These two enzymes completely converted protopanaxadiol-type ginsenosides in ginseng leaf extract obtained from discarded ginseng leaves as a renewable substrate to compound K. The effective bioprocess for compound K production developed here will contribute to the industrial biological production of compound K.

      • 문화적 독립을 향한 탈 식민 담론 -19세기 미국작가 연구

        이홍필 21세기영어영문학회 2006 영어영문학21 Vol.19 No.1

        In the 19th century America, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman were the pioneers of cultural independence of America from Europe. It was Emerson that started to discuss the necessity of cultural independence, critical acceptance of European culture, and construction of the American culture. In specific perspective, Whitman continued to manifest cultural independence of America embarked by Emerson. This essay examines Emersonian prose writings and Whitman's Leaves of Grass in terms of their efforts to create cultural independence. Reading their works, however, I will not employ the post-colonial discourses which have been developed since the late 20th century, because they do not contribute to investigating their works composed free from racial and ethnical sentiments. A number of Emersonian essays are directed toward criticism of British society: newspaper, university, aristocracy, parliament, and so on. By doing so, he seeks to make differences between America and England. Out of envy, nevertheless, he looks at the hegemony over the world which England enjoyed at the time. Whitman's Leaves of Grass is full of admiration of America. In his eyes, whatever exists in America looks idealistic and wonderful because they are the very expression of democratic ideas that they invented by themselves; thus, he admires not only American democracy, but also its advocate and defender, President Lincoln. His primary aim of Leaves of Grass consists in creating an American version of epic which is quite different from the traditional style of western epic.

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