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      • KCI등재

        지역연구의 종합성, 학제성과 한국의 MENA지역 연구

        정상률(Jung, Sang-Ryul) 한국중동학회 2020 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.40 No.3

        Area studies began long ago on a travel diary but today area studies which is characterized by practicality, synthesis and integration, interdisciplinary, consilience germinated during World War I and began to become a major study at U.S.A. in the postwar period. Area studies began at the level of ‘practicality and utility , which required synthesis, interdisciplinary, convergent and consilience research. At the academic level, however, there has been a debate over academic hegemony between the disciplines(division studies) and area studies. After a fierce debate, there is a convergence between ‘the methodology of division studies’ and ‘the regional specificity of area studies’. Korea s MENA area studies began in 1980 with the publication of the Korean Journal of Middle East Studies, and it began to grow into a practical and interdisciplinary discipline from the 1990s, with the support of area research by the government and the establishment of ‘a graduate school of international and area studies’ in universities. However, when analyzing the papers published in the KJMES, some purpose has been achieved, but there are still insufficient aspects in terms of research methods called ‘area studies’.

      • KCI등재후보

        4차 산업혁명 시대 융합교육의 구현 방안 모색 -지역 기반 융합교육 모델을 중심으로

        노대원,김성백,염미경,이소영,김세헌 제주대학교 교육과학연구소 2018 교육과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        This research aims to estimate the potential of interdisciplinary education that traverses the discipline of natural science, computer technology, literature and social studies. Besides, it attempts to integrate various technologies of 4th industrial revolution with interdisciplinary studies, and to examine the ways of developing, sharing and spreading educational methods and contents that may be applied to the fields of education. More specifically, this research suggests three models of interdisciplinary education studies, as well as overall framing of connection between the three models. The first model deals with technology based interdisciplinary education where various educational methods integrated with 4th industrial revolution technology can be applied. Meanwhile the second model deals with Jeju local based interdisciplinary education which is focused on educating global citizenship, excavating examples of local based interdisciplinary studies, and applying them to local community. Finally, the third model deals with narrative culture based interdisciplinary education that aims to develop interdisciplinary teaching methods and educational contents that traverse disciplines of ‘science and literature’, ‘literature and social studies’, and ‘local culture and literary/social studies.’ 이 연구는 과학, 컴퓨터, 문학, 사회 교과의 울타리를 넘나드는 융합교육의 실천적 가능성을 가늠하고, 4차 산업혁명 기술을 학제 간(interdisciplinary) 융합교육에 접목하며, 교육 현장에서 효과적으로 활용할만한 융합 교육을 위한 교수법 및 교육콘텐츠를 개발, 공유, 확산하는 방안들을 검토해보고자 한다. 구체적으로, 세 유형의 융합교육 모델을 제시하고 세 유형의 융합교육을 다시 연계시키는 융합교육의 전체 구도를 제시하고자 한다. 첫째, 과학-컴퓨터 학제 간 융합 연구를 포함하여 4차 산업 혁명 기술을 접목한 교육방법을 중심으로 다양한 테크놀로지 및 네트워크를 응용한 ‘과학기술 기반 융합교육 모델’을 제시해 보았다. 둘째, 교육목표 영역을 중심으로 세계시민교육에 역점을 두면서 지역기반 융합교육 사례를 발굴하고 이를 지역사회에 적용한 ‘제주지역 기반 융합교육 모델’을 제시하였다. 셋째, 교육내용 영역을 중심으로 ‘과학-문학’ ‘문학-사회’ ‘지역문화-문학 및 사회’의 학제 간 융합교육의 교수법 및 교육콘텐츠를 개발하는 ‘서사문화 기반 융합교육 모델’을 제시하였다. 4차 산업혁명 시대 지역 기반 융합교육 및 융합교육 연구의 방향과 구도를 세우는 데 이 연구는 일정한 시사점을 줄 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        국제지역연구로서 중국학의 방법론에 대한 고찰

        이규태 한국중국문화학회 2016 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.49

        In general, International area studies integrates all the issues including culture, history, politics, and society, focusing on a certain international area like China. Therefore, this study requires comprehensive analysis capability for wide fields such as culture, history, politics, economy etc. about a certain area. Accordingly, when compared to study methodologies requested by single academic category like existing politics, economics, cultural studies, historical studies etc., it would be natural that this requires more comprehensive, interdisciplinary thinking. But limitation of study method in international area studies including sinology has always become an important issue in the study realm - related scholars mainly quoted methodology of existing academic studies because independent study methodology for International area studies is still poor. Due to such limitation of methodology, scholars with critical view in the nations where International area studies including sinology are comparatively active have discussed problems of their academic study, and suggested main issue of limitation as an independent academic studies. In Korea, International area study actively started after middle 1990s, so it can be said that study on its study methodology just actively started. In the body, the author analyzed problems of study methodology in international area studies including sinology discussed until now. Based on its results, the study intended to discuss possibility of study methodology which can overcome issue of study methodology under going and can bring more objective study results, considering integrated and interdisciplinary aspects of international area study.

      • KCI등재

        역사학으로서 불교사학의 지형과 방법

        조명제 한국불교학회 2016 韓國佛敎學 Vol.77 No.-

        As Buddhism gained attention in the process of adapting to Western modernity, studies of Buddhist history came to the fore in modern East Asia. In the field of history, studies of Buddhist history in most countries were carried out on the level of the history of one country. Diverse research topics were pursued, yet many studies only paid attention to Buddhism as a political ideology, as well shown, for instance, in the theme ‘the state and Buddhism’. Previous studies also concentrated on specific periods and topics, rarely questioning research methodologies. Concerning the problems observed in these trends, I groped for research methodologies to use in studies of Buddhist history and proposed the following: First, we should examine the history and evolution of ideas. We need to examine comprehensively how Buddhist philosophy was born, how it evolved over time, how it was tied to historical circumstances, and what were its roles and functions. Second, we need to expand the scope of the history of ideas. We need to not limit ourselves to the scope and perspective of the history of a single country and the history of the state that have been predominant in historical studies so far. We need to work toward a history of ideas in East Asia. Third, we need to find ways, through an interdisciplinary approach, to regard studies of Buddhist history as an independent field of study. Such studies need to deal more with the overall scholarship of Buddhism in a more comprehensive way that is carried out in a wide array of areas, including studies of Buddhism, philosophy, history, literature, religious studies, archeology, linguistics, history of architecture and art history. 78 한국불교학 77 Fourth, we need to understand philological research methodology. Since there are a variety of versions and content of existing Buddhist literature in the form of original manuscripts and printed copies, corrections to texts need to be based on bibliographies, studies on proofreading and editing and philology. Based on this, we need to gain an accurate understanding of the thoughts in the documents concerned, and further, of the documents themselves by interpreting a history of ideas. These methodologies are typically found in recent studies of the history of ideas presented in the quotes of Chinese Zen monks. 불교는 전근대 동아시아에서 대표적인 종교이자 사상으로서 존재하였다. 그러나 불교는 중화주의와 오리엔탈리즘으로 인해 학문적 위상이 무시되거나 낮게 평가되었다. 더욱이 사상사는 역사학계에서 중심적인 연구 분야가 아니었고, 그나마 연구자의 관심을 받은 분야도 유교사였다. 이러한 전반적인 추세에도 불구하고 불교사 연구는 근대 이후 동아시아 학계에서 각국의 상황에 따라 다양하게 이루어졌다. 특히 한국의 신앙결사 연구, 일본의 현밀체제론과 같이 역사학계가 사상사적 위상을 제고한 주제에서잘 드러나듯이 불교사 연구를 주도한 분야가 적지 않으며, 불교학계를 비롯한다른 분야까지 커다란 영향을 미쳤다. 그러나 역사학 분야의 불교사 연구는여전히 제한된 주제에 머물러 있거나 인문학 전반에 파급된 연구 성과가 적어지고 있다. 나아가 불교사학은 자국사라는 틀에서 진행되는 한계를 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 역사학계에서 불교사학이 하나의 학문 영역으로서 자리를 잡기 위해서는새로운 시각과 방법론의 모색이 필요하다고 생각된다. 지금까지 이루어진 불교사 연구 성과에 대한 검토를 통해 불교사학의 방법론에 대한 방향을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 불교사 연구는 기본적으로 사상사적 연구방법론이 필요하다. 아울러이러한 방법론은 일국사 차원을 벗어나 동아시아 범위로 확대하고, 사상사 일반의 흐름을 염두에 둔 방법론으로서 추구되는 방향이 바람직하다. 또한 이러한 방법론은 인물 중심의 연구방법론이 가진 한계를 탈피하여 매체를 통해사상의 사회적 확산과 영향에 대해 구체적으로 검토하는 방법론과 같이 새로운 연구 방향을 추구할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 학제적 연구를 통해 불교사학을 하나의 독자적인 영역으로서 모색할필요가 있다. 이는 방법으로서 불교를 염두에 두고 불교와 연관된 주요 학문분야의 연구 성과를 종합적으로 받아들이면서 전체사로서의 불교사를 지향하여야 할 것이다. 셋째, 문헌 자료의 이용에서 엄밀한 문헌학적 연구 방법론을 추구할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        빅데이터와 유럽연구: 사회 및 의미연결망 분석 사례를 통한 융합연구의 가능성 고찰

        정세원 서강대학교 유로메나연구소 2020 통합유럽연구 Vol.11 No.3

        Over the last two decades, the international area studies in Korea have grown significantly in terms of the number of related university departments, researchers and institutions. However, such growth is limited to the specific areas of focus, such as East Asia, America and possibly Europe. It seems that there has been a long way to achieve the substantive growth of international and area studies in Korea. To accomplish this task, an interdisciplinary approach and innovative research methodology are essential. This study aims at reviewing the overview of applied research cases of social and semantic network analyses. Also, it examines the possible contributions to empirical studies and suggests possible points of improvements. It reviewed three representative cases: 1. British political campaign about Brexit, 2. Sentiment regarding Greek anti-austerity protests and 3. South Korean perceptions of the EU. These cases were useful in looking at information diffusion and communication discourses between political powers and the general public. This methodology will be useful to implement interdisciplinary research between politics and communication studies. However, to overcome the weakness of quantitative research, more in-depth and substantial interpretations should be added. In the future, data science will contribute to the growth and development of international area studies in terms of promoting the interdisciplinary approach and drawing helpful and creative insights for the research community. However, for the substantive growth of international area studies, more diverse data science methodology should be applied other than social and semantic network analyses. Also, the tertiary institutions could consider developing some modules on big data analytics or data science-based social research. Furthermore, the members of academic societies should pay more interests and attention to the settlement of interdisciplinary approaches in the field of international and area studies.

      • KCI등재

        한국어교육학과 기초 학문

        서상규 국제한국어교육학회 2007 한국어 교육 Vol.18 No.3

        Sangkyu Seo. 2007. The Study of Korean Language Education and the Basic Studies. Jounal of Korean Language Education 18-3: 75-97. In this paper, we have discussed some kinds of research fields that the Study of Korean Language Education and the basic studies have connection and some aspects that basic fields are connected to the Study of Korean Language Education. In addition, we have examined what kinds of things are demanded from the basic studies to develop the Study of Korean Language Education. This paper suggests that we need to revise our viewpoints about the identity of the Study of Korean Language Education and the relationship that the Study of Korean Language Education has with the basic studies. The recommendatory point of view could be summarized as followings. First, we should clearly distinguish the differences between the Study of Korean Language Education as an academic purpose and as a practical application. Secondly, the Study of Korean Language Education should be recognized as an integrated work of related basic studies such as Linguistics, Korean Linguistics, Korean Studies and Pedagogics. Furthermore, we need to consider this integrated work as a field that explores the knowledge and methods for the application and as an interpreter among the whole basic studies composing the integrated filed. Third, we should establish the unique characteristics of the Study of Korean Language Education and simultaneously we need to expand the interdisciplinary studies. Fourth, the basic studies constituting the integrated field should set up their goals to be useful to the practical application and do researches to achieve the goal and solve the problems that the Study of Korean Language Education has. Finally, we need to strengthen the informatization of the internal structure of language and the basic studies centering on the basic academic fields that compose the integrated study.

      • KCI등재후보

        수잔 리 포스터를 중심으로 시작된 일련의 무용 문화연구 경향 연구

        김현정 한국무용예술학회 2006 무용예술학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        A Trend of Cultural Studies of Dance Initiated by Susan Leigh FosterHyun Jung Kim, Ph.D.LecturerSungkyunkwan University, Suwon University, and the Korean Natioinal University of the ArtsThis paper aims to explore how the critical issues of cultural studies have influenced the recent development of dance studies in the United States. Cultural studies is an umbrella term that includes theoretical approaches drawn from poststructuralism, postcolonialism, multiculturalism, contemporary Marxism, new historicism, semiotics, psychoanalysis, deconstruction, and feminism. Cultural studies, which investigates the natural as a social, cultural, historical construction, has strong effects on methodologies in dance field as well as the humanities. Susan Leigh Foster initiated a trend of interdisciplinary dance scholarship in 1986 and since then some scholars have facilitated it following the theoretical approaches of cultural studies. The dance scholars examine dance as an embodied social, cultural practice. They enable dance studies previously marginalized within the academy to be a major academic discipline. Dancing bodies as a primary text manifest or subvert meaning and identity.In South Korea, more and more universities have offered cultural studies programs. The interdisciplinary programs are based on art history, film studies, gender studies, popular culture, and mass media, not on dance field. Considering the stagnant situation of domestic dance academy, it is necessary to apply the debates of cultural studies to dance scholarship. Cultural studies opens up a possibility for dance scholarship to go into wider academic communities.

      • KCI등재

        문화콘텐츠연구의 학문적 위상

        임대근(Great Root Woods) 인문콘텐츠학회 2015 인문콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.38

        이 글은 21세기 이후 출현한 새로운 경향으로서 문화콘텐츠연구의 학문적 위상을 문제화한다. 문화콘텐츠 현상은 문화에 대한 산업적, 기술적, 정책적 필요에 따라 등장했기 때문에 오랫동안 그 학문적 체계를 구축하는 일을 중요하게 여기지 않아왔다. 따라서 개별적인 문화콘텐츠 현상에 대한 연구는 다수 축적돼 있으나, 그 학문적 위상을 체계적으로 구성하고자 하는 노력은 상대적으로 미약했다. 이 글은 근대이후 학문적인 맥락 속에서 문화콘텐츠연구가 역사적 단절 가운데 불현듯 출현한 입장이나 태도라고 간주하지 않는다. 오히려 그것은 근대 이후 학문이 실천적으로 축적해 왔던 다양한 성과들을 계승하는 한편 그 한계를 극복하려는 시도로서 간주되어야 한다고 주장한다. 따라서 이 글은 근대 이래 문화를 학문적으로 대상화했던 네 가지 사례를 살펴보았다. 분과학문으로서는 문화인류학과 사회학, 상호 학문적(학제적) 연구로서는 지역연구와 문화연구가 그것이다. 이들은 각각의 성과와 한계를 문화콘텐츠연구에 물려주었고, 문화콘텐츠연구는 이들을 계승하거나 극복하는 과정에서 학문적 정체성을 구성해가고 있다. 그 결과로서 이 글은 다음을 주장한다. 첫째, 문화콘텐츠연구는 기존 분과학문과는 다른 학문적 경향이다. 둘째, 오늘의 시점에서 문화콘텐츠연구는 현실적으로 상호 학문적(interdisciplinary) 연구이지만, 이상적으로는 기존 분과학문들의 단순한 결합을 넘어서는 초학제적(trans-disciplinary) 연구를 지향해야 한다. 셋째, 문화콘텐츠연구는 그 자체가 하나의 단일하고 궁극적인 학문적 목적을 향해서 나아가지는 않는다. 그것은 세계의 다양한 현상들이 서로 교차, 삼투, 결합되면서 빚어내는 상상력 넘치는 새로운 경관들을 실천적으로 논의하는 과정이 되어야 한다. 무엇보다 이 글은 문화콘텐츠연구에 있어서 무엇보다 중요한 것은 우리가 어떠한 ‘꿈’을 구현할 것인가에 관한 ‘가치’의 발견이라고 믿는다. This article problematizes the academic positioning of cultural contents studies as a new academic trend emerged in the 21st century. Since the phenomena of cultural contents had generally appeared according to industrial, technological and policy needs for culture, establishing an academic system about them has not been considered as important for a long while. Accordingly, even though there are considerable studies on individual phenomenon of cultural contents, efforts to systematically define their academic position have been relatively insubstantial. Yet this article does not see cultural contents studies as a sudden stance or attitude that appeared from some historical rupture against a continuing modern academic context; cultural contents studies rather should be taken as an effort to inherit various scholarly achievements made since the modern era and to overcome their limitations. To substantiate this argument, this article reviews four academic cases that exemplify academic objectification of culture since the modern era: as a discipline, there are cultural anthropology and sociology; and as interdisciplinary studies, there are area studies and cultural studies. These four fields handed over their respective achievements and limitations to cultural contents studies, which, in turn, is establishing its own academic identity in the process of inheriting or overcoming them. Consequently, this article argues: first, that cultural contents studies is an academic trend different from any other existing disciplines; second, that it is only realistic that this field should be interdisciplinary in these present times; and third, that cultural contents studies does not move toward a single, ultimate academic purpose?it should be a process where diverse global phenomena cross paths, permeate and combine with each other, with practical discussions on the new, imaginative landscapes they have created. Most importantly, the single most critical element in cultural contents studies should be to identify ‘values’ concerning the kind of ‘dreams’ we are trying to materialize.

      • KCI등재

        학제간 학문으로서의 여성학

        김승경(Seung-kyung Kim),이나영(Na Young Lee) 한국여성학회 2006 한국여성학 Vol.22 No.1

        1982년 이화여자 대학교에 석사과정이 개설된 이래 한국의 여성학은 대학의 안과 밖에서 괄목할만한 성장을 거듭하였다. 2005년 현재, 12개의 대학원에 여성학 석사과정이, 4개 대학에 박사과정이 개설되어 있으며, 전국 대부분의 대학에 교양과목이 개설되어 있을 정도로 제도적 정착에 ‘성공’하였다고 평가되고 있다. 이는 학문적 영역뿐만 아니라 사회전반에 걸친 가부장적 헤게모니에 도전하고 이를 변화시키고자 하였던 여성주의자들의 치열한 문제의식과 도전 및 실천에 기인한다. 그렇다면 서양의 어느 나라에도 뒤지지 않는 30여년의 역사를 지닌 여성학이 분과학문으로서 한국 사회에 굳건히 뿌리 내는데 성공했다고 자평할 수 있을 것인가? 여성학(과)이 직면하고 있는 외부적 도전과 내부적 문제는 무엇이며, 여성주의자들은 여성학의 정체성을 어떻게 규정짓고 옹호할 것인가? 본 논문은 위와 같은 문제의식 하에 미국 여성학과의 현황 및 간학문성 (interdisciplinarity)에 대한 논쟁을 살펴 본 후, 한국 여성학의 현황과 도전들을 분석하면서 여성학(과)의 존재의 당위성과 정당성을 찾아보고자 하였다. 결론적으로 학제간 연구를 하는 분과학문(interdisciplinary discipline)으로서 여성학의 제도화는 그 동안 여성주의의 발전을 방해해 왔던 정치적, 구조적, 인식론적 요인들을 분석하면서 당면한 도전을 극복하게 하고, 궁극적으로 여성주의(feminism)라는 간학문적 사명을 실현시킬 수 있는 필요조건임을 역설하고자 한다. Following the first offering of graduate courses at Ewha Womans University in 1982, Women’s Studies in Korea has made tremendous progress both within and outside of academy. Nationwide, as of 2005, there are 13 M.A. granting programs and 4 Ph.D. granting programs; and furthermore, most colleges and universities offer the introductory course in Women’s Studies as an elective. This successful institutionalization demonstrates the rapid spread of “feminism” within Korean society as a whole. In this paper, we ask the following questions: first, has Women's Studies been a success within the academy?; second, what is the identity of Women’s Studies and what are some of the current issues and challenges facing Women’s Studies?; and third, what will be the future direction of interdisciplinary discipline of Women’s Studies in Korea? In answering these questions, first, we provide a survey of the current situation in Women’s Studies and the debates about the issue of interdisciplinarity in the U. S.; second, we suggest a rationale for the existence of Women’s Studies after analyzing present conditions and challenges to Korean Women’s Studies. In conclusion, we argue that the institutionalization of Women’s Studies as an interdisciplinary discipline is an essential pre-requisite for realizing feminism.

      • KCI등재

        광복 70년, 국어학 외연의 확대와 발전

        홍종선(Hong Jongseon) 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.95 No.-

        Over 70 years since Independence, the outer edge of the Korean Linguistics has been expanded in various ways with the development of the Korean Linguistics. When we roughly divide the study which is included in the external areas of the Korean Linguistics into interdisciplinary research and applied research, there are philosophy of language, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, rhetorics, Korean stylistics, glottochronology, mathematical linguistics, computational Korean lingustics, Korean corpus lingustics and Korean language culture studies in interdisciplinary research. In applied research, there are Korean educational linguistics, Korean educational linguistics as a foreign language, Korean lexicography, Computational Korean Linguistics, Korean lalopathology, Korean language policy, Korean medium lingustics, Korean advertising lingustics, interpretation studies and translation studies. These external studies of Korean Linguistics and pure Korean Linguistics help each other to expand their views and research methodology, adding various viewpoints in many ways, and achieving mutual rising development by providing new facts and materials in the aspect of information. It can also contribute to the development of Korean language culture by adding practicality that can be used in real life through external studies. Among interdisciplinary researches and applied researches, there are a lot of fields where the researches are already activated but there are still quite a few areas which are about to be studied. In the future, Korean linguistics research should foster user-oriented grammar with researcher-oriented grammar and greatly develop the study of spoken language and discourse. Therefore, we should enlarge the cooperating researches providing more information to external areas of Korean linguistics.

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