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      • KCI등재

        캠핑장 선택속성이 캠핑 제약요인 및 캠핑 지속적 행동의도 간의 구조적 영향 관계 - 캠핑형태의 조절 효과를 중심으로 -

        전정아 한국호텔리조트학회 2022 호텔리조트연구 Vol.21 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of camping site selection factors on camping constraints. In addition, the factors influencing camping constraints on the continuous behavioral intention of campers were identified. In addition, the adjustment effect of auto camping and car camping is identified. To this end, 314 camping users were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS analysis tools. As a result of the study, it was investigated that the camping site selection factor did not significantly affect the physical constraint factor. However, among the factors for selecting campsites, the remaining three factors excluding the environment were found to have a significant effect on external constraints. In addition, it was investigated that camping constraints had a significant effect on the continuous behavioral intention of campers. In addition, a difference test was conducted on the moderating effect between the camping type of auto camping site and car camping. As a result of the study, since the result value of 28.134 (df=15) is greater than the standard value of 25.00 (df=15), it may be said that there is a control effect. Therefore, it can be said that the relationship between the selection factor of the camping site, the camping restriction factor, and the continuous behavioral intention of the campers varies depending on the camping type of auto camping and car camping. Through this study, we intend to examine new trends in the camping industry and continue positive changes.

      • Cyclic AMP가 흰쥐 사구체 상피세포의 Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan 유전자 조절에 미치는 영향

        고철우,구자훈,박용훈 경북대학교 의학연구소 2000 경북대학교병원의학연구소논문집 Vol.4 No.1

        Glomerualr membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan(GBM HSPG)은 사구체 상피세포에서 생성되는 사구체 기저막 구성물질로서 사구체 기저막이 음전하를 띄게 함으로서 소위 전하장벽'을 이루어 사구체 기저막의 투과성을 안정되게 유지하는 역할을 하며, 사구체 기저막에서의 GBM HSPG의 소실은 단백뇨의 발생과 밀접한 관계가 있음은 이미 잘 알려져 있다. cAMP는 각종 유전자를 조절하는 중간 매개체로서 세포 특이적으로 작용하는 것으로 알려져 있으나, 아직까지 cAMP가 사구체 상피세포에서 GBM HSPG 유전자의 조절에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알려져 있지 않다. 이에 cAMP가 사구체 상피세포의 GBM HSPG 유전자 발현에 미치는 영향을 알아보아 사구채내에서 cAMP가 중가되어 있는 각종 신질환에서 단백뇨의 발생기전 규명에 도움을 주고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 흰쥐의 사구채 상피세포를 배양하여 1mM 농도의 cAMP를 가한 후 1시간, 6시간, 24시간 및 48시간에 RNase protection assay법으로 GBM HSPG mRNA 발현의 변화를 살펴보고, 아울러 cAMP 첨가 후 12시간, 24시간 및 48시간에 면역침전법을 이용하여 GBM HSPG 생성을 정량적으로 측정하였다. 1mM cAMP 투여 후 GBM HSPG mRNA 발현의 변화를 살펴보면 투여 후 1시간, 6시간, 24시간 및 48시간에 각각 43%, 32%, 47% 및 47%의 감소가 관찰되었고, GBM HSPG의 생성은 12시간, 24시간 및 48시간 후에 각각 51%, 70% 및 68%의 감소가 있었다. 결론적으로 cAMP는 사구체 상피세포의 GBM HSPG myNA의 발현을 억제하였고, GBM HSPG의 생성을 감소시킴을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 사구체내에서 cAMP가 증가되어 있으면서 단백뇨를 동반하는 각종 신질환에서 단백뇨의 발생은 cAMP에 의한 사구체 상피세포의 GBM HSPG 유전자 억제와 밀접한 관계가 있을 것으로 생각된다. It is well known that the glomerular basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan(GBM HSPG) synthesized by glomerular epithelial cell(GEC) has an important role in the permeability of glomerular basement membrane and cyclic AMP(CAMP) is involved in regulation of a wide variety of genes maybe including GBM HSPG gene. The direct effect of cAMP on GBM HSPG gene expression and metabolism was not evaluated as yet. Proteinuria represents an impairment of permselectivity function of glomerular basement membrane regulated by GBM HSPG and could be associated with increased glomerular level of CAMP in nephrotic syndrome of diverse causes. RPD-I(rat GBM HSPG core protein domain-I) detected a >9.5kb transcript of GBM HSPG in RNA of rat GEC. Employing a riboprobe synthesized from RPD-I in RNase protection assay, we examined whether cAMP regulated perlecan expression in the GEC. At 1, 6, 24 and 48 hrs of incubation, 1 mM cAMP caused 43%, 32%, 47% and 40% reduction in mRNA expression of perlecan, respectively. Immuno-precipitation showed a corresponding reduction of 51%, 70% and 68% in the synthesis of 35SO4 labeled GBM HSPG by the GEC following 12, 24 and 48 hrs of incubation with cAMP. Our results show that decrease in GBM HSPG gene expression and synthesis by cAMP may be of relevance to proteinuric states characterized by activation of these mediators.

      • KCI우수등재

        제주4・3수용소의 지역민 수용 과정과 ‘손상’된 주체로서 수용자의 생활 실태

        임송자 한국사연구회 2023 한국사연구 Vol.- No.203

        제주4·3의 진압과정에서 연행된 사람들이나 자수자, 귀순자, 그리고 소개(疏開)작전에 의해 발생한 다수의 소개민(疏開民)은 수용소 생활을 하였다. 이들은 ‘냉전 생태계’의 최하층에 속하며 국가권력에 의해 제거와 격리가 요구되는 ‘불온한 국민’으로 명명되었다. 이 글은 제주4·3수용소에 갇힌 수용자의 지위가 어떠했는지를 구체적으로 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 수용소 입소 과정은 지서, 경찰서, 헌병대, 군부대의 유치장이나 임시수용소를 거쳐 제주농업학교 수용소, 제주주정공장 수용소로 입소되는 과정을 거쳤다. 수용자는 간단한 조사를 받고 곧바로 풀려나는 경우도 있었지만, 2~3단계를 거치면서 무장대로 활동했거나 무장대와 연결되었을 가능성이 있다는 혐의가 있으면 보다 혹독한 심문과정을 거쳐야 했다. 취조 과정의 야만성으로 수용자는 옥죄인 삶을 이어가야 했으며, 고문이나 배고픔을 견디지 못하고 생명을 잃은 수용자도 상당수에 이르렀다. 수용소 학살사건도 빈발하여 수용자는 생사의 고빗길을 하루하루 넘나들었다. 수용자가 즉결처분되는 상황에서 그 가족도 극심한 고통에 시달렸음은 물론이다. 제주4·3수용소에서 벌어진 ‘구타’와 ‘고문’, 그리고 ‘죽음의 행렬’은 ‘반공이데올로기’ 이외의 사상, 이념, 사고를 배제·제거·근멸하려는 ‘이념 청소’를 목적으로 한 것이었다. 수용소 생활을 마친 후 석방되었더라도 이들이 온전히 자유를 누린 것도 아니었다. 전과자라는 낙인은 항시 그림자처럼 따라다녔다. 수용소에서 석방된 후 경찰의 심부름과 강제노역에 시달리기도 했으며, 토벌대를 지원하는 활동에도 동원되었다. 수용자들은 철저한 감시체계 하에서 식생활 문제나 열악한 수용소 환경문제로 고통을 겪었다. 특히 수용자를 심각하게 괴롭힌 것 중의 하나는 ‘생태적 공간’을 전혀 고려하지 않고 입소시켜 수용소의 수용밀도가 극도로 높았다는 점이다. 이러한 수용소 생활을 거치면서 제주도민은 생존을 위해서는 어느 누구보다도 철저히 국가권력에 순응하고 ‘반공 이념’을 내면화해야 했다. 따라서 수용소는 ‘냉전공간’으로 기능했으며, ‘반공주체’로서 체제에 순응하는 ‘국민 만들기’에 중요한 역할을 하였으며, 그것은 바로 이승만 정부가 내세운 ‘이념 청소’의 욕망이 실현되는 과정이기도 하였다. This article aims at looking into the status of inmates in the camps of Jeju April 3rd in detail. Those who were arrested during the oppression of Jeju April 3rd incident, those gave themselves up to the police, surrenders and lots of evacuated locals caused by evacuation operation lived in the camps. These people belonged to the lowest stratum of ‘cold war ecology’ and were named as ‘dangerous nation’ which had to be removed and segregated by government power. Internment to the camps went through the process of being confined to Jeju Agricultural school camp or Jeju industrial alcohol factory camp via detention rooms or temporary camps of police box, police station, military police and military unit. Inmates might have been immediately released after taking simple inquiry, but they had to undergo more severe interrogation if they were suspected of having any possibility to be active as armed band or get connected with the armed band. Brutality of an interrogation forced inmates to live strained life. Considerable number of them died of torture and starvation. Inmates used to go and come often the crossroad of life and death due to frequent massacre in the camps. Family of inmates, of course, suffered from extremely in the situation of summary executions of them. ‘Beating’, ‘torture’ and the ‘march of death’ occurred in the camps of Jeju April 3rd aimed at ‘ideology clean up’ which intended to exclude, remove and exterminate any thoughts, ideology and thinking except for ‘anti-communist ideology’. Even if they were released after serving in the camps, they could not fully have their freedom. Stigma of an ex-convict followed them like the shadow all the time. They used to get suffered from the police’s errands and forced labor after being released from the camps, and they were also mobilized for activities to support the subjugation unit. Inmates suffered from food problem or poor circumstance of the camps under thorough surveillance system. Particularly, one of the most tormenting thing for inmates was the extreme high population density of the camps. With going through this life in the camps, Jeju locals thoroughly had to adapt themselves to the government power and internalize ‘anti-communist ideology’ more than anyone else. Therefore, the camps worked as ‘cold war space’ and played significant part in ‘making nation’ who conforms with the regime as ‘anti-communist subject’. It was the very process in which the desire of ‘ideology clean up’ raised by Syngman Rhee government was realized.

      • KCI등재

        Inhibition of pRB Phosphorylation and Induction of p21WAF1/CIP1 Occur During cAMP-induced Growth Arrest in Human Neuroblastoma Cells

        Park, Yung-Hyun,Lee, Sang-Hyeon Korean Society of Life Science 2003 생명과학회지 Vol.13 No.5

        인체 신경아세포종의 성장에 미치는 cAMP의 영향을 조사하기 위하여 Ewing's sarcoma 세포주인 CHP-100 세포에 dibutyry1-cAMP 및 8-bromo-cAMP를 처리하였다. 두 종류의 cAMP analog처리 시간 증가에 따라 CHP-100 세포의 증식이 처리 시간 의존적으로 억제되었으며, 이는 핵의 형태변화 및 DNA 단편화 현상을 수반한 apoptosis 유발과 연관성이 있었다. 또한 DNA flow cytometry 분석결과 cAMP는 세포주기 G1기 특이적 arrest를 유발하였다. cAMP 처리에 의하여 retinoblastoma 단백질(pRB)의 인산화가 억제되었으며, 전사조절인자 E2F-1과의 결합이 증대되었다. cAMP는 cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) 2 및 cyclin E 단백질의 발현변화에는 영향을 미치지 않았으나, 그들의 kinase 활성은 처리시간 의존적으로 매우 감소되었다. 또한 cAMP 처리에 의하여 Cdk inhibitor인 $p21^{WAF1/CIP1$의 발현이 증가되었으며, 증가된 p21 단백질은 Cdk2와 강한 결합을 형성하고 있었다. 이상의 결과에서 cAMP의 암세포 성장억제 효과에 pRB 및 p21이 매우 중요한 역할을 함을 알 수 있었다. To develop a new approach to the treatment of neuroblastoma cells we evaluated the effect of cAMP on the Ewing's sarcoma cell line CHP-100. We observed that the proliferation-inhibitory effect of cAMP analogs was due to cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis, which was confirmed by observing the morphological changes and DNA fragmentation. DNA flow cytometric analysis revealed that cAMP arrested the cell cycle progression at the G1 phase, which effects were associated with inhibition of phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (pRB) and enhanced binding of pRB and the transcription factor E2F-1. cAMP also suppressed the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) 2 and cyclin E-associated kinase activity without changes of their expressions. Furthermore, cAMP induced the levels of Cdk inhibitor $p21^{WAF1/CIP1$ expression and p21 proteins induced by cAMP were associated with Cdk2. Overall, our results identify a combined mechanism involving the inhibition of pRB phosphorylation and induction of p21 as targets for cAMP, and this may explain some of its anti-cancer effects.

      • KCI등재

        캠핑장 선택 속성이 캠핑에 대한 태도, 재방문의도에 미치는 영향 연구: 글램핑(카라반) 이용유무를 조절변수로

        전정아 한국관광산업학회 2020 Tourism Research Vol.45 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the camping site selection factors on the attitude of camping and the willingness to revisit. The sample of this study was confined to the camping experience for the past year and the survey was carried out by means of the convenience sampling method. The survey was carried out from October 1th to October 20th, 2019 and 203 questionnaires except for the invalid ones among total 230 ones were used for the analysis. Results from this study found that the camping site selection attributes has been classified into the detailed hypotheses having 5 factors such as facility factor, environmental factor, camping activity factor, service and accessibility. The facility factors, environmental factors and services among the factors of selecting camping sites were found to have a significant impact on attitudes toward camping, but the factors of accessibility and camping activity were found to have no significant impact on attitudes toward camping. And it was found that the attitude toward camping had a significant impact on the intention of revisiting the camping site. Finally, the relationship between camping site selection factors, attitudes, and revisiting also differed depending on the use of glamping (caravan). This study result will not only suggest a right direction of the information search to the camping but also be used as the base line data for using effectively as the marketing means of the camping site. 본 연구목적은 캠핑장 선택 속성이 캠핑 태도 및 재방문의도에 미치는 영향을 조사하는 것이다. 연구를 위해 지난 1년간 캠핑장을 다녀온 경험이 있는 이용객을 대상으로 2019년 10월 1일부터 10월 20일까지 설문조사를 실시한 결과 전체 230개 설문지 중 유효하지 않은 설문지를 제외한 203개 설문지가 분석에 이용되었다. 연구결과에 의해 캠핑장 선택 속성은 시설적 요인, 환경적 요인, 캠핑 활동 요인, 서비스 및 접근성 등 5가지 요인으로 분류되었다. 캠핑장 선택 속성 중 시설적 요인, 환경적 요인, 서비스 등이 캠핑에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 조사되었으나 접근성과 캠핑활동 요인 캠핑에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 캠핑에 대한 태도가 캠핑장 재방문의도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 조사되었다. 마지막으로 글램핑(캐러밴)의 이용유무를 조절변수로 이용하여 캠핑장 선택 속성이 고객태도 및 재방문의도에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과, 조절변수인 글램핑(캐러밴)의 이용유무가 조절효과를 하는 것으로 조사되었다. 이러한 연구결과는 향후 다양한 캠핑장 이용객의 캠핑에 대한 올바른 방향을 제시할 뿐만 아니라 캠핑장 마케팅 수단으로 효과적이라고 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        미디어 빅데이터를 통해 본 캠핑 트렌드 분석

        김경식,한승백,한승진,이연주 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2019 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze camping trends over the past decade using Big Data. To do this, we selected newspaper articles from 2009 to 2018 on camping topics and analyzed the network of camping related key words. The subjects of the analysis were a total of 5,604 articles reported by eight major newspapers nationwide on camping. The results of the big data analysis for the key words were as follows. First, top-ranked camping key words that appeared almost every year in recent decades were 'family', 'weekend', and 'nature'. Camping trends that could be learned through these key words could be said to be ‘camping in the nature with the family on the weekend.’ Second, as a result of analyzing the network of camping key words that appeared in the newspaper media in recent 10 years, five keyword sub-groups that could represent the last 10 years were identified. In detail, group 1 was the popularity and market size of camping tourism, group 2 was camping and camping equipment in nature away from an urban area, group 3 was camping with dad, children and family, group 4 was campsite and program in Seoul and Gyeonggi province, and group 5 is camping business, start-up strategy and education in Japan. Third, camping trends that were obtained by analyzing the camping key words in recent 10 years were media-oriented camping diversification, diversification of camping method, activation of camping activities, luxury camping and its marketing. Through the camping trends of the last decade revealed as a result of this study, we are able to understand some of the leisure culture of camping in Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        캠핑 동기가 캠핑장에 대한 자아일치성, 기능일치성, 그리고 캠핑장 재방문 의도에 미치는 영향

        남중헌 한국호텔관광학회 2016 호텔관광연구 Vol.18 No.5

        Recently there has been an increasing public interest in camping and revisiting camping grounds. However, the camping culture in Korea is still developing and there has not been a lot of research in motivation for camping. This study focuses on the effect of motivation for camping on self-congruity, functional-congruity, and revisiting camp ground intention. Further, it attempts to present some theoretical implications and practical implications for operating campsites. To analyze a proposed model, data were collected from 332 respondents and analyzed with SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. To test the uni-dimensionality and nomological validity of the measures of each construct, a loyed scale refinement procedure was employed. The results of reliability test with Cronbach's α, and confirmatory factor analysis verified unidimensionality of the measures for each construct. In addition, the nomological validity of the measures was verified using the result of correlation analysis. The result of the overall model analysis demonstrated a good fit (χ2=96.649, df=4, p-value=0.000, RMR=0.089, GFI=0.933, NFI=0.926, CFI=0.928). The findings are as follows. First, relax motivation, social motivation, personal motivation, and adventure motivation for camping have a positive impact on self-congruity and functional-congruity. Second, adventure motivation for camping has a greater impact on self-congruity than other motivations and a relax motivation has a greater impact on functional-congruity than other motivations. Third, self-congruity and functional-congruity have a positive impact on revisiting intention. Lastly, self congruity has a greater impact on revisiting intention. According to these results, it would be necessary for camping ground managers to meet the needs of campers.

      • KCI등재

        江華 月串鎭 復原에 대한 一考

        강선중(Kang Seon-Jung) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2006 인천학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Among 5camps scattered in Ganghwa, Weol-got camp is planned to be restored in the future. The fundamental problem is that the names of the building and structurebuildings and subsidiary facilities in light of military affairs-which constitute the place aren’ manifest even though the camp is restored. I would make a comparative study of the pictures of ancient books and relative records, and represent materials for the right restoration of Weol-got Camp by doing various field studies under the present conditions that there aren’ extant remains of the structure. In case of Weol-got Camp, it went through the process of comparative analysis of diverse old maps. However, the contents of ‘ap of gang-wha’ owned by possession of Seoul National University, are regarded as concrete, and the restoration plan based on them is considered to be fine. Contrary to other maps, that one has marks of concrete names of the structures and constructions. In comparing the shapes of the constructions in ancient pictures with the extant remains, we see that they are mostly right although those of ancient pictures were presented relatively in brief. The contents of the study are the changes(history) of Weol-got Fort, and the construction and the scope of the camp, and the presentation of the direction for the restoration in consideration of the relationship between the fort and the camp. First, I would grasp the building activities around the domain of Weol-got Camp through the historical changes of extant Weol-got Fort and Yeon-mi pavilion, and extinct the site of hwang-heong etc, and infer the constructions in the camp and grasp their names and scope. And I would also grasp the building method and the structures(fortress wall battlement lot building site) of the fort which started to be restored and investigated for excavation recently in connection with Gang-wha exterior castle. There was Yeon-mi pavilion founded in the Go-ryeo Dynasty before Weol-got Camp lay at Weol-got district, and there was the site of hwang-heong with Yeon-mi pavilion when the camp was founded under that pavilion. Weol-got Camp was built after the formation of the camp. Therefore, the extant remains of the structures in this area are mostly facilities relative to Weol-got Fort. The names of the structures that constitute the camp weren’ recorded in documentary records, but we can know them by the old maps. Camps as national relics had official residence, inner dwelling house, servants house, warehouse, threespan gate, and fort or rest was located nearby. Similarly, in case of Weol-got Camp there were official residence, inner dwelling house, servants house, salt storehouse and storehouse as warehouses inside of the camp, and three-span gate and small gate as adjunct gate were set up. We can examine the building method of the camp and the fort one by one because the base of the fortress wall, the shape of the battlement, the supplementary building method around entrance lot, the shape of the battlement etc, were exposed in the process of investigation for excavating fortunately. These remains of the structures in the field are very essential materials for restoration operations. Jo-hae tower, Gang-wha exterior castle, water gate and weol-got should be restored with Weol-got Camp. They are considered to add a locational meaning in this area as national defense remains. And it is believed that the mid-17C when Weolgot fort was founded is the right time because setting up the time is also important in restoration operations. I repeat that the important thing in the restoration of the remains is the human historical study based on philological materials must go side by side with the engineering study of the technical approach. The sooner that study is done in the early stage of the plan, the more perfect restoration of remains is achieved with wisdom of many fields.

      • Testosterone과 Cyclic AMP-theophyllin이 흰쥐 부정소의 미세구조 및 몇 가지 효소활성에 미치는 영향

        정경순,최임순 한국통합생물학회 1988 동물학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Testosterone과 cyclic AMP(cAMP)가 부정소에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 흰쥐의 복강내로 testosterone 및 cAMP를 투여하여 acid phosphatase(ACP),alkaline phosphatase(ALP), lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)의 활성도를 측정하였으며 상피세포내 미세구조의 변화를 전자현미경으로 관찰하였다. 그 결과 거세한 실험군에서 ACP활성도는 거세 후 3일째까지 감소하기 시작하였으며 ALP활성도는 5일째,LDH활성도는 7일째부터 각각 감소하였다. 또한 거세 후 14일째 부터 testosterone을 7일간 투여한 경우 ACP와 ALP의 활성도는 5일간 계속 투여하였을 때,LDH의 활성도는 7일간 계속 투여하였을 때만 각각 유의성있게 증가하였다. cAMP 및 cAMP-theophyllin을 투여한 경우 LDH 및 ACP의 활성도가 증가하였으나 그 증가폭은 큰 의미가 없었다. ALP의 활성도는 두 가지의 경우에서 모두 증가를 나타내었다. 미세구조를 관찰한 결과는 거세한 실험군에서 골지체가 점차 변형되어 층상구조가 없어지며 미토콘드리아도 파괴되었고 상당수 존재하던 부동모 (stereocilia)도 파괴되었다. 이 경우 testosterone투여시 파괴되었던 고리지체, 미토콘드리아 및 부동모가 회복되었고 cAMP 및 cAMP-theophyllin 을 투여하였을 때는 골지체 및 여러 세포기관들이 대조군과 같은 수준으로 회복되었으나 부동모는 거세군과 같은 수준으로 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과는 부정소액에서 정자성숙시 나타나는 효소활성도 증가와 유사하게 나타났는데, 이것은 정자↔부정소액↔부정소 상피세포 와 같은 상호작용을 통하여 정자성숙이 이루어지며 이는 상피세포에서 합성된 물질이 부정소내 강으로 방출된다는 것을 의미하며 cAMP를 처리하였을 경우 효소활성도 증가 및 여러 세포소기관의 회복 등 testosterone과 유사한 작용을 나타내는 것은 cAMP가 웅성호르몬 작용시 화확적으로 전달자로 작용할 수 있다는 가능성을 나타내는 것으로 생각된다. This study was made to investigate the effect of testosterone and cyclic-AMP (cAMP) on rat epididymis. Peritoneai injections of testosterone and cAMP to rats were earned out The activities of acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were measured and ultrastructural changes of luminal epithelial cells were observed. As a result, the activity of ACP was significanily decreased on the third day, that of ALP on the fifth day and that of LDH on the seventh day respectively in castrated group. In addition, the activities of ACP and ALP were significanily increased when treated with testosterone for 5 days, that of LDH when treated with testosterone for 7 days. In case of cAMP and cAMP - theophylline injection, the activities of ACP and LDH were increased but the range of increase was of no significance. However a significant increase in the activity of ALP was seen on both cases. On electron microscopic examination, gradually deformed Golgi complex, destructed mitochondria and disrupted stereociha were observed in castrated group. In case of testosterone injection, disrupted Golgi complex, mitochondria and stereocilia showed recovery. When cAMP and cAMP-theophylline were injected as an alternative, various cytoplasmic organelles as well as Golgi com- plex were recovered but stereocilia remained unrecovered.

      • KCI등재

        SNS 텍스트 마이닝 기반 포스트 코로나 신트렌드 차박 여행 지도 제작 및 차박지 추천에 관한 연구*

        김민정(Minjeong Kim),김수현(Soohyun Kim),오지혜(Jihye Oh),엄지윤(Jiyoon Eom),강주영(Juyoung Kang) 한국IT서비스학회 2021 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.20 No.5

        As untact travel has become a new trend in leisure culture due to the spread of COVID-19, car camping market is rapidly increasing. The sales of car camping-related goods increased by up to 600 percent, and the sales of SUV in Korea also increased by about four times. Despite the growth of the car camping market, there is a lack of research on the actual condition of the car camping market or research on the user s perspective. Therefore, in this study, a survey of actual camping users was conducted to derive factors that they consider important in camping, and through this, a car camping map was produced. As a result, two types of maps were produced: a map about the car camping site and convenience facilities closest to the car camping site in Gangwon-do, and a hash tag themed map based on keywords for each car camping site. We gathered data on portal sites and social media to obtain information related to camping sites and proceeded with analysis using text mining. In addition, we extracted keywords using network analysis techniques and selected key themes that represent them. This allows the user to choose a car camping site by selecting keywords that suit their taste. We hope that this research will help car camping researchers as a prior study and provide a foundation for leading a clean camping culture through clean camping campaign. Also, we hope that car camping users will be able to do quality trip.

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