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        연결망 분석도구를 이용한 크리스토퍼 알렉산더 패턴언어 활용 가능성에 관한 연구

        정성욱,김문덕 한국실내디자인학회 2016 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.25 No.3

        연결망 분석도구를 이용한 크리스토퍼 알렉산더의 패턴언어 활용 가능성 확대를 위해 진행한 본 연구의 진행과 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 패턴언어의 복잡한 관계구조를 이해하기 위해 연결망 분석도구를 이용해 전체 패턴언어를 분석하였다. 이를 통해 도시, 건축, 시공의 ‘보다 큰’ 패턴과 ‘보다 작은’ 패턴이 연결되는 관계구조의 특징을 정리하였고, 6개의 모듈을 통해서 새로운 패턴을 선택하는 방법을 제시하였다. 또한 패턴언어 사용도구로써의 연결망 도구의 가능성을 시험하기 위해 알렉산더가 제시한 4개의 사례를 연결망 배치도로 제작하였다. 이를 통해 기존 패턴언어 사용방법의 문제점을 해결하였으며, 패턴언어의 완성도를 높일 수 있는 가능성을 제시하였다. 또한 새롭게 추가되는 패턴의 관계연결 문제점을 밝히며 이후 연구과제의 방향을 제시하였다. This study is aimed to increase the possibility of using the Christopher Alexander’s pattern language. The methodology of this study is (i) to analyze the pattern language by using the network analysis tool in order to understand the complicate network structure of the pattern language, and (ii) to apply the Alexander’s method of using the pattern language by using the network analysis tool (Gephi) and to examine the feasibility of the network analysis tool as a tool for using the pattern language. Firstly, as a result of analysing the pattern language, (i) the pattern language classified by pattern number is distinguished by the patterns of towns, buildings and construction, among which the pattern of buildings plays a key function in the networks; (ii) the buildings functions a medium connecting between the towns and the construction; and (iii) the pattern language is divided into 6 sub-modules, through which the user can select a pattern. Secondly, the result of using the network analysis tool as a tool for using the pattern language (i) suggests the new method of using the pattern language by using the network analysis tool (Gephi); (ii) makes it possible to easily figure out the characteristics of the links between the patterns; and (iii) increases the completeness of the pattern language by making it easy to find out the sub-patterns in selecting a pattern.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교재에서의 문형 제시 양상

        이윤진 이중언어학회 2009 이중언어학 Vol.39 No.-

        The previous study of a sentence pattern there has been totally focussed on the meaning of an individual sentence pattern there wasn’t any serious consideration of an aspect of a sentence pattern presentation. Hereupon this study aims to be a foundation for study of Korean language books which has considered and observed about ‘outward sides’ of an aspect of a sentence pattern presentation in a Korean language book as a foreign language from now on. An aspect of a sentence pattern presentation has analyzed in next five clauses. ‘An aspect of a sentence pattern concreteness’, ‘the number of examples of an aspect of a sentence pattern’, ‘an existence of visual materials for an aspect of a sentence pattern’, ‘a presentation of sentence pattern’s meaning’, ‘an indication rules(cases)of a sentence pattern realization’ and more. Even though it is easy to miss out those aspects of sentence pattern presentations in a Korean language book as a foreign language as a trifle but through this study we could be able to recognize that it is an important key to expose discourse information. Accordingly for a better efficient education, we should not simply pass over those ‘outward sides’ of an aspect of a sentence pattern presentation in Korean language books from now on.

      • KCI등재

        크리스토퍼 알렉산더의 패턴언어 생성규칙에 관한 연구

        정성욱(Jung, Sung-Wook),김문덕(Kim, Moon-Duck) 한국실내디자인학회 2017 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.26 No.1

        This study reviews the process of creating the patterns through the Christopher Alexander’s books to discover the fundamental rules for creation of the pattern language. The essential ideas of 11 rules describing the characteristics of the pattern language are organized by keyword depending on the characteristics of each rule. Then, this study analyzes which keyword was applied importantly and how it had been developed chronologically in the Alexander’s books. As a result, 5 keywords — reflection of cultural difference, reflection of human desires, solving the repeated problem, function suitable for principal purpose, and network structure — are applied to his early books in which the pattern language was theoretically developed, the pattern of traditional society was discovered and the network structure was developed. Another 5 keywords — user participation method, new problem solving, structure preserving transformation, post-mechanization method, and central invariant structure —are applied to the books in his mid-term after completion of the pattern theory which discover new pattern for contemporary society and apply the pattern language to time and space. In his later books which organize the theory of pattern language and suggest the direction for using the pattern language, 5 keywords — wholeness, post-mechanization method, user participation method, new problem solving, and structure preserving transformation — are applied. Users may use the pattern language more precisely if he/she considers the keywords of the early period in searching the patterns of existing environment, the keywords of the intermediate period in searching the patterns of new environment or in regard to time and space, and the keywords of the later period in considering direction of the application of the pattern language.

      • KCI등재

        A Structure and Framework for Sign Language Interaction

        Soyoung Kim,Younghwan Pan 대한인간공학회 2015 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.34 No.5

        Objective:The goal of this thesis is to design the interaction structure and framework of system to recognize sign language. Background: The sign language of meaningful individual gestures is combined to construct a sentence, so it is difficult to interpret and recognize the meaning of hand gesture for system, because of the sequence of continuous gestures. This being so, in order to interpret the meaning of individual gesture correctly, the interaction structure and framework are needed so that they can segment the indication of individual gesture. Method: We analyze 700 sign language words to structuralize the sign language gesture interaction. First of all, we analyze the transformational patterns of the hand gesture. Second, we analyze the movement of the transformational patterns of the hand gesture. Third, we analyze the type of other gestures except hands. Based on this, we design a framework for sign language interaction. Results: We elicited 8 patterns of hand gesture on the basis of the fact on whether the gesture has a change from starting point to ending point. And then, we analyzed the hand movement based on 3 elements: patterns of movement, direction, and whether hand movement is repeating or not. Moreover, we defined 11 movements of other gestures except hands and classified 8 types of interaction. The framework for sign language interaction, which was designed based on this mentioned above, applies to more than 700 individual gestures of the sign language, and can be classified as an individual gesture in spite of situation which has continuous gestures. Conclusion: This study has structuralized in 3 aspects defined to analyze the transformational patterns of the starting point and the ending point of hand shape, hand movement, and other gestures except hands for sign language interaction. Based on this, we designed the framework that can recognize the individual gestures and interpret the meaning more accurately, when meaningful individual gesture is input sequence of continuous gestures. Application: When we develop the system of sign language recognition, we can apply interaction framework to it. Structuralized gesture can be used for using database of sign language, inventing an automatic recognition system, and studying on the action gestures in other areas.

      • KCI등재

        국어교육에서 문형교육의 필요성

        송창선(Song, Chang-seon) 국어교육학회 2018 국어교육연구 Vol.- No.67

        The purpose of this study is to emphasize the necessity of teaching the basic sentence patterns in Korean language education. I agree to the following five basic sentence patterns of Korean which were proposed by National Institute of Korean Language(2005), and C.S. Song(2010, 2011), althoughother Korean linguistics established the various basic sentence patterns of Korean from four to eleven. Pattern 1 : Subject + Predicate Pattern 2 : Subject + Complement + Predicate Pattern 3 : Subject + Obligatoryadverbial + Predicate Pattern 4 : Subject + Object + Predicate Pattern 5 : Subject + Object + Obligatoryadverbial + Predicate I insist that we have to teach the basic sentence patterns in Korean language education, because they will be very helpful in learning Korean as a mother language as well as a second language. With regard to Korean writing, the students who have a grammatical mistake in the agreement between the subject and predicate can receive great support from the basic sentence patterns. With regard to Korean reading, the basic sentence patterns can be very helpful in grasping the meaning of the complex sentences.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교사의 질문 유형과 기능에 대한 연구 : 외국인에게 한국어를 교육하는 교사의 발화를 중심으로

        朴仙玉 한국화법학회 2003 화법연구 Vol.5 No.-

        이 연구는 외국인에게 한국어를 가르치는 교사의 질문 유형과 기능을 분석하는 데 목적이 있다. 외국어로서 한국어 교실은 학습자의 목표어 사용 능력을 향상을 시키는 데 주목적을 두고 있는 만큼 학습자의 능동적인 참여가 반드시 있어야만 한다. 교사가 학습자의 반응을 유도하는 방식은 다양한데, 본 연구에서는 교사의 반응유도 발화 가운데 口語的인 질문을 대상으로 한다. 이 연구에서 사용하는 ‘교사 언어’란 제2외국어를 가르치는 교사가 학습자의 이해를 돕고, 의사소통을 좀더 쉽고 빠르게 하기 위하여 목표어를 수정, 가공하여 사용하는 언어라고 하겠다. 그리고 의문문 형식을 취하고 문말 문장부호로 물음표를 붙일 수 있는, 형태적으로 의문문으로 간주하는 것을 질문으로 보고자 한다. 교사의 질문의 유형은 크게 ‘학습 내용 관련 질문’과 ‘학습 진행 관련 질문’으로 나눌 수 있다. ‘학습 내용 관련 질문’이란 수업 시간에 목표하는 한국어 학습의 내용적 측면에 관한 질문을 의미한다. 그리고 ‘학습 진행 관련 질문’이란 수업의 진행적 측면에서 주의를 환기시키고 도입을 하며 어떠한 것으로 학습을 진행해 가는지 절차와 관련된 질문을 의미한다. ‘학습 내용 관련 질문’은 다시 ‘반향적 질문(echoic question)’과 ‘지식적 질문(epistemic question)’으로 나눌 수 있다. 반향적 질문은 다시 ‘이해도 점검용’ 질문과 ‘설명 요구용’ 질문으로 나눌 수 있다. 그리고 ‘학습 진행 관련 질문’에는 ‘사회적 관계용’, ‘절차 진행용’, ‘주의 집중용’ 질문이 있다. 본 연구는 교사언어의 질문 유형 분석을 통해 현장의 한국어 교사언어의 실태를 진단하고 이를 효율적으로 수행할 수 있도록 하는 데 도움을 주고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze and find the pattern & function of questions spoken by a Korean language teacher who teaches Korean as a foreign language. A Korean language class, as a foreign language course, mainly has the purpose of improving the learners' use skill of the target language. So learners' active participation is essential. A teacher can induce learners' response in a variety of ways. However, I use a colloquial question spoken by a teacher in inducing learner's responses in this study. In this study, 'a teacher's language' refers to a language modified and processed by a second language teacher in order to help a leaner understand the target language and communicate with it more easily and quickly. And only an interrogative sentence that can be morphologically regarded as such, and takes the form of it and can be applied with a question mark at the end of its sentence as a sentence symbol, is only viewed as a question. The pattern of teacher's question can be divided into 'a learning-contents-related question' and 'a learning-progress-related question' in general. A question that related to learning contents means such a question that is related to the aspects of learning contents of Korean language, a target language. And a question that related to learning progress means such one that is related to procedure with which a teacher calls a learner's attention to the aspects of learning progress, and introduce and carry out the learning. Again, the learning-contents-related question can be classified into an 'echoic question' and an 'epistemic question', And for the learning-progress-related question, there is 'a social relation question,' 'a procedure progressing question,' and 'an attention calling question.' Being based on the analysis of the pattern of questions of teacher's language, this study can provide a help to examine the Korean language teachers' actual state of language and to carry out their teaching efficiently.

      • KCI등재

        제주어를 활용한 텍스타일 패턴 디자인- 타이포그래피적 표현을 중심으로 -

        현명관 ( Hyun Myung-kwan ),장애란 ( Jang Ae-ran ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2013 한국디자인포럼 Vol.41 No.-

        본 논문은 최근 유네스코에 의해 5개의 소멸 위기 단계 중 4단계인 `아주 심각하게 위기에 처한 언어(critically endangered language)`로 분류된 제주어의 다양한 활용 방안으로써, 타이포그래피적 표현을 통해 텍스타일 디자인을 개발하는데 있다. 제주어에는 한반도의 표준어 및 다른 방언들과는 달리 우리나라 중세 어휘의 원형과 독자적으로 형성된 단어, 차용어 등 다양하고 특이한 특징들이 많이 남아있다. 이와 같은 다양한 특징들 중 쌍아래아(□)·반복되는 표현사용·제주어에서만 보여지는 특이한 어휘를 타이포그래피의 시각적 리듬과 접목시켜 텍스타일 디자인의 모티브를 개발하였다. 이를 토대로 다양한 패턴화로 전개하고 실제 상품에 맵핑하여 제시함으로써 제주어가 섬이라는 지역적 특성과 우리나라 고대 언어의 원형이 고스란히 담긴 타이포그래피적 조형물로서 텍스타일 디자인에 활용 가능할 뿐만 아니라 제주의 대표성을 상징하는 문양으로서 패션문화 상품 개발에 응용 가능하며, 이를 통해 제주어 보존과 활용방안의 새로운 패러다임을 제시하고자 하였다. 결과적으로 이는 제주인의 자긍심 고취는 물론 넓은 의미에서 지역적 한계성을 탈피하여 지역 전통문화의 우수성이 곧 한국 전통문화의 우수성임을 재고할 수 있음과 동시에 지역 문화콘텐츠 산업의 새로운 경쟁력을 갖출 수 있는 계기를 마련할 수 있으리라 기대한다. This study aimed to find out various utilization plans of Jeju language which was classified at level 4 “critically endangered language” out of five level of endangerment in language by the UNESCO and to develop textile designs through typographic expression. Different from the standard language and other dialects in the Korean peninsula, Jeju language has kept unique and diverse features such as prototype of medieval words, independently established words and loanwords. Among those special features, this study developed textile design motif by integrating Ssang Arae a(□), repetitive expressions and unique words in Jeju language into visual rhythm of typography. Based on it, the study carried out various patterns and took mapping on actual products so that Jeju language could be used for textile design as typographic artworks with local characteristics as an island and having prototype of ancient language, and also could be applied to fashion culture product developments as representative and symbolic pattern of Jeju in order to suggest a new paradigm of preservation and utilization of Jeju language. In consequence, this study expects to enhance the concept that the excellence of local traditional culture could improve the traditional Korean culture beyond the regional limitation as well as increasing pride of Jeju people and could lay a foundation of building up new competitiveness of local cultural contents industry.

      • KCI등재

        Lexicalization Patterns of Motion Events in Korean Revisited

        Sungchool Im 언어과학회 2018 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.87

        This study aims to reexamine the lexicalization patterns of motion events and clarify the language typology of Korean, together with Japanese and Chinese, in terms of the conflation patterns of semantic elements in motion verbs and the Path framing in a motion event, especially in a serial verb construction. The findings are as follows: First, as for the conflation patterns, English belongs to the type of a Co-event language, whereas Korean, Japanese, and Chinese belong to the type of a Path language. Second, as for the Path framing in a motion event, Co-event languages exhibit the type of satellite-framed languages, whereas Path languages reveal the type of verb-framed languages. As a result, English, as a Co-event language, is classified as a satellite-framed language, whereas Korean, as a Path language, follows the type of a verb-framed language.

      • KCI등재

        중등체육교사의 수업 중 언어 형태 분석

        배민우(Bae, Min-Woo),곽은창(Kwak, Eun-Chang) 한국체육과학회 2019 한국체육과학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to explore the middle school physical education teachers’ language behavior patterns in physical education classes. Participants were 4 physical education teachers from ‘B’middle school in Gyeonggi Province. For data collection, 3 classes for each teacher was recorded by the videocamera and the language behavior pattern analysis instrument was used for data analysis. Prior to data analysis, inter-reliability was checked 5 times and confirmed by 91% at the final check-up. The results of this study showed experienced teachers ‘A’and ‘B’ used more operational languages than novice teachers. Novice teachers used more language related to task of contents than career teachers. Language behavior patterns related to task showed that both career teachers and novice teachers looked like long-winded explanations. Also, Language patterns related to the tasks appeared that they used more negative feedback and preferred to corrective and concrete feedback. The results of this study revealed that physical education teachers should have proper language behavior pattern in the class. Physical education teacher education program should offer more thorough language behavior training program which enhance preservice teachers’ understanding and commitment of it in the field.

      • KCI등재

        가라어의 흔적을 찾아서

        최중호 ( Jung Ho Choi ) 한말연구학회 2012 한말연구 Vol.- No.30

        The range of Gara(가라) nation is not certain. Because Gara is not one nation but a union nation, It also is not sure that when Gara is included in other nations, Because of this reason, it is not easy to reconstruct of language of Gara, But we must not give up finding out language of Gara, This paper is a part of effort to fing out Gara language that disappared. First of all, let`s observe a case that is used that an affix called ``화(火)`` is used. It is not sure that it is established, passing through a certain route but it`s sure that it has middle of form of Silla(신라), Baekje(백제). ``화(火)`` comes in pattern:화(火) pattern, 화량(火良) pattern, and 벌(伐) pattern. So it is coming in complicate pattern. ``SapV`` pattern as element to explain Gara nation could be confirmed. It can be seen form of ``쇠붙-`` of modern language and it is coming in varous form. I hope that study about Gara language is made progress. But these forms can not be decided yet.

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