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        얻은 자와 잃은 자 : 개혁ㆍ개방시대 중국의 한 농촌마을의 사례 A Case Study of a Chinese Village in the Post-Mao Era

        양영균 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 2001 비교문화연구 Vol.7 No.1

        This study originates from the question of how individual peasants adapted to the new situations formed by the reform policies in the post-Mao era in China. In order to elicit clear answers, I focus on those who successfully adapted to the new environments(winners), and those who failed to adapt to them, so suffered much(losers) in this study based on the research of a Chinese village. The two categories of people China specialists have interested in are those who newly got wealthy and cadres. Chinese government publicized the cases of those who got rich by introducing new businesses or new ways of doing business for the others to emulate. Accordingly many scholars focused their attention on them, especially the specialized households(專業戶) and the owners of private enterprises. This study shows that there were not a few villagers who made much money in the post-Mao period, thus who could be considered as winners. However, some of them were criticized by other villagers because they used illegal or immoral means to do business. Cadres also became one of the main research targets. There are two, closely related, approaches to the study of cadres. One is what changes occurred to the status, privilege, economic advantages, political power of cadres in the new era. According to my research, even though the new policies provided the village cadres with new resources that could be used for them to maintain power and advantages, their overall power were weakened. The other is how much advantageous the position of cadre was for the former or current in doing business. It turns out that it was not so advantageous. But a few leading village cadres enjoyed considerable amounts of power and advantages, so they could also be considered as winners. At the same time, they were criticized by the villagers because they were considered to enjoy too much economic and political advantages by abusing their positions and rights. While many villagers successfully adapted to the new environment, some villagers failed to adapt to the new age, whom I call losers. There were two groups of people in this category-one was those who failed and lost money in doing business, and the other was those who suffered from extreme poverty and critical diseases. The latter attracts our attention because their sufferings mainly stemmed from the new social welfare policy that imposed the burdens to relieve the sufferings on individual families. As I mentioned above, some villagers got wealthy and a few cadres enjoyed economic and political advantages, all of whom can be considered as winners by the visible standards. I also pointed out the fact that some of them were the objects of villagers' criticism for the illegality or immorality of the ways of doing businesses and enjoying advantages as well as the object of envy. Then, who were the "real winners" of the village in the post-Mao era? My answer is that there were not a real winner in the village yet. No one who became rich and no leading cadres won the villagers' respect, I think, because they did know how to spend their wealth and how to utilize their political resources to command other villagers' respect.

      • 皮膚自家移植후의 形態學的 變化에 관한 硏究

        梁原模,李永浩,申台均,朴景蘭,金源式 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1989 충남의대잡지 Vol.16 No.2

        The skin of abdominal wall homografted t the back of rats and observed the morphological changes of grafted tissues and mother tissues on the 1 day, 1 week & 2 weeks after operation. For light microscopic observation, the tissues were fixed within 10% neutral buffered formalin solution and stained with routine hematoxylin & eosin and alcian blue-safranin. The results were as follows; 1. The grafted abdominal skin were degenerated markedly on 1 day after operation but some cells near hair follicle remained alive. 2. In the grafted skin, the epidermis was formed newly at the upper part of muscle layer on 1 weeks after operation. 3. The epidermis of grafted skin was thicker than mother skin on 2 weeks after operation, and there were many small cells having long nucleus arranged vertically to the basal lamina. 4. Few mast cells were found in the lower portion of muscle layer on 1 day after graft operation, but the mast cells which contain heparin mainly increased in number gradually from 1 weeks to 2 weeks after operation.

      • 자궁경부암에서 Glutathione S Transferase-π의 분포에 관한 연구

        양승하,김의한,강영근,김대중,강상균 순천향의학연구소 1997 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.3 No.1

        Uterine cervical carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of woman in korea. GST-π is multifunctional and is implicated to detoxication of drug and carcinogenesis. This enzyme is expressed in many tumors of human. Relationship between GST-π and drug resistence on uterine cervical carcinoma is not known, but condyloma accuminatum, CIN and invasive carcinoma express this isoenzyme, and it is regarded as a useful marker in preneoplasia and neoplasia. To observe the expression of GST-π in CIN and invasive carcinoma, we analyzed CIN 26 cases and invasive squamous cell carcinoma 61 cases by immunohistochemical stain using monoclonal mouse anti-human GST-π. The results are as followings: 1) The GST-π showed positive reactionin normal and metaplastic epthelium adjacent to CIN and invasive carcinoma in forty-three cases(62.3%) of sixty-nine cases. 2) The GST-π showed positive reactionin CIN in eighteen cases(69.2%) of twenty-six cases. Positive rates of CIN Ⅰ, CIN Ⅱ and CIN Ⅲ are 66.7%, 71.5%, 68.8%, respectively. 3) The GST-π showed positive reaction in invasive squamous cell carcinoma in fifty-one cases(83.6%) of sixty-one cases. Positive rates of microinvasive and invasive squamous cell carcinoma are 84.6% and 83.3%, respectively. According to cell type, keratinizing and nonkeratinizing type are 81.8% and 84.6%, respectively. Above results revealed that GST-π may be significance as a immuohistochemical marker in CIN and invasive SCC, and may be implicated in intrinsic resistance for anticancer drug.

      • 자궁경부암에서 p53과 human papillomavirus의 분포에 관한 연구

        김영식,김대중,김의한,강상균,양승하 순천향의학연구소 1996 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.2 No.2

        Uterine cervical carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of woman in Korea. Cervical lesions are associated with various subtypes of human papillomavirus(HPV), and recently there is many reports for interrelationship between p53 gene and HPV in development of cervical carcinoma. HPV is associated with condyloma acuminatum, flat condyloma, cervical intraepithelial neoplasm(CIN), and invasive carcinoma in uterine cervix. Among the subtypes of HPV, type 6b and 11 are reported as low risk group and type 16 and 18 are high risk group. p53 is an one of oncogene which control the cellular proliferation. The loss of p53 function by mutation and complex binding with HPV E6 could act an important role in developmental mechanism of cervical carcinoma. To observe the relationship between expression of p53 and HPV in CIN and invasive carcinoma, we analysed CIN 26 cases and invasive squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) 62 cases processed for immunohistochemical stain using monoclonal mouse anti-p53 and polyclonal anti-bovine papillomavirus. Then positivity of p53 and HPV was compared. The results are as followings: 1) The p53 in CIN showed positive reaction in twelve cases(46.2%) of twenty-six cases. Positive rates of CIN Ⅰ, CIN Ⅱ, and CIN Ⅲ are 33.3%, 42.9%, and 50% respectively. 2) The p53 in invasive squamous cell carcinoma showed positive reaction forty-four cases(71.0%) of sixty-two cases. Positive rates of microinvasive and invasive SCC are 53.8% and 75.5%, respectively. According to cell type, keratinizing type were eighteen cases(81.2%) of twenty-two cases and nonkeratinizing type were ninteen(70.4%) of twenty-seven cases. 3) Papillomavirus revealed low expression rate in CIN(26.9%) and invasive SCC (16.1%). 4) The p53 showed positive reaction in fourteen(82.4%) of papillomavirus-positive seventeen cases. Above results revealed higher positive rate of p53 according to progression of CIN and SCC, and in keratinizing type than in nonkeratinizing type of SCC. Positive rate of papillomavirus was very low, but high positive rate in p53 positive cases which suggest that p53 and HPV corelate in development of cervical carcinoma.

      • KCI등재

        情報化社會에 있어서 프라이버시 保護에 대한 法的 考察

        許永敏,申洋均 전북대학교 법학연구소 1989 法學硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        Von den letzten Ha¨lften des 1970’s ab ist die Akkumulation und Erledigung der Information in unserem Land durch EDV. nicht nur bei o¨ffentlicher Sektion sondern nur bei privater Sektion. Computer hat daher auch in unserem Land wichtige und feste Stellung als Lo¨we des zuku¨nftien Gesellschafts, anderseits bedroht er mit ultramodi - schem Technik perstinlichen und privaten Lebensgebiet. Schon im Ausla¨nder hat sich die gesetzliche Beka¨mpfung gegen Privacy (Geheimhaltung-) verletzung auseinander - gesetzt, insbes. bei, Schweden in der Gestalt von Privacyschutzgesetz(1973). Heute erscho¨pf sich Privacyrecht nicht in Geheimhaltungsrecht (Right to be let alone). sondern bedeutet es umfassendes und positives Recht, das Umlauf der Informations u¨ber sich selbst steuren kann. A¨nderseits herrscht fast ausschlieβich offentliche Anstalten oder Privatunternehmen Informationsquelle und muβ die Gesetze sie zu Informationsverto¨ffentlichung verpflichten, unter den Umsta¨nde des Informationmonopols um das Recht zu wissen zu gewa¨hrleisten. Die Pmblematik der neuen durch Computeri zation begleiteten Privacyverletzung und deren Schutz muβ daher unter Beru¨cksichtigung auf diesen beiden Aspekten untersucht werden. Im voriegenden Aufsatz hat sich das Thema auseinandergesetzt folgend: Im ersten Teil : 1. Enhicklung des Informationsgesellschaft 2. Informationsvero¨ffentlichung und Privacyschutz 3. Neue Gestaltung der Privacyverletzung 4. Strafrechtliche Arna¨hrung zum Privacyschutz Im zweiten Teil 1. Begriff der Computerkriminalita¨t 2. Typisierung des Computerkrirninalita¨t 3. Zusammenha¨nge zwischen Computerkriminalita¨t und Privacyverletzung Im dritten Teil (Privacyverletzung durch Computer) 1. Gegenstand der Auseinandersetzung 2. Unrechtliche Akkumulation der privaten Information 3. Unrechtliche Benutzung der privaten Information 4. Unrechtliche Umlauf der privaten Information Als Ergebnis, es ist vor allem auf der verwaltungsrechtlichen Seite notwendig. das Gesetz fu¨r Infomtionsvero¨ffentlichung und Privacyschutz zu geben, um das Recht von Privacy und Wissen zu gewshrleisten. Auf der strafrechtlichen Seite'ist es wichtig, die Grenzen der strafrechtlichen Regelung richtig nach Tendenzen der Neukriminalisierung und kriminalpolitischen Forderung zu bestimmen. Aber es muβ immer berucksichtigt weden, daβ diese zwei Aufgabe zueinander nicht andere Frage sind. So ist dringend die interdisziplina¨re Auseindersetzung zwischen Strafrechtlem und Verwaltungsrechtlern gefordert.

      • KCI등재

        골 및 연골 이식을 이용한 이차적융비술의 증례보고

        김영균,양인석,여환호 大韓顎顔面成形再建外科學會 1994 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.16 No.1

        Thereare mny residual nasal deformities following midface injury. The treatment of primary nasal deformitiesis delayed frequently due to several factors. And then, we usually perform the secondary nasal reconstruction. Autogenous bone is the material of choice for major nasal augmentation. It can be contoured appropriately and securely immobilized. It is rapidly incorporated as living tissue by the recipient bed. We used with iliac bone, contochondral graft and ear cartilage for secondary nasal augmentation andobtained the relatively fair results.

      • 샤피충격시험기를 이용한 PVC/MBS 재료의 파괴인성치에 관한연구

        박명균,양진승,최영식 명지대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        The notched charpy and Izod impact test is the most prevalent technique used to characterize the effect of high impulse loads on ploymeric materials. A method of analysis in rubber toughened PVC is suggested to evaluate the critical strain energy release rate Gc from the Charpy and Izod impact energy measurement. Instrumented Charpy impact tester was used to extract ancilliary information concerning fracture properties in addition to total fracture properties and maximum critical load. The stress intensity factor Kd was calculated for the variation of rubber contents from the obtained maximum critical load and toughned effects were investigated.

      • KCI등재

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