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      • KCI등재

        석재(碩齋) 윤행임(尹行恁)의 "의리(義理)" 중심 역학관(易學觀)과 "사서(四書)" 활용 양상 -「경사강의(經史講義)_『역(易)』[계묘(癸卯)(1783)]」,「신호수필(薪湖隨筆)_『역(易)』,「계사전(繫辭傳)」」을 중심으로-

        남윤덕 ( Yoon Deok Nam ) 한국한문학회 2016 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.0 No.61

        『周易』은 윤행임의 경학관을 살필 수 있는 핵심 키워드 중 하나이다. 정조와 함께참여한 ‘經史講義’에서 윤행임은 『周易本義』와 『易傳[程傳]』을 바탕으로 역학의 논리를 습득하였고, 자신의 「薪湖隨筆_『易』ㆍ「繫辭傳」」에서 더욱 완성시켜 나갔다. 정조에 의해 처음 시도되었고, 윤행임이 참여했던 계묘년(1783) ‘경사강의_ 역 ’은 총 4번에 걸친 『주역』 강의 가운데 가장 많은 분량을 할애하여 『역』전체를 세세하게 다루었다. 윤행임이 역학에 남다른 열정을 보인 이유도 계묘년 ‘경사강의’가 하나의 큰 계기가 되어서였다. 경사강의 당시 정조는 비교적 ‘義理易學’에 비중을 두었다. 윤행임의 학문은 정조와 함께 했던 기간 동안 큰 발전을 이룩하였고, 그 당시 정조로부터 받은 학문적 영향이 고스란히 『신호수필』로 이어졌다. 경사강의를 통해 전수받은 ‘의리’ 중심의 『주역』해석방식은 윤행임의 역학관에 영향을 주어 윤행임이 ‘의리역학’을 긍정하게 하는 결과를 낳았다. 윤행임의 『주역』 해석은 『본의』와 『정전』을 충실히 따르는 전제하에 程朱와 논리를 달리한 기타 易說들을 비교분석, 경계하고 비판하며 正學인 주자학을 지키고 보완하려하였다. 윤행임은 ‘象數易學’을 긍정하면서도 잘 못 이해하여 사리에 맞지 않거나, 占筮에 치우친 편협한 曲儒들의 ‘상수역학’은 반대하며, 이를 바로잡아 절충해야 함을 강조하였다. 윤행임은 林栗, 吳澄, 邱富國, 胡仲虎의 주장에 대해선 비판적인 견해를 보였다. 이는 『본의』와 『역전』을 따르지 않고 『역』을 해석하려는 학자들에 대해 자신의 입장을 명확히 한 것이다. 한편 윤행임은 경전해석에 있어서 『역』의 관계성을 중시하며, ‘四書’ 활용 방식을 통해 ‘의리’ 중심 『역』 해석을 완성해 나갔다. 특히 『대학』ㆍ『중용』이 『주역』에 근원하고있다는 주장은 윤행임 『역』 해석의 큰 특징을 이룬다. 결과적으로 이러한 윤행임의 ‘의리역학’은 정조시대 『주역』해석방식의 한 패러다임을 제시하고 있다는 점에서 易學史的 의의가 있다. 윤행임의 ‘의리’ 중심 역학관은 어디까지나 폐단에 빠지기 쉬운 ‘상수역학’의 경계를 통해 주자의 ‘兼治象義’ 역학관을 보완하고, 더욱 더 완성된 주자학의 보수성 짙은 체계를 세워 그 기준을 잡고자 했던 정조와 그의 意志가 만들어낸 부산물이었던 것이다. 『The Book of Changes』is one of the core key-words to study Yoon Hang Im``s view of the study of Confucian classics. He learned the logic of Ichingxue at ``KyungSa-Lecture`` that he joined with King Jeong-Jo based on 『The Book of Changes-BenYi』and 『Iching- Chuan』 and he kept completing it in his 「Shin-ho-essay_『Iching』ㆍ『Xi-Ci- Zhuan』」 < KyungSa-Lecture_『Iching』 > dated 1783 (Jeong-Jo tried to do for the first time and Yoon Haeng-Im joined in) was treated too much detailedly at the most volume among total four 『The Book of Changes』 lectures. And then, this was a big opportunity that Yoon Haeng-Im specially showed his passion to 『Iching』. Jeong-Jo gave respectively weight to < Yili-Ichingxue > at that KyungSa- Lecture. Yoon Haeng-Im``s literature came into remarkable development during the period being with Jeong-Jo and academic influence from Jeong-Jo directly lead to 「Shin-ho-essay」 The way of ``Yili``-oriented interpretation about 『The Book of Changes』 (that was handed down from KyungSa-Lecture) influenced the viewpoint of Yoon Haeng-Im``s Ichingxue and after all, it let Yoon Haeng-Im being positive to ``Yili-Ichingxue``. under the premise to faithfully follow 『The Book of Changes-BenYi』 and 『Iching-Chuan』, Yoon Haeng-Im``s interpretation about 『The Book of Changes』 was to compare, analyze and criticize the other logic of Ichingxue logically different from CheongㆍZhu at the same time and keep and complement Zhuxi as right science. Yoon Haeng-Im was positive about ``Xiangshu- Ichingxue`` at the same time and was against ``Xiangshu-Ichingxue`` of the scholars who was unreasonable or one-sided to book on divination. And he emphasized to compromise them by putting things right. Yoon Haeng-Im showed his critical view on the opinions of Lim-ryul, Oh-jing, Gu bu-guk and Ho joong-ho. this means that Yoon Haeng-Im made his position clear against the scholars who tried to interpret 『The Book of Changes』 without following 『The Book of Changes-BenYi』 and 『Iching-Chuan』. On the other hand, he completed interpretation about ``Yili`` oriented 『Iching』 through the way of using ``The Four Books`` that are chinese classic texts: Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Analects & Mencius. especially, his insistence that Dae-Hak & Jung-Yong were grounded on 『The Book of Changes』 is a notable distinction. In conclusion, this Yoon Haeng-Im``s ``Yili-Ichingxue`` has great historical significance on the point to show a paradigm of the interpretation method about 『The Book of Changes』 during the era of King Jeong-Jo. Yoon Haeng-Im``s ``Yili``-oriented viewpoint of Ichingxue was a residual product from Jeong-Jo``s and Yoon``s strong will that was to correct the standard by setting up conservative system of the perfectly completed orthodox Neo-Confucianism as well as to complement the viewpoint of Zhuxi``s ``Gyeom-Chi-Sang-Yi`` Ichingxue through the boundary of ``Xiangshu- Ichingxue``, easily prone to negative effects.

      • KCI등재

        尹瓘 九城硏究의 綜合的整理

        윤여덕(尹汝德)(Yoon, Yu-uck) 백산학회 2012 白山學報 Vol.- No.92

        尹瓘 9城의 설치 범위에 대해서는 조선 초기까지만 해도 고려사, 세종실록 지리지, 동국여지승람 등 官撰史料의 기록 그대로 두만강 북(7백리)에 공험진과 선춘령이 있다는 데 의심의 여지가 없었다. 그러나 조선 중기 우리나라 역사지리학의 창시자인 韓百謙이 등장하여 함경남도 利原郡과 端川郡 경계의 磨雲嶺,높이 416m 상에 있는 石樞舊基, 돌기둥이 서 있는 옛터를 윤관비(선춘령 정계비)로 推定한 이래 그의 영향을 받은 실학자들이 윤관비를 마운령 이남으로 내려잡는, 이른바 吉州 이남설을 제기하기에 이르렀다. 그 이후 1929년에 현장을 답사한 崔南善에 의해 문제의 비는 신라 진흥왕의 巡狩碑로 뒤늦게 밝혀졌다. 일제 官邊 사학자 이케우치 池內宏 등이 이를 빌미(핑계)삼고 조선인들의 실학자에게 거는 기대와 信望에 편승하여 윤관9성을 아예 함경남도 함주군과 홍원군 경계에 있는 咸關嶺 높이 450m이남, 즉 함흥평야 일대로까지 끌어내려 버렸다. 이른바 함흥평야설이다. 그러나 윤관 9성 연구의 선구자인 方東仁과 金九鎭은 세종실록 지리지 상에서 밝히고 있는 선춘령과 공험진의 위치를 추적한 끝에 두만 강북 7백리 지점, 綏汾河 상류 지역에 있는 老松嶺이 곧 선춘령 일 것이라고 추정한 바 있다. 최근 한 軍,육군소장 출신 교수 尹日寧이 5백 년 전에 6진을 개척했던 金宗瑞가 발로 답사했던 세종지리지 상의 그 路程을 GPS 방식으로 두 차례에 걸쳐 실측하여 앞의 두 원로교수가 추정했던 노송령이 곧 선춘령임을 재확인하게 되었다. About the territories of nine castles established by general Yoon, Gwan, there had been no doubt until the former era of Chosun dynasty that it was the area of ‘Gonghum’ fortress and Mt.’Sunchun’. It is seven hundreds li north of Tomun river. This is according to official government history records "The history of Corea dynasty", "The chronicle of King Sejong (geography section)" and "The geographical information of eastern country". But the founder of historical geography of Korea, Han, Baek-gyum estimated that a stone foundation which is located on Mt. Maun near to the boundary of ‘Iwon’ county and ‘Dancheon’ county of southern Hamkyung province must be the monument of general Yoon-Gwan. Japanese historians who were controlled by the government like Ikeuchi Hiroshi took advantage of this theory and the respect of Korean people toward these scholars. They insisted that general Yoon,gwan's nine castles should be located in the Hamheung plain that is south of Mt. Hamgwan The frontrunner of the study of general Yoon,gwan's 'nine castles', professor Bang, dong-in already knew Ikeuchi's bad intension 35 years ago, and wrote "(Ikeuchi's theory) is total distortion." in his article <A thought regarding Yoon-gwan's nine castles>. And professor Kim,gu-jin found Korea's oldest map 'The map of eastern country' in the Naikaku library ’ in Japan, and studied location of Mt.Sunchun and ‘Gonghum’ fortress. Finally, he concluded that Mt.Nosong, seven hundred li north of Tomun river should be Mt.Sunchun in his article <Gonghum fortress and the monument of Mt.Sunchun>. The record of ‘Chronicle of King Sejong ’ which might be the base of the 'The map of eastern country' is the milestone of the seven hundreds li way north of Tomun river which was studied and recorded by then governor of Hamkil province, general Kim,Jong-Seo who established ‘six fortresses’ afterward. He did this according to secret mission of King Sejong. Recently a professor named Yoon, yil-young who was former general of Republic of Korean Army, surveyed the route of “The chronicle of King Sejong " route surveyed by twice through the method of GPS and proved that as the estimation of former two professors, “Mt.Nosong mountains is actually Mt.Sunchun”. And for ‘Gonghum’ fortress, it should be the 'Obong mountain castle' which is located on the north-western part of Habipa mountain ranges. By doing this, he could prove that Mt.Sunchun and ‘Gonghum’ fortress were the tactical fortresses which were established to defend the eastern side and the north-western side by general Yoon,gwan who conquered Yeojin people in order to secure Karran area.

      • 尹草窓의 生涯와 草窓訣에 關한 硏究

        金準泰,尹暢烈 대한한의학원전학회 1992 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        I have studied life of Yoon-Dong-Li(尹東里), who applied Un-Ki(運氣) theory to medicine during Suk-Jong(肅宗) to Jeong-Jo(正祖) in Yi-Dynasty and also studied his existing writings named 《Cho-Chang-kyeol》(草窓訣). The referenced original work prints were based on 1980's pring of Chung-Ku oriental medical society and National Central Library and The academy a korean studies possessed print. Studied with these books, I have concluded as follows. 1. Yoon-Dong-Li(尹東里) courtesy name is Ja-Mi(子美), pen name is Cho-Chang(草窓). He was born in 1705, Suk-Jong(肅宗) 31yrs, and died in 1784, Jeong-Jo(正祖) 3yrs in Yi-Dynasty. He had lineage of third-generationed-doctor and learned medicine from his uncle, Yoon-Woo-Kyo(尹雨敎). His father Yoon-Yi-Kyo(윤이교) gaved him second influence. 2. Confucianal physician in Ming Dynasty You-Bu(劉溥) respected Ju-Ryeom-Kyo(周濂溪), confucianist in Song-Dynasty and You-Bu(劉溥) does not removed grass in front of window (because in chinese, Cho-Chang(草窓) means grass in front of windows), and named himself Cho-Chang(草窓). Yoon-Dong-Li(尹東里) followed this suit so called himself Cho-Chang(草窓). 3. The main contents of 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣), <Un-Ki-Yeon-Lon>(運氣衍論) was written in 1725, when Yoon-Dong-Li(尹東里) was 21yrs old and printed in 1736. The other part of 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣), <Yong-Yak-Pyeon>(用藥篇) was written in 1746. These two parts were not written in the same time. The <Un-Ki-Yeon-Lon>(運氣衍論) was written 11years earlier than <Yong-Yak>(用藥). Two parts were combined another day and named 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣). 4. Existing 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣) is transcribed printing with the content of "Five elements motion and the six kind of natural factors theory"(五運六氣論). Each edition is generally similar in content, but also has different points each other so naw we hardly finds a complete set of works. 5. 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣) is a first technical book which treats of Un-Ki(運氣) theory in korea. 6. The contents of <Un-Ki-Yeon-Lon>(運氣衍論) of 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣) is mechanism of diease according to excess and insuffciency of five elements motion and six kinds of natural factors, and symptoms and priscriptions, includes variated priscriptions. 7. Two parts in <Un-Ki-Yeon-Lon>(運氣衍論) of 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣), 'Sang-tong'(相通) and 'Kak-Tong'(各通), threats of mechanisim of the disease according to five elements, with the principle of inter-promoting and inter-acting, in the change of ten heavenly stems and five elements motion. 8. In the <Yong-Yak-Pyeon>(用藥篇) of 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣) describes priscription for clinical application according to Un-Ki(運氣) and also records about misuse of medicine. 9. In the 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣), most of priscription are common using one, which also found in 《Dong-Ui-Bo-Gam》(東醫寶鑑) and there are few of priscriptions by Yoon-Dong-Li(尹東里).

      • 서포기 외가와 친가의 배경과 교육의 영향을 찾아서 -서포 양가의 배경과 윤씨 교육의 영향을 중심으로-

        윤경수 ( Kyung Soo Yoon ) 한국청소년효문화학회 2015 청소년과 효문화 Vol.26 No.-

        Scopo(西浦) are built to Guwurunong(九雲夢) with filial to the mother up. Another Scopo was discovered works of Yoon(尹氏) built the Hacngjang(行狀) the aces of the mother. Sukjong(肅宗) is built and the Sassinamjeonggi(謝氏南征記) regrets that the relationship between Huibin(禧嬪) Two novels can``ve figured out that the splcndor of Yoon seen as the expression of piety. r ilial of Scopo has been referred to as the utmost filial piety arc the maternal and later, under the influence of the parents`` house. However, piety of Scopo is committed to Guwunmong and the Sassinamjeonggi under the influence of filial mother Yoon. Therefore, the fi lial piety of Scopo believing that wc preside way ID become a writer planted on literature, the womb and the regression of the three Confucian and Buddhist rituals and the collective unconscious, with Gojoseon(古朝鮮), Dangun(檀君), Hwanin(桓因), Hwanung(桓雄)``s bujajahyo(父慈子孝)and UngnYco(熊女), Dangun``s mojajahyo(母慈子孝) is contained in these two novels have the new meaning.

      • KCI우수등재

        Trivial and Real Exceptions in Generics

        YoungEun Yoon 한국언어학회 2008 언어 Vol.33 No.2

        Concerning the issue of exceptions in generics, Cohen (2004) argues that exceptions are allowed in generics only if "homogeneity" is not violated. The homogeneity constraint restricts that the exceptions should not form a salient "chunk" of the domain of the generic. A salient chunk could be formed, depending on the way in which the domain is mentally represented. "Tree" and "geometric" representations are proposed as the two ways of mapping of cognitive mental representations. Yoon (2006) argues, however, that choices between these two mental representations claimed to be involved in the interpretation process of generics are quite arbitrary, and that counterexamples also exist for the "homogeneity" requirement. Yoon also suggests that generics involve cognitive conceptualizations based on the language users' encyclopedic knowledge, world knowledge from experiences, common sense, beliefs, stereotypes, prejudices, etc. Given this, this paper revisits the widely-agreed-upon phenomenon of exceptions in generics, and proposes that generics could be divided into two kinds depending on whether they contain trivial or real exceptions, elaborating on Yoon's analysis. It is further proposed that one kind of generics is characterizing statements based on the salient properties of "whole" sets while the other kind is characterizing statements based on the salient properties of "representative" sets. It will be shown that this approach better accounts for the acceptable and unacceptable generic statements.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 시의 릴케 受容

        윤석성(Yoon Seok Seong) 동악어문학회 2008 동악어문학 Vol.50 No.-

        R. M. Rilke는 한국의 시인과 독자들에게 가장 큰 영향을 끼친 시인들 중의 한 사람이다. 이러한 릴케의 시를 수용한 한국의 대표적 시인들로는 윤동주, 김현승, 김춘수를 들 수 있다. 릴케의 시와 이들의 시를 대비해 본 결과, 윤동주는 릴케의 초기 시와 『기도시집』, 『형상시집』, 지상적 삶을 천명한 후기 시의 세계를 수용하고 있고, 김현승은 『기도시집』과 『형상시집』의 시 세계를 ‘가을’ 시편들에서, 『두이노의 비가』와 후기 시의 시 세계를 ‘고독’ 시편들에서 수용하고 있다. 김춘수는 초기 시와 『형상시집』, 『신시집』 등의 시 세계를 수용하고 있는데, 특히 그의 「꽃」 계열의 시들은 릴케의 시작 태도를 본격적으로 수용하고 있다는 점에서 주목할 만하다. 그러나 이 세 시인들도 릴케 시를 완전히 수용했다고는 보기 어렵다. 윤동주는 20대의 젊은 나이로 세상을 떠났고, 김현승은 ‘地上에의 決意’를 천명한 릴케와 달리 만년에 다시 기독교로 귀의했으며, 김춘수는 관념의 중압을 이기지 못하고 무의미시로 옮겨갔다. 그러나 탁월한 시인 릴케의 수용으로 한국 시의 지평이 예술성과 형이상학성에서 한층 깊어진 것은 분명한 사실이다. The representative Korean poets who followed Rilke's poetic world are Yoon-Dongjoo, Kim-Hyunseung, and Kim-Choonsoo. Yoon-Dongjoo was influenced by his early poems, 『Das Stunden-Buch』, 『Das Buch der Bilder』 and his latter years' poems shows a tendency of existentialism. Kim-Hyunseung accepted the literary world expressed in 『Das Stunden-Buch』 and 『Das Buch der Bilder』 in his 'autumn poems' and, in his 'solitude poems', accepted the poetic vision expressed in 『Duineser Elegien』 and the latter years' poems. Kim-Choonsoo adopted the poetic spirit in the poems of his early period, 『Das Buch der Bilder』and 『Neue Gedichte』. Their receptiveness and acceptiveness of Rilke's literary world were not completely succesfull but his influence on Korean poetry was so strong that their is no doubt that he deepened the Korean literary art and thought.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        코로나19 대응 거버넌스의 성공 요인에 관한 탐색적 연구: 성과중심적 거버넌스 모형을 활용하여

        윤기웅(Yoon, Ki-Woong),공동성(Kong, Dong-Sung) 한국정부학회 2020 한국행정논집 Vol.32 No.3

        본 연구는 코로나19 방역 모범국이라는 평가를 받는 한국의 코로나19 대응 전략 및 성공 요인을 살펴보는 데 그 목적이 있다. 코로나19 감염병은 사회재난 중 하나로 정부가 중심이 되는 공공거버넌스의 영역이라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 공공거버넌스 유형 중 하나인 성과중심적 거버넌스 모형을 활용하여 코로나19 방역의 성과(확진자와 사망자의 통제 가능 여부)에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 탐색적으로 분석한다. 분석결과 거버넌스 맥락, 정권, 행정적 준비단계, 성과향상 실행메커니즘에 포함되는 다양한 요인들이 한국의 코로나19 방역의 성과에 이바지한 것으로 나타났다. 구체적으로 살펴보면, 첫째, 거버넌스 맥락 차원에서 2015년 메르스 대응실패 이후 이루어진 법령 개정, 중앙집권체계, 정보통신기술발달 등 방역 활동에 우호적인 외부환경 요소들이 방역의 성과향상에 기여하였다. 둘째, 정권 차원에서 방역당국에 대한 대통령의 적극적 지원과 범정부적 조직/인사/예산지원은 방역당국이 효과적으로 방역에 집중할 수 있도록 하는 밑거름이 되었다. 셋째, 행정적 준비단계 차원에서 구체적으로 마련된 표준운영절차(SOP)와 담당자에 대한 교육/훈련을 통한 역량 강화는 방역 일선 담당자들의 일사불란한 대처를 가능하게 했다. 넷째, 성과향상 실행메커니즘 차원에서 방역당국은 주어진 상황 및 여건에 맞춘 적절한 대비를 하였을 뿐만 아니라 신속한 진단검사 및 역학조사를 통해 확진자를 조기 발견하여 적시에 감염병 확산을 차단할 수 있었다. 결론적으로 피해복구 단계를 제외한 예방, 대비, 대응 단계에서 적절한 조치가 이루어졌고, 이로 인해 비록 미흡한 점이 일부 있기는 하나 한국의 코로나19 방역이 어느 정도 성공적으로 작동하였다고 볼 수 있다. South Korea is being evaluated by global media and experts for its successful response to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The purpose of this study is to examine the Korean government’s response strategy and success factors for COVID-19 using the performancebased/managerial governance model which was presented by Kong & Yoon(2018b). It found that various factors, such as governance context, governance regime, pre-governance and execution mechanisms, all together contributed to South Korea’s success in responding to COVID-19. These findings can be considered to be of theoretical significance in that they expanded the applicability of the public governance model proposed by Kong & Yoon. In addition, the case of South Korea, which has harmoniously achieved the two conflicting goals of controlling infectious disease and minimizing economic damage, provides many practical implications for how other countries should cope in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Three-Dimensional Z-Plasty(Yoon's Method)를 이용한 내안각 췌피 성형술

        박흥식,김우신,윤진호,나민화,김한중 대한미용성형외과학회 1997 Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Vol.3 No.1

        The presence of epicanthal folds in Asian eyelids is one of their unique features, in combination with the lack of supratarsal folds. Western culture has influenced many people to prefer to eliminate the prominent epicanthal fold. A number of surgical techniques have been suggested for their correction. However, difficulty with design, excessive and prominent scarring of medial canthal and nasal area, recurrence, and rigidity of application are potential problems associated with many procedures. This paper describes a epicanthoplasty with three-dimensional Z-plasty. Through epicanthal fold incision, the medial canthal tendon is medially advanced and sutured to the periosteum of nasal bone. After the transposition of the flaps, trimming of the flap is usually required. Three-dimensional Z-plasty creates the attractive eyes. From March, 1995 to March, 1997, the technique was applied to 37 patients with epicanthal fold and was performed with or without double-fold operation. There were 34 females and 3 males with ages ranging from 17 to 30 years. Through 2 years follow-up, this technique has delivered esthetically good results with minimal postoperative scar and could made the reduction of ICD from 40 ± 2.13 mm to 34 ± 1.98 mm. The advantages of epicanthoplasty procedure using three-dimensional Z-plasty(Yoon's method) are as follows; 1) simple in design 2)minimal postoperative scar in the medial canthal area 3) versatile in its application 4) no recurrence 5) no hypertrophic scar 6) preserving ethnic identity.

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