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      • 진공포장한 소 등심육의 저장성에 관한 연구

        손태문,김미숙,문윤희 慶星大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.18 No.2

        This study was investigated storage stability period as a result of physico-chemical properties, total plate count and sensory evaluation on storage stability. The vacuum packaged beef loin stored at 2, 10, 20 and 30℃. The result of evaluated quality change was used, and the shelf-life predicted according to change of storage temperature. A judgement of the early stage of decomposition was by criterion according to aroma, color and appearance of slime in sensory evaluation of vacuum packaged beef loin. The early stage of decomposition by storage period were 11 days at 10℃ and 2 days at 20℃, but the stage at 30℃ was decomposed in the first day. The pH, VBN, TBA and total plate counts of the early stage of decomposition were above 6.05, 26.29mg%, 0.987mg malonaldehyde/kg and 10? CFU/cm², respectively. And the storage during 43 days at 2℃ was not decomposed. The appearance of gas during stored by vacuum package not showed in the early stage of decomposition, but showed during the advance of decomposition. The Q? value 5.5 gained as a result of this studies, the storage stability period in different temperature predicted. The 72 days at -1℃ , 61 days at 0℃, 26 days at 5℃, 9 days at 11℃ and 5 days at 15℃ predicted by storage stability period.

      • KCI등재후보

        대장암 환자의 생활양상에 관한 연구

        김미숙,전점이,손경희 성인간호학회 2002 성인간호학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        Purpose: This study was to prepare the basic data for prevention of colo-rectal cancer and protection against its spread. Method: The subjects for the study were 204 patients with colo-rectal cancer from the G.S. wards of five general hospitals in Busan for the period of June 1 to September 1, 2001. The instrument used was questionaire which was developed by Junho Shin(1995). The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, McNemar test, x^2 test, paired t-test, and ANOVA. Result: 1. 57% of the studied subjects were male, 42.7% were more than 60 years old, 54.9% were of standard physique, 49.5% were the Buddhists, 50.5% were the middle or high school graduates. 83.8% were city dwellers, 48% were jobless, 69.6% had no-history of alimentary disease, 44.1% had no-family history of cancer, 82.8% were married. 2. Constipation (x^2=36.45, p=0.0001) in clients showed a significant positive association for the pre-diagnosed, but diarrhea(x^2=3.947, p=0.047)showed a significant positive association for the post-diagnosed. The preference for high seasonings(t=6.23, p=0.0001) and animal fat (t=8.35, p=0.0001) was higher significantly in the pre-diagnosed, but physical activities(x^²=30.22, p=0.0001), an eutrophic or tonic medicine(x^2=30.22, p=0.0001), was of and vegetables(t=-6.20, p=0.0001) was higher significantly in the post-diagnosed. 3. There were significant differences in the life style of the pre-diagnosed according to the general characteristics except religion. Conclusion: Results of the above study reveal we should be very sensitive to the change of defecation styles and consider the necessity of improving life styles as regards eating habits. When an education program is developed, the general characteristics of the subjects need to be considered.

      • 부산지역 수돗물과 지하수의 중금속 농도

        김준연,손지언,김형수,김두희,원미숙,김인식,이혜령 동아대학교 산업의학연구소 2000 산업의학연구소 논총 Vol.- No.5

        This study investigated mean airborne CO concention of 15 workplaces, suspected of CO exposure and conducted self-reported questionnaire completion and indirect COHb concentration measure using Micro II Smokerlyzer to healthy 702 adult subjects from 1999 May to 1999 September in order to find a relation of CO exposure and occupational factors, socioeconomic factors, and health related behaviors and confirm the related conditions in the screening test for CO exposure. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1. In the CO exposed and non exposed group, COHb concentrations of the smokers were 2.55±0.96% and 2.21±0.97% and that got a statistically significant difference, There were not statistically significant differences in the age and total smoking index. Passed times after the last smoking, Working time/day, and working duration were statistically significant difference (p〈0.05). 2. In the CO exposed and non exposed group, COHb concentrations of non-smoking group were 0.94±0.35% and 0.68±0.47% and that got a statistically significant difference. There were not statistically significant differences in the age and working duration but Working time/day was a statistically significant difference(p〈0.05). 3. In the CO exposed group, r-square of multiple regression of the smokers was 38.5 % and passed time after the last smoking, working time/day, and job category were statistically significant differences (p〈0.05). And r-square in the CO non-exposed group was 38.3 % and age, passed time after the last smoking, and total smoking index were statistically significant difference. 4. In the CO exposed group, r-square of multiple repression of the non-smokers was 66.3% and job category and airborne CO concentration were statistically significant differences(p〈0.05). But r-square of non-smokers in the CO non-exposed group was 1.0% and there was not a statistically significant difference(p〈0.05). 5. In the smokers of CO exposed and non exposed groups, relation of COHb concentration and passed time after the last smoking was expressed as exponential function, Y = 2.9182e-0.0083x and r-square of this function was 37.4%. Therefore it was more than 150 minutes that passed time after the last smoking was when COHb concentrations were measured as less than 1%. In conclusion, variable, that was statistically significant to COHb concentraion in the both CO exposed and non-exposed smokers, was a passed time after the last smoking. We suggest that you have to restrict the smoking of smokers at least 150 minutes in the exposed and non exposed group before COHb concentration measure in order to exclude smoking effects

      • KCI우수등재

        자유법적 형법론에 관한 고찰

        손미숙(Son, Mi-Suk) 한국형사법학회 2012 형사법연구 Vol.24 No.2

        Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt einender bedeutsamsten Begründungsansätze zum Strafrecht in der gegenwärtigen deutschen Strafrechtswissenschaft dar: die freiheitsgesetzliche bzw. vernunftrechtliche Begründung des Strafrechts ausgehend von der Ernst Amadeus Wolff-Schule. Hauptanliegen des vorliegenden Beitrages ist, die in Korea relativ unbekannte freiheitsgesetzliche Begründung des Strafrechts vorzustellen und damit auch neue Erkenntnisse sowie Anregungen für die koreanische Strafrechtswissenschaft zu geben. Aus diesem Grund werden zunächst die wesentlichen Inhalte des freiheitsgesetzlichen Strafrechts dargelegt und anschließend wird versucht, aus dieser Basis heraus zu begründen, warum die Todesstrafe keine Rechtsstrafe ist und die bewusste Selbstverletzung kein strafrechtliches Unrecht darstellt. Nach dem freiheitsgesetzlich begründeten Verständnis des Strafrechts besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen Recht, Unrecht, Verbrechen und Strafe. Das Recht begründet ein Dasein in Freiheit. Das Unrecht und insbesondere das Verbrechen stellt eine vom Täter herbeigeführte Verletzung freiheitlichen Daseins dar. Die Strafe leistet die Wiederherstellung des Rechts: Indem die konkrete Freiheit des Täters gemindert wird sowie er fremde Freiheit verletzt hat, wird die Verletzung ausgeglichen und das Recht wiederhergestellt. Nach dieser Begründung des freiheitsgesetzlichen Strafrechts ist die Todesstrafe keine Rechtsstrafe, da sie das Dasein eines Anderen und damit die fundamentale Grundlage des Rechts vernichtet. Die bewusste Selbstverletzung begründet nach dem Verständnis des freiheitsgesetzlichen Strafrechts deswegen kein strafrechtliches Unrecht gegenüber dem verletzten Gut, da hier kein interpersonales Verhältnis, also keine Verletzung eines anderen Rechtsguts, besteht.

      • KCI등재

        연명의료중단의 형법이론적 근거

        손미숙(Mi suk Son) 한국형사정책학회 2016 刑事政策 Vol.28 No.1

        In February 2016 was enacted a new law on the hospice and the termination of life-sustaining measure of the moribund Patient in Korea. It shall come into force in 2018. The purpose of this law is to guarantee the self-determination right of the terminally ill patient. The autonomy of the person is become lately not only in biomedical criminal law, but also in the biomedical ethics worldwide to a deciding principle. Autonomy means self-determination. That the person by the self-determination his freedom gets to experience, is due essentially to Kant. Since Person acts not after his instinct, but as the self-reflexive Beings according to the imagination of the law. Against this background tries this paper for which reason the so-called passive euthanasia (termination of life-sustaining measure of the Patient) despite § 252 para. 1 (Killing on Request or with Consent) Korean Penal Code no punishable act explains to find. The way of these grounds is based on the self-determination right of the moribund patient.

      • KCI등재

        사형제도에 대한 법철학적인 고찰

        손미숙 ( Mi Suk Son ) 한국비교형사법학회 2011 비교형사법연구 Vol.13 No.2

        Das geltende koreanische Strafgesetzbuch kennt noch die Todesstrafe. Sie wird im koreanischen Recht nicht nur als abschreckende Rechtsfolge der Straftat vorgesehen, sondern auch tatsachlich von den Gerichten im Urteil ausgesprochen und kann daher theoretisch auch vollstreckt werden. Dabei ist auf die bemerkenswert positive Tendenz hinzuweisen, dass dies in Korea seit 1998 nicht mehr geschah. Dieses sogenannte Hinritungsmoratorium kann als Ausdruck der Einsicht in die grundsatzliche Berechtigung der Kritik an die Todesstrafe angesehen werden. Sie ist insofern ein erster Schritt in die richtige Richtung, aber ein unzureichender, da der Staat auf die gesetzliche Androhung der Todesstrafe nicht endgultig verzichtet. Vor diesem Hintergrund versucht der vorliegende Beitrag eine Begrundungsbasis fur die Beantwortung der Frage zu erlangen, warum die Todesstrafe in einem Rechtsstaat rechtsphilosophisch gesehen eigentlich nicht existieren darf. Diese fundamentalen Uberlegungen beruhen darauf, dass das Recht und das Strafrecht nur freiheitsgesetzlich beziehungsweise vernunftrechtlich begrundet werden konnen. Anzumerken ist, dass der vorliegende Gedankengang bereits in einem Beitrag in deutscher Sprache vorgestellt wurde. Das Recht ist uberhaupt nur vorstellbar als wechselseitiges Beziehungsverhaltnis zwischen einzelnen Personen, also als die Substanz eines gegenseitigen Anerkennungsverhaltnisses zwischen dem selbstbewussten einzelnen und den anderen. Das vernunftige Dasein des einen steht in einer Beziehung zum vernunftigen Dasein des anderen, da der eine wie der andere dasselbe Begrundende reprasentiert. Alle Rechtlichkeit setzt also diesen Zusammenhang voraus. So wie das Recht interpersonal und intersubjektiv angelegt ist, so muss es auch die Strafe sein. Das heißt, sie muss auf einen lebenden anderen gerichtet sein, dessen vernunftige Fortexistenz gerade ihr Grund und ihr Ziel ist. Die Todesstrafe ist keine Rechtsstrafe. Sie ist nicht deshalb unmoglich, weil sie grausam und inhuman ware oder weil Justizirrtumer geschehen konnten, sondern deshalb, weil mit ihr die Rechtsgemeinschaft etwas beansprucht, was ihr nicht zukommt und nicht zukommen kann: einem Menschen wegen eines Verbrechens das Leben zu nehmen. Die Todesstrafe muss vollstandig als Rechtsfolge abgeschafft werden; erst dann ist ihre Achtung konsequent vollzogen.

      • KCI우수등재

        海外法窓 : 법학인가, 맥로(McLaw)인가? -독일에서의 현행 법학교육 개혁론에 대한 차칙 교수의 비판을 중심으로-

        손미숙 ( Mi Suk Son ) 법조협회 2010 法曹 Vol.59 No.2

        국민건강보험은 국민에게 발생하는 질병·상해·분만·사망 등과 관련해 사회적 위험을 보험방식으로 대처하여 재정적 부담을 최소화하고 의료비를 보장하는 제도이다. 이로써 국민들의 의료이용과 혜택을 용이하게 하고, 저소득층이나 영세민에게 의료비부담을 줄여주어 국민들의 건강증진에 큰 영향을 주는 사회보험제도이다. 그러나 본 법 제48조 제1항 제1호에서 "공단은 보험급여를 받을 수 있는 자가 고의 또는 중대한 과실로 인한 범죄행위에 기인하거나 고의로 사고를 발생시킨 때에는 보험급여를 하지 아니한다"라고 규정하여 보험급여를 제한하고 있다. 현대사회는 인간수명연장에 따른 고령화와 산업화로 인간의 사회위험이 상존하며 증가하고 있는 생활의 위험성으로 국민건강보험의 활용이 증가하고 실정이다. 따라서 위 제한규정은 국민의 건강하고 행복한 생활을 보장하기 위해 국가가 보험자로서 국민들의 건강증진을 목적으로 국민에게 기본적인 의료혜택을 제공하고자하는 입법취지와 목적에 비추어 볼 때 적법하다고 볼 수 없다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 형법의 정당방위

        손미숙(Son, Mi-Suk) 한국형사법학회 2014 형사법연구 Vol.26 No.2

        이 글은 외국 독자들에게 한국 형법의 정당방위에 관한 규정과 논의 상황을 소개 하기 위해 쓴 것이다. 이러한 의도에서 한국 형법의 범죄체계론에서 형벌면제사유가 되는 것들을 먼저 개괄적으로 고찰하고, 그 다음 정당방위에 관한 개별 논의들을 분 석, 정리하고 있다. 형벌면제사유에 관한 규정들은 1953년 한국 형법전이 제정된 이후부터 지금까지 60년이 넘는 세월 동안 조금도 바뀌지 않고 그 원형을 고스란히 간직하고 있는 조문들 중의 하나이다. 구성요건에 해당하는 위법하고 책임 있는 행위 를 범죄라고 정의하는 이른바 3 단계 범죄체계론은 한국 형법의 특징이라고 할 수 있으며, 형법전의 형벌면제사유에 관한 규정들로부터 우리형법은 이미 제정당시부터 위법성조각사유와 책임조각사유를 구분하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 특히 형법전의 위법성조각사유 (정당행위, 정당방위, 긴급피난, 자구행위, 피해자의 승낙) 에 관한 규정들은 한국 형법전의 총칙에서 체계적으로나 내용적으로 가장 완벽한 것으로 평가되기도 한다. 위법성조각사유 중 가장 중요한 것이기도 한 정당방위는 일종의 자연법상의 권리로서 자기보호와 법질서수호라는 두 가지 근본원칙에서 유래한다. 정당방위가 성립하기 위해서는 객관적 요건으로 정당방위상황과 정당방위행위 및 방위행위에 대한 상당한 이유가 있어야 하며, 주관적 요건으로는 방위의사를 필요로 한다. 정당 방위성립에 필요한 이 요건들은 형법 제21조 제1항에 규정된 법문으로부터 직접 도출되는 것이다. 정당방위의 법적 효력의 핵심은 방위행위의 위법성을 제거하는 것이며, 정당방위의 효과는 오로지 행위자에게만 미친다. 본문에서 소개하는 이러한 정당방위의 내용은 오랫동안 논의되고 있는 정당방위에 관한 한국 형법의 자화상의 한 단면이라고 할 수 있으며, 또 고도의 추상적인 개념들로 이루어진 한국 형법전의 위법성조각사유에 관한 규정들은 우리 형법이 판례법이 아닌, 체계적인 연관성 속에 있는 개념들로 이루어진 제정법이라는 현행법의 근원을 상기시키는 대표적인 예라고 할 수 있다. In this paper, the entire grounds for excluding criminal liability are first briefly presented in order to give better understanding to self-defense as a ground for justification in the Korean criminal law to the foreign reader. Then to go into the details of self-defense in the Korean Penal Code. The three-stage structure of criminal offences (Fulfillment of the Legal Elements of the Respective Offence, Unlawfulness, and Culpability) is characteristic for the Korean criminal law, according to which the offense is a factual excessive, unlawful and culpable action. Offences include prohibition and mandatory standards. They are not absolute, their validity can be set by special permit rates for certain individual cases except force. These permission sets are found not only in the Korean Penal Code, but also in other areas of law. They normalize the duty to tolerate the true factual moderate but allowed behavior of the offender. Such a permission set is commonly referred to in the Korean criminal law as a ground for justification. The self-defense rule is one of the most important grounds for justification in the Korean criminal law. The self-defense rule in § 21 Korean Penal Code reads as follows:§ 21 Korean Penal Code (Self-defense) : (1) An act is performed in order to prevent impending and unjust infringement of one's own or another person's legal interest shall not be punishable if there are reasonable grounds for that act. (2) When a preventive act has exceeded normal limits, a punishment may be mitigated or remitted according to the extenuating circumstances. (3) In the case of the preceding paragraph, an act performed through fear, surprise, excitement or confusion in the night or under other extraordinary circumstances shall not be punishable. The self-defense right consists of objective and subjective elements. The objective conditions of self-defense forms a self-defense situation, the self-defense action, and the reasonable grounds for a self-defense action. Subjective prerequisite is the will of the defense. All self-defense elements result directly from the wording of § 21 para 1 Korean Penal Code. The effect of self-defense is that it illegally eliminates a defense action (§ 21 para 1 Korean Penal Code) . The effect of self-defense is limited to the agent itself.

      • KCI등재후보

        유방암 환자의 상지 부작용과 관련 요인

        전미선(Mi Son Chun),문성미(Seong Mi Moon),이혜진(Hye Jin Lee),이은현(Eun-Hyun Lee),송영숙(Yeoung Suk Song),정용식(Yong Sik Chung),박희붕(Hee Bung Park),강승희(Seung Hee Kang) 대한방사선종양학회 2005 Radiation Oncology Journal Vol.23 No.1

        목 적: 본 연구의 목적은 유방암 치료 후 상지의 림프부종, 어깨관절 운동범위 감소, 주관적 증상과 이에 영향을 미치는 변수를 파악하기 위함이다. 대상 및 방법: 본 대학 병원에서 유방암 진단을 받고 수술 또는 수술 후 방사선치료 및 항암치료를 받은 환자 159명을 대상으로 림프부종 정도와 어깨관절 운동범위를 측정하였고, 질문지를 이용하여 주관적 증상을 측정하였다.대상 환자의 47.2%인 75명이 40대였으며 89%의 환자가 병기 I 또는 II 이었다.결 과: 림프부종(건측과 환측의 차이가 2 cm 이상)은 52명(32.7%)의 환자에서 발생하였다. 이 중 상지 하부 림프부종은 3명, 상지 상부 림프부종은 34명에서 발생하였으며 상지 상부와 하부 모두 림프부종이 발생한 경우는 15명이었다. 각 부위별 발생 빈도는 손목으로부터 10 cm 지점에서 6.3%, 20 cm 지점에서 10.7%, 30 cm 지점에서 22.6%,40 cm 지점에서 23.3%이었다. 어깨관절 운동범위 감소(건측과 환측의 차이가 20o 이상)의 빈도는 굴곡에서 37.2%,외전에서 37.7%, 내회전에서 48.4%, 외회전에서 24.5%이었다. 이 중 내회전의 경우 정상운동범위의 50% 이상 감소되는 경우도 흔하였다. 주관적 증상으로 통증 호소가 63.5%, 팔을 움직이기 힘들다고 하는 경우가 48.4%, 팔저림호소가 69.8%, 뻣뻣함(stiffness) 호소가 69.2%이었다. 특히 림프부종이 없는 108명의 환자 중 66명(61.1%)이 통증을 호소하였다. 림프부종의 발생과 유의한 관계가 있는 요인으로는 연령, 체질량지수(BMI), 치료방법 및 수술 후 경과기간이 있었고, 어깨관절 운동범위 감소의 경우 치료방법과 수술 후 경과기간이었다. 주관적 증상의 경우는 치료방법과 수술 후 경과기간 그리고 항암화학요법 종류가 유의한 관계가 있는 요인이었다. 다변량분석 결과 체질량지수(BMI)와 수술 후 경과기간이 림프부종에 영향을 미치는 유의한 변수인 것으로 나타났다. 결 론: 림프부종은 수술 후 기간이 경과되어도 계속 진행되며 특히 체질량지수가 유의한 요인으로 확인되어 지속적인 체중관리를 포함한 예방대책이 필요하다. 그리고 어깨관절 운동범위의 감소도 환자의 약 1/3에서 발생하였으며 특히 굴곡, 외전, 내회전 운동범위의 감소가 빈번하였고 내회전의 경우 그 정도가 심하였으며 이를 근거로 한 치료 후 재활관리 프로그램이 환자에게 도움을 줄 것으로 기대한다. Purpose: To evaluate the incidence of arm morbidity following breast cancer surgery including axillary dissection and to identify related factors Materials and Methods: One hundred and fifty nine patients were studied using a self-report questionnaire and a clinical examination. Lymphedema, reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint and subjective symptoms (pain, impaired arm movement, numbness, stiffness) were evaluated. As related factors , demo graphic, oncologic characteristics and types at treatment were analysed. Results: The Incidence of lymphedema (?2 cm difference comparing to unaffected arm) was 6,3%, 10,7%,22,6% and 23,3% at each 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, and 40 cm from wrist. Reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint (?20 degree difference comparing to unaffected arm) was noted in more than 1/3 patients for flexion, abduction and internal rotation. Especially the reduction of range of motion in internal rotation was severe (> 50% reduction) In 1β patients. Approximately 50 to 60% of patients complained impaired arm movement, numbness , stiffness and pain. Body mass index (BMI) was the significant risk factor for lymphedema. Conclusion: Lymphedema was present in 1/3 of patients and the common sites of edema were 30 cm 40 cm proximal from the wrist. also most severe reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint was with Internal rotation , There needs weight control for lymphedema because BMI was the significant risk factor for lymphedema, Also rehabilitation program for range of motion especially internal rotation In shoulder joint should be developed

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