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      • Dimecron 중독증 환자 6예

        류하근,박봉안,류주성,유재등,김정수,김치훈,송종오 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2001 건국의과학학술지 Vol.11 No.-

        The authors experienced 6 cases of Dimecron intoxication, an organophosphate, that required mechanical ventilator treatment. Among 6 cases, 4 cases were intoxication due to suicidal attempt and 2 cases were due to accidental exposure. Among 4 cases of intoxication due to suicidal attempt, only one patient recovered even after aggressive treatments using gastric lavage, mechanical ventilation, atropine and PAM(pralidoxime). Two cases of intoxications due to accidental exposure, 1 case needed mechanical ventilation. Both cases were recovered without any sequele, however. Organophosphate, especially Dimecron, showed high rates of resfiratory muscle paralysis and mechanical ventilator support. The mortality rate of organophosphate agents can be decreased by education, wearing protectors, and aggressive mechanical ventilator treatment when respiratory failure develops.

      • 平胃散과 平胃散 構成藥物의 加減方이 摘出臟器, 抗瀉下作用 및 中樞神經系에 미치는 影響

        柳逢夏,朴東源,柳基遠,金倫寬 慶熙大學校韓醫科大學韓醫學硏究所 1999 慶熙韓醫大論文集 Vol.22 No.1

        The aim of this experimental study was to investigate the effects of Pyungwee-san samples on the movement of gastrointestinal smooth muscles, anticatharsis, and central nervous system by using rats or mice. Samples were divided into five groups : Sample-Ⅰ : Pyungwee-san(Atractylodes Rhizoma, Aurantii Nobils Pericarpium, Magnoliae Cortex and Glycyrrhizae Radix), sample-Ⅱ : Exclusion of Atractylodes Rhizoma from Pyungwee-san, Sample-Ⅲ : Exclusion of Aurantii Nobils Pericarpium from Pyungwee-san, Sample-Ⅳ: Exclusion of Magnoliae Cortex Rhizoma from Pyungwee-san, Sample-Ⅴ : Exclusion of Glycyrrhizae Radix from Pyungwee-san. The results were as follows : 1. All samples showed inhibitory effect on the motility of the isolated ileum and relaxant effect on the contracted ileum induced by acetylcholine chloride and barium chloride, these effects were dependent on their concentrations. 2. All samples in which sample-Ⅲ was exclude showed inhibitory effect on the motility of the rat fundus strip and relaxant effect on the contracted fundus strip induced by acetylcholine chloride and barium chloride, these effects were dependent on their concentrations. 3. Anticathartic effect of Pyungwee-san samples was appeared in sample-Ⅰ, sample-Ⅳ, sample-Ⅴ after drug medication in caster oil induced diarrhea. 4. Analgestic effect of Pyungwee-san samples on inhibition of writhing syndrome by acetic acid was recognized in sample-Ⅰ, sample-Ⅱ, sample-Ⅴ. 5. Effect of Pyungwee-san samples prolonging the hypnotic duration by pentobarbital-Na in Mice was shown in sample-Ⅱ, sample-Ⅲ. 6. Effect of Pyungwee-san samples on prolonging the time to death induced by strychnine was appeared in sample-Ⅳ(p<0.001). 7. Effect of Pyungwee-san samples on Picrotoxin-induced Convulsion in mice was appeared in all samples and on prolonging the time to death induced by strychnine was appeared in sample-Ⅱ, sample-Ⅲ, sample-Ⅳ. 8. Effect of Pyungwee-san samples on Caffeine-induced Convulsion in mice was appeared in sample-Ⅰ(p<0.01), sample-Ⅳ(p<0.05).

      • 半夏白朮天麻湯 및 加味半夏白朮天麻湯의 抗疲勞效能에 關한 硏究

        柳逢夏,朴東源,柳基遠,申秉澈 慶熙大學校韓醫科大學韓醫學硏究所 1999 慶熙韓醫大論文集 Vol.22 No.1

        These studies were conducted to investigate the antifatigue effect of Banhabaekchoolchunmatang and Kamibanhabaekchoolchunmatang liquid extract on muscle artier swimming exercise. These studies measured the results of fatigue materials in the blood of rats before and after swimming, and compared to control group. The results of these studies were summarized as follows: 1. These studies measured the results of fatigue materials without the destruction of muscle cells. 2. After 30 minutes swimming, the lactate increase 46% on control group, Banhabaekchoolchunmatang and Kamibanhabaekchoolchunmatang worked on sample group by 37% decreation of the lactate, compare to that of control group. This result means Banhabaekchoolchunmatang and Kamibanhabaekchoolchunmatang control the lactate accumulation on muscles(p<0.05). 3. Activity level of lactate dehydrogenase was more increased by Banhabaekchoolchunmatang and Kamibanhabaekchoolchunmatang than control group. This result seems related with low lactate level by Banhabaekchoolchunmatang and Kamibanhabaekchoolchunmatang(p<0.05). 4. Activity levels of triglycerides and creatine phosphotransferase remarkably increased by swimming, but there was not considerable results by Banhabaekchoolchunmatang and Kamibanhabaekchoolchunmatang(p<0.05). 5. There were no remarkable changes of glucose level, cholesterol level by the Banhabaekchoolchunmatang and Kamibanhabaekchoolchunmatang nor swimming(p<0.05).

      • 충주 지역에서 10년간 급성심근경색의 임상관찰에 대한 연구

        박봉안,류하근,이종혁,김인숙,류주성,유재등,이용구,문언수,김형수 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2001 건국의과학학술지 Vol.11 No.-

        Background: The current treatments of acute myocardial infarct(AMI) Include noninvasive method using thrombolytics and invasive methods such as primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty(PTCA) and coronary artery bypass graft(CABG)surgery. Although there are many studies comparing the effectiveness of noninvasive and invasive methods, when large clinical centers, 20% of totar hospitals, were excluded, most middle-sized hospitals lacked personnels and facilities for the invasive methods. Thus they opted for the noninvasive methods. Therefore, in this study, the clinical characteristics of AMI patients and the results of thrombolytic & conservative treatment were observed. Method: 137 patients with acute myocardial infarct, who visited KonKuk University Medical Center, ChoongJu Hospital during Sept. 1990 to Sept. 1999 were analysed retrospectively using medical records. Result: The sexual compositions of patients were 63.5% male, and 36.5% female. The mean age for male patients were 56±12.9, and for female patients 68.7±9.6 (p<0.05). The mean age for female patients was significantly older than male patients. The patients in the thrombolytic treatment group had mortality rate of 6.25% which is lower than that of the conservative treatment group at 12% (p>0.05). Conclusion: Although in our study, small number of acute myocardial infarct patients caused the statistical insignificance, rapid revascularization by thrombolytic therapy within 6 hours of onset of symptoms improved mortality rate and early ambulation. And we had good results on AMI with thrombolytic agent in ChungJu including near rural area as primary emergency hospital. Therefore a prospective research with greater number of subjects is needed to develop better treatments for AMI.

      • 궤양성대장염의 관장치료

        김진성,류봉하,박동원,류기원 한국전통의학연구소 1998 한국전통의학지 Vol.8 No.1

        늘어나는 추세에 있는 궤양성 대장염의 국소요법으로서 관장치료의 효용성에 대하여 알아보고자 본 고찰를 시행하였다. 1995-96년 사이에 간행된 최근의 중국저널에 실려있는 "保留灌腸" 이란 궤양성 대장엽의 국소요법에 대한 내용과 서양의학의 관장요법에 대한 내용을 함께 분석하였다. 관장치료는 기존의 내과적 치료에 반응을 보이지 않는 원위부의 궤양성 대장염에 대하여 지속적인 임상적 효능을 나타내며 안전하며,특히 직장내 출혈의 경우에 즉시형의 효과를 나타낸다. 保留灌腸은 주로 淸熱, 利濕, 解毒, 澁腸, 止血 등의 효과가 있는 한약 전탕액을 항문내로 주입하여 직장내에 국한된 병소에 직접적으로 약물을 투여하는 방법으로서 직장내 주입량은 100-150㎖ 정도이며 15-20일을 기본 치료기간으로 한다. 관장액의 구성 약물로는 주로 淸熱利濕, 澁腸止血의 효능이 있는 白頭翁, 地楡, 白급, 苦蔘, 敗ㅁ草, 五倍子 등이 사용되었다. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disorder of the mucosa of the rectum and colon. The rectum is virtually always involved, and if any portion of the remaining colon is involved, it is in a continuous manner extending proximally from the rectum. Patients with ulcerative colitis typically complain of bloody stool, diarrhea and lower abdominal pain. 5-ASA enemas are safe and effective in maintaining remission in patients with distal ulcerative colitis. Specially, the efficacy is shown by a reduction in rectal bleeding. Retention enema(保留灌腸) is local therapy that the manufactured herbs are administered into the rectum of patients with distal ulcerative colitis, Thp. administered volume is 100-150㎖, and treatment period is 15-20days. The enema-fluid consist of Pulsatillae Radix(白頭翁), Sanguisorbae Radix(地楡), Bletillae Tuber(白급), Sophorae Radix(苦蔘), Patriniae Radix(敗醬草), Chinensis Galla(五倍子) that have effects of clearing away pathogenic heat and dampness(淸熱利濕), astringing intestine to correct diarrhea(澁腸), arresting bleeding(止血). This retention enema is effective, but it needs to be compared with efficacy of 5-ASA enemas. Also, we should investigate about the safety and toxicity of the herbal medicines.

      • 消癌去痰益氣湯의 cyclophosphamide 부작용 형성 억제효과

        홍종희,류기원,류봉하,윤상협,김진성 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2002 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2002 No.-

        Object : It is well known that modern chemotherapy against cancer has side effcts to a living body, especially hemopoietic and immunologial disfunctions. However, there are no effctive ways to reduce them.Recently, traditonal Korean herb medicine has been repoted to have some biological modifying responses. Therefore, we hypothesized that additional application of herb medicine during chemotherapy is more effective to reduce its side effects. While we were studying the effects, we have observed the inhibitory effect of Soamgudamikgitang on formation of side effects derived from Cyclophosphamide, it has been used in clinical practice at Kyung Hee Medicd Center.Methods : We injected 200㎎/㎏ of Cyclophosphamide, one time, to an experimental group, consisting of ten mice. We divided them into eight groups: normal, CPX, SAKT 2㎎, SAKT 10㎎, SAKT 50㎎, SAKI 2㎎+CPX, SAKT 10㎎+CPX, SAKT 50㎎+CPX. We injeted Soamgudamikgitang seven days, five days, three days, and one day before we injected CPX. One day, three days, and five days after CPX injection, we injected Soamgudamikgitang again and then killed all the mice.The parameters determined in this experiment were daily body weight liver and spleen weight, RBC, WBC, and platelet for hemopoietic dysfunction and AST, ALT for hepatotoxicity, BUN, creatine for renal toxcity, Iymphocyte proliferation activity and lymphocyte subsets for immunological toxvity.Results : We have found that Soamgdamikgitang has inhibitory effects on the formation of Cyclophosphamide 's side effects. Significant differences between the group, which contained Cyclophosphamide, and the other group, which contains Cyclophosphamide and 2, 10, 50㎎ of Soamgudamikgitang respectively were observed. Platelets(2㎎ of Soamgudamikgitang, p<O.05 ;10㎎, p<0.Ol ;50㎎, p<0.001), liver weight(SOw p.001), spieen weight(10mg, p<0.05), AST(all groups, p<0.01), ALT(2㎎, p<001 ;10㎎, p<O.05 ;50㎎, p<0.01), BUN(2㎎, p<0.01 ;50㎎, p<0.05). Althought immunological in both lymphocyte proliferation and its subsets were not observed, which shows that Soamgudamikgilang has a strong effect on T cell activities Conclusions : From the above results, we can expect that the combined therapy of Soamgudamikgitang and Cyclophosphamide is more effective for treating cancer Patients.

      • 附子理中湯의 效能에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        鄭命采,柳逢夏,朴東源,柳基遠 대한한방종양학회 1998 대한한방종양학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        In order to investigate the effect of Bujaleejungtang, by means of oral medication to rats and mice, to isolated intestine and stomach, and the effect to pyloric ulcer, indomethacin-induced ulcer, secretion of gastric juice, and to transport ability of intestine content were studied as the action to G-1 tract. The effect to normal rats and resperpine-treated rats were studied as the action to thermo-regulation. The results were as follows; 1. Bujaleejungtang showed the inhibitory effect on the smooth muscle contraction induced by acethylcholine chloride and barium chloride in the isolated mice ileum. 2. Bujaleejungtang showed inhibitory effect on the contraction induced by acetylcholine chloride and barium chloride in the rat fundus-strip. 3. Inhibitory effect of Bujaleejungtang on pyloric ulcer, indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rats was statistical recognized(p<0.05). 4. No inhibitory effect of Bujaleejungtang on gastric juice secretion in Shay rats was recognized. 5. Inhibitory effect of Bujaleejungtang on gastric free acidity and total acidity in Shay rats was recognized only when Bujaleejungtang was medicated in high thickness(2000㎎/㎏)(p<0.001) 6. Inhibitory effect of Bujaleejungtang on pepsin output in Shay rats was recognized only when Bujaleejungtang was medicated in high thickness(2000㎎/㎏)(p<0.001) 7. Inhibitory effect of Bujaleejungtang on barium surface transport in the small intestine of mice was recognized only when Bujaleejungtang was medicated in high thickness(2000㎎/㎏)(p<0.05). 8. Inhibitory effect of Bujaleejungtang on barium surface transport in the large intestine of mice was recognized(p<0.05). 9. Inhibitory effect of Bujaleejungtang on on rectal temperature in normal rats was recognized. 10. Inhibitory effect of Bujaleejungtang on on rectal temperature in reserpine-treated rats was recognized only when Bujaleejungtang was medicated in high thickness(2000㎎/㎏)(p<0.05)

      • 기능성 소화불량증 환자에 대한 반하사심탕 엑기스제의 임상효과

        윤상협,류봉하,류기원,김진성 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2003 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2003 No.-

        Objective : We evaluated the therapeutic effect of Banwhasasimtang dry extract powder on gastrointestinal symptoms and its side effects in patients with functional dyspepsia. Methods : Patients with functional dyspepsia, defined as discomfort in the epigastrium. A total 45 patients participated participated in this study. Dyspeptic symptoms ratio was obtained by patients, total point of symptom score / total 21 points x 100(%). On each of symptom after 4 weeks administration of Banwhasashim-tang was made by variation of symptom score: If symptoms score of posttreatment is lower than that of pretreatment, It is improved ; Otherwise aggravated, and if there is no change between them, unchangeable. When a full health condition of normal control is assumed 100%, relative health condition of dyspeptic patient could be calculated from 'full health condition- dyspeptic symptoms ratio. Therefore a whole satisfaction rate on symptom improvement was presented with variation of a relative health condition to dyspepsia between pretreatment and post. Results : Banwhasashimtang significantly unproved symptoms in patients. The significance was shown in both all seven items(p< 0.01, respectively) and 19.2% (p<0.01) of increase of a whole symptom improvement. There is no remarkable side-effect in all laboratory test, excepting 1 case abdominal pain another one case of recurred pain of chronic prostatitis. Conclusion : Banwhasashimtang extract provides symptomatic relief in functional dyspepsia and is no remarkable side-effect drug.

      • 黃藥子의 胃癌細胞에 對한 抗癌 效能 檢索

        김성희,류봉하,류기원,윤상협,김진성 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2002 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2002 No.-

        Background Nowadays a lot of reseant is based on natural substances or materinals world wide since many kinds of side effects are accompanied by anti tumor chemotherapy. In Chinese medicine, Dioscorea bulbifera L is widely used to treat many kinds ofi cancer, but in Korea it is rarely used. Therefore, we need to scientifically identify anti tumor effects of Dioscorea bulbifera L.Objective: We aimed to identify anti tumor effects of Discorea bulbifera L on the stomach cancer cells through molecular biological methods.Materials & Methods: We used AGS, a stomach cancer cell from American Type Culture Collection We injected the boiled extrat of Dioscorea bulbifera L 5 ul(sample 1), 10u1(sample 2) to cultured media(ml) for 0,6,12,15,24 hours. We measured the killing effect on stomach cancer cells through Tryphan blue exclusion test and suppressive effect on viability of stomach cancer cells via MTT assay Results: Tryphan blue exclusion test showed that each test group killed more stomach cancer cells than the controlled group with a dosage-dependent, but not significantly. MTT assay showed that each test group had a more suppressive effect on viability of stomach cancer cells than the controlled group without a dosage-independent, but not significantly.The cell cycle analysis via flow cytometry showed that the test group extended cell cycle, and there was no peak in M phase, the number of subGl , GO, G1 phase cells increased a little, but not significantly.Conclusion : This experiment showed that Dioscorea bulbifera L. has an anti-tumor effect, but not significantly. This is in vitro experiment and basic experiment on Dioscorea bulbifera L. We hope more progressive researches on Dioscorea bulbifera L. will be conducted and its anit tumor will be more accurately identified.

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