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      • KCI등재

        노걸대 3종 판본 내 중국어 명사 접미사의 형태론적 생산성에 대한 통시적 연구

        ( Maeng¸ Junghwan ) 한국중국언어학회 2021 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.95

        본 논문은 원명청(元明清)대에 걸쳐 출판된 노걸대 3종 판본을 바탕으로 명사 접미사의 형태론적 생산성의 역사적 변천 과정에 관한 연구를 진행하였다. 노걸대는 당시 구어체 북방 관화를 기록한 자료로써 원대부터 청대에 이르기까지의 언어적 변화를 담고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 노걸대 3종 판본을 코퍼스 자료로 사용하여 명사 접미사의 형태론적 생산성을 분석하였다. 형태론적 생산성은 각 명사 형태소가 생성해낼 수 있는 새로운 어휘의 종류의 수를 바탕으로 측정되었다. 분석 결과 -儿이 원대부터 청대에 걸쳐 가장 높은 생산성을 지니고 있는 것으로 판명된 반면, 명사 접미사 -子와 -們의 경우 이 기간 동안 생산성이 지속적으로 감소하는 양상을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 형태론적 생산성과 어휘화의 밀접한 관련성에 대한 실증적 근거를 제시함과 동시에 형태론적 법칙을 통해 생성된 어휘와 어휘 목록에 등록된 어휘가 서로 독립적인 영역에 속해 있음을 시사하고 있다. This study focuses on the historical change in the productivity of Chinese nominal suffixes based on three versions of Laoqida (老乞大) published in the Yuan, Ming and Qing periods respectively. Because Laoqida transcribes spoken Chinese language at the time and also reflects language change over time spanning from the Yuan to Qing period, it serves as a corpus database that allows us to examine the premodern spoken Chinese language. Using Laoqida as a corpus database, this study used hapax-based analysis to examine morphological productivity of the nominal suffixes (-zi, -er, -men) under investigation based on the number of novel expressions created by each suffix. The findings of the study show that -er remains as the most productive suffix throughout the Yuan-Qing periods whereas the productivity of -zi and -men continues to decline over the same periods. The results of the study suggest that the morphological productivity and the lexicalization of derived words are closely associated with each other. Furthermore, the study provides evidence that lexicon and morphology should be considered as two independent domains.

      • C-NMR Spectroscopy에 의한 Olefin-Vinylchloride 공중합체의 tacticity에 관한 연구

        맹기석,황택성 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1990 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        Homo PVC and olefin-vinylchloride copolymers have been prepared by free-radical copolymerization at 60℃. Molecular weights of PVC and copolymers have been caracterized by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and C-NMR. We are used to calculate the tacticity shifts in the C-NMR spectra of PVC and copolymers by Bovey first order Markov statistics. Copolymers of vinyl chloride with isobutylene, propylene from 1.58 to 8.0mol% olefin, is found to random arrangment by ??C-NMR spectroscopy. The values of molecular weights of the copolymer ranged from 2.38 to 7.03×10⁴, measured by GPC. It was found that both the degree of conversion and molecular weight decreased in accordance with the increase of comonomer ratio in the copolymer.

      • KCI등재

        죽순의 화학적 특성 및 염장 죽순 제조과정 중 성분 변화

        유맹자,정희종 한국식품영양학회 1999 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.12 No.6

        죽순의 가공 식품으로서의 적합성을 규명하고 염장죽순에 대한 과학적 자료를 마련하기 위차여 왕죽, 분죽, 맹종죽 죽순의 화학적 특성과 염장 죽순 제조 과정에서의 화학적 성분변화를 검토하였다. 수분. 조지방 함량은 염장기간에 따라 서서히 감소하였고 조단백. 회분의 함량은 증가하였으며 pH는 염장 80일째까지 감소하였다가 80일 이후부터는 다시 증가하였고 염 농도는 맹종죽 죽순이 가강 높은 염 농도를 보였으며 숙성이 진행되는 60일째 최고 염 농도를 보였다가 그 이후는 조금씩 감소하였다. 탄닌과 아스코르브산 함량은 염장 중에 계속 완만한 감소를 보였다 유리 아미노산의 조성은 세린 아르기닌. 알라닌. 로이신. 티로신이 주요 아미노산으로 분석되었고, 숙성이 진행됨에 따라 총 유리아미노산 함량은 염장 120일째까지 지속적으로 감소하였다 특히 아르기닌이 가장 빠른 감소 폭을 보였으며 세린. 알라닌. 로이신 등은 서서히 감소하였다 총 유리아미노산의 함량은 원료 죽순 중 왕죽 죽순이 1.060.18㎎/100g으로 가장 높은 함량을 나타냈고 다음으로 맹종죽 죽순이 612.29㎎/100g. 분죽 죽순이 539.76㎎/100g의 순으로 나타났으며 염장 죽순은 맹종죽 죽순이 76.60㎎/100g으로 가장 높았고 분죽 죽순이 44.43㎎/100g.왕죽 죽순이 43.70㎎/100g 나타나 염장 중 유리 아미노산의 감소가 큰 것을 알 수 있다. 무기성분의 경우 Mg, Ca. Na을 제외한 대두분이 원료 죽순에서 높은 함량이 분석되었는데 윈료 죽순은 K>P>Na>Ca>Mg>Fe>)Zn>Mn>Ge>Gu의 순으로 K의 함량이 가장 높았으나 숙성이 진행됨에 따라 P. Fe. Zn. Mn, Ge, Gu의 함량은 서서히 감소하고 K, Mg. Na. Ca의 함량은 증가하여 염장 l20일째에」Na>K>Ca>P>Fe>Ge>Mn>Zn의 순으로 Na 함량이 크게 증가하였다. In result of chemical properties of bamboo shoots and changes of chemical components of salted bamboo shoots during 120 days salting, the contents of moisture, crude fat, tannin and ascorbic acid were decreased but those of crude protein, crude ash and salt concentration were increased during salting. The pH was decreased in 80days-past of salting and after that, gradually increased. The main free amino acids of bamboo shoots were serine, arginine, alanine, leucine, and tyrosine. The content of total free amino acid was rapidly decreased in 80days-past of salting and after that, slowly decreased. Wang bamboo shoots was the highest as 1060.18㎎/l00g in content of total free amino acid. The main mineral elements were K, P, Na, and Mg. The contents of Fe and K were the highest among them. The contents of P, Fe, Zn, Mn, Ge and Cu were decreased but K, Mg, Na and Ca were increased during salting. When fresh bamboo shoots were compared with salted bamboo shoots, fresh bamboo shoots contained the contents of moisture, crude protein, crude fat, tannin and ascorbic acid more than salted bamboo shoots did, but the less the contents of ash, fiber and salt concentration.

      • 지구온난화에 따른 증발-강수 재순환 비율의 변화

        김맹기,고수미,남궁지연 公州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1999 自然科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        이 연구에서는 기후모델의 수치적분자료를 재순환 모델에 적용하여 지구온난화가 대륙의 증발-강수 재순환 비율에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 평가하였다. 규준실험에서 나타난 증발-강수 재순환 비율은 지역과 계절에 관계없이 30%를 넘는 경우는 발견되지 않았으며, 저위도 보다는 중위도 지역에서 재순환 비율의 계절변동이 크게 나타났다. 지구온난화에 수반된 재순환 비율은 규준실험에서 나타난 비율에 비해 대체로 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 대륙 강수량이 지면 증발에 의한 영향보다는 영역 밖의 해양에서 제공된 수증기가 대륙으로 수송되어 미치는 영향이 더 중가한다는 것을 의미한다. 다만 중위도 봄철에는 지면 증발에 의한 영향이 재순환 비율의 증가에 상당부분 기여하는 것으로 평가되는데, 이는 지구온난화에 따른 봄철의 눈녹음이 강화되어 토양수분을 증가시키는 현상과 밀접하게 관련되어 있었다. Based on the evaporation-precipitation recycling model, the recycling ratio was evaluated using the data obtained from 3 type simulations of climate model. The degree to which regional precipitation is supplied by recycled surface evaporation is about 30% below, and have more significant seasonal cycle in mid-latitude than in low-latitude, in control experiments. The recycling ratio due to global warning is reduced for all month, indicating that the contribution of surface evaporation to regional precipitation is smaller than that of evaporation in upstream ocean. But, in mid-latitude spring, the contribution of surface evaporation to regional precipitation was enhanced snow melting associated with global warming.

      • 편도체중심핵내 요힘빈과 날록손의미세주입이 신기성으로 유발된 통각감소에 미치는 효과

        신맹식,조소현,김기석,김현택 한국심리학회 한국심리학회지 생물 및 생리 Vol.5 No.1

        선행연구에서 동물이 새로운 환경에 노출되면 날록손에 역전되지 않는 통각감소 현상이 발생하며, 이러한 신기성으로 유발된 통각감소(novelty-induced hypoalgesia)는 세로토닌(serotonin: 5-HT)이나 노어피네프린(norepinephrine: NE)등의 모노아민계에 의해서 매개된다. 본연구에서는 정서/인지적 반응과 항유해적반응을 매개하는 하나의 신경구조물로 알려져 있는 편도체중심핵이 이러한 통각감소를 전달하는 데에 책임있는 영역인지, 그리고 NE의 작용에 아편계가 관여하는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 본실험에서는, 먼저 모든 쥐에게 양측 편도체중심핵을 표적으로 안내관을 심는 시술을 실시했다. 1주일 후 이들 쥐를 크게 노출집단과 비노출집단의 2 집단으로 나눈 후 노출집단만 23℃의 열판에서 매일 5분씩 7일간을 노출시켰다. 8일째에 각 집단을 다시 요힘빈집단과 생리식염수집단(요힘빈-노출집단, 요힘빈-빈노출집단, 생리식염수-노출집단 및 생리식염수-비노출집단)으로 분류한 다음 편도체중심핵의 양측에 해당의 각 약물을 미세주입하고 모든 동물을 49℃의 열판에 노출시켜서 뒷발바닥핥기 잠재기를 측정하였다. 각 동물을 열판장치에서 꺼내자마자 동일한 부위에 다시 날록손을 주입하고 앞에서와 동일하게 잠재기를 측정하였다. 실험결과, 열판기구라는 신기성환경에 의해서 통각감소가 유발되었음은 물론, 알파-2 NE 수용기 길항제인 요힘빈에 의해서는 비노출조건에서만 통각감소가 증가하였으며, 날록손의 경우는 비노출조건의 요힘빈집단에서만 통각감소가 감소하였다. 이들의 결과는 동물이 신기성환경에 접하면 공포와 함께 통각이 감소한다는 사실을 알려줄 뿐만 아니라, 편도체중심핵내의 NE가 이러한 효과를 매개 및 상승시킴을 의미한다. 그리고, 편도체중심핵에서 비노출조건의 요힘빈하에서만 아편계가 관여한다는 사실은 신기성환경으로 유발된 통각감소에 아편계가 단독으로 개입할 가능성은 미소하며 이런 종류의 통각감소에서 아편계보다는 NE계의 역할이 큼을 시사한다. Previous studies have reported that a novel environment renders animals hypoalgesic and this novelty-induced hypoalgesia(NIHA) is not reversed by naloxone-pretreatment; in fact, the NIHA seems to be mediated through the monoaminergic system such as serotoninergic- and noradrenergic substrate, according to the studies on the effects of i.p. injection of those receptor ligands on the NIHA. The present study is conducted to investigate not only whether the central amygdaloid nucleus(ACe), which is known as mediating anti-nociceptive response as well as emotional/cognitive ones including fear/anxiety response, is responsible for the NE-mediated NIHA, but also whether the opiate system modulates this kind of NE mediation. In the present experiment, all rats were first given bilateral cannulae-implantations into the ACe. 7 days later, after these rats were randomly assigned into two groups named 'exposure group(EXP)' and 'non-exposure group(NON)', only the EXP started to be exposed to the non-functional floor of the Hot-Plate Apparatus (at the temperature of 23℃) 5 minutes every day for 7 consecutive days. On the 8th day, after being divided into two subgroups such as yohimbine group and saline group and being supplied with bilaterally-microinjected yohimbine or saline equivalent to its condition into the ACe, each group received a hot-plate(49℃) test. The latency to lick a hind-paw was manually recorded. As soon as picked out of the Apparatus all the rats were re-provided with naloxone, one of opiate receptor antagonists, and were re-tested under the same conditions mentioned. The result is that the novelty rats produced more hypoalgesia than the adapted rats in the hindpaw-licking latency, and that the bilateral micro-injection of yohimbine, an α(2^-)NE receptor antagonist increaing NE release in the brain-neuron synaptic cleft by blocking the presynaptic autoreceptors, potentiated the hypoalgesia, only in the novelty rats; which indicates that the novelty-induced hypoalgesia appears to be carried through the NE substrate and that the ACe is the chief forebrain site conducting the NE-potentiated novety-induced hypoalgesia. As far as the effect of naloxone injection under the influence of the preinjected yohimbine and saline is concerned, the hypoalgesia was reduced only under the condition of novelty yohimbine, neither under that of novelty saline nor under that of non-novelty yohimbine and saline; which implicates the opiate substrast may participate in the hypoalgesia necessarily as the NE-substrate-dependant pattern rather than by itself. Thus, the NE system may play more important role than opiate system in mediating the novelty-induced hypoalgesia.

      • KCI등재

        노인정신장애 평가척도(Psychogeriatric Assessment Scale)의 한국판 표준화 연구

        조맹제,박임순,신영민,김무진,정희연,정은기,최용성,조성진,서국희,함봉진 大韓神經精神醫學會 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.1

        연구목적 : 본 연구는 치매와 우울증을 다차원적으로 평가할 수 있는 도구인 Psychogeriatric Assessment Scale(PAS)의 한국판(PAS-K)을 개발하기 위한 것이다. 방 법 : 번역, 역번역, 그리고 세차례의 예비조사를 통하여 PAS-K를 제작하였다. 60세 이상의 노인 291명(임상환자군 : 58명, 지역사회노인군 : 168명, 수용시설 거주자 : 67명)과 그들의 정보제공자들을 대상으로 PAS-K, Geriatric Depression Scale(GDS), Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE-K), Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression(HRSD), 그리고 Hachinski Ischemic Score 를 적용하고, Diagnostic Interview chedule(DIS-Ⅲ-R)을 사용하여 치매와 우울증을 진단하였다. PAS-K의 신뢰도와 타당도를 평가하고, 예민도와 특이도, Kappa값, 그리고 ROC커브 분석법을 이용하여 PAS-K의 6개의 소척도들(피검자면접 : 인지기능 장애척도, 우울척도, 뇌졸중척도, 정보제공자면접 : 인지기능 저하척도, 행동변화척도, 뇌졸중척도)의 최적 절단점을 구하였다. 결 과 : PAS-K는 높은 내적 일관성을 보였고, 검사자간 신뢰도도 만족할 만한 수준이었다. PAS-K의 소척도들을 다른 표준화된 검사도구들과 비교하였을 때 인지기능 장애척도와 인지기능 저하척도는 MMSE-K와, 우울척도는 GDS 및 HRSD와 유의한 상관관계를 보였으며, 뇌졸중척도는 Hachinski Ischemic Score와 통계적으로 의미있는 상관관계를 보였다. 최적절단점은 인지기능 장애척도 10점, 인지기능 저하척도 3점, 우울척도 5점, 피검자면접과 정보제공자 뇌졸중척도 모두 1점, 그리고 행동변화척도 2점으로 추정하였다. 결 론 : 본 연구를 통해 PAS-K의 신뢰도와 타당도가 검증되었고, 노인정신의학 역학연구나 보건분야에서 치매와 우울증의 임상경과관찰 및 일차 선별도구로서 유용하게 사용될 수 있게 되었다. Objectives : This study was designed to develop the Korean version of the Psychogeriatric Assessment Scale(PAS-K), a multidimensional screening tool for the dementia and depression. Methods : Through three times preliminary trials, the authors translated PAS into Korean. The PAS-K, Geriatric Depression Scale, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Hachinski Ischemic Scale and Mini-Mental State Examination-Korean version were administered to 291 subjects over the age of 60 and the same number of their informants(67 subjects were institutionalized, 168 subjects were in community, 58 subjects were psychiatric hospital patients). And the Diagnostic Interview Schedule(DSM-Ⅲ-R) was independently administered to exactly diagnose dementia and depression. The reliability and validity test, optimal cut-off point estimation for six each scale and ROC curve analyses were done to investigate the diagnostic validity of PAS-K. Results : Internal consistency and interrater reliability of the PAS-K were high. Concurrent validity of each scales of PAS-K was good in being measured with other standardized scales. The optimal cut-off points of each scale of the PAS-K were estimated as follows : 1) Stroke Scale of subject interview : 1, 2) Cognitive Impairment Scale of subject interview: 10, 3) Depression Scale of subject interview : 5, 4) Stroke Scale of informant interview : 1, 5) Cognitive Decline Scale of informant interview : 3, and 6) Behavioral Change Scale of informant : 2. conclusions : The PAS-K was valid and reliable screening tools for detecting dementia and depression. Therefore the PAS-K could be widely and extensively used in psychogeriatric epidemiological research or clinical setting of primary screening for dementia and depression.

      • CCD의 Audio-Visual Method에 대하여

        李孟成 서울대학교 어학연구소 1972 言語敎育 Vol.4 No.2

        마지막으로 (물론 이것은 초기단계에서 적용되는 것이라고 생각되지만) 우리 욕심으로는 이것을 우리나라에서도 적용할 가능성이 어느 정도있어야지 저희들도 희망을 가지고 더 연구를 해 보겠는데, 실지교사문제와 교재문제(영어에 대한 이러한 교제는 아직 나오지 않은 걸로 제가 듣고 있읍니다)라든지 또 시설-우리에게 경제적 받침이 있어야 하겠는데-그리고 학생 수, 실제 실력측정방법, 표준고사 같은 것을 이런 방법을 써서 어떻게 만들 수가 있을까 하는 문제등 여러가지 문제가 있을 줄로 압니다. 그러나 이것이 이러한 교수방법의 하나로서 아주 참신한 여러가지 협동연구의 결과로서 나타난 좋은 방법, 또 우리들이 연구해 볼 만한 좋은 방법이라고 생각합니다.

      • 仁川市의 工業發達과 工業地域 構造

        鄭孟錫 동국지리학회 1983 東國地理 Vol.- No.4

        This study concerns the Industrial Development of the City of Inchon which takes the leading place in the metropolitan area industry of the capital city of Seoul in terms of its stage by stage developments industrial landscape particular to port-oriented industry. Sumary of the study follows; 1. Stages of Development : Following opening of the port in 1883, there began settling of a few minor factories for ship repairs and for processing rice for export to Japan in Inchon, which had been a mere village on the estuary of the Han River, During the Macnhurian Incident and the Sino-Japanes War and through the Pacifid war, Inchon became the Staging depot of military supplies for the Japanese invasion of the Asian Continent and consequently there located a group of factories supplying the military. However, this modest beginnings of industrial development in Inchon not initiated through any conscious independent national effort kept it sindustry in doldrums in the course of the postindependent years and the Korea war and this inert state continued up until the year of 1960. The start of real and significant development of industry in Inchon follows implementation in 1962 of the first phase of the Five-Year Economic Development Plan whereupon utilization and upgrade of existing industrial facilites as well as intensive capital investment ensued and the city of Inchon became prominent as high-growth industrial area exceeding consistently those of nation-wide average growth. In particular, in the most recent ten year period(1969-1979), the number of factories in Inchon nearly doubled while those employed in the industry increased to fourfold. 2. Increased Labor Producitivy : One of the incices of labor productivity is the employment coefficient. It is readily learned from the national average drop in the employment coefficient of 1. 95 to 0.23 in the past 10 years or so while for the same period the drop is from 2.98 to 0.23 for Inchon that there had been real rapid investment in technology upgrade, machinery and equipments 3. Change of Industrial Structure : In terms of industrial employment, proportionate share of national industry by Inchon is to be 7.8 percent of the nation as a whole. This indicates the increase of Inchon's industrial shapre of 5.2% of the national industry in 1969. About the same increase can be seen in outputs as well as in value added. Although textile and limber are the two leading industries providing majosr employment in Inchon in the past 10 years or so consistently shows predominently heavy chemical-oriented industry compared to nation-wide industry as a whole. This relative dominance of large scale heavy chemical industral base established in Inchon found to be in line with the industry-wide rush effort in the nation in the same period towards restruction for heavy chemical industry. It is during this time that smooth and continued progress and development to this effect had been realized in Inchon. 4. Change of Location : In the early stage of its development, industry in Inchon was largely located in the Eastern and Central Districts and clustered along the shores of the inlet. This predominent character of Inchon as an industrial city continues to be the case. However, following announcement in 1965 of areas bounding on Inchon-Seoul axis as the Governmentdesignated Special Development Region and the building and completion of the first auto expressway in Korea between Inchon and Seoul as well as revamping of the existing rail system of the Seoul-Inchon line to double track system and electrification, there had begun in Juan, and Bupyung areas development of industrial nucleus other than portrelated industries. With the coming of the Juan Industrial Park on the site of abandoned old salt beds and Bupyung Industrial Park for export Industry, industrial areas of Inchon, newly extended to include Hyosung, Takjin and Galsan-Dong in the North District, had finally become differentiated itself into the old mucl ei industrial areas in the planned zone. From the previous status of being a mere port of the entry to the Capital City, Inchon had become a part of the Capital City and its functioning had accelerated development of these old and new industrial nuclei caused by the export booms in 60's and 70's, and improved accessibility, rehabilitation and expansion of port facilities. 5. Lanescape of the Port Industry : The industrial landscape produced by the combination of the technological stndard of the era and the natural condition, will take on different aspects according to the quantitative expansion and the growth of diversities. As the scale of producing becomes great and diverse, The flow of production will also change from the straight line S pattern to the U pattern and, as a conquence, the appear ance and arrangement of buildings will form different patterns. 6. Future Prospect : Subject of quantitative analysis such as industry distribution patterns and movement of industrial nuclei are touched but briefly in this study while change in industrial landscape as intra-industry problem areas are entirely kept out of the present discussion. Those discussion asn studies shall be addressed elsewhere in their proper is not only in itself a huge producing entity but also a consuming entity. It is likely that, in the case of Inchon with ready availability of large lands for industrial use from fill reclaimed lands from the sea and land developments in the outer southern boundary of the city, it would share increasingly larger portion of industrial function of the Capital City of Seoul. It is also probable that the building of new industrial city of Banwol will undoubtedly hel in further localization of the industrial functions inside the Capital City. It is in this connection that the large-scale regional studies encompassing the cities of Anyang, sungnam and Banwol is desired.

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