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      • 南部地方에 있어서 일본전나무의 造林的 特性에 關한 硏究

        權泳徹,金佑龍,金在慶,姜大哲,박명안 진주산업대학교 1978 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        本 硏究는 일본전나무와 他樹種 (삼나무, 편백, 리기다소나무)과의 旣成林分의 生長量을 比較하여 經濟的인 造林奬 勵樹種으로서의 適否를 밝히고자 일본건나무에 對한 植栽地調査, 種苗에 關한 特性調査, 旣成林分에 對한 立地 및 林況調査 (氣象調査, 土壤調査, 林況調査) 및 生長量調査 等을 實施하여 南部地方에 있어서 일본전나무의 造林的 特性에 關한 資料를 얻고자 本 硏究를 實施하였는데 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 일본전나무에 대한 種子의 品質檢定을 實施한바 種子의 收得率은 16.66%, 純量率 90.38%, 發芽率 25.25% 및 效率 22.82%로 調査되었다. 2. 일본전나무의 苗令別 生長을 調査한 結果 1-0苗는 幹長 5.3㎝, 根元徑 0.15㎝ 2-0苗는 幹長 12.4㎝, 根元徑 0.37㎝, 2-1苗는 幹長 16.8㎝, 根元徑 0.53㎝ 2-2苗는 幹長 23.4㎝, 根元徑 0.78㎝이었다. 3. 樹高生長에 있어서 일본전나무는 10年生까지는 緩慢한 成長을 보이다가 그 以后부터는 急成長을 나타내었으며, 55年生때 편백 15.06m 삼나무 17.2m인데 일본전나무는 17.2m로 나타났으며, 55年生 以后에는 일본전나무가 他樹種에 比하여 월등히 優勢한 樹高生長의 趨勢를 보여주고 있다. 4. 材積生長에 있어서 일본전나무는 25年生까지는 緩慢한 成長을 보이다가 그 以后부터는 急成長을 하였으며, 35年生에 와서 편백 0.0590㎥, 삼나무 0.0902㎥인데 일본전나무는 0.1039㎥로 나타났다. 5. 일본전나무는 樹高生長과 材積生長이 삼나무나 편백에 比해 相當히 優勢하고 比較的 耐寒性이 强한 편이며 本調査地域의 氣象條件은 硏平均氣溫 13.33∼15.05℃, 關係濕度 72.17∼79.42%, 年降水量 900.6∼2,006.2㎜로 나타났으며, 地況條件은 土壤은 壤土 및 埴壤土, 土深은 깊은 편이며 濕度는 適當한 편으로 地位는 上에 屬하였으므로 이와 類似한 立地條件을 形成하고 있는 南部地方에 있어서 造林奬勵樹種으로 價値가 있다고 判斷된다. This study was conducted to investigate the silvicultural characteristics of momi-fir (Abies firma Siebold et Zuccarini) on the southern part of korea t pursue the suitability for the economical promote species of silviculture comparing with the growth increment of momi-fir and the other species(Japanese-cedar, Hinoki cypress and pitch pine), and for that reason this survey studied the growth increment of momi-fir and the other species, the conditions of location (meteorological survey, soil survey) and stand description. This results obtained were as follows; 1. There were shown 16.66% as yield of seed, 90.38% as purity percentage, 25.25% as germination percentage and 22.82% as efficiency percentage by the quality test of momi-fir seed. 2. 1-0 nursery stock was shown 5.3㎝ stem height, 15㎜ root collar diameter, and 2-0 nursery stock was shown 12.4㎝ stem height, 37㎜ root collar diameter, and 2-1 nursery stock was shown 16.8㎝ stem height, 54㎜ root collar diameter, and 2-2 nursery stock was shown 23.4㎝ stem height, 78㎜ root collar diameter by the growth survey of planting stock age of momi-fir. 3. Momi-fir was grown moderately until 10 years, after 10 years grown rapidly. When the heights of each species reached to 55 years hinoki-cypress was 15.06m., Japanes ceder was 7.2m and momi-fir was 17.2m and after 55 years momi-fir was particularly shown superior tendency of height growth comparing to the other species. 4. The volume increment of momi-fir was grown slowly until 25 years, after 25 years grown rapidly, and when the volume increments of each species reached to 35 years hinoki-cypress was 0.0590㎡, Japanese-ceder was 0.0902㎡ and momi-fir was 0.1039㎡. 5. The height growth and volume increment of momi-fir was superior than Jadanese-ceder and hinoki-cypress, and momi-fir was stronger than other species in cold weather. Climatic conditions of this experimental area were as follows; Mean air temperature 13.33∼15.05℃, mean humidity 72.17∼79.42% and mean precipitation for 12 years(1967∼1978) 900.6∼2006.2㎜. Soil classes were loam and clayish loam, soil depth was deep, soil moisture was proper and soil topography was belonged to the top. According to the above mention it was recognized to be suitable for planting the momi-fir tree on the southern area of korea and similar soil and climatic conditions of the above.

      • 神話 · 文學의 理論考察

        金永喆,姜正錫 조선대학교 인문학연구소 1981 外國文化硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        Herman Broch가 20세기를 “the Mythical Age"라 명명했던 것은 금세기의 많은 작가와 비평가들이 신화적인 것에 몰두해 있다는 데서였다. 신화가 많은 문학의 특히 많은 현대문학의 소재가 되어있으며, 또 그 모습이 Proteus신만큼 갖가지일 뿐만이 아니라 ”신화적“이란 수식어 역시 다양한 문화적 현상을 내포한 말로 쓰이고 있어서 그 정체 파악이 어려운 신화는 19세기 학자들이 흔히 ”fable", "invention", "fiction"의 뜻으로 여겼고 이와는 달리 20세기 전반의 신화연구자들은 고대사회에서 이해되었던 바와 같이 “true story"로 보았다. 나아가서 현대적 의미의 신화는 전통적 신화개념을 벗어나 거의 모든 상상력의 산물을 가리키는 말로 쓰이게 되어 현대적 의미혼란을 가져왔다. 그래서 신화의 정의는 심지어 대립되는 견해까지 포용하는 ”both broad and loose"한 것이어야 한다고 Mark Schorer는 주장 한 바 있다. 바꾸어 말해 전통적 신화관과 현대적 신화의미를 포괄할 수 있는 신화정의가 되기 위해서는 근래의 인류학자들이 제창한 정확한 정의부여는 물론, 고대희랍인들에 의해 시작되었던 여러 가지 신화해석을 포함하는 것이어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        갈륨합금과 아말감의 전기화학적 부식거동 비교

        고영무,최한철,강성남,강희영,이승윤 대한치과기재학회 1998 대한치과재료학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        A gallium based alloy(GA) that was developed as a substitute for dental amalgam was investigated for electrochemical corrosion behavior in 4 kinds of electrolytes(1% lactic acid, 0.05% HCI, Modified Fusayama's artificial saliva, and 0.9% NaCl). The related corroded microstructure were examined and microanalyses were conducted using ICPES. Polarization tests were conducted by scanning from -1,500㎷ to 1,000㎷(vs.SCE) at 75㎷/min. The obtained results were as follows: 1. GA showed wide passivation area next to SYB in artificial saliva, suggesting good stability. 2. The amounts of Sn, Cu released from GA were similiar to those of CAV, and decreased in the order of KAT, SYB. 3. All of specimens were observed pits at the area of pores in electrolytes containing chloride ions, and forming much corrosion products in 1% lactic acid and artificial saliva after corrosion test. 4. From the surface analyses of XRD, GA showed much corosion products containing gallium at the surface after corrosion test. In conclusion, the corrosion resistance of GA was lower than that of SYB and similiar to that of CAV and KAT.

      • S.D. Rats를 이용 1, 1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane의 아민성 흡입독성 연구

        김현영,이성배,임철홍,김철우,점용현,한정희,전윤석,최수영,강대봉,이용묵 한국환경독성학회 2002 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        There were no specific effects for test materials on Sprague-Dawley (S.D.) rats in clinical symptoms, amounts of food intakes, weight changes, laboratory findings, and pathology after whole body l, l-Dichloro-1 -fluoroethane (used as coolant, metal cleaner and solvents) exposure(0, 1,500, 3,000, and 6,000 ppm) for 13 weeks (6 hour/day, 5 days/week). However, the loss of capillary vessels in eyeball (pupil) was observed in a female rat among 6,000 ppm group. Though there was a tendency for MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration) in rat to be decreased (p<0.05), it was not regarded as abnormal because the values were within normal limits. In asthma-stimulation related evaluations, there was also a tendency for inflammatory cell counts in bronchoalveolar lavages to be increased. But it had no statistical significance, and also no dependency on sex and the exposed concentration. Based on this result, the non observed effect level (NOEL) induced by 1, 1-Dichloro-l -fluoroethene inhalation was evaluated in groups with 3,000 ppm below (S .D. Rats, 13 weeks). Finally, it was concluded that the short term exposal of 1, 1-Dichloro-l-fluoroethane is not considered as a asthma stimulant by inhalation despite of some study limitations such as test animals use and short-term exposure .

      • Clinical Significance of Acute Vessel Shrinkage below the Stent after Vein Angioplasty in a Patient with May-Thurner Syndrome

        Sang Sun Lee,Won Yu Kang,Dong In Nam,Il Hyung Jung,Chung Kang,Hong Ju An,Ho Yeong Song,Hoon Kang,Sang Cheol Cho,Sun Ho Hwang,Wan Kim 조선대학교 의학연구소 2014 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.39 No.2

        May-Thurner syndrome is associated with deep vein thrombosis resulting from chronic compression of the iliac vein against the lumbar vertebrae caused by the overlying common iliac artery. Stent insertion into the compressed lesion is used in treatment of May-Thurner syndrome. Various complications can occur during angioplasty while using a stent. Among these complications, shrinkage of the vein below the stent, a rare complication, was observed in our hospital during treatment of a patient with May-Thurner syndrome. Different complications can occur when venous angioplasty is performed, unlike that when arterial angioplasty is performed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Dosimetric evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging-guided adaptive radiation therapy in pancreatic cancer by extent of re-contouring of organs-at-risk

        Jun Yeong Song(Jun Yeong Song),Eui Kyu Chie(Eui Kyu Chie),Seong-Hee Kang(Seong-Hee Kang),Yeon-Jun Jeon(Yeon-Jun Jeon),Yoon-Ah Ko(Yoon-Ah Ko),Dong-Yun Kim(Dong-Yun Kim),Hyun-Cheol Kang(Hyun-Cheol Kang) 대한방사선종양학회 2022 Radiation Oncology Journal Vol.40 No.4

        Purpose: The safety of online contouring and planning for adaptive radiotherapy is unknown. This study aimed to evaluate the dosimetric difference of the organ-at-risk (OAR) according to the extent of contouring in stereotactic magnetic resonance image-guided adaptive RT (SMART) for pancreatic cancer. Materials and Methods: We reviewed the treatment plan data used for SMART in patients with pancreatic cancer. For the online contouring and planning, OARs within 2 cm from the planning target volume (PTV) in the craniocaudal direction were re-controlled daily at the attending physician's discretion. The entire OARs were re-contoured retrospectively for data analysis. We termed the two contouring methods the Rough OAR and the Full OAR, respectively. The proportion of dose constraint violation and other dosimetric parameters was analyzed. Results: Nineteen patients with 94 fractions of SMART were included in the analysis. The dose constraint was violated in 10.6% and 43.6% of the fractions in Rough OAR and Full OAR methods, respectively (p = 0.075). Patients with a large tumor, a short distance from gross tumor volume (GTV) to OAR, and a tumor in the body or tail were associated with more occult dose constraint violations—large tumor (p = 0.027), short distance from GTV to OAR (p = 0.061), tumor in body or tail (p = 0.054). No dose constraint violation occurred outside 2 cm from the PTV. Conclusion: More occult dose constraint violations can be found by the Full OAR method in patients with pancreatic cancer with some clinical factors in the online re-planning for SMART. Re-contouring all the OARs would be helpful to detect occult dose constraint violations in SMART planning. Since the dosimetric profile of SMART cannot be represented by a single fraction, patient selection for the Full OAR method should be weighted between the clinical usefulness and the time and workforce required.

      • Successful Intravascular Ultrasound Guided Treatment of May-Thurner Syndrome with Prominent Collateral Vein and Latent Thrombus

        Hoon Kang,Jung Il Hyung,Chung Kang,Dong In Nam,Sang Sun Lee,Hong Ju An,Ho Yeong Song,Sang Cheol Cho,Won Yu Kang,Sun Ho Hwang,Wan Kim 조선대학교 의학연구소 2014 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.39 No.2

        May-Thurner syndrome is caused by blockade of local venous flow due to local vascular intimal proliferation, caused by repeated pulsatile compression of the iliac or iliofemoral vein between the iliac artery and the lumbar spine. In this case, we confirmed May-Thurner syndrome using lower extremity computed tomographic angiography and venography. However, on venography, it was impossible to distinguish the left iliac vein from the collateral vein; a thrombus was also seen, although some of the thrombus was not seen clearly. These problems were overcome with use of intravascular ultrasound. We report on intravascular ultrasound guided treatment of May-Thurner syndrome.

      • KCI등재

        물 중 일반세균 정량에 대한 배지법과 건조필름법의 상관관계

        강주영 ( Ju Yeong Kang ),조아현 ( Ah Hyeon Jo ),박은지 ( Eun Ji Park ),이한철 ( Han Cheol Lee ),박민지 ( Min Ji Park ),한진섭 ( Jin Sub Han ),강성규 ( Seong Gyu Kang ),김중범 ( Jung Beom Kim ) 한국물환경학회 2020 한국물환경학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        The quantitative accuracy of dry rehydratable film method was compared with the standard culture method to analyze the applicability of dry rehydratable film in the total aerobic bacteria test for water. The materials used in this study were 500 cases of water and were tested according to the Korean official test method for drinking water. The mean value of the total aerobic bacteria in plate count agar(PCA) and MC-Media Pad AC(MAC) were 2.6 ± 1.1 Log cfu/mL and 2.6 ± 1.2 Log cfu/mL. The p value and correlation coefficient(R<sup>2</sup>) were 0.933 and 0.9985 between the PCA and MAC, respectively, indicating no significant difference and very high correlation. According to the water types, the p value and R<sup>2</sup> were 0.887 and 0.9911 in the PCA and MAC. In the purified water, the p value was 0.973 and R<sup>2</sup> was 0.9934 in the PCA and MAC of other water. In each type of water, there were no significant differences between the PCA and MAC, and the correlation was very high. Thus, it is suggested that the MAC would be available for total aerobic bacteria test for water.

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