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      • KCI등재

        Mechanism underlying 2n male and female gamete formation in lemon via cytological and molecular marker analysis

        Kai‑Dong Xie,Qiang‑Ming Xia,Jun Peng,Xiao‑Meng Wu,Zong‑Zhou Xie,Chun‑Li Chen,Wen‑Wu Guo 한국식물생명공학회 2019 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.13 No.2

        The unreduced (2n) gametes have long been used in triploid breeding of citrus. In lemon, the previously reported mechanisms for 2n megagametophyte formation were controversial, whereas that for 2n pollen production is still unknown. Herein, the frequency of and mechanism underlying 2n megagametophyte and 2n pollen formation in ‘Eureka’ lemon were investigated based on cytological observation and genotyping of the triploid hybrids between ‘Eureka’ lemon and ‘Early gold’ sweet orange. As a result, 4.79% of the viable pollens of ‘Eureka’ lemon were identified as the 2n pollen with a larger diameter (70.16 ± 3.92 μm). The 2n pollen might be resulted from the formation of parallel spindles at meiosis stage II. Among the 204 plantlets regenerated from embryo rescue following the sexual cross, 12 were triploids as identified by flow cytometry. According to the analysis of heterozygosity transmission using 13 pericentromeric single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and 20 randomly distributed simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, 11 triploids were identified to be originated from the fertilization of 2n megagametophytes of ‘Eureka’ lemon, with a frequency of 5.39%. Among them, nine 2n megagametophytes were supposed to be arisen from the second division restitution (SDR), whereas the other two were from postmeiotic genome doubling (PMD). These results to understand the mechanism underlying 2n gamete formation in lemon are valuable for its efficient polyploid breeding.

      • KCI등재후보

        따뜻한 유아교육공동체 형성을 위한 구성원의 공통 핵심 역량 요소 탐색

        정계숙,윤갑정,박희경 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 2016 교사교육연구 Vol.55 No.2

        The purpose of the study was to examine the community members’ core competences for forming a ‘warm’ early childhood educational community as an ideal model of early childhood education. For this purpose, 6 people including parents, teacher, practician in the communal childcare cooperatives and 6 people including professors, directors teacher, school supervisor participated in the Focus Group Interview (FGI). The results were as follows: The first core competencies for developing a ‘warm’ early childhood educational community was sense of partnership which was characterized by; ‘understanding each other and warm hearted sympathy’, ‘a common purpose for children’s future’, ‘forgiveness and accepting each other’s differences’, and ‘meeting for building a positive relationship’. The second core competencies for developing a ‘warm’ early childhood educational community was sharing of key values between members which was characterized by; ‘establishment of self-identity and community identity’, ‘sharing perspectives and values on education’, ‘willingness for learning together in daily life’ and ‘democratic communication skill and decision-making ability’. Implications for the core competencies development and support toward building a warm early childhood educational community was discussed.

      • 소세지 製造原料肉代替에 關한 硏究

        宋啓源,金顯旭 서울大學校 農科大學 1977 서울대농학연구지 Vol.2 No.2

        Extenders including wheat flour, defatted soy flour, skim milk powder, and demineralized whey powder were used in examining the value of partial substitution of pork in sausage making. Each of the substuting ingredients were tested at the level of 10%, 20% and 30% of pork. Cooked sausages of Frankfurter style were made by the conventional method and tested for their physico-chemical properties and the tissue structure was compared. Following results have been obtained: 1) As more extenders are added, moisture and protein content of sausages were increased, while the fat content was decreased. This is probably due to added ice water. 2) Moisture, protein, and fat constituted 85.13% of the sausages, which is still good as the standard grade. 3) As more extenders are added, ratio of protein : moisture (W/P) was increased from 5.17 to 5.65, which is still below 6.0 and acceptable. 4) Average free water content of sausages was 6.5%, which evidenced the average binding quality. The sausage containing defatted soy flour contained 4.97% of free water, the one containing skim milk powder had 5.13% free water, the one containing wheat flour had 7.23% free water, and the one containing whey powder had 8.87% free water. 5) Firmness, which was tested by penetration value, did not show much differences among the kinds of extenders, but firmness of the sausages was increased in the order of sausages containing wheat flour, skim milk powder, defatted soy flour, and whey powder. 6) Sausages containing 10% of extenders showed large fat globules well and widely distributed among the fine protein tissue structure, but as more extenders are added, the size of fat globules was decreased and the tissue structure became crude. 7) Considering the content of moisture, protein, and fat, protein : moisture ratio (W/P), binding properties, and firmness, the effectiveness of extenders in substituting pork was decreased in the order of defatted soy flover, skim milk powder, wheat flour and whey powder. Wheat flour and whey powder can be used at the level of 20% or below, and defatted soy flour and skim milk powder could be used up to 30% of the pork. 8) Pediococcus acidilactici was isolated and identified from meat scraps of meat chopper in order to make the fermented sausage. 9) The fermented sausage of the same formulation did mot evidence the spoilage up to 30 days at 20℃ and up to four months at refrigeration temperature. 10) Acceptability of fermented sausages was best with skim milk-containing sausages and decreased in the order of whey powder, wheat flour, and soyflour sausages.

      • KCI등재


        胡開忠 東國大學校 比較法文化硏究所 2008 比較法硏究 Vol.8 No.2

        Abstract: Owing to great development of contemporary information technology, it is easier to transmit broadcast programs illegally, thus the rights of broadcast organization are menaced to be violated seriously increasingly, however, the protection system of broadcast organization based on the Roman Convention does not meet the demands of information technology development gradually. So international intellectual property organization has managed and drew up new plan for broadcast organization rights protection and enlarged the rights of broadcast organization ,but the plan is also criticized by the governments and corporations in some developing countries and some developed countries. We should pay close attention to the newest trends of rights protection of international broadcast organization, make timely amendment on our Copyright Law, and pay attention to protection of the justified interests of the public while protecting broadcast organization rights.

      • 놀이중심 사회적 능력 증진 프로그램의 효과 연구: 발달지체 유아를 대상으로

        정계숙,노진형,박명화 부산대학교 영유아보육연구소 2001 영유아보육연구 Vol.7 No.-

        This study purposed to examine the effects of the social competence program for improving the social competence of developmentally delayed young children referred to the Child Intervention and Counseling Center, Pusan National University. The subjects were four 3-4 year-old boys. Three of them were diagnosed as developmental delays or child with autistic behavioral characteristics by child psychiatric doctors. One boy was not diagnosed by the doctor, but was identified as developmental delays which may be caused from reactive attachment disorder in the process of the diagnostic assessment by the researchers. The social competence program was composed of 16 sessions which had some structured and unstructured play activities selected from several social competence related intervention programs for young children with social-emotional difficulties. The length of the program was one and half hours and the ratio of child vs adult was 2:1. At every after-session meetings for on-going monitoring to the children's behaviors, the intervention team members consisted of the researcher, intervention teachers, observers and parent meeting leaders exchanged the informations about the children each other and discussed about the better intervention practices of the next session. To analysis the effects of the social competence program, observation data obtained by 2 trained observers in the observation room at every sessions and the informations about child's behaviors and changes in home and other life settings gathered from mothers at every parent meetings were analyzed qualitatively in terms of each child's objective behaviors. In spite of some individual differences, the young children with developmental delays showed more positive and active social behaviors with their intervention teachers in the center and mothers and siblings in home generally than before the program. It suggested some implications for improving the practices of the social competence program for developmentally delayed young children with socal-emotional difficulties.

      • 통합학급 장애유아의 또래놀이 가입행동의 지속성과 융통성에 관한 연구

        정계숙,김진희 부산대학교 영유아보육연구소 1997 영유아보육연구 Vol.3 No.-

        AbstractA Study of Disabled Children's Persistence and Flexibilith of Entry Behaviors into Peer Play in Early Childhood ClassroomsKai-Sook Chung and Jin-Hee KimThe purposes of this study were 1) to examine the persistence and flexibility of entry behavious into peer play for young children with disabilities, 2) the differences of the play group size which children try to enter, the types of entry behaviors and peer responses to entry behaviors according to the degree of disabled children's persistence and flexibility.The subjects of this study were 10 disabled children ranged from 4 to 6 years age and selected from 8 early childhood classrooms which include disabled children in Pusan.The measuring tools used to diagnose young children with disabilities in this study were Korean Education Development Institute-Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children(KEDI-WISC) and KIRBS Intelligence Scale for Children(KISC), Language Recognition-Comprehensive Competence Test and Development Measurement Scale.The entry behaviors into peer play of disabled young children were checked with the Observation Checklist of Entry Behaviors for Young Children with Disabilities. The results were as follows :First, the rates of flexibility and persistence of young children with disabilities were mostly high. In total, the rate of flexibility was higher than that of persistence. Second, the most size of peer group which young children with disabilities entered was one child. The high and low gorups of persistence and flexibility mostly entered into single child. The high group of flexibility secondly entered into peer groups composed of 2 children, but the low flexibility group secondly entered into peer groups composed of 4 children.Third, the high group of persistence mostly wated and hovered to enter and secondly selected non-play-related utterance/action. The low group of persistence mostly selected group play-related utterance/action and secondly wated and hovered. The high flexibility group choosed play-related utterance/action mostly, while the low group of flexibility mostly wated and hovered to enter.Fourth, the four groups of persistence and flexibility were mostly(average 70.3%) not accepted by the peers with whom they wanted to play.

      • 집단 미술치료 중재 프로그램을 통한 유아의 사회,정서 행동 문제 개선 효과 연구

        정계숙,구정희 부산유아교육학회 2004 유아교육논총 Vol.13 No.-

        본 연구는 사회 ·정서행동 문제를 가진 유아를 대상으로 집단미술치료 중재 프로그램을 실시하고 집단미술치료 중재프로그램이 유아의 사회 정서행동 문제의 개선에 효과가 있는가를 검토해 보았다. 4, 5세 아동 4명을 대상으로 회기 당 90뿐씩 총 16회기 동안 프로그램을 실시한 후, 각 유아별로 사회 정서행동 문제에 대하여 관찰기록과 비디오 녹화, 교사와 부모와의 면담결과를 중심으로 그 변화틀 질적으로 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 집단미술치료 중재 프로그램은 유아의 행동문제의 유형에 따라 개인차는 있으나 유아의 다양한 사회·정서적 행동문제의 개선에 효과적이었다. The study aimed to examine the effects of a group art therapy intervention program for young children with social and emotional problem behaviors on improving the problem behaviors. The program developed on the basis of natural intervention approach was consisted of group art therapy activity, free play and interaction time including snack time, hello time and evaluation time. It run for 90 minutes once a week through conjecutive 16 weeks. The data from observation sheet of social and emotional problem behaviors and interviewing sheet for mothers and teachers was analyzed for each child. With some individual differences each child's problem behaviors were remarkably improved. The result were discussed on the point of developing group art therapy intervention program for young children with social and emotional difficulties.

      • 동화를 활용한 통합활동 중심의 사회적 유능성 증진 프로그램의 효과 연구 : 언어발달 지체 유아를 대상으로 An application of fairy tale integrate activities

        정계숙,노진형 부산유아교육학회 2004 유아교육논총 Vol.13 No.-

        본 연구는 동화를 활용한 통합활동 중심의 사회적 유능성 증진 프로그램이 언어적으로 지체된 유아의 사회적 유능성에 어떠한 변화를 가져오는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구대상은 부산대학교 어린이상담실에 의뢰된 6-7세 유아들로, 유아들의 발달적 요구와 3회까지 관찰된 유아의 행동 특성 및 초기 면담 결과를 근거로 유아의 중재목표행동이 선정되었다. 프로그램 내용 및 운영은 동화 듣기와 동극 하기, 작업활동, 음률활동, 게임, 신체 활동 등의 통합활동 중심으로 주 1회, 총 15회 동안 두 명의 중재교사, 관찰자 및 부모교육 담당자에 의해 수행되었다. 연구 결과 동화를 활용한 통합활동 중심의 사회적 능력 증진 프로그램은 유아에 따라 다소 차이는 있었으나 중재 목표 행동인 또래에게 상호작용 시도하기, 또래와의 문제상황에 대처하기 및 교사의 지시 따르기를 증진시키는 효과가 있었다. This study examined the effectiveness of a social competence program for language delayed children. The Hierarchical Model of Social Competence by Guralnick(1992) provided the framework of the social competence program. The activities of the program were consisted of fairy tale integrate activities, like dramatization, art and occupation activities, physical activities and game etc. Subjects were 3 boys aged 6-7 years, with language delays. The program ran for 15 sessions. Two intervention teachers, two observers and one parent group leader implemented each session for 90 minutes once a week cooperatively. The target behaviors of the subjects were to initiate interactions with others, cope with problem situations with peers and follow teacher's suggestions. Data on the frequencies of target behaviors and the behavior episodes related with target behaviors during each session were analyzed. Although there were some individual differences in the changes of target behaviors, most of children became to be more sociable. The implications for developing social competence programs for children with language delays were discussed.

      • 대인간 기술(People Skills) 증진 프로그램의 효과 연구(Ⅰ)

        정계숙,심미경 부산대학교 영유아보육연구소 1998 영유아보육연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The study aimed at implementing the social enhancement program, named the People Skills Program for children with problems of social development and describing the effects of the program. As a group counseling program, the People Skills Program was focused on enhancement of children's self-understanding and social skills. Four children from four elementary schools were target children referred by their mother and teachers to the Counseling Depart of Child Educare Research Institutel, Pusan National University. Two boys were in the 3rd grade and two girls were in the 2nd grade. The K-ABC Intelligence Test and the Social Skill Rating Scale were applied to identify whether the developmental charcteristics of the referred children were suitable for the program and the development levels of social skills of the target children. With annecdotal records for 12 sessions, each of the sessions took 90 minutes, once a week, the behavioral changes of the target children were analyzed. Effects of the program were described and discussed.

      • 어머니의 거부적 양육태도로 인한 반항적/적대적 행동문제 유아의 놀이치료 사례연구

        정계숙,이은하 부산유아교육학회 2003 유아교육논총 Vol.12 No.-

        본 연구논 어머니의 거부적 양육으로 인한 반항적이고 적대적인 행동 문제로 일상생황에 부적응을 나타내는 만3세 5개월 된 유아를 대상으로 아동 중심 놀이치료를 실시한 결과에 대한 보고이다. 치료 과정을 탐색단계, 보호의 시험단계, 실험적 치료단계, 그리고 종결단계로 나누고, 그 단계별로 유아-치료자간의 관계와 놀이에 나타난 유아의 정서를 중심으로 유아의 변화를 펴보았다. 그리고 어머니와의 면담과 전화상담을 통한 모자 관계의 변화도 함께 기술하였다. 그 결과, 유아는 놀이치료 과정을 통하여 자신의 내면화된 갈등과 억압을 객관화함으로써 감정을 조절할 수 있게 되었고 자기상(self-image)이 긍정적으로 변화되어 문제행동이 크게 감소되었다. 또한 어머니의 양육태도와 행동의 변화로 모자관계가 바람직한 방향으로 변화되었다. This study aimed to report the effect of child-centered play therapy for a young child with oppositional/defiant behavior problems caused by rejective parenting of mother. The subject was a 3.5 year old girl. According to the 4 stages of play therapy process such as the exploratory stage, the testing for protection stage, the realistic healing stage, and the terminal stage, the changes of child were described qualitatively on the standards of analysis, the child-therapist relationship and the emotion of child expressed in play activities. The changes of mother-child relationship were analyzed on the basis of data from weekly direct interviews and telephone counseling with mother. The results showed that the child could externalize her own internalized conflicts and constraints resulting from inappropriate and rejective parenting and make her emotion objective through the process of play therapy, therefore the problem behaviors were reduced a lot. Having the regular interviews and counseling with therapist, mother could understand the development of her daughter and change her perception of child’s problem behaviors, and these changes made the mother-child relationship positive. It concluded that not with the child’s own changes, but the changes of mother helped her child to develop a positive self-image, and to reduce oppositional/defiant behaviors.

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