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      • KCI등재

        유아과학영역에서 교사의 브릿징 평가 경험과 유아의 반응

        양정은 ( Yang Jung-eun ),이진희 ( Lee Jin-hee ) 미래유아교육학회 2017 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        The purpose of this research was to apply Bridging Assessment, an activity-based assessment, in early childhood institutions in South Korea and to explore teachers’ experiences and children’s responses. Participants included one daycare center teacher and two public kindergarten teachers, along with a total of 18 children, four to five years of age. To collect the data, participatory observations, consultations after each evaluation activity, in-depth interviews, phone conversations, e-mail correspondences, child assessment record sheets, teacher journals, and daily research logs were used. Qualitative data were transcribed and analyzed using the QSR NVivo 10.0 program. The results indicated that the participating children’s level of curiosity and participation was quite high for the 3 science bridging activities that consist of a) exploring of shadows and lights, b) assembling of a nature display, and c) building a model car to provide children with opportunities to explore phenomena in the physical, natural, and mechanical realms. The last activity of making a model car with recycled materials yielded less engagement from the children as their attention was diverted to the new materials in the science learning area, which indicated that these activity-based assessments need to be implemented after young children had enough time in exploring materials provided for the assessment. Overall, these findings suggested positive possibilities of Bridging Assessment for the science learning area in early childhood classrooms, bridging teaching and assessment more meaningfully.

      • KCI등재

        RTA와 WTO하에서 내국민대우조항의 관계와 효과

        양정미(Jung Mi Yang),이양기(Yang Kee Lee),이은섭(Eun Sup Lee) 한국무역연구원 2014 무역연구 Vol.10 No.6

        Since the World Trade Organization (WTO) was created in 1995, regional trade agreements (RTAs) have become a prominent feature of the Multilateral Trading System and nearly all of the WTO members have notified participation in one or more RTAs. Once an RTA meets the definitional terms set out in the GATT Article XXIV, its parties are able to reduce or eliminate their tariffs below the Most Favoured National (MFN) treatment level afforded to other WTO Members. This can happen even though such actions violate the principles of non-discrimination, such as Article I (MFN) and Article (National Treatment) of the GATT. This article addresses the relationship between regionalism and multilateralism by examining the effect of national treatment clauses in RTAs on all WTO members.

      • 국어 교과서의 냉전 표상 연구 - 1950년대 초 · 중등 국어 교과서를 중심으로 -

        양정은 ( Yang Jung Eun ) 문창어문학회 2022 문창어문논집 Vol.59 No.-

        This paper begins with the awareness that based on the dynamics of the Cold War, the analysis of the Americanism texts that have a quantitative advantage in Korean textbooks in the 1950s bas become necessary. So far, research on Korean language textbooks in the 1950s has been mainly an analysis of anti-communism from a one-state perspective. Just as the Cold War system in Korea has not been settled and entrenched only under the unidirectional influence of a particular country, the Cold War discourse and representation revealed in Korean language textbooks were also not formed through a unilateral mechanism In fact, the Korean textbooks in the 1950s bad texts full of pro-American rhetoric and anti-communist signifiers inserted as part of a political project that formed the framework of Cold War perception. In the 1950s, Korean language textbooks were published with the intention to have the function of strengthening the Cold War agenda with texts revealing explosive and explicit rhetoric, yet it carries the function to be a strategic medium for the cultural Cold War. Therefore, in order to comprehensively study the entire text of Korean textbooks in the 19Th, it is essential to analyze the two-way influence between Korea and the U.S. as well as the ideologies invented in the negotiation process. After analyzing the Cold War discourse and representation of Korean textbooks in the 1950s, it was confirmed that various signifiers were used in the texts. The ideas that the U.S. attempted to plant American ideals in Korea and Korea's purpose to produce people who would sacrifice themselves for the good of the public corresponded at times, conflicted at other times and these ideas were published as texts through a complex process. The American-style democracy and Korean-style nationalism may share similar ideas but are also contradicting. As such, these complex aspects of the two ideologies are unable to be explained in a single context In conclusion, by converging on the results of strengthening the idea of anti-communism, it will ultimately strengthen the Cold War in its different way.

      • KCI등재

        협력적 실행연구를 통한 초임 유아교사의 "문제행동" 인식 및 지도실제에서의 변화

        양정은 ( Jung Eun Yang ),이진희 ( Jin Hee Lee ) 한국유아교육학회 2014 유아교육연구 Vol.34 No.1

        유아생활지도 측면에서 교사의 역할이 매우 중요함에도 불구하고, 교직 입문 과정에서 초임 유아교사들은 충분한 배경지식이나 실제적 지도능력을 갖추지 못하고 있어 상당한 어려움을 겪고 있다. 본 연구에서는 협력적 실행연구를 통하여 한 초임 유아교사가 ‘문제행동’ 지도에 대한 신념과 실제를 반성적으로 바라보고 실천적으로 개선해나갈 수 있도록 지원하고자 하였다. 실행연구의 순환과정을 통해 참여교사는 다루기 힘들다고 느꼈던 유아 ‘문제행동’에 대한 자신의 신념과 접근방식을 반성적으로 들여다보게 되었다. 근본적으로 유아교육과정과 학급운영 전반을 더 의미 있게 만들어가는 것이 중요함을 인식하게 되었고, 유아의 문제행동에 대해 재개념화하게 됨에 따라 유아들에게도 긍정적인 변화가 나타났으며 초임교사로서의 만족도도 높아지게 되었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 초임 유아교사의 교직 입문을 지원할 수 있는 하나의 방안으로 협력적 실행연구의 적용을 제안한다. Despite evidence that early childhood teachers play a critical role in guiding children through their challenging behaviors, most beginning teachers in the survival stage face the greatest difficulties in this area. Using the intentional and purposeful tools of action research, this collaborative action study supports a beginning teacher in reflecting upon her perceptions of the ``challenging behaviors`` of young children and devising and evaluating good guidance practices. During the course of the study, the participating teacher became engaged in more reflective teaching which prompted her to perceive the "challenging behaviors" of the children from different perspectives. As her understanding of the importance of making her curriculum and classroom climate more engaging and meaningful deepened and she reconceptualized her notion of challenging behaviors, the teacher witnessed positive changes in her students` behaviors which, in turn, increased her sense of efficacy. These very positive, empowering results are strong recommendation for using collaborative action research especially in the novice years of teaching for it provides the teacher with a life-long transformative tool for professional development.

      • KCI등재

        지역무역협정의 확산이 다자무역체제에 미치는 영향

        양정미(Jung-mi Yang),이은섭(Eun-sup Lee) 한국국제상학회 2011 國際商學 Vol.26 No.3

        ince the World Trade Organization(WTO) was created in 1995, regional trade agreements (RTAs) have become a prominent feature of the Multilateral Trading System and nearly all of the WTO members have notified participation in one or more RTAs. The WTO is losing consequently its centrality in the international trading system. RTAs can help countries integrate into the multilateral trading system, but, at the same time, bring a fundamental departure from the principle of non-discrimination. This raises the question of whether RTAs are a building block for multilateral liberalization or a stumbling block. The article examines the WTO rules that deal with RTAs (GATT Article XXIV, the Enabling Clause, and GATS Article V), the main trends identified in RTAs, the economic and political reasons why WTO Members engage in RTAs so positively, as well as the positive and negative effects of regionalism on multilateralism.

      • KCI등재

        국내유통 축산물에서의 Staphylococcus aureus 오염도 및 항생제 감수성 조사

        양정임(Jung-Im Yang),이선민(Sun-Min Lee),이길(Gil Lee),이환주(Hwan-Ju Lee),김민규(Min-Kyu Kim),정은정(Eun-Jeong Jeong),차용준(Yong-Jun Cha) 한국식품영양과학회 2008 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        국내 유통 중인 우육 및 돈육을 대상으로 S. aureus의 오염실태와 검출된 S. aureus 대한 항생제 감수성조사 및 내성 plasmid 전달빈도를 조사하였다. 총 421개 축산물 시료의 20.2%에서 S. aureus가 검출되었으며, 품목별로는 돈육 13.9%, 우육 33.8%의 검출률을 보였다. 가공 전 원료육이 포장육에 비해 S. aureus의 검출률이 높았는데, 돈육에서는 원료육 23.3%, 포장육 7.1%였고, 우육에서는 각각 48.6% 및 28.1%였다. 항생제 감수성 시험결과 ampicillin(76.5%), penicllin(75.3%), tertracycline(27.1%) 및 erythromycin(21.1%) 순으로 높은 내성률을 보였다. 특히 우육에서는 penicillin의 내성이 55.6%인 반면 돈육에서는 97.5%로 돈육에서 1.6배 이상의 높은 내성률을 보였고, tetracycline의 경우 우육에서 13.3%의 내성을 보인 반면, 돈육에서는 42.5%로 3배 이상의 내성률을 보였다. 8가지 항생제에 내성을 보이는 다제내성균도 검출되었으며, 약제내성과 관련된 Rplasmid의 특성시험에서 혼합배양에서는 내성이 전달되지 않았고, filter mating법에서 tetracycline내성 plasmid가 1.1×10<SUP>-5</SUP>~1.9×10<SUP>-9</SUP>의 빈도로, erythromycin 내성 plasmid가 1.2×10<SUP>-5</SUP>~4.0×10<SUP>-8</SUP> 빈도로 내성이 전달되었다. 따라서 국내에서는 항생제투입의 정량적인 규제나 법적인 제도장치의 마련이 시급하다고 생각되며 앞으로 항생제 사용규제 및 대책마련에 대한 추가적인 연구가 절실하다고 생각되었다. Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogene of major concern in livestock products. This study was conducted to test imported and domestic meat sold by retail stores for the presence S. aureus. In addition, the antibiotic susceptibility of any S. aureus found was also evaluated. The overall isolation rate of S. aureus was 20.2% (13.9% in pork and 33.8% in beef) in retail meats. The percentage of imported meats found to contain S. aureus (33.3% in pork and 40.4% in beef) was higher than that of domestic meat (13.0% in pork and 14.7% in beef). In addition, the detection rate of S. aureus was higher in raw material meat than in ready to cook packaged meat. When the antibiotic susceptibility of S. aureus isolated from the meat products was evaluated, ampicillin was found to be the highest (76.5%), followed by penicillin (75.3%), tetracycline (27.1%) and erythromycin (21.2%). Penicillin and tetracycline resistant were detected in 55.6% and 13.3% of the beef isolates, respectively, and 97.5% and 42.5% of the pork isolates, respectively. The tetracycline and erythromycin resistant plasmids of the isolated strain were transferred into S. aureus DPRMM2429 by the filter mating method and the frequencies of transfer was found to be 1.1×10<SUP>-5</SUP>~1.9×10<SUP>-9</SUP> and 1.2×10<SUP>-5</SUP>~4.0×10<SUP>-8</SUP> respectively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        경남 지역 가와사끼병의 역학적 조사

        양정,조은영,정혜성,황지영,이동진,노은석,최명범,박찬후,윤희상,우향옥,Yang, Jeong Soo,Cho, Eun Young,Jung, Hae Sung,Hwang, Ji Young,Lee, Dong-Jin,No, Eun Suk,Choi, Myoung-Bum,Park, Chan-Hoo,Youn, Hee-Shang,Woo, Hyang-Ok 대한소아청소년과학회 2002 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.45 No.7

        목 적: 가와사끼병의 발병 원인은 아직 확실히 알려지지 않았지만 여러 차례의 역학조사와 임상 고찰을 통하여 원인으로 감염성 인자가 관여한다고 예측되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 경남 지역에서 역학 조사를 시행하여 발병 원인으로서 감염성 인자를 지지하는 지를 비교 분석하였다. 방 법: 1995년 1월부터 1999년 12월까지 5년간 동부 경남의 울산 동강병원과 중부 경남의 마산삼성병원, 서부 경남의 진주 경상대학교병원에서 가와사끼병으로 진단된 환아 717명을 대상으로 하였다. 각 병원에 연령, 성별, 발병일, 진단일을 적은 설문지를 보내어 연구 기간동안 가와사끼병으로 진단된 환아의 정보를 후향적 방법으로 조사하여 본원에서 종합하여 분석하였다. 결 과 : 1) 연도별 발생자수는 1995년 151명, 1996년 140명, 1997년 134명, 1998년 136명, 1999년 156명으로 연도에 따른 큰 차이는 없었고, 4월과 7월에 높은 환자 발생을 보였다. 2) 동부 경남에서 연도별 환자 발생의 최고치를 보인 달은 각각 1995년에 4월과 7월, 1996년에 4월과 7월, 1997년에 7월, 1998년에 4월, 1999년에 4월과 7월로 나타났다. 3) 중부 경남에서 연도별 환자 발생의 최고치를 보인 달은 각각 1995년에 4월, 1996년에 4월, 1997년에 4월과 7월, 1998년에 7월, 1999년에 7월로 나타났다. 4) 서부 경남에서 연도별 환자 발생의 최고치를 보인 달은 각각 1995년에 11월, 1996년에 8월, 1997년에 10월, 1998년에 12월, 1999년에 11월로 나타났다. 결 론 : 동부 경남과 중부 경남은 매년 유사하게 4월과 7월에 높은 환자 발생 빈도를 보인 반면 진주 지역에서는 두 지역과 다르게 늦가을과 겨울에 환자 발생 최고치를 보였다. 결론적으로 경남 지역내에서 단일 감염성 원인의 파급으로 인하여 발병 될 것이라는 가설은 검증할 수 없었으나 동부, 중부 경남에서 보인 매년 유사한 월별 발생 빈도를 볼 때 감염성 인자가 내재 되었음을 시사하는 소견으로 볼 수 있다. Purpose : The aim of this study was to determine the epidemiology of Kawasaki disease in the Kyung Nam area and to evaluate whether the results of this epidemiological study could support infectious etiology. Methods : We sent a questionnaire to three training hospitals in the Kyung Nam area and retrospectively reviewed their medical records of Kawasaki disease from Jun. 1995 to Dec. 1999. Results : The total number of patients was 717 cases, with little differences of annual prevalence during the five years. In all cases, the monthly prevalence of Kawasaki disease was high in Apr. and Jul. At the eastern of Kyung Nam, the monthly prevalence was high in Apr. and Jul. in 1995 and 1996, Jul. in 1997, Apr. in 1998 and Apr. and Jul. in 1999. In the central area of Kyung Nam, the monthly prevalence was high in Apr. in 1995 and 1996, Apr. and Jul. in 1997 and Jul. in 1998 and 1999. In the western Kyung Nam, the monthly prevalence was high in Nov. in 1995, Aug. in 1996, Oct. in 1997, Dec. in 1998 and Nov. in 1999. Conclusion : In the eastern and central areas of Kyung Nam, the monthly prevalence of Kawasaki disease was similarly high in Apr. and Jul. However, in the western district, the prevalence was high in late fall and winter. We could not prove the hypothesis that Kawasaki disease occurred with the spread of single infectious agent, but the a nnually similar prevalence in eastern and central Kyung Nam supported the infection theory for the etiology of the disease.

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체의 전자적 업무처리에서의 저해요인과 활성화요인의 영향정도에 관한 연구

        양정은(Jung Eun Yang),정충식(Choong Sik Chung) 한국지방자치학회 2001 한국지방자치학회보 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this article is to investigate on the significant factors of electronic management process focused on electronic approval and electronic document exchange in especially Local Government. The major factors facing when local government officials handled document electronically can be divided into four perspectives as follows; legal-constitutional, technological, cultural and individual perspective. The results showed that technological perspectives such as security, infrastructure and usage factor are the most barriers to the electronic management process. In the enabler factors, individual perspectives such as official ranking, human relation and computer literacy are the most important factors. Therefore, the following policy suggestions are recommended. First, security concept should be implemented by the local government. Second, the legal guidelines should be redefined. Third, our local government badly needs to improve its EDMS performance. Therefore, local government have adopted business process reengineering. Fourth, it is requested that information literacy training courses should be prepared in the local government.

      • KCI등재

        과학과 관련된 사회,윤리적 문제(SSI)의 도입을 통한 창의,인성 교육 가능성에 대한 과학교사들의 인식

        양정은 ( Jung Eun Yang ),김현정 ( Hyun Jeong Kim ),( Lei Gao ),김은진 ( Eun Jin Kim ),김성원 ( Sung Won Kim ),이현주 ( Hyun Ju Lee ) 한국과학교육학회 2012 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        This study explored to what extent Korean science teachers perceived socioscientific issues (SSI) as an effective instructional tool for creativity and character (CreActer) education; which was recently announced as a main goal for the Korean National Science Curriculum 2009. The guiding research questions were as follows. (1)How do science teachers conceptualize the relationship between creativity and character in the context of science classes? (2) What do science teachers think about the possibility of CreActer education through SSI in science classrooms? Thirty science teachers participated in individual interviews (each lasted 20-90 minutes). In the results, the teachers` perceptions on CreActer education and SSI for CreActer education were categorized into four profiles. Eleven teachers in Profile A thought that creativity was positively correlated with character education because their understanding of creativity and character embraced a very broad range of elements. They mentioned that addressing SSI in the science classes would be satisfactory to cover those elements of CreActer education. Six teachers in Profile B mentioned similar elements of creativity and character of Profile A, but reported that, in their experience, creativity was often inversely correlated with character. However, they responded that addressing SSI would be a good way to integrate creativity and character in the science classes. Ten teachers in Profile C believed there was no relationship between creativity and character, but took a positive stance on CreActer education through SSI. Unlike Profile A and Profile B, they tended to regard character as only an interpersonal virtue. And three teachers in Profile D had narrow perspective on CreActer education. Not only did they think creativity had no relationship with character, but also disagreed that CreActer education would be activated by addressing SSI in science classrooms. The results imply that SSI could be used as an effective instructional tool for CreActer education, but this can be possible when science teachers expand their view on CreActer education.

      • 학령기 아동의 주의력결핍-과잉행동장애와 식행동과의 관계

        양정화(Jung-Hwa Yang),김은영(Eun-Young Kim),허영란(Young-Ran Heo) 전남대학교 생활과학연구소 2006 生活科學硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of elementary student with ADHD (Attention Deficit - Hyperactivity Disorder) in rural area of Korea and to analyze the relation to dietary habits and physical growth statues. The subjects were 109 students (boy 53. girl 56) from 13 elementary school located in H gun. Jeollanamdo. Body weight and height were measured. The growth statues of students were estimated by percentile of growth chart from Korean adolescents. The diagnosis of ADHD and dietary behavior were conducted using DSM-Ⅳ diagnostic questionnaire and self diagnostic dietary habit questionnaire, respectively. Data were analyzed by the SPSS program. Five students (4.6%) were defined as conclusive ADHD and forty students (36.7%) were detected having ADHD tendency. The students with normal growth statues were lower in students with conclusive/tendency ADHD compared to other students. However there was not statistical significance. Overall dietary behavior score was not significantly different between students with conclusive/tendency ADHD and normal students. However dietary habits score as follows, eating evenly with meal, eating fruits over one times a day and eating sea weed over one times a day were significantly lower in students with conclusive/tendency ADHD then normal students. These results suggested that the prevalence of ADHD in elementary students in rural area of Korea was similar to western country. The dietary habits were related to ADHD and it’s influenced to physical growth statues of the students.

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