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        Nelumbinis Semen Reverses a Decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$Receptor Binding Induced by Chronic Mild Stress, a Depression-like Symptom

        Jang, Choon-Gon,Kang, Moon-Kyu,Cho, Jae-Han,Lee, Sun-Bok,Kim, Hyun-Taek,Park, Soon-Kwon,Lee, Jin-Woo,Park, Seong-Kyu,Hong, Moo-Chang,Shin, Min-Kyu,Shim, In-Sup,Bae , Hyun-Su The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 2004 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.27 No.10

        Depression is associated with a dysfunctional serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) system. More recently, several lines of evidence suggest that an important factor in the development of depression may be a deficit in the function and expression of $5-HT_{1A}$ receptors. The present study assessed if Nelumbinis Semen (N. s.) had an anti-depression effect through reversing a decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding in rats with depression-like symptoms induced by chronic mild stress. Using a $5-HT_{1A}$ receptor binding assay, with a specific $5-HT_{1A}$receptor agonist, 8- OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetralin), the mechanism of the anti-depression effect of N. s. on rats was investigated, and the effects compared with two well-known antidepressants, Hyperium Perforatum (St. Johns Wort) and fluoxetine (Prozac). Animals were divided into five groups: the normal (N) group without chronic mild stress (CMS), the control (C) group under CMS for 8 weeks, the Nelumbinis Semen (N. s.) treatment group under CMS for 8 weeks, the Hyperium Perforatum (H. p.) treatment group under CMS for 8 weeks and finally, the fluoxetine (F) treatment group under CMS for 8 weeks. Each treatment was administered to rats during the last 4 weeks of the 8-week CMS. A sucrose intake test was performed to test the anti-depression effect of N. s. The N. s. treatment significantly reversed the decreased sucrose intake under CMS (P<0.05 compared to control group under CMS). In the CA2 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus, both N. s. and H. p. reversed the CMS-induced decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding. In the I to II regions of the frontal cortex, N. s. and H. p. also reversed the CMS-induced decrease in$5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding, and even showed a significant increase in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding compared to the F treatment group (N. s. vs. P, p<0.05, H. p. vs. P, p<0.05). However, in the hypothalamus, all treatments reversed the CMSinduced decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding. This reversal effect of N. s. on the decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding in the frontal cortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus of rat brains was very similar to that of H. p, but different from that of F. It is concluded that N. s. presents an anti-depression effect through enhancing $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding.

      • 최인규 감독의 친일논란에 대한 고찰

        장인우 ( In Woo Jang ) 한양대학교 대학원 논문집(영화학과) 2006 시네마 Vol.2 No.-

        본고는 일제말기에서 해방이후까지(1939년~1949년) 10편의 장편극영화와 3편의 기록영화를 남긴 최인규 감독에 대하여 기술한 기존의 평가에 대하여 재고하는 장을 마련하고자 한다. <자유만세>(1946)라는 작품으로 우리에게 알려져 있는 감독은 안석영 감독의 <심청>(1937)에서 이필우의 도움으로 `녹음` 분야로 처음 한국영화계에 발을 내딛게 된다. 이후 기술 분야에서 두각을 드러내며 점차 그 영역을 확대한 최인규는 일제 말기인 1939년 <국경>을 통해 감독의 자리에 올라, 해방 이후 49년 <파시>를 마지막으로 그 자취를 감추게 된다. 이후의 행적에 대해서는 분명하게 밝혀지지 않았고, 다만 한국전쟁 중 납북되었다고 한다. 앞서 말한 바와 같이 본고는 최인규 감독의 작가론을 펼치는 것이 아닌, 한국 리얼리즘의 계승자라는 기존의 여러 평가에 대하여 고찰하는 계기를 삼고자 함이며 또한 이를 통해 여타 친일 영화인들에 대한 논의의 영역으로 확장하고자 하는 데 그 의미를 두고자 한다. 최근 들어 한국영화사 서술에 대하여 기존에 답습해 오던 방식에서 벗어나 새로운 지평을 여는 노력들이 시도되고 있다. 최인규 감독은 `최초의 유성영화` <수업료>와 `해방 이후 최초의 광복영화` <자유만세>라는 작품으로 한국 영화사에 굵직한 자취를 남겼다. 이러한 최인규 감독에 대한 연구의 필요성은 명백한 것이다. 최인규 감독은 일제 치하에서 해방이라는 정치·사회적 급변 기에도 꾸준히 작품 활동을 지속한 인물이다. 이처럼 최인규는 일제말기에는 친일영화를, 해방 이후에는 <자유만세>와 <독립전야>를 통해 민족주의 영화를 제작하는 면모를 보여준다. 이러한 변화 과정은 최인규 본인의 내적 성찰을 통한 반성의 결과물로 볼 수도 있다. 본고에서는 현존하는 영화와 밝혀진 행적을 중심으로 기존에 기술된 논고를 토대로 할 것이다. 이를 위해 기존 한국영화사 서술에서 `최인규`에 관한 부분을 발췌하여 이러한 서술의 문제점에 대해 지적하고, 현재 남아있는 영화를 중심으로 면밀한 분석을 할 것이다. 특히 최근에 발굴된 <집 없는 천사>에 대하여 자세히 살펴보도록 할 것이다. 또한 그 외에 전해지지 않는 작품들은 문헌자료를 통해 최인규라는 인물에 대한 재고의 기회를 삼고자 한다. I try to make a chance to reconsider about the established estimation of Choi In Kyu, the director who made 10 film dramas and 3 documentaries from the last days of Japanese Imperialism to the time after Liberation(1939~1949) with this manuscript. The director, known to us for the movie, <Freedom Cheers>(1946), began his movie career as a recording engineer in <Sim-Chung> (1937, directed by An Suk Young) with the help of Lee Pil Woo. Since then, Choi In Kyu displayed his ability in the technical field step by step and expanded his sphere to the movie directing at the last period of Japanese Imperialism through the movie <The Border>(1939), but disappeared leaving his last movie, <PASSIE>(1949), behind after Liberation. Although we can`t reveal his life in the future, we can hear the rumor to be kidnapped to the North Korea. As previously stated, I don`t want to explain his artistic temperament as a movie dictector, but try to serve as a momentum to reconsider the several estimations about his aspect as the successor of `Korean Realism`. The new attempts to write the Korean Film History are made out of the existing ways to follow in recent days. Choi In Kyu left his deep traces behind in the Korean Film History through the 1st Korean talkie, <Tuition fee>, and <Freedom Cheers>, the 1st film of `the restoration of Korean Independence` after Liberation. The necessity for study about the director, Choi In Kyu, is clear. He had been making films steadily during the sudden turning time of the politics and society. He was the member of the pro-Japanese group, but changed to the nationalist with his movies, <Freedom Cheers>and <The previous night of Independence> after Liberation. This process of change can be seen as the consequence of reflection through his self-examination. I`ll use the established study, aimed at his existing movies and the traced achievements of his lifetime for the basis and make a close analysis by selecting the parts about `Choi In Kyu` among the existing descriptions of Korean Film History, therefore let you find the unnoticeable problems in those descriptions. The works not handed down will provide the chance to reconsider about the character named `Choi In Kyu` with you through the literatures.

      • 성인병에 대한 한방치료법(증치의학과 사상의학)에 관한 연구 : 고혈압에 대한 한방치료법(중치의학과 사상의학)에 관한 연구

        박동일,김영균,안창범,이인선,김종원,권정남,장경전,이인선,이성근,장용우,신영민 동의대학교 한의학연구소 1999 동의한의연구 Vol.3 No.-

        We had a result of the treatment as below when is devided Korean medicine Tx.. Western medical Tx., Cooperative Tx.. 1) At the improvement of BP control, an average in Korean medicine Tx. (from 170㎜Hg/100㎜Hg to 150㎜Hg/90㎜Hg), an average in Western medical Tr. (from 170㎜Hg/100㎜Hg to 130㎜Hg/80㎜Hg), an average in Cooperative Tx.(from 180㎜Hg/110㎜Hg to 130㎜Hg/90㎜Hg), generally all pars had improvements of BP control. But it is not significant of each case. 2) At the improvement of symptoms by the apologetics, Cooperative Tx. is profitable in cases of 'GanHwa',' DamEum', 'EumYangYangHer', 'EumHer'. Korean medicine Tx. is superior in case of 'GiChe'. 3) At the improvement of symptoms by a questionnaire, Korean medical Tx., Western medical Tx., Cooperative Tx. groups had improvements, but each practice group didn't have specific significance. Only it was somewhat profitable to Korean medical Tx. in the 210㎜Hg/110㎜Hg, Western medical Tx. in the 180㎜Hg/110㎜Hg, Cooperative Tx, in the 170㎜Hg/90㎜ Hg. 4) There are the apparent improvements in patients whose BP are over 200㎜Hg of Korean medical Tx. group, whose BP are over 190㎜Hg of Western medical Tx. group and whose BP are over 170㎜Mg of Cooperative Tx. group. There are the improvement of diastolic BP in 110㎜Mg(Korean medical Tx., Western medical Tx.) and 90㎜Hg(Cooperative Tx.). 5) At the improvement of Pulse pressure, generally Pulse pressure are decreased. There are similar improvements in all of Korean medical Tx., Western medical Tx., and Cooperative Tx.. 6) At the Symptomatic approvement according to ages, Korean medical Tx., Cooperative Tx. are somewhat good for his twentieth, and Western medical Tx. is somewhat good for his forties. 7) the correlation of Obesity-grade and BP, as Obesity-grade is higher as BP is higher, but there are no similarity in the improvement. 8) At the EAV improvements, as examination into correlation with the point of 1~3th, we could get results as below. There are high improvements of DRHTM, DRALM, DLLYM, DLLIM in Cooperative Tx. There are high improvements of DRPASI, DLLARI in the Korean medical Tx. group. There are high improvements of DRFADM in Western medical Tx. group.

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of Korean ginseng varieties of Gumpoong, Sunun, Sunpoong, Sunone, Cheongsun, and Sunhyang

        Jang-Ho Lee,Joon-Soo Lee,Woo-Saeng Kwon,Je-Yong Kang,Dong-Yun Lee,Jun-Gyo In,Yun-Soo Kim,Jiho Seo,In-Ho Baeg,Il-Moo Chang,Keith Grainger 고려인삼학회 2015 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.39 No.2

        Background: Ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer) is an important medicinal herbs in Asia. However, ginsengvarieties are less developed. Method: To developed ginseng varieties, a pure line selection method was applied in this study. Results: Gumpoong was testing of 4-yr-old specimens in 2002, the proportions of the below-groundroots that were rusty colored for Gumpoong was 1.29 in Daejeon and 1.45 in Eumseong, whereas theproportions for its yellow berry variant were 2.60 and 2.45 in the two regions, respectively. Thus theGumpoong was resistant to root rust. Sunpoong has a high yielding property. Its average root weight is70.6 g for 6-yr-old roots. Its yield is 2.9 kg/1.62m2 and the rate of heaven- and earth-grade product is20.9%, which is very high compared to 9.4% for Yunpoong. Sunone is resistance to root rot and thesurvival rate of 4-yr-old roots was 44.4% in 1997, whereas that of the violet-stem variant landrace was21.7%. Sunhyang has content of arginyl-fructosyl-glucose (AFG), which produces the unique scent of redginseng, is 95.1 mmol/g and greater than the 30.8 mmol/g of Chunpoong in 6-yr-old plants. Sunun andCheongsun are being nurtured to protect genetic resources. Conclusion: Developed ginsneg varieties will be used as the basis for the protection of genetic resourcesand breeding. Jang-Ho Lee

      • KCI등재

        공군사관생도의 심폐능력에 따른 심리 · 생리요인 비교

        김인기(In-ki Kim),김건희(Gun-hee Kim),송성우(Sung-woo Song),최가람(Ga-ram Choi),엄장원(Jang-won Eom),곽재준(Jae-jun Kwak),유영남(Young-nam You),정덕화(Deok-hwa Jeong),강지훈(Ji-hun Kang) 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2019 한국군사학논집 Vol.75 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in psychological and physiological factors between groups by classifying groups based on the 3km running record of fourth grade Air Force Academy cadets. Among the top 46 Air Force Academy cadets who wanted to participate in the study, the study conducted an open survey of the top 13 and the bottom 15 who wanted to provide the data prior to the study. The subjects of the experiment and in-depth interview were studied by a total of 18 people, 9 of each upper and lower members who wished to participate in the study. Psychological factors were structured through inductive content analysis of data extracted from in-depth interviews, and physiological factors were conducted to verify differences between groups of body composition and cardiopulmonary function. The psychological factors of the upper and lower groups were found to be general areas of performance strategy, achievement motivation, emotional response, military spirit, situation perception, and basic physical strength. In the detailed areas, the subjects were also examined in 15 areas including physical fitness indicators, confidence, condition control, task orientation, and positive self-perception. As a result of comparison between upper and lower groups, the upper group was 2.2 times higher than the lower group and the lower group was 1.7 times higher than the upper group in the military spirit and performance strategy of the general area response rate. In general area response, the ratio of mental strength and confidence was different in the general area of military spirit. In addition, the upper group in the achievement motivation showed a high percentage of task tendency at 47%, while the lower group showed a high rate of zero motivation at 50%. In the emotional response, the upper group showed an equal ratio, while the lower group showed an 81% ratio of negative emotions. In the overall response by sub-region, the negative emotions of the subgroup were high at 28%. In the body composition, BFM showed a statistically significant difference between upper and lower groups, and Weight, FFM, and SMM did not show any significant difference between groups. In cardiopulmonary capacity, VO2max showed a statistically significant difference between upper and lower groups, and VE and LT did not show significant differences between groups.

      • KCI등재

        스키 리조트 이용자의 여가갈등에 관한 연구

        한우진(Woo Jin Han),이장희(Jang Hee Lee),여인성(In Sung Yeo) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2005 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.29 No.-

        Although various studies concerning leisure conflict have been conducted in the U.S, there is little research in this area for Korean. There are many both unasked and unanswered questions in the experience of leisure conflict between or among various leisure activity group. Therefore, an attempt to understand the experience of leisure conflict in ski resort between skier and snowboarder may provide new insights into the nature of leisure conflict of Korean. The purpose of this study was to examine differences of leisure conflict by demographic variables and investigated effect of user’s characteristics in leisure conflict between skier and snowboarder.For this study, 482 participants were selected from 2 ski resorts located in Kangwon Province for one month from January 15th to February 15, 2005, using the convenience sampling method. For the data analysis SPSS 12.0 for Windows version was utilized. The hypothesis tests were conducted with independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Multiple Linear Regression to solve problems of the study. On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows; 1. There are differences in leisure conflict between or among skier and snowboarder’ demographic characteristics(gender and age group) 2. Leisure conflicts of skier are effected by user’s background in both in-group and out-group. 3. Leisure conflicts of snowboarder are effected by user’s background in both in-group and out-group.

      • KCI등재후보

        심장수술 시 농축적혈구, 자가수혈기 혈액, 체외 순환기 혈액에서의 유리 혈색소 농도 비교

        송장호,구승우,백종화,정용보,이정순,최인철 대한마취과학회 2002 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.43 No.5

        Background: Intraoperative autotransfusion or residual blood in a cardiopulmonaty bypass (CPB) circuit has been used to reduce the need for an homologous blood transfutsion during cardiac surgery. However, it may contain some free hemoglobin released from damaged cells. The load of blood containing free hemoglobin may cause renal dysfunction. We measured the amount of free hemoglobin in backed blood, cell saver blood and CPB blood to evaluate what is the least hemolytic blood transfused in cardiac surgery. Methods: This study was performed in 20 patients undergoing cardiac surgery. In each patient, the banked blood, intraoperative salvaged blood with a cell saver and CPB residual blood were sampled at the end of the operation. The concentration of free hemoglobin, hemoglobin and platelet counts were measured in these blood samples and percent of hemolysis was calculated (%hemolysis = [free hemoglobin] / .free hemogloben + hemoglobin]) Results: In salvaged blood with a cell saver, CPB residual blood and banked blood, hemoglobin concentrations were 20.1 ± 2.7 g/dl, 8.0 ± 1.1 g/dl, and 22.2 ± 2.7 g/dl, respectively. Free hemoglobin concentrations were 336.6 ± 239.5 mg/dl, 49.2 ± 26.8 mg/dl, and 279.5 ± 167.5 mg/dl respectively. Platelet counts were 26.1 ± 22.2 × 10^3/mm^3, 116.8 ± 56.5 × 10^3/mm^3, and 94.9 ± 43.6 × 10^3/mm^3 respectively. % Hemolysis were 1.6 ± 1.1%, 0.6 ± 0.4%, and 1.2 ± 0.7% respectively. In the comparison between the salvaged blood with a cell saver and CPB residual blood, free hemoglobin concentration, % hemolysis, and platelet counts had positive correlations (r = 0.8, 0.7, and 0.6). Conclusions: In twenty cardiac surgeries, CPB residual blood had a lower free hemoglobin level than the other two blood groups. The platelet counts in CPB residual blood were higher than those in cell saver blood but did not differ from those in banked blood. Therefore, CPB residual blood was the least hemolytic blood among the three blood groups when a transfusion was performed in cardiac surgery. (Korean J Acesthesiol 2002; 43: 588~593)

      • 도암호의 수질과 어류군집 특성 연구

        이상하,최재석,이광열,장영수,임인수,허우명,김재구,김범철 강원대학교 부속 환경연구소 2005 Journal of the Environment Vol.2 No.-

        To investigate nutrient dynamics of the lake and fish community, both water and fish samples were collected at three different areas (dam site, upper inflowing and downstream of lake outfow) for one year from Sep.2004 to Aug.2005 During the experimental periods, mean concentration of chl, a in epilimnetic layer (0-5m) was 18.5mg^(-3) and transparency ranged from 0.3m to 2.4m, respectively. In nutrient, mean concentrations of TP and TN were 111 mgP m^(-3) and 4.4 mgN L^(-1), respectively. Based on the water quality standard suggested by U.S.EPA(*1976), the trophic state of Lake Doam was classified as eutrophic state. Total number of fish collected in Lake Doam was 9,600 indiveduals in 26 species of 6 family. Sixteen of Korean endemic soecies including H. mylodon, A. signifer, P. tenuicorpa occurred. O. mykiss as introduced fish was also found in Lake Doam. Dominant and subdominant species were P. herzi and Z. platypus that took about 34.6% and 22.5% of total fish composition, respectively. Six species including A. signifer. P. tenuicorpa. and R. kumgangensis were rare in Lake Doam. Pelagic typw of figh commonly occurred at upper regions, whereas benthic type was mainly domenated at downstream area. Therefore, pollution source inflowed from the upper regions did not seriously affect downstream area (Songcheon water system) due to the role of dam as pollutant barrier. In addition high appearance of Comat type of fish that si hybrid between gold fish (C.auratus) and C. auratus was found in the lake, It was unclear the reasons that high prorortion of mutant species apperared in the lake. Further more researches are required in this area.


        Quantitative Feasibility Evaluation of <sup>11</sup>C-Methionine Positron Emission Tomography Images in Gamma Knife Radiosurgery : Phantom-Based Study and Clinical Application

        Lim, Sa-Hoe,Jung, Tae-Young,Jung, Shin,Kim, In-Young,Moon, Kyung-Sub,Kwon, Seong-Young,Jang, Woo-Youl The Korean Neurosurgical Society 2019 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.62 No.4

        Objective : The functional information of $^{11}C$-methionine positron emission tomography (MET-PET) images can be applied for Gamma knife radiosurgery (GKR) and its image quality may affect defining the tumor. This study conducted the phantom-based evaluation for geometric accuracy and functional characteristic of diagnostic MET-PET image co-registered with stereotactic image in Leksell $GammaPlan^{(R)}$ (LGP) and also investigated clinical application of these images in metastatic brain tumors. Methods : Two types of cylindrical acrylic phantoms fabricated in-house were used for this study : the phantom with an array-shaped axial rod insert and the phantom with different sized tube indicators. The phantoms were mounted on the stereotactic frame and scanned using computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and PET system. Three-dimensional coordinate values on co-registered MET-PET images were compared with those on stereotactic CT image in LGP. MET uptake values of different sized indicators inside phantom were evaluated. We also evaluated the CT and MRI co-registered stereotactic MET-PET images with MR-enhancing volume and PET-metabolic tumor volume (MTV) in 14 metastatic brain tumors. Results : Imaging distortion of MET-PET was maintained stable at less than approximately 3% on mean value. There was no statistical difference in the geometric accuracy according to co-registered reference stereotactic images. In functional characteristic study for MET-PET image, the indicator on the lateral side of the phantom exhibited higher uptake than that on the medial side. This effect decreased as the size of the object increased. In 14 metastatic tumors, the median matching percentage between MR-enhancing volume and PET-MTV was 36.8% on PET/MR fusion images and 39.9% on PET/CT fusion images. Conclusion : The geometric accuracy of the diagnostic MET-PET co-registered with stereotactic MR in LGP is acceptable on phantom-based study. However, the MET-PET images could the limitations in providing exact stereotactic information in clinical study.

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