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        물리학 선량법을 이용한 갑상선암의 개인별 최대안전용량 I-131 치료법 개발과 유용성 평가

        김정철,윤정한,범희승,제갈영종,송호천,민정준,정환정,김성민,허영준,이명호,박영규,정준기 대한핵의학회 2003 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.37 No.2

        목적 : 분화갑상선암 환자에 대한 방사성옥소(I-131) 치료는 재발율과 사망률을 감소시키는 효과적인 치료법이지만, 치료용량을 증가시킴으로써 치료율을 향상시킬 수 있는지에 대해서는 아직 논란이 있다. 본 연구에서는 최대허용선량 치료법의 효용성을 검증하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 임상적 병기가 제3, 4병기이고, 6개월 이후에 I-131 전신스캔(이하 IWBS)과 혈중 thyroglobulin (이하 Tg), anti-thyroglobulin antibody (이하 ATA), 초음파검사 (이하 US) 및 F-18 FDG PET 등을 통해 치료여부를 확인할 수 있었던 58명(남:여=9:49, 평균연령 50±11세)의 유두상갑상선암 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 이중 11명은 제4병기, 47명은 제3병기였으며, 43명(남:여=4:39), 평균연령 50±11세)은 7.4 GBq 이하의 고식적인 저용량치료법으로 치료하였고, 9.25 GBq 이상의 고용량 치료를 받은 환자는 15명(남:여=5:10, 평균연령 50±12세)으로 고용량군에서 남자가 더 많았으나 연령의 차이는 없었다. 고용량군 환자 모두에서 추적용량의 방사성옥소(평균 77±3 MBq)를 경구 투여한 후 혈중 방사능소실곡선을 통해 최대허용선량(maximum permissible dose, 이하 MPD)을 계산하였으며, 7명에서는 말초혈액림프구의 중기염색체분석법에 의해 생물학적으로 MPD를 계산하였다. 14명에서는 치료용량의 방사성옥소를 투여한 후 혈중 방사능소실곡선을 통해 MPD를 계사하였다. 완전치유(complete response, 이하 CR)는 IWBS에서 병소가 없어지고, 혈중 Tg치가 1 ng/mL 이하로 감소한 경우로 정의하였으며, 부분치유(partial response, 이하 PR)는 IWBS에서 병소가 없어졌더라도 혈중 Tg, ATA치가 높거나, US 또는 PET 검사에서 병소가 남아있는 경우로 정의하였다. 치료후 IWBS에서 병소가 오히려 증가하거나 변함없는 경우는 없었다. 방사성옥소 치료에 의한 부작용은 입원기간 중 타액선이 현저하게 붓고 통증이 있거나, 구토를 심하게 하는 경우, 그리고 퇴원후 1개월째 백혈구수가 20% 이상 감소한 경우로 정의하였다. 결과 : 양 군간에 연속적인 수치변화를 비교하는 경우는 paired t-test를 이용하였으며, 대상군간 치료효과와 부작용의 비교는 chi-square test를 이용하였다. p값 0.05 미만을 통계적으로 유의한 차이로 인정하였다. 고용량군 환자 모두에서 추적용량과 치료용량의 방사성옥소 투여 후 혈액의 피폭선량은 각각 0.012±0.3 Gy, 1.66±25 Gy였으며, 방사성옥소 투여 후 혈액에 전달되는 피폭선량은 추적용량보다 치료용량에서 더 많았고 (1.21: 166 rad, p<0.001), 방사성옥소 1 mCi당 혈액에 전달되는 피폭선량은 차이가 없었다(0.58±0.1 vs. 0.56±0.1 rad/37 MBq, p=0.34). 추적용량 방사성옥소 투여 후 구한 MPD는 평균 13.3±1.9 GBq (9.7 ~ 16 GBq) 이였고, 치료용량 방사성옥소 투여 후 구한 MPD는 평균 13.8±2.1 GBq (10.4 ~ 16.3 GBq)로 유의한 차이가 없었으며 (p=0.20), 두 수치간에는 유의한 상관 관계가 있었다(r=0.8, p<0.0001). 7명의 환자에서 말초혈액림프구 중기염색체 분석법으로 MPD를 측정하였는데 혈액의 피폭선량은 1.78±0.03 G였으며, 같은 환자에서 혈중 방사능소실곡선으로부터 구한 피폭선량은 1.54±0.03 G로 유의하게 낮았으나 (p=0.01), 두 측정치 간에는 유의한 상관관계(r=0.86, p=0.01)가 있었다. 저용량 치료군 43명 중 22명(51.2%)에서 완전치유를 보였고 21명(48.8%)에서는 부분치유를 보인 반면 고용량 치료군 15명 중 12명(80%)에서 완전치유를 보였고 3명(20%)에서만 부분치유를 보여 고용량 치료군에서 유의하게 높은 완전치유를 얻을 수 있었다(p=0.05). 한편 부작용 발생빈도는 저용량 치료군 43명 중 13(30.2%), 고용량 치료군 15명 중 6명(40%)로 양군간에 유의한 차이가 없었다(p=0.46). 임상적인 병기, 연령 및 성별에 따라서는 치유의 차이가 없었다(p>0.05). 결론 : 혈중소실곡선으로부터 MPD를 결정하고 이를 토대로 환자 개개인별로 적절한 선량을 선택하여 치료하는 방법은 부작용을 최소화하면서도 치료효과를 높일 수 있는 매우 유용한 치료법이며, 고위험군 분화갑상선 암 환자에게 가장 적절한 치료법이라고 사료되었다. Purpose: Radioiodine (1-131) therapy is an effective modality to reduce both recurrence and mortality rates in differentiated thyroid cancer. Whether higher doses shows higher therapeutic responses was still debatable. The purpose of this study was to validate curve-fitting (CF) method measuring maximum permissible dose (MPD) by a biological dosimetry using metaphase analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Materials and Methods: Therapeutic effects of MPD was evaluated in 58 patients (49 females and 9 males, mean age 50±11 years) of papillary thyroid cancer. Among them 43 patients were treated with ≤7.4 GBq, while 15 patients with ≥9.25 GBq. The former was defined as low-dose group, and the latter high-dose group. Therapeutic response was defined as complete response when complete disappearance of lesions on follow-up 1-131 scan and undetectable serum thyroglobulin levels were found. Statistical comparison between groups were done using chi-square test. P value less than 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant. Results: MPD measured by CF method using tracer and therapeutic doses were 13.3±1.9 and 13.8±2.1 GBq, respectively (p=0.20). They showed a significant correlation (r=0.8, p<0.0001). Exposed doses to blood measured by CF and biological methods were 1.54±0.03 and 1.78±0.03 Gy (p=0.01). They also showed a significant correlation (r=0.86, p=0.01). High-does group showed a significantly higher rate of complete response (12/15, 80%) as compared to the low-dose group (22/43, 51.2%) (p=0.05). While occurrence of side effects was not different between two groups (40% vs. 30.2%, p=0.46). Conclusion: Measurement of MPD using CF method is reliable, and the high-dose 1-131 therapy using MPD gains significantly higher therapeutic effects as compared with low-dose therapy.

      • Synthesis of functionalized mesoporous material with various organo-silanes.

        Bae, Jung A,Hwang, Seong Hee,Song, Ki-Chang,Jeon, Jong-Ki,Ko, Young Soo,Yim, Jin-Heong American Scientific Publishers 2010 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol.10 No.1

        <P>Two kinds of ordered mesoporous silicas, SBA-15 and MSU-H, have been synthesized and functionalized by direct and post synthesis method to widen their various application possibilities. In this study, phenyltrimethoxysilane (PTMS), methacryloxy-methyltrimethoxysilane (MAMTMS), 2-(3,4-epoxycyclohexyl)ethyltrimethoxysilane (ECETMS), and N(beta-aminoethyl)-gamma-aminopropylmethyldimethoxysilane (AEAPMDMS) were used as a silane precursor for the functionalization. The post synthesis was more effective method to sustain ordered pore structure than the direct synthesis method under our experimental conditions. The surface area and pore size of mesoporous silica SBA-15 and MSU-H decreased through the functionalization process. FT-IR and XPS results confirmed the functionalized silane existence in the SBA-15/MAMTMS. These functional groups (vinyl, epoxide, and amine group) could be useful for various applications such as a linker of functional organic materials or active metal for heterogeneous catalysts. As a practical instance, rhodium immobilized on the aminated SBA-15 was investigated as a 1-octene hydroformylation.</P>

      • 大學生의 健康生活 習慣에 關한 調査硏究

        兪承熙,金鼎柱,崔成根,許正行 경희대학교 체육과학연구소 1990 體育學論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        This study was to know the health-life habit of university students. Here are findings investigated-analysed by written inquires in 7, May-29, June. 1990 with objects 718 boy student and 425 girl student total 1143 attending K university to investigate a subjective symptom of university freahmen's health, eating habit, health trouble factor and health care counterplan. 1.Student who think themselves fat were 19.1% of the total, skinny 21.0%. 2.Recently students who had change of weight were 59.8% of the total, unchange of weight 40.2%. 3.Students who think themselves healthy were 53.4% of the total, unhealthy and likely to have some disease 46.6%. 4.In eating habit, 79.5% of the total were irregular and 70.2% of the total were having eating not thinking the composition of foods. 5.In taste, students who have a taste for hot and salty were 33.2% of the total, vegetables 47.7%. 6.In smoking, smokers were 41.5% of the total, smoking time was 46.2% in high school, smoking motive Was 37.6% in curiosity, smoking period was 34.2% over two year, smoking quantity a day was 23.5% over a packet of cigarettes, in smoking reason habituation appeared in 64.1% most high. 7.In drinking, students who drink were 81.0% of the total, drinking motive was 54.4% in association, drink frequency was 39.3% once in a week, as liquior being fond of beer appeared in 69.1% most high.. 8.In daffy life, students who hare been interested in health and taking exercise and having a mind to exercise for health were 66.8% of the total, as sports being fond of, swimming, bowling, tennis, Jogging, etc.

      • 토양으로 부터 분리한 방선균 KYR 26균주가 생산하는 항생물질의 분리 정제

        유진철,방희재,심정보,이은하,김형근,김성준,김영호,이정준 조선대학교 부설 유전생물공학연구소 1993 유전생물공학연구지 Vol.3 No.-

        1. 작용 범위가 넓고 부작용이 적은 의약용 항생물질을 screening하기 위한 목적으로 전남 지역 토양시료로 부터 방선균을 분리하여 항균활성이 우수한 방선균을 선별하여 KYR 26이라 명명 하였다. 2. KYR 26균주의 최적 배양배지는 Modified SMM배지 이었으며, 항생물질 생산은 배양 3일째에 최대의 수율을 나타내었다. 3. KYR 26균주가 생산하는 항생 물질은 Ion exchange chromatography, Adsorption chromatography, LH-20 coluom chromatography, Precipitation과 Silica column chromatography 과정을 통하여 항생물질 A, B를 분리정제 하였다. 4. 분리 정제된 항생 물질 A와 B는 TLC에서 각각 Rf치 0.53, 0.48에서 단일 spot로 나타났고,HPLC에서 항생물질 A와B는 각각 2.94, 7.66의 retention time을 보였으며 모두 98%의 순도를 보였다. 5. 분리 정제된 항생 물질 A와 B의 UV spectrum을 조사한 결과 항생물질 A,B는 모두 270nm에서 최대흡수 파장을 나타내었다. 현재 최종 분리 정재된 항생물질 A와 B의 구조 규명을 위하여 IR, ^1H-NMR, ^3C-NMR, Mass spectroscopy에 관한 실험이 진행중에 있다. Soil Actinomycetes were isolated from soil samples which were collected from the 100 sites of Cheon-nam areas. Isolated strains were tested for the production of antibiotics in various fermentation media using 4 strains of antibiotic sensitive test microorganisms. One strain which has excellent antibacterial activities was selected, and named to KYR 26. From culture broth of KYR 26 strain, two antibiotics were obtained through Ion Exchange Chromatography, Adsorption Chromatography, Gel Filtration Chromatography, Silica gel column chromatography and Crystalization. The finally purified two antibiotics exhibited single spot on the TLC chromatogram,and about 98 % purity on the profile of HPLC Chromatogram. Two antibiotics exhibited Rf 0.53 and 0.48 each on TLC with developing solvent system (MeOH:CHCl_3). The UV spectrum of isolated antibiotics exhibited a characteristic absorption maximum at 270nm.

      • Titanium complexes containing new dianionic tetradentate [ONNO]-type ligands with benzyl substituents on bridging nitrogen atoms: Syntheses, X-ray structures, and catalytic activities in ring opening polymerization of lactide

        Kim, So Han,Lee, Junseong,Kim, Da Jung,Moon, Jung Hee,Yoon, Sungwoo,Oh, Hyung Jin,Do, Youngkyu,Ko, Young Soo,Yim, Jin-Heong,Kim, Youngjo Elsevier 2009 Journal of organometallic chemistry Vol.694 No.21

        <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P><P>Several types of titanium complexes <B>1</B>–<B>8</B> containing various substituted Salan-type [ONNO] ligands (<B>Lig<SUP>1</SUP></B>–<B>Lig<SUP>8</SUP></B>) were synthesized. The substituents on phenyl ring and Salan ligand backbone exerted significant influence upon the catalytic activity and molecular weight of PLA polymers obtained.</P><ce:figure></ce:figure> <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Several titanium isopropoxides <B>1</B>–<B>8</B> have been prepared by the reaction of Ti(O-<I>i</I>-Pr)<SUB>4</SUB> with a series of corresponding tetradentate Salan-type [ONNO] ligands with benzyl or methyl substituents on bridging nitrogen atoms. They have been characterized by <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR, <SUP>13</SUP>C{<SUP>1</SUP>H} NMR, and elemental analysis. Solid state structures of compounds <B>2</B>, <B>4</B>, <B>6</B>, and <B>7</B> have been determined by X-ray crystallography. X-ray diffraction analysis and <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR confirmed that these titanium complexes were all monomeric species with a six-coordinated central titanium in their solid and solution structures. Complexes <B>2</B>, <B>4</B>, <B>6</B>, and <B>8</B> with benzyl substituents on bridging nitrogens gave PLA with higher molecular weight than compounds <B>1</B>, <B>3</B>, <B>5</B>, and <B>7</B> with methyl substituents did.</P>


        Cortical and cancellous bone thickness on the anterior region of alveolar bone in Korean: a study of dentate human cadavers

        Heung-Joong Kim,Sun-Kyoung Yu,Myoung-Hwa Lee,Hoon-Jae Lee,Hee-Jung Kim,Chae-Heong Chung 대한치과보철학회 2012 The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics Vol.4 No.3

        PURPOSE. The cortical bone thickness on the anterior region is important for achieving implant stability. The purpose of this study was to examine the thickness of the cortical and cancellous bones on the anterior region of the maxilla and mandible. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Twenty-five cadaver heads were used (16 male and 9 female; mean death age, 56.7 years). After the long axis of alveolar process was set up, it was measured in 5 levels starting from 2 mm below the cementoenamel junction (L1) at intervals of 3 mm. All data was analysed statistically by one-way ANOVA at the .05 significance level. RESULTS. The cortical bone thickness according to measurement levels in both the labial and lingual sides increased from L1 to L5, and the lingual side below L3 was significantly thicker than the labial side on the maxilla and mandible. In particular, the labial cortical bone thickness in the maxilla was the thinnest compared to the other regions. The cancellous bone thickness according to measurement levels increased from L1 to L5 on the maxilla, and on the mandible it was the thinnest at the middle level of the root. CONCLUSION. For implant placement on the anterior region, a careful evaluation and full knowledge on the thickness of the cortical and cancellous bone are necessary, therefore, these results may provide an anatomic guideline to clinicians

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