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        국내 제조업에서의 시장구조와 시장성과 : 패널 자료 접근

        이광훈 한국은행 2006 經濟分析 Vol.12 No.4

        시장구조와 시장성과 간의 관계를 세세 분류 단위의 산업별 허핀달-허쉬만 지수로 측정한 시장 집중도와 영업이익률로 측정한 이윤율 간의 관계를 통해 고찰하였다. 현행 표준산업분류가 적용되기 시작한 1999년부터 2003년까지의 패널 자료를 바탕으로, 시장의 구조와 성과 간의 동시성의 문제를 고려한 이단계 최소제곱(2SLS) 추정을 이윤율 방정식에 적용하였다. 그 결과 상당히 일관되게 시장 집중도는 이윤율에 대해 양의 영향을 나타내었다. 특히 수출비중이 작은 산업들에 있어서 그 영향은 보다 뚜렷하고 크게 나타났다. 반면에 동시성의 문제를 고려하지 않는 경우에는 추정모형에 따라 이러한 시장 집중도와 이윤율의 양의 관계가 확인되지 않거나, 확인되는 경우에도 시장 집중도의 이윤율에 대한 영향이 크게 과소평가되는 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 진입장벽을 나타내는 행태변수들인 광고비 지출 비중과 연구개발 지출 비중들 모두 이윤율에 양의 영향을 나타내고 있으나 일관된 유의성을 나타내고 있지는 않다. 또한 국내 기업들의 매출 중 수출의 비중이 클 경우 이윤율에 긍정적 영향이, 그리고 상대적으로 수입의 비중이 클 경우 이윤율에 부정적 영향이 나타나고 있으며, 수입 쪽의 영향이 보다 더 일관되게 나타났다. The relationship between market structure and performance is investigated by estimating the relationship between the degree of market concentration, measured by Herfindahl-Hershmann Index (HHI), and profits rate. For this purpose, a panel dataset is constructed from the 5-digit level industry data for the period 1999-2003. Considering the simultaneity between market structure and performance, 2SLS estimation is applied to the profits rate equation. Results show that the HHI has a consistent positive effect on the profits rate. Especially, this positive effect is much stronger in the group of less export oriented industries. This positive relationship becomes very fragile without the consideration of the simultaneity.

      • 상용분말로 제조된 Ce_(0.8)Gd_(0.2)O(2-δ)세라믹스의 소결성에 미치는 Ga₂O₃의 첨가효과

        최광훈,이주신 경성대학교 공학기술연구소 2003 공학기술연구지 Vol.10 No.-

        The effects of Ga₂0₃ additions on sintering behavior of Ce_(0.8)Gd_(0.2)O_(2-δ) ceramics were investigated by the use of commercial powders. Sintered density was the highest at the specimen containing 0.5 mol% Ga₂0₃. Grain size was the largest at the specimen containing 0.5 mol% Ga₂0₃ also. Up to 3 mol% Ga₂0₃ addition, the sintered density of the specimens containing Ga₂0₃ was higher than that of pure specimen. Over 3 mol% Ga₂0₃ addition, grain size was decreased by a pinning effect of Gd₃Ga_(5)Oi₂ precipitation. Ga₂0₃ addition in Gd₂0₃-doped CeO₂ promoted the grain growth, and it brought the increase in density. It is suggested that Ga₂0₃ addition has an affirmative effect on the sintering behavior of Ce_(0.8)Gd_(0.2)O_(2-δ) ceramics prepared by commerical powders.

      • 백제 무령왕릉 및 송산리 5.6호분의 현황과 보존대책

        김광훈,최석원,정상만,서만철,이금배,이남석 公州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1998 自然科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        무령왕릉을 비롯한 송산리 고분군의 5호분 및 6호분의 발굴이후의 변화상황, 고분구조의 벽체거동 상황 및 구조안전, 누수현상, 고분 내에 서식하는 조류문제, 고분내 습기 및 결로현상 제거를 위한 공기조화시설 등을 포함하는 종합정밀조사를 1996년 5월 1일 부터 1997년 4월 30일 까지 1년간 수행하였다. 무령왕릉 및 6호분 벽돌깨김 상황 조사결과 1972년과 l996년을 비교하여 보면 벽돌파손율이 각각 2.5배와 2.9배로 증가하고 있다. 1972년 상황은 약 1450년간 진행된 것이고 l996년의 상황은 불과 24년간 진행된 것임을 감안할 때 고분이 발굴된 이후 벽돌의 균열은 상당한 가속도로 진행되어 온 것이 사실이며 이대로 진행된다면 더욱 더 가속화될 것으로 판단된다. 고분벽체의 거동상태를 계측한 결과 우기에 지하수 유입에 의한 지반의 약화로 인하여 건기보다 2배 정도 거동하는 양상을 보인다. 한편, 무령왕릉 연도 입구의 호벽은 전실쪽으로의 거동이 0.43 mm/myr, 연도쪽으로 2.05 mm/myr의 거동을 보여 무령왕릉에서는 가장 심한 거동을 보이고 있다. 봉분내부의 토양층구조에 대한 지오레이다 영상단면을 분석한 결과 지중의 누수방지층이 심하게 균열되어 있는 것으로 판단된다. 직접누수와 지하수 형태로 유입된 침투수는 고분군 주위의 지반의 함수비를 증가시켜 지반의 지지력을 악화시키고 또한 고문내로 서서히 유입되어 고분내부의 습도를 100% 로 유지시키는 주된 원인이다. 이러한 높은 습도는 고분내의 남조류의 번식을 초래하였다. 이와 같이 고분군의 발굴후 인위적인 환경변화와 지속적인 강우침투 및 배수 불량의 영향은 고분군의 안정성에 상당한 위험을 초래하였으며, 현 상태는 각 고분에 대한 보강이 불가피한 것으로 판단된다. 고분 벽돌의 깨짐, 고분 벽체의 거동, 조류의 서식 등올 포함하여 송산리 고분군에서 발생되고 있는 보존상의 제반 문제점들은 일차적으로 누수 및 침투수에 의한 결과이다. 그러므로 무엇보다도 고분군 내부 및 고분 주변으로의 강우 및 지하수 침투를 막는 차수 대책이 시급한 것으로 판단된다. 또한 이미 발생한 변위가 더 이상, 진행되지 않도록 봉분하중 경감 빛 토압균형을 이루는 보강대책이 시급한 실정이다. The detail survey on the Songsanri tomb site including the Muryong royal tomb was carried out during the period from May 1, 1996 to April 30, 1997. A quantitative analysis was tried to find changes of tomb itself since the excavation. Main subjects of the survey are to find out the cause of infiltration of rain water and groundwater into the tomb and the tomb site, monitoring of the movement of tomb structure and safety, removal method of the algae inside the tomb, and air controlling system to solve high humidity condition and dew inside the tomb. We found that break rate of bricks inside the Murong royal tomb and the 6th tomb had been increased about 250 % and 290 % for just last 24 years from 1972 to 1996, respectively. The situation in 1996 is the result for just 24 years while the situation in 1972 was the result for about 1450 years. Status of breaking of bricks represents that a severe problem is undergoing. The wall movement of tombs is detecting in disadvantageous directions, especially in rainy season. The front wall of the Muryong royal tomb shows the biggest movement having a rate of 2.05 mm/myr toward the passage way. Georadar section of the shallow soil layer represents several faults in the artificial water-protection layer within soil layer. Rainwater flew through faults into the tomb and nearby ground and high water content in nearby ground resulted in low resistance and high humidity inside tombs. High humidity inside tomb made good living condition for algae with high temperature and moderate light source. Artificial change of the tomb environment since the excavation, infiltration of rain water and groundwater into the tombsite and bad drainage system had resulted in dangerous status for the tomb structure. Main cause for many problems including breaking of bricks, movement of tomb walls and algae living is infiltration of rainwater and groundwater into the tomb site. Therefore, protection of the tomb site from high water content should be carried out at fust. Waterproofing method includes a cover system over the tomsite using geotextile, clay layer and geomembrane. Decrease and balancing of soil weight above the tomb are also needed for the safety of tomb structures. Above mentioned preservation methods are suggested to give least changes to tomb site and to solve the most fundmental problems. Repairing should be planned in order and some special cares are needed for the safety of tombs in repairing work. Finally, a monitoring system measuring tilting of tomb walls, water content, groundwater level, temperature and humidity is required to monitor and to evaluate the repairing work.

      • 통풍성 관절염의 임상적 고찰

        윤채중,정승문,김영학,김동규,허광식,김태원,배학연,정종훈,이승일,김평남 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1997 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.22 No.2

        통풍은 Purine 대사의 이상으로 발생하는 질환으로, 고뇨산혈증인 사람의 전부가 통풍으로 발현되지 않고 증상의 출현 양상이 다양하여 진단과 치료에 주의가 필요하며, 조기에 적절한 조치를 한다면 충분히 조절이 가능한 질환이다. 본대학 내과학교실에서는 통풍으로 치료한 32명의 환자에서 임상양상, 병력과 검사소견을 분석하여 다음과 같음 결과를 얻었다. 1. 32명 모두 남자이며, 최초 발병 시기는 24세에서 72세로 평균 43.8±11.9세이었으며, 30대에서 40대까지가 19명(59.4%)으로 대부분을 차지하였다. 내원 당시 나이는 27세에서 75세까지로 평균 52.3±10.4세였으며, 내원시 까지 평균 유병기간은 8.5±6.8년으로 나타났다. 2. 동반 질환으로는 고지혈증 12례, 신장질환 10례, 고혈압 12례, 비만 8례, 당뇨 2례 등이었다. 3. 이환된 관절은 단관절 침범이 19례(59.4%), 다관절 침범이 13례 이었으며, 최초 이한된 관절은 족무지 중족골지골 관절로 19례(59.4%)로 가장 많았고, 통풍 결절은 20례(62.5%)에서 관찰되었으며, 유병기간이 10년 이상된 12례중 11례 (91.7%)에서 결절이 관찰되었다. 4. 평균 혈중 요산치는 9.17±1.75 ㎎/dl이었으며, 8.0 ㎎/dl에서 9.9 ㎎/dl 사이가 19명으로 전체의 59.4%를 차지하였다. Objective: The gout is a heterogeneous group of diseases resulting from tissue deposition of monosodium urate or uric acid crystals from extracellular fluids supersaturated with respect to this end product of human purine metabolism. The clinical manifestations are such as hyperuricemia, gouty arthritis, gouty nephropathy, uric acid nephrolithiasis. We analyze of clinical manifestations and associated factors in gout. Method: We have reviewed the medical records, radiologic findings and clinical results of thirty-two patients admitted at our department from April 1996 to July 1997. Result: 1) All patients were male. The mean age at initial attack was 43.8 years old, ranging from 24 to 72 years old. 2) The mean level of serum uric acid was 9.17mg/dl on admission. 3) The first metatarsopharyngeal joint was involved in 19 cases (59.4%). Tophus was observed in 20 cases (62.5%). 4) Hyperuricemia was associated with hypertension, obesity, nephrolithiasis and hyperlipidemia.

      • A case of scrofuloderma

        ( Gwang Hoon Kim ),( Jong Heon Jeong ),( Ji Young Lee ),( Seung Ju Yun ),( Seung Ho Lee ),( Ai-young Lee ),( Jong Soo Hong ) 대한피부과학회 2018 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.70 No.1

        Cutaneous tuberculosis(TB) is a mycobacterial skin infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Scrofuloderma is a form of cutaneous TB which results from the direct extension of the infection from a deep structure into the overlying skin. Even though its prevalence has been diminished in these days, but dermatologists should know its clinical feature and diagnosis when considering high prevalence of tuberculosis in South Korea. Here we report a case of scrofuloderma. A 63-year-old man with a history of epidural hemorrhage presented with erythematous nodule in the left side of neck of 4 months of duration. It became larger and purulent from a week ago. On examination, there was suppurative nodule with tenderness. Skin biopsy revealed caseating granulomas with infiltration of lymphohistiocytes and neutrophils. Even though the result of AFB stain was negative, but the result of tuberculosis PCR was positive. Based on clinicopathologic and laboratory findings, his lesion was diagnosed as scrofuloderma. After diagnosis, the patient received anti-TB medication for 6 months. His skin lesion improved after the treatment.

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of Face Shields on the Quality of Colonoscopy in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic

        Lee Jin Wook,Lee Hyo Jeong,Kim Dae Sung,Yoon Jiyoung,Hong Seung Wook,Hwang Ha Won,Lee Jong-Soo,Kim Gwang-Un,Lee Sinwon,Choe Jaewon,Park Jin Hwa,Yang Dong-Hoon,Byeon Jeong-Sik 거트앤리버 소화기연관학회협의회 2022 Gut and Liver Vol.16 No.3

        Background/Aims: The worldwide coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has led endoscopists to use personal protective equipment (PPE) for infection prevention. This study aimed to investigate whether wearing a face shield as PPE affects the quality of colonoscopy. Methods: We reviewed the medical records and colonoscopy findings of patients who underwent colonoscopies at Asan Medical Center, Korea from March 10 to May 31, 2020. The colonoscopies in this study were performed by five gastroenterology fellows and four expert endoscopists. We compared colonoscopy quality indicators, such as withdrawal time, adenoma detection rate (ADR), mean number of adenomas per colonoscopy (APC), polypectomy time, and polypectomy adverse events, both before and after face shields were added as PPE on April 13, 2020. Results: Of the 1,344 colonoscopies analyzed, 715 and 629 were performed before and after the introduction of face shields, respectively. The median withdrawal time was similar between the face shield and no-face shield groups (8.72 minutes vs 8.68 minutes, p=0.816), as was the ADR (41.5% vs 39.8%, p=0.605) and APC (0.72 vs 0.77, p=0.510). Polypectomy-associated quality indicators, such as polypectomy time and polypectomy adverse events were also not different between the groups. Quality indicators were not different between the face shield and no-face shield groups of gastroenterology fellows, or of expert endoscopists. Conclusions: Colonoscopy performance was not unfavorably affected by the use of a face shield. PPE, including face shields, can be recommended without a concern about colonoscopy quality deterioration.

      • Cutaneous adverse reactions to sodium metabisulfite: Cases of eczema and chronic urticaria

        ( Gwang Hoon Kim ),( Seung Ju Yun ),( Tae Han Kim ),( Nam Hee Sung ),( Hyo Seung Shin ),( Seung Ho Lee ),( Ai Young Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2016 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.68 No.1

        Lots of additives are used for a variety of purposes. However, a small number of additives, such as sodium metabisulfite(SMB), monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame and tartrazine, have been implicated in cutaneous adverse reactions (CAR). Most of the CARs are urticaria and angioedema, but also can presents eczematous eruption. Though there are no fixed testing methods, oral provocation has been popular for the diagnosis. We reported two cases of SMB-induced CARs which diagnosis has been confirmed by oral provocation test. A 23-year-old woman presented with 3-year-history of intermittent skin eruptions on her face. She felt that her facial eruption was induced whenever she ate seasoned dishes. We proceeded oral provocation test under impression of food additives-induced CAR. Oral provocation test revealed that mild erythematous eruptions were provoked by ingestion of the SMB. She felt improvement of her symptoms with the lapse of time, and her CARs has been almost gone at the time of last visit. The other patient was a 49-year-old woman who has suffered from unpredictably developed generalized wheal for 2 years. Patient also had several times of anaphylaxsis attack. Her symptoms were induced by eating food and taking some drugs. Oral provocation test showed generalized wheals 10 minutes after ingestion of SMB. Unlikely to our first case, patient still had flare up of eruption at 6-month telephone follow-up.

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