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소광섭 建陽大學校 1996 建陽論叢 Vol.- No.4
The current ststes in which the weight of administration is being increased day by day require the settlement of administrative morals. Especially in the caes of such a country, in which the bureaucratic culture has been rooted like Korea, its necessity is urgent. Because the origin of all the political scandals on powers, such as the recent case made by a former president in this country, stems from the very bureaucratic administrative behavior. So this study tries to present the measures of administrative reform for building the administrative reform and administrative morals. The measures are summarized as followings. First, a consciousness reform for setting up the administrative morals should be emerged first. In order to realize this idea, a new value system in rationality of ours should be established. Second, the reformation for democratic administrative morals should be followed. Its success requires enhancement of democratic civic consciousness, opening to the public of administration and political processes, reinforcement of the law on public servants' morals, and opening to the public of administrative informations. Third, the progressive administration cultures for reinforcing administrative morals should be settled down. This requires recovery of confidence in administration between the public and government, guranteeing the administrative autonomy from politics, transfer of national consciousness about administration into a problem solving process, and rationalism. Fourth, the reform institutional structure for buliding up the administrative morals should be brought. This requires renovation of administration cultures, securing activities of informal structures, decentralization elites, simplification of administrative procedures, fairness of personneling administration, reinforcement of control over the inner administration, reasonable amounts of officicals' salary, and diciplines. When these measures are realized, the administrative morals can be established and the original role of administration for the public can restored. And further more the administration will contribute to the national advancement.
백서 구개 전층 창상의 치유에 미치는 피부린 접착제의 영향
소광섭,최홍란 전남대학교 치과대학 1998 전남치대논문집 Vol.10 No.1
The prupose of this study was to examine the effects of the fibrin adhesive (Beriplast??) on healing of full-thickness wounds in the rat's hard palate. Twenty Spraque-Dawley strain white male rats, each weighing 250-300 gm were used. Creation of full-thickness wounds of 4 × 4 mm in size were performed on the hard palate. Beriplast??, a wound dressing material , was applied immediately in the experimental group, but not applied in the control group. All wounds were protected with palatal resin splints. The animals were sacrificed on the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 14th, and 28th day after the operation for macroscopic and microscopic examinations. Results obtained were as follows ; 1. On the 7th day after the operation, epithelial proliferation was greater in the experimental group than that in the control group. 2. The inflammatory reaction of the experimental group was less than the control group on the 2nd and 4th day after the operation. Beriplast?? was resorbed on the 7th day after the operation. 3. In the control group, the epithelial proliferation occurred from the 7th to the 14th day after the operation, and in the experimental group, epithelial proliferation occurred from the 4th day after the operation. 4. On the 14th and 28th day after the operation, there was no prominent difference between the two groups in histological findings. These results suggest that the use of fibrin adhesive (Beriplast??) as a palatal wound dressing results in greater epithelial proliferation and less inflammation in the early stage of wound healing.