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      • 실버소비자의 스포츠·레저용품 구매행동에 관한 연구

        김성훈,최덕환 한국학교체육학회 2003 한국학교 체육학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 실버소비자들의 스포츠 레저 용품에 관련한 인식과 태도, 구매행동을 조사하고 이를 계층별로 나누어 분석하므로써 기초적인 마케팅 자료를 제시하는 것이다. 이와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위하여 서울특별시에 거주하고 있는 55세 이상의 실버소비자들을 전집으로 하여 뉴 실버집단(55-64세) 230명과 실버집단(65세이상) 132명을 표집하여 실버소비자의 스포츠 ?레저용품 인식과 태도, 구매행동을 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론에 도달하였다 첫째, 실버계층에 따른 실버소비자의 스포츠·레저용품 인식과 태도는 관심도, 소유욕, 부의 상징, 가격과 품질, 상표간 품질차이 인식도에서 모두 뉴 실버집단이 실버집단보다 높게 나타났으며 통계적으로도 현저한 차이로 유의하게 나타났다. 둘째, 실버계층에 따른 실버소비자의 스포츠·레저용품 구매행동은 최근 1년 간 스포츠·레저용품 구매여부는 뉴 실버가 많았으며 구매현황은 뉴 실버 집단은 스포츠의류, 레저용품 순으로 나타났으며 실버집단은 스포츠의류, 신발류 순으로 유의한 차이로 나타났다. 주요구매결정요인은 가격, 디자인/색상, 제조회사/상표에서 뉴 실버집단이 현저하게 유의한 차이로 나타났다. 스포츠 레저용품 최종 구매결정요인은 두 집단 모두 실용성/편리함을 주요 요인으로 삼았고 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 구매장소는 뉴 실버집단이 전문스포츠매장과 상설할인 매장, 실버집단은 동네상점과 종합시장에서 주로 구매하며 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 구매 만족도는 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 불만족요인은 뉴 실버집단은 품질과 가격, 실버집단은 실용성/편리함과 품질을 불만족 요인으로 지적하였고 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 이상과 같이 실버소비자와 뉴 실버소비자를 단지 하나의 실버시장으로 보는 것보다는 세분화할 필요성이 발견되었고 다각적인 실버계층의 스포츠 소비행태에 대한 지속적인 연구가 모색되어져야 할 것이며 특히, 뉴 실버소비자층을 별도의 표적시장으로 삼아 접근해야 할 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to examine silver consumers' perception of sporting and leisure goods, their attitude to the same and purchase behavior by lass in a bid to be of use for more successful marketing strategy. The subjects in this study were 362 people selected from among the eldery over 55 who resided in Seoul. Out of them, 230 people aged from 55 to 64 were called here the new silver group and 132 over 65 were called the silver group. A survey was conducted to find out their awareness of sporting and leisure goods, their attitude and purchase behavior. The instrument used in this study was 15-item questionnaire covering silver consumers' perception of sporting and leisure goods, their attitude and purchase behavior. As the subjects were old people who had relatively poor cognitive ability, self-administration method and interview were employed together. The collected data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and χ²test. As a result of analyzing the intervariable relationship, the fallowing findings were acquired: First, the new silver group had more perception of sporting and leisure goods and more active attitude, compared to the silver group. The difference between the two was significant. Second, for the past year, the new silver group purchased more sporting and leisure goods. There appeared a significant gap between the two group in purchase state, primary buying-decision factor. final buying-decision factor, purchase place and dissatisfaction factor. The purchase satisfaction level didn't vary significantly.

      • 테니스 용어의 순화연구

        김석환,박덕유 한국체육대학교 2001 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        This paper introduces interpretations of several foreign tennis terms, as well as their Korean equivalent terms. Korean terms are preferred because they facilitate the Korean public's understanding of the games. In the sport industry of the 21st century, elite sport and leisure sport must be given equal attention. It is recommended that for every sport category, an organization that takes on the responsibility of popularizing the sport be established. In an attempt to popularize a sport, the use of Korean terms in place of foreign terms is helpful. Such understanding, in turn, increases interest in the games and therefore promotes participation. Thus, the refinement of sport terms may at times be awkward, but it is necessary. This paper introduces arbitrary tennis terms which require adjustment and supplement in the actual field. Note, however, that it is not being suggested that all foreign terms be changed to Korean because the use of foreign terms is possible.

      • 全北地域 農村工業開發이 水質 環境에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究

        김환기,송호면,김진덕 全北大學校 附設 都市및環境硏究所 1995 都市 및 環境硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        This study was performed on 27 agricultural industrial parks locating in Chonbuk Province for examining the influence of local environment with situation of location, actual condition of occupied plant with industrial classification, and relations of streams. The obtained results are as follows 1) An environmental impact assessment for agricultural industrial park needs for the selection of live-in plants. The method of regulation of total emission deciding the amount of wastewater discharge and its concentration according to the given condition in the water area of discharge needs to be introduced. 2) Because most of discharge streams from the agricultural industrial parks is small and their purposal water qulity belongs to Ⅰ∼Ⅱ grade, the worse possible of water qulity in the water area of discharge is great. 3) A common wastewater plant on agricultural industrial park applies a biochemical treatment method and the discharge water qulity appears to be contented the legal criteria, but it appears to be necessary the strengthen of treatment facilities and continual control because the water qulity of influx shows great difference from 14㎎/ℓ to 340㎎/ℓ according to each agricultural industrial park. 4) In case of considering the characteristic of wastewater on it and small business, the mixing treatment with urban sewage is desirable and the individual treatment facility of agricultural industrial park should need a common treatment as possible.

      • 금강 수서생태계의 구조와 기능에 관한 연구 : 수질 및 미생물

        이규승,김윤석,오덕환,이영하,임항식 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1995 環境硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        소백산맥의 주봉인 덕유산에서 발원하여 군산지역에서 황해로 유입되는 금강의 본류는 총 유로연장이 401.4km에 이르는 우리나라 4대강 중의 하나이며, 대전광역시, 충청남북도 및 전라북도 일부지역의 생활용수 및 산업용수의 공급원으로서 대단히 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 1960년대 이후 계속적으로 추진된 경제개발과 공업화 정책에 의해 인구의 도시집중화, 생활수준의 향상등이 이루어지고, 이에 따라 양질의 생활용수 및 산업용수에 대한 수요는 계속적으로 크게 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 그러나 금강의 경우 도시의 생활하수, 공업단지로부터의 공업폐수, 유역의 축산폐수 등에 의해 수질을 비롯한 수환경의 악화가 점차 심화되고 있으며, 이에 따른 수서생태계의 변화도 매우 큰 것으로 보고되고 있다. 특히 최근에 조성된 바 있는 금강 하구둑이 94년 8월부터 가동되고 있고, 또 1995년 이후 금강종합개발이 중류와 하류지역을 중심으로 대대적으로 시행될 예정이어서 금강 본류의 수환경은 장차 많은 변화가 예상된다. 수환경의 변화는 생육하는 생물들의 종조성은 물론 군집의 구조와 기능에 큰 영향을 미치기 때문에 금강 본류의 수서생태계에도 많은 변화가 수반될 것으로 예측되고 있다. 이와 같이 금강본류를 대상으로 하는 사업이 시행된 후 야기되는 수환경의 변화는 장기간에 걸친 조사를 요구하며, 이로부터 얻은 결과를 사업 시행 이전의 조사 결과와 비교함으로써만이 효과적으로 그 경향을 파악할 수 있다. 또한 이러한 비교 분석은 수질관리를 위한 대책 수립과 효율적인 사후 환경관리를 모색하는데 대단히 중요하다. 이에 반하여 지금까지 금강을 대상으로 한 수환경 및 수서생태계의 조사 연구는 단편적인 분야에 대하여 극히 단기간 수행된 것이 대부분이고 정량분석이 아닌 정성분석에만 치중되었기 때문에 금강의 수질 및 생태게보존을 위한 자료로서의 기능을 발휘하지 못하고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 본 환경문제연구소에서는 장기(향후 5년 이상)적인 계획하에 금강본류를 대상으로 수서생태계의 구조와 기능을 조사ㆍ분석하고, 이를 통하여 금강의 수질 및 생태계보존과 수환경관리를 위한 기초자료를 수립하고자 한다. 이와 같이 본 환경문제연구소가 장기적으로 추진하려 하는 금강 수서생태계학술조사는 금강 수서생태계의 현황은 물론 금강을 대상으로 하는 여러가지 형태의 사업에 의한 변화 양상을 정확하게 파악하고, 이에 대한 적절한 대처 방안을 강구하게 할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하여 줄 것으로 기대된다. 지금까지 금강에 대한 종합적인 생태계 조사가 이루어지지 않고 있음을 고려할 때, 본 학술조사는 장차 금강 수서생태계에 대한 연구의 지침이 될 것으로 기대되며, 이는 본교가 금강 생태계의 보존과 관리를 통하여 지역사회에 기여하는 중추적 학술기관으로서의 위치를 확고히 마련하는 계기가 될 것이다. 본 보고서는 이러한 연구계획의 1차년도 연구결과로서 수질 및 미생물, 수생식물, 어류, 동식물 플랭크톤, 수서곤충을 중심으로 금강 중ㆍ하류 유역 수서생태계를 구성하고 있는 주요 생물군의 구조와 기능을 정량적으로 조사ㆍ분석하는데 그 목적을 두었다. Heterotrophic microbial populations and physicochemical parameters of water samples collected from six stations on the Keum River have been examined from November 1994 to July 1995. The ranges for BOD and COD were 1.5-11.3㎎/L and 2.1-13.7㎎/L, respectively. At the station closest to the estuary, the values of BOD and COD were higher than at other stations, but those of PO₄-P were lower. Metal ions including Cu, Mn, Pb, Cd, and Hg were not detected at all. The population densities of heterotrophic bacteria amounted to 13.7-22.0% of the total bacteria. The densities of coliforms, Salmonella-Shigella, and yeasts were in the range of 49-538 cfu/ml, 16-271 cfu/100ml, and 30-259 cfu/㎖, respectively.

      • KCI등재후보

        흰쥐 Kupffer 세포에 대한 Propofol의 작용

        박세훈,지대림,성언기,김희선,송인환,박희영,김준수,이덕희,박대팔 대한마취과학회 2002 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.43 No.4

        Background: Propofol has an antioxidant capacity and can be used for ischemia-reperfusion injury of the liver. However, the effects of propofol on the Kupffer cells have not been establisked. Methods: Kupffer cells were isolated and cultured from male Sprague-Dawley rats. The effects of propofol on the Kupffer cells were evaluated by a phagocytosis assay, TNF-α gene expression, and superoxide anion release after administering propofol in different concentrations on the cultured Kuprrer cells. Results: The latex bead phagocytosis by the Kupffer cells was suppressed when the Kupffer cells were exposed to propofol irrespective of concentrations. Higher propofol concentrations decreased the loss of Kupffer cells after latex bead phagocytosis. Propofol induced TNF-α mRNA expression in the Kupffer cells, but the mRNA expression level after 50㎍/ml of propofol decreased. The pattern of TNF-α mRNA expression induced by propofol was different to that induced by LPS: TNF-α mRNA was expressed continuously in the propofol-treated cells until 16 hours after exposure to propofol, whereas the level of TNF-α mRNA expression induced by LPS was evident after 2 hours and was not found thereafter. TNF-α production after propofol treatment was not higher than that of the control. Formazan presipitation did not show any qualitative differences between cells untreated or treated with propofol concentrations of 0.5, 5.0, and 50 ㎍/ml. Conclusions: These results showed that propofol might inhibit Kupffer cells. This suggests that propofol and be used for patients with ischemia-reperfusion injury of the liver. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2002; 43: 475~484)

      • 동일한 국제예후지표(International Prognostic Index)를 나타내는 미만성 대형 B-세포 림프종에서 Bcl-2와 p16의 임상적 중요성

        박상은,박수진,곽승근,박남숙,천재민,윤환중,조덕연,김삼용,김진만 충남대학교 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        In Korea, malignant lymphoma is a common cancer, comprising about 2.7% of all malignant neoplasm. Diffuse large B cell lymphoma is the most common lymphoma, representing about 50% of all Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is usually considered as heterogeneous group of neoplasms rather than a single clinicopathological entity. Clinical prognostic systems, including the International Prognostic Index (IPI), although useful to assess overall prognosis, embrace patients with heterogeneous prognoses. But International Prognostic Index scoring system is not sufficiently predict the prognosis. It is likely that the prognostic assessment of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphomamight be improved by using biological features. Bcl-2 protein and p16 protein expression is recognized as useful biologic markers predicting the prognosis of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. To determine the clinical significance and prognostic value of bcl-2 and p16 proteins expression patterns, we studied 18 patients with de novo DLBL, whose archival pathology specimen were available for immunohistochemistry studies, atChungnam National University Hospital from September 1992 to December 2000. Archival specimens from each patient were immunostained with respective antibodies for bcl-2, p16. The results are as follows; 1) The median age was 54(rage : 37-69). There were 12 male patients(66.7%) and 6 female patients(33.3%) The 'B' symptom was abscentin all patients. The stages were as follows : Ⅰ, 2 patient(11.1%), Ⅱ, 10 patient(55.6%), Ⅲ, 4patient(22.2%) and Ⅳ, 2patient(11.1%). 3 patients(16.8%) had the elevated LDH level, 14 patients(77.8%) had the normal LDH level and 1 patients(5.6%) was not identified the LDH level. 2 patients(11.1%) had the bulky disease and 16 patients(88.7%) had no bulky diease. The distribution of ECOG status were O, 2 patients(11.1%c), 1, 14patients(77.8%) and 2, 2patients(11.1%). 2) Theimmunohistochemistry results are as follows bcl-2:+,10 patients(55.6%), bcl-2:-, 8patinets(44.4%), p16:+,3 patients(16.7%), p16:-, 15patients(83.3%) 3) After a median follow UP durations of 67 months, the median survival time was 57 months with a rage of 7-100+ months. 5-years overall survival rates was 44% by Kaplan-Meier method. 4) Reduced overall survival was demonstrated in the patients who expressed bcl-2 protein(P=0.0174). 5-year overall survivial rate was 12%(bcl-2 expression) versus 88%(no bcl-2 expression) 5) Among diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients with IPI score 0-1, reduced overall survival was demonstrated with bcl-2 expression(P=0.023). 5-year overall survival rate was 18%(bcl-2 expression group) versus 100%(no bcl-2 expressiongroup) 6) Median survival durtation of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients negative for p16 expression was 57 months whereas p16 postive patients' median survival duration was not reached(P=0.4478). In diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients with identical IPI scores, bcl-2 expression had additional prognostic value.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Original Articles : Clinical significance of occult hepatitis B virus infection in chronic hepatitis C patients

        ( Jae Young Jang ),( Soung Won Jeong ),( Sung Ran Cheon1 ),( Sae Hwan Lee1 ),( Sang Gyune Kim ),( Young Koog Cheon ),( Young Seok Kim1 ),( Young Deok Cho1 ),( Hong Soo Kim ),( So Young Jin ),( Yun Soo 대한간학회 2011 Clinical and Molecular Hepatology(대한간학회지) Vol.17 No.3

        Background/Aims: We investigated the frequency of occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV)-positive individuals and the effects of occult HBV infection on the severity of liver disease. Methods: Seventy-one hepatitis B virus surface-antigen (HBsAg)-negative patients were divided according to their HBV serological status into groups A (anti-HBc positive, anti-HBs negative; n=18), B (anti-HBc positive, anti-HBs positive; n=34), and C (anti-HBc negative, anti-HBs positive/negative; n=19), and by anti-HCV positivity (anti-HCV positive; n=32 vs. anti-HCV negative; n=39). Liver biopsy samples were taken, and HBV DNA was quantified by real-time PCR. Results: Intrahepatic HBV DNA was detected in 32.4% (23/71) of the entire cohort, and HBV DNA levels were invariably low in the different groups. Occult HBV infection was detected more frequently in the anti-HBc-positive patients. Intrahepatic HBV DNA was detected in 28.1% (9/32) of the anti-HCV-positive and 35.9% (14/39) of the anti-HCV-negative subjects. The HCV genotype did not affect the detection rate of intrahepatic HBV DNA. In anti-HCV-positive cases, occult HBV infection did not affect liver disease severity. Conclusions: Low levels of intrahepatic HBV DNA were detected frequently in both HBsAg-negative and anti-HCV-positive cases. However, the frequency of occult HBV infection was not affected by the presence of hepatitis C, and occult HBV infection did not have a significant effect on the disease severity of hepatitis C. (Korean J Hepatol 2011;17:206-212)

      • Clinical Significance of Lactate Clearance for the Development of Early Allograft Dysfunction and Short-Term Prognosis in Deceased Donor Liver Transplantation

        ( Deok Gie Kim ),( Jee Youn Lee ),( Seung Hwan Song ),( Jae Geun Lee ),( Han Dai Hoon ),( Dong Jin Joo ),( Man Ki Ju ),( Gi Hong Choi ),( Jin Sub Choi ),( Myoung Soo Kim ),( Soon Il Kim ) 대한간학회 2017 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2017 No.1

        Aims: This retrospective study evaluated lactate clearance (LC) as a predictor of early allograft dysfunction (EAD) and short-term outcomes in patients receiving deceased donor liver transplantation. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis for 181 consecutive deceased donor liver transplantation from January 2011 to May 2016. LCs were calculated at 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours after reperfusion (LC6, LC12, LC18 and LC24). Results: Of 181 transplant recipients, 44 (24.3%) developed EAD and had lower LCs than those who did not develop EAD. A receiver operating characteristic analysis showed that LC determined at 6 hours showed the highest area under curve value of 0.828 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.755-0.990) for predicting the development of EAD at a cutoff value of 25.8% with 76.7% sensitivity and 77.9% specificity. LC values that fell below the cutoff values were significantly associated with EAD in a multivariate analysis, with values at 6 hours having the highest adjusted odds ratio (11.891, 95% CI: 4.469- 31.639). In-hospital and 6-month mortalities were higher in patients with LC values below the cutoffs compared with those above the cutoff values at each time point. Conclusions: LC calculated shortly after reperfusion of an allograft is significantly discriminative for the development of EAD and is associated with short-term prognosis after deceased donor liver transplantation.


        Real-space mapping of the strongly coupled plasmons of nanoparticle dimers.

        Kim, Deok-Soo,Heo, Jinhwa,Ahn, Sung-Hyun,Han, Sang Woo,Yun, Wan Soo,Kim, Zee Hwan American Chemical Society 2009 NANO LETTERS Vol.9 No.10

        <P>We carried out the near-field optical imaging of isolated and dimerized gold nanocubes to directly investigate the strong coupling between two adjacent nanoparticles. The high-resolution (approximately 10 nm) local field maps (intensities and phases) of self-assembled nanocube dimers reveal antisymmetric plasmon modes that are starkly different from a simple superposition of two monomeric dipole plasmons, which is fully reproduced by the electrodynamics simulations. The result decisively proves that, for the closely spaced pair of nanoparticles (interparticle distance/particle size approximately 0.04), the strong Coulombic attraction between the charges at the interparticle gap dominates over the intraparticle charge oscillations, resulting in a hybridized dimer plasmon mode that is qualitatively different from those expected from a simple dipole-dipole coupling model.</P>

      • A “Nanoprism” Probe for Nano-optical Applications

        Kim, Taekyeong,Kim, Deok-Soo,Lee, Byung Yang,Kim, Zee Hwan,Hong, Seunghun WILEY-VCH Verlag 2009 ADVANCED MATERIALS Vol.21 No.12

        <B>Graphic Abstract</B> <P>“Nanoprism” probes are fabricated for nano-optical applications. The fabrication process is scalable for mass-production, and can be used to prepare nanoprobes terminated with virtually any nanostructure, such as nanoprisms, ZnO nanorods, and nanoparticles. ANSOM imaging was performed on a nanoparticle using Au-nanoprism probes, revealing field localization at the vertices of the nanoprism. <img src='wiley_img/09359648-2009-21-12-ADMA200801528-content.gif' alt='wiley_img/09359648-2009-21-12-ADMA200801528-content'> </P>

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