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      • 남성의 관점에서 본 노인 돌봄 경험과 역할전환에 관한 연구

        최인희(In-Hee Choi),송효진(Hyo-Jean Song),지은숙(Eun-Sook Jee),정다은(Da-Eun Jung) 한국여성정책연구원 2016 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2016 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구개요 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 □ 최근 한국사회의 노인돌봄과 관련한 대표적인 변화는 ‘남성(남편, 아들 등)’이 독립적으로 일상생활을 영위하는데 제한이 있는 노인에게 돌봄을 제공하는 주된 역할을 수행하는 비율이 꾸준히 증가하고 있다는 점임. - 그러나, 기존 국내 노인돌봄 연구는 ‘여성’ 돌봄자의 돌봄 경험, 부양부담 및 부담경감 방안에 초점을 두고 수행되었으며, ‘돌봄의 주체’로서의 남성과 남성의 돌봄자로의 역할 전환(transition) 과정에 초점을 둔 연구는 제한적으로 수행됨. - 국외에서는 증가하는 남성돌봄자의 이슈를 탐색하기 위해 돌봄 수행방식 및 주돌봄자가 인지하는 노인돌봄 부담에 있어서의 성별차이(Akpinar et al., 2011; Montgomery, 1992; Pinquart & Sorensen, 2006; Stoller, 1992), 남성의 노인돌봄 경험(히라야마 료, 2015; Pretorius et al., 2009; Ribeiro et al., 2007; Sanders & Power, 2009) 및 남성성이 남성돌봄자들의 노인돌봄 경험에 미치는 영향(Baker et al., 2010; Russell, 2007) 등에 관한 다양한 연구가 진행된 바 있으며 국내에서도 노인을 돌보는 남성돌봄자에 대한 심층적 연구가 필요하다고 제안된 바 있으나(이순미·김혜경, 2009; 최희경, 2012a) 남성들의 돌봄 경험을 면밀히 탐색한 연구는 제한적으로 수행되었음. - 이에 본 연구는 남성들의 노인돌봄 경험을 남성의 관점에서 분석하고, 돌봄을 둘러싼 젠더정체성 및 가족관계 변화양상을 포착하여 선제적인 가족정책을 수립하는데 필요한 기초자료를 제공하고자 함. □ 본 연구의 목적은 남성(남편, 아들 등)에 의한 노인돌봄 현황 및 남성의 돌봄자로의 역할 전환 과정을 살펴보고, 이들의 정책지원 욕구를 파악하여 제도보완 및 남성 가족돌봄자를 위한 정책개발의 시사점을 제공하는 것임. 2. 연구의 주요 내용 □ 본 연구의 주요 연구문제는 다음과 같음. - 첫째, 배우자 또는 (조)부모를 돌보는 남성의 가족돌봄 현황(예: 돌봄기간, 시간, 돌봄 이유, 돌봄자 및 요보호노인의 건강상태, 사회적 지지망 등) 및 돌봄부담(burden)은 어떠한가? - 둘째, 남성이 배우자 또는 (조)부모를 돌보게 되면서 경험하게 된 변화(예: 관계적 측면, 돌봄의 의미 등)는 무엇인가? - 셋째, 배우자 또는 (조)부모를 돌보는 남성의 삶의 질은 어떠한가? - 넷째, 배우자 또는 (조)부모를 돌보는 남성의 가족돌봄 지원 정책(예: 노인장기요양보험제도 등)에 관한 인지도 및 이용 경험, 정책지원 욕구는 어떠한가? 3. 연구방법 □ 문헌 연구 - 본 연구에서는 남성의 노인 돌봄에 관한 국내외 선행연구 및 우리나라와 일본의 가족돌봄자 지원제도에 관한 자료를 검토하였음. □ 2차 통계자료 분석 - 2014년도 노인실태조사 (정경희 외, 2014)를 활용하여 요보호노인의 일상생활을 수행하는데 도움을 주는 사람, 가족원 중 가장 도움을 많이 준 사람 및 주당 돌봄시간 등을 분석하였음. □ 설문조사 및 분석 - 조사대상은 일상생활을 스스로 영위할 수 없는 55세 이상 노인을 조사시점에서 3개월 이상, 주당 15시간 이상 돌보고 있는 가족원 중 남성(남편, 아들 등) (N=247)으로 설정하였고, 구조화된 설문지를 이용하여 1:1 면접조사를 수행하였음. 조사표는 1) 가족 및 돌봄대상자 특성, 2) 돌봄현황, 3) 사회적 지지, 4) 응답자의 건강 및 경제활동, 5) 가치관 및 삶에 대한 태도, 6) 정책지원 욕구로 구성하였으며, 수집된 자료를 분석하여 남성의 돌봄 현황 및 돌봄 부담, 역할전환 과정, 돌봄지원 정책 및 서비스 이용 경험과 정책지원 욕구 등을 파악하였음. □ 심층면접 조사 및 분석 - 남성돌봄자의 돌봄 경험을 보다 입체적으로 파악하기 위해 일상생활을 독립적으로 영위할 수 없는 배우자 또는 부모를 조사시점에서 3개월 이상, 1주 평균 15시간 이상 돌보는 남성(17명)을 대상으로 1:1 면접을 수행하였음. 심층면접에서는 돌봄 상황 및 관계적 특성이 돌봄에 미치는 영향, 돌봄 경험의 의미, 돌봄지원 정책 및 서비스 이용 경험과 정책지원 욕구 등에 대해 살펴보았음. □ 전문가 자문회의 - 관련 분야 전문가를 대상으로 전문가 자문회의를 개최하여 연구설계 및 방법, 정책대안에 대한 관련 부처 및 전문가 자문의견을 수렴하였음. 4. 연구의 기대효과 및 한계점 □ 본 연구는 그동안 제한적으로 수행된 연구인 ‘남성’ 가족돌봄자의 노인돌봄 경험을 탐색하고, 학술적·정책적 시사점을 도출하였다는 점에서 연구의 의의를 찾을 수 있음. - 그러나, 노인을 돌보는 남성 가족돌봄자 모집단을 추정할 수 있는 자료의 부재로 임의할당추출에 의한 설문조사를 시행하여 결과를 일반화하는데 한계가 있음. - 남성돌봄자만을 대상으로 조사를 시행하여 여성돌봄자와의 돌봄 경험 및 부양부담의 차이를 직접적으로 비교하지 못 The number of male family caregivers in Korea, especially those providing spousal caregiving in old age, has been steadily increasing. However, since women have long predominated in the family caregiving role, few studies have explored the experience of caregiving by males in terms of the breadth and depth of care work and its meaning. The purpose of this study was to explore the caregiving experience of husbands and sons providing care to a spouse or parent(s) aged 55 and older who showed limitations in activities of daily living (ADL) or instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) for a period of at least six months. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were utilized for this study. Survey data were collected from a purposive sample of 247 male caregivers who served as the primary care providers for a dependent spouse or parent(s). Descriptive statistics and multivariate models were obtained using SPSS Statistics. In addition, semi-structured in-depth interviews with 17 male caregivers were conducted. For the qualitative analysis, a comprehensive content review of all data, including line-by-line analysis, was conducted. Informed consent was obtained from the participants. Some of the major findings are as follows: First of all, approximately one-fourth of respondents identified personal bonds as being their motivation for taking care of a dependent spouse or parent(s). The average caregiving period was around 47.7 months, and respondents spent approximately 34.1 hours per week on average on caregiving. Secondly, the majority of respondents in our sample reported that they experienced caregiving to be burdensome to some degree, especially in the areas of assistance with bathing (52.9%), voiding (49.5%), household management (44.6%), and meal preparation (50.6%). A significant number of respondents reported that one of the most difficult aspects of caregiving was balancing a personal life with the caregiving role, and most respondents stated that the initial phase of caregiving was the most difficult as they made the transition to the new role as caregiver and restructured their life. In addition, spousal caregivers generally experienced a higher level of caregiving burden compared to son caregivers since they are more likely to be older, unhealthier, and have fewer resources. However, a majority of male caregivers also found caregiving to be a very rewarding experience in that they felt useful (72.9%) by providing care to a dependent family member or they had grown closer to their dependent spouse or parent(s) as a result of the caring (54.7%). Thirdly, about 65% of respondents reported that they had secondary caregivers available to support them regularly in their caregiving. This finding supports previous research in which male caregivers were found to be more likely to have access to additional informal caregivers than were female caregivers. Fourth, although a significant number of respondents in our sample reported that they were aware of long-term care insurance (LTCI) benefits, the number of respondents who were receiving LTCI benefits was relatively smaller. Likewise, while approximately 80% of respondents reported being satisfied with the overall services available, the in-depth interview participants suggested that service adequacy, especially in-home care service, was insufficient for assisting family caregivers with balancing work life with the caregiving role. They also suggested that overall service quality should be improved to enhance quality of life among both older adults and family caregivers. However, in the regression analysis, use of LTCI benefits was not a predictor of male caregivers’ burdens.

      • Quantitative in‐line monitoring of solvent‐mediated polymorphic transformation of sulfamerazine by near‐infrared spectroscopy

        Lee, Min‐,Jeong,Seo, Da,Young,Wang, In,Chun,Chun, Nan‐,Hee,Lee, Hea‐,Eun,Jeong, Myung‐,Yung,Kim, Woo‐,Sik,Choi, Guang J. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company 2012 journal of pharmaceutical sciences Vol.101 No.4

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The in‐line monitoring of pharmaceutical processes with high risk, such as crystallization, has been one of the most popular research topics in recent years. Sulfamerazine (SMZ), a well‐known sulfonamide antibacterial agent was investigated to examine the mechanism of polymorphic conversion by solvent‐mediated polymorphic transformation (SMPT). The primary purpose of this study is to monitor the polymorphic transformation through in‐line near‐infrared (NIR) measurements and concurrently interpret the whole process quantitatively with off‐line characterizations. Samples taken at every hour during SMPT were analyzed by X‐ray diffractometry (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). NIR spectra in the range of 7500–4900 cm<SUP>−1</SUP> were taken into account for multivariate analysis, which included partial least square (PLS) regression and principal component analysis (PCA). In brief, the form II content was estimated very accurately and reproducibly during the SMPT process not only by XRD but also by the DSC measurements. In addition, the form II content values were predicted very accurately by separate experiments at two designated time points. In a separate study, it was demonstrated that PCA could be employed to explain a complicated process such as SMPT mechanistically by several stages. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 101:1578–1586, 2012</P>

      • 병원행정인력의 환자의료정보 비밀보호 요인 분석

        김종인(Jong In Kim),이다음(Da Um Lee) 한국보건복지학회 2010 보건과 복지 Vol.12 No.-

        Objectives: This paper was thus aimed at surveying consciousness of the persons working at the departments of administration, insurance (investigation) or clinical records in hospitals about security of patients' clinical information in an effort to detect related problems and to suggest alternative plans. Methods: From the departments of administration, insurance and clinical records at the hospitals located in Jeollabuk province as of 2009, 200 staff members were randomly selected as subjects for this study. Descriptive statistics were employed to determine frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation of the data and t-test and ANOVA were also utilized to analyze the factor of the subjects about security of patients' clinical information depending on their personal characters and characters of the hospitals they were working in. Results: The study says the key point is that Factors for Medical Information Protection in Medical Manpower of hospitals were too lower than general hospitals. That's because hospitals are on small scale and are not departmentalized, and their concerned security regulation, guideline or detailed curriculum are in poor condition. Conclusions: It is hoped for continuing research and investigation to pinpoint the reasons that influence consciousness of the people working at medical institutions about protection of patients' medical information. Furthermore, medical institutions are requested to take the initiative not only of providing quality and specialized medical service to patients but also of protecting safely medical information that may contain sensitive and versatile information of patients.

      • KCI등재

        독거노인 지원 개선을 위한 서비스 디자인 제안

        유다미 ( Yu Da-mi ),김혜인 ( Kim Hye-in ),박진원 ( Park Jin-won ),이사랑 ( Lee Sa-rang ),하효정 ( Ha Hyo-jung ),윤재영 ( Yun Ray Jae-young ) 커뮤니케이션디자인학회 2016 커뮤니케이션 디자인학연구 Vol.57 No.-

        우리나라는 이미 2000년에 고령화사회에 접어 들었고 2026년에는 초고령사회로 접어들 것으로 예상된다. 늘어나는 노인의 수 만큼이나 독거노인과 그 문제가 심각해지고 있지만 그에 대한 지원 및 관리는 매우 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제를 해소하기 위해 독거노인의 증가에 따라 발생되는 문제를 알아보고 그 해결방안으로 봉사와 기부에 상대적으로 호의적인 청년(학생)층을 유입할 수 있는 서비스 디자인을 제안한다. 연구방법으로는 관찰조사를 통하여 독거노인, 청년(학생), 어르신 돌봄 센터와 같은 이해관계자를 도출하고, 설문조사 및 심층 인터뷰 통하여 각 이해 관계자 간에 발생하는 문제점을 발견하였다. 문제점을 해소하기 위해 크게 `봉사하기`, `기부하기` 기능으로 나누어 신청단계를 간소화하였다. 또한 시간기부인 봉사를 통해 획득한 `베리` 포인트는 물질적으로 지정기부를 할 수 있도록 기획하였다. 이와 같은 기능들을 모바일앱 프로토타입으로 제작 하였고 1차, 2차에 걸친 사용성 테스트를 진행했다. 결과적으로 본 연구가 독거노인 문제 해소와 청년들을 대상으로 한 새로운 기부문화 창출에 기여할 것으로 기대한다. Korea already became a fast aging society in 2000 and there is a forecast of becoming a super-aged society by 2026. As the number of the aged increases, the issue related with the increasing number of elderly people living alone and aging society is becoming more serious but there is an insufficiency in supporting senior citizens and managing the situation. The purpose of this study is to identify problems occurred by the increasing number of elderly people living alone to obtain a solution for the problems and suggest a service design to attract young people in their 20s, who is more likely to favor voluntary service and donation for solution. For a study method, an observational study was conducted with selecting people who are engaged in senior care center, students in their 20s, and elderly people living alone and conducting questionnaire and in-depth interview with them and the problems occurred among those interested parties. The application steps were being simplified by dividing them into major categories, `performing voluntary service` and `donating`, to solve the problems. Also, `berry` points obtained by a voluntary service, which is an essentially time-donating, is available for designated financial donation. Those functions were manufactured as a mobile application prototype and first and second usability tests were conducted. As a result, it is expected that this study will contribute to creation of new donation culture with students in their 20s and solution for elderly people living alone.

      • KCI등재

        Aspirin 결정화 과정 중 특성변화의 NIR 인라인 모니터링 연구

        이혜은 ( Hea Eun Lee ),왕인천 ( In Chun Wang ),이민정 ( Min Jeong Lee ),서다영 ( Da Young Seo ),신상문 ( Sang Mun Shin ),최용선 ( Yong Sun Choi ),최광진 ( Guang Jin Choi ) 한국화학공학회 2010 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.48 No.6

        제약산업에서 최종의약품의 품질과 성능은 결정분말의 크기, 모양 및 다형체 등에 의해서 크게 달라지므로, 원료의 약품(API)의 결정화 공정은 매우 중요한 제약공정이다. 본 연구에서는 NIR 분광기와 광섬유 탐침을 이용하여, API 결정화 공정을 인라인 모니터링하여, 결정화 진행과정에서 핵성성, 결정성장, 다형체 등의 주요 특성을 실시간으로 감시하고 예측할 수 있는지를 탐구하였다. NIR 스펙트럼 분석에는 주요인분석법(PCA)을 적용하였고, 잘 알려진 aspirin를 대상 API로 하여 에탄올과 아세톤의 용매 혼합비율에 따른 결정특성 변화를 관찰하였다. 여러 특성분석 결과, 생성되는 aspirin 결정체의 다형은 용매 혼합비에는 무관하게 상온에서 가장 안정상인 form-I이었지만, 핵생성 개시점, 결정입도 및 결정의 형상은 용매의 혼합비에 따라 크게 달라진다는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 NIR 스펙트럼의 PCA 해석결과와 매우 긴밀한 상관성을 보여주었다. 결론적으로, NIR 인라인 모니터링을 통해서, 약물의 결정화 과정에서 관심사가 되는 주요 결정특성을 실시간으로 관찰하고 예측할 수 있음이 실증되었다. Since the quality and performance of medicinal products are heavily dependent upon the size, shape and polymorphism of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), their crystallization has been regarded as one of the most important pharmaceutical processes. In this study, NIR-based inline measurements were employed to monitor key attributes of API particles real-time during the crystallization process. Principal component analysis (PCA) method was selected to correlate inline NIR spectra while the well-known aspirin was studied as a model drug. According to our characterization results, the ratio of ethanol to acetone did not cause any change in polymorphism, but resulted in a significant difference in the nucleation time, crystal growth and crystal shape. These phenomenological changes were well correlated with the PCA`s implications. It turned out that the NIR-based inline monitoring technology can be employed well in observing and predicting key quality attributes such as crystal size during pharmaceutical crystallization processes.

      • 경로당의 출입구 및 현관 시설평가 - 유니버설 디자인 가이드라인을 기반으로 -

        최예인(Choi, Ye-In),배다현(Bae, Da-Hyeon),박해윤(Park, Hae-Yun),권현주(Kwon, Hyun-Joo) 한국주거학회 2023 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.35 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the conditions of the entrance and front door area of the senior community center in Busan based on the Seoul senior community center design guideline. This study conducted a field survey and 1:1 in-depth interview of 5 seniors using the senior community center based on the Seoul Universal Guidelines checklist which is categorizing entrance and front door area. As a result of the field survey, it was found that lighting of entrance and front door, stair and ramp of front door, accident prevention furniture of entrance, safety handrail of entrance, and storage space of front door and entrance scored less than 0.5 and urgently needed improvement. As a result of the user interview survey, it was possible to derive items that need to be applied to the current senior community center and items that do not. The necessary items included improvement in safety handrail of front door, accident prevention of entrance such as bench, shoe stand and storage space of entrance such as open shoe rack, lower storage space. And non-essential items included lighting switch and storage space for wheelchairs and walking aids. This study is meaningful in that it suggested that the survey of senior citizens needs to be conducted not only in Busan but also nationwide, and that the development of a user-centered checklist that reflects the needs of users in the Universal Design Guidelines.

      • 안내염과 대장암이 동반된 재발성 간농양

        전승정,김태헌,류민선,오다연,송명은,이신아,류재인,김혜인,문일환,유권 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2011 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.34 No.2

        The causes of pyogenic liver abscess has been known as biliary tract disease or intrabadominal infection but the large proportions of the patients has no apparent underlying disorders. Recently colonic mucosal lesions were reported in patients with cryptogenic liver abscess and it has been suggested that colonic mucosal break may play a role in developing liver abscess in otherwise healthy patients. We experienced a patient of severe recurrent liver abscess complicated with endophthalmitis only 3 months after successful treatment of initial cryptogenic liver abscess and a polypoid colon cancer was discovered by chance. It seems prudent to proceed colonoscopic examination in patients with cryptogenic liver abscess especially when it is recurrent.

      • 복부비만 여성의 슬링을 결합한 플랭크 운동 효과

        김정자,강다현,양종화,장인선,조부연,홍창완,Kim, Jeong-Ja,Kang, Da-Hyeon,Yang, Jong-Hwa,Jang, In-Seon,Cho, Bu-Yeon,Hong, Chang-Wan 한국임상보건과학회 2019 한국임상보건과학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose. The study was conducted to find out the effects that women in their 20s with abdominal obesity can get from sling-based flanks. Methods. The study used In-Body to determine the weight and body fat rate of women in their 20s who were overweight at H University and used a tape measure to measure the circumference of the abdomen. Plank exercise using slings to reduce weight, body fat and abdominal circumference led to muscle stabilization and abdominal obesity reduction. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS ver. 23.0 statistics program. Results. The results of the study showed statistically significant differences in the weight, body fat rate and abdominal circumference of the subjects before and after intervention. Conclusions. Steady abdominal muscles exercise help stabilize the abdomen, reduce abdominal body fat rate, and are effective in managing obesity.

      • KCI등재

        Combined physical training protects the left ventricle from structural and functional damages in experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension

        Leite Luciano Bernardes,Soares Leôncio Lopes,Portes Alexandre Martins Oliveira,Soares Thayana Inácia,da Silva Bruna Aparecida Fonseca,Dias Taís Rodrigues,Costa Sebastião Felipe Ferreira,Guimarães-Ervi 대한고혈압학회 2024 Clinical Hypertension Vol.30 No.-

        Background Under the adverse remodeling of the right ventricle and interventricular septum in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) the left ventricle (LV) dynamics is impaired. Despite the benefts of combined aerobic and resist‑ ance physical trainings to individuals with PAH, its impact on the LV is not fully understood. Objective To test whether moderate-intensity combined physical training performed during the development of PAH induced by MCT in rats is benefcial to the LV’s structure and function. Methods Male Wistar rats were divided into two groups: Sedentary Hypertensive Survival (SHS, n=7); and Exercise Hypertensive Survival (EHS, n=7) to test survival. To investigate the efects of combined physical training, another group of rats were divided into three groups: Sedentary Control (SC, n=7); Sedentary Hypertensive (SH, n=7); and Exercise Hypertensive (EH, n=7). PAH was induced through an intraperitoneal injection of MCT (60 mg/kg). Echocardiographic evaluations were conducted on the 22nd day after MCT administration. Animals in the EHS and EH groups participated in a combined physical training program, alternating aerobic (treadmill running: 50 min, 60% maximum running speed) and resistance (ladder climbing: 15 climbs with 1 min interval, 60% maximum carrying load) exercises, one session/day, 5 days/week for approximately 4 weeks. Results The physical training increased survival and tolerance to aerobic (i.e., maximum running speed) and resist‑ ance (i.e., maximum carrying load) exertions and prevented reductions in ejection fraction and fractional shortening. In addition, the physical training mitigated oxidative stress (i.e., CAT, SOD and MDA) and inhibited adverse LV remod‑ eling (i.e., Collagen, extracellular matrix, and cell dimensions). Moreover, the physical training preserved the ampli‑ tude and velocity of contraction and hindered the reductions in the amplitude and velocity of the intracellular Ca2+ transient in LV single myocytes. Conclusion Moderate-intensity combined physical training performed during the development of MCT-induced PAH in rats protects their LV from damages to its structure and function and hence increases their tolerance to physi‑ cal exertion and prolongs their survival.

      • 당뇨병에 관한 한방적 연구 : 淸心蓮子飮, 加味調胃承氣湯, 杞菊地黃湯에 대하여 On the Cheungsimyeonjaeum, Kamijowiseunki-tang, Kikukjihwang-tang

        이인자,이다미 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1992 연구논문집 Vol.45 No.1

        In order to study the effect of oriental medicine on experimental diabetes mellitus and cataract, Cheungsimyeonjaeum, Kamijowiseungkitang and Kikukjihwang-tang were administered to streptozotocin indeced diabetic rats and glactose-induced cataractic rats. The results are summarized as follows; 1. Variation of body weight were significantly increased in 7th day by administration of Cheungsimyeonjaeum and Kamijowiseungkatang. 2. Weight of liver were significantly recovered by administration of Cheungsimyeonjaeum and Kikukjihwang-tang. Weight of kidney were significantly recovered by administration of Kikukjihwang-tang. 3. The consumption of water significantly decreased by administration of Cheungsimyeonjaeum, Kamijowiseungki-tang and Kikukjihwasng-tang. 4. The consumption of food were significantly decreased by administration of Chungsimyeonjaeum, Kamijowiseungki-tang and Kikukjihwang-tang. 5. Onset of cataract in experimental group was not significantly different from control group. These results suggest that Cheungsimyeonjaeum, Kamijowiseungkitang and Kikukjihwang-tang may play protective and therapaeutic roles in diabetes mellitus.

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