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        Effects of Mold Growth on Building Materials by Different Environments in Taiwan

        An Cheng,Yu Hsin,Wei-Ting Lin 대한토목학회 2014 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.18 No.4

        The main of study is to investigate the effect of moisture variation and micro-structure on the growth mold at surface of buildingmaterials. The two different water-cement ratio of mortars (w/c = 0.4, 0.6), brick and tiles were used in this study. The mercuryIntrusion Porosity-Meter (MIP) was used to determine the pore distribution of building materials. The moisture variation of materialswas recorded in constant climate chamber (25oC, relative humidity 80%), general indoor environment (28oC, relative humidity 55%)and water damage simulation environment. The results indicated that the pore size and distribution will affect the surface water ratioand moisture content of materials. The surface water ratio of specimen was affected by different environment seriously. The surfacewater ratio was an important factor in mold growth.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Neodymium and Calcium on the Thermal Stability of AZ71 Magnesium Alloys

        Cheng‑Feng Yue,Shi‑Jei Huang,Jhewn‑Kuang Chen,Hsien‑Tsung Li,Kam‑Shau Chan 대한금속·재료학회 2018 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.24 No.2

        The effects of an addition of 0–2 wt% Nd on thermal stability of 0–3 wt% Ca-containing modified AZ71 magnesium alloyswas investigated. The ignition temperature was found to increase from that of AZ71, 574, to 825 °C with the addition of0.5 wt% Ca and 1 wt% Nd. The ignition temperature was further increased to 1114 °C when 3 wt% Ca was added. The CaandNd-added AZ71 was isothermally maintained at a temperature of 500 °C in air for 12 h. The MgO–CaO–Nd2O3 formedon the surface to improve the thermal stability of the AZ71–xCa–yNd alloys. While both the tensile strength and ductilitydecreased with the Ca concentration in the alloy, an addition of 1 wt% Nd was found able to alleviate the degradation effectsof Ca on the tensile strength and ductility at 170 °C. Both solid solution formation and precipitation strengthening contributedto the increase in toughness. AZ71 containing 0.5–2 wt% Ca and 1 wt% Nd provides the optimum combination of ignitionresistance and mechanical properties.

      • KCI등재

        Cheng,Soo May,Yang,Li,Dong,Lin 세계문화관광학회 2007 Conference Proceedings Vol.8 No.0

        While western scholars such as Jamal and Gertz (1995), Tosun (2005), Fallon and Kriwoken (2003), usually presume that community participation is critical to sustainable tourism development, Chinese scholar Wenjun Li (2006) boldly states that it is possible for a community to achieve benefits of tourism development despite weak involvement in the planning and management of a tourist destination. Our survey of government officials, tourist business operators and residents in seven locations in the World Heritage-listed Turpan Valley in the Xinjiang province found that top-down, government-led participation is necessary and desirable, and does not detract from stakeholders' perception that they are sharing in the benefits of tourism development in the region.


        Women in Public Spaces : Theater, Modernity, and Actresses in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing

        Weikun CHENG Ewha Womans University Press 2003 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.9 No.3

        In the male-dominated theatrical world of early twentieth century China, actresses strategically relied on personal connections to survive. As "public" women and agents of mass media, they were utilized by men for different purposes. Theatrical managers and male audiences were intent on turning actresses into sexual objects in licentious plays, whereas nationalist reformers recruited actresses for mass mobilization. Actresses participated in the nation-building cause by presenting diverse human roles via the stories that either conveyed new idecologies or historical values. The fictional plots of women's emancipation, however, provided a learning process in which actresses could adopt the concepts of personal rights, self-determined marriage, and economic autonomy. The Chinese states, despite minor variations, always sustained ideals of gender distinctions and opposed or restrained women's public roles. The stories of actresses' survival and prosperity, nonetheless, demonstrated the tremendous endurance, flexibility, intelligence, and strength of Chinese women.

      • Full-space Cloud of Random Points with a Scrambling Metasurface

        Li, Zile,Dai, Qi,Mehmood, Muhammad Q.,Hu, Guangwei,yanchuk, Boris Luk’,Tao, Jin,Hao, Chenglong,Kim, Inki,Jeong, Heonyeong,Zheng, Guoxing,Yu, Shaohua,Alù,, Andrea,Rho, Junsuk,Qiu, Cheng-Wei Nature Publishing Group UK 2018 Light, science & applications Vol.7 No.1

        <▼1><P>With the rapid progress in computer science, including artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing, full-space spot generation can be pivotal to many practical applications, such as facial recognition, motion detection, augmented reality, etc. These opportunities may be achieved by using diffractive optical elements (DOEs) or light detection and ranging (LIDAR). However, DOEs suffer from intrinsic limitations, such as demanding depth-controlled fabrication techniques, large thicknesses (more than the wavelength), Lambertian operation only in half space, etc. LIDAR nevertheless relies on complex and bulky scanning systems, which hinders the miniaturization of the spot generator. Here, inspired by a Lambertian scatterer, we report a Hermitian-conjugate metasurface scrambling the incident light to a cloud of random points in full space with compressed information density, functioning in both transmission and reflection spaces. Over 4044 random spots are experimentally observed in the entire space, covering angles at nearly 90°. Our scrambling metasurface is made of amorphous silicon with a uniform subwavelength height, a nearly continuous phase coverage, a lightweight, flexible design, and low-heat dissipation. Thus, it may be mass produced by and integrated into existing semiconductor foundry designs. Our work opens important directions for emerging 3D recognition sensors, such as motion sensing, facial recognition, and other applications.</P></▼1><▼2><P><B>Metasurfaces: scrambling light for 3D detection and recognition</B></P><P>Firing light at a manufactured 'metasurface'—one carrying patterns at a smaller scale than the wavelength of the light—fills large volumes of space with defined points of light, potentially improving 3-D recognition and sensor applications. Cheng-Wei Qui and colleagues at the National University of Singapore, with co-workers across Asia and in the USA, created their unique metasurface from amorphous silicon. Light is scattered from and transmitted through the material to generate a cloud of data points in the surrounding space in which the structure and motion of objects under study can be analyzed. The initial development work with this “scrambling metasurface” suggests it could improve pattern recognition, including face recognition, motion detection and augmented reality applications. The researchers describe how their innovation overcomes significant limitations of existing methods in these fields.</P></▼2>

      • KCI등재

        약용버섯의 계통분류 및 국내유통 Inonotus속내 종간 구별을 위한 신속동정법 개발

        김성윤 외 한국버섯학회 2005 한국버섯학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        국내유통약용버섯의 분류체계를 확립하고 이들 속 및 종간의 유연관계확립을 위하여 계통학적 정보를 지니고 있는 ITS부위의 염기서열을 밝히고 ITS1과 ITS2부위의 다양한 염기서열을 이용하여 분류학적 위치를 확립하였고, 시판 I. obliquus 종의 진위여부와 계통분류학적인 유연관계 확립 및 종 특이적인 유전자 탐침을 개발하였다. 본 연구의 조사결과에 의하면, 약용버섯으로 주로 시판되고 있는 국내유통균주는 총 6개의 속(Phellinus, Inonotus, Sparassis, Fomes, Ganoderma, Hericium)으로 나누어짐을 알 수 있었고 그 중에서 기존에 잘 알려진 상황버섯과 최근 들어 수입양이 급증하고 있는 차가버섯이 대부분을 차지하고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구에 사용되어진 일명 차가버섯으로 유통 중인 15개 제품 중 중국에서 수입되어진 59번 균주가 P. pini로 확인되었으며 일본에서 수입되어진 51, 52번 균주가 P. baumii와 P. linteus와 유사종 혹은 동일종으로 확인되었다. 한편 I. rheades(AY237731)와 I. radiatus(AY354217) 및 F. fomentarius(AY354213)는 NCBI 등록 시 문제점이 있는 것으로 사료되며 본 실험에서 조사되어진 30번 균주 F. fomentarius가 정확한 말굽버섯인 것으로 사료된다. The Aphyllophorales is a large order containing about 2,000 known species. Many of these are the bracket and coral fungi. The vast majority of these fungi are saprophytic on the plant debris. Many species are significant in decomposing plant remains, as they are able to digest cellulose or lignin that occurs in plant cell walls. Many of these fungi have been involved in everyday human affairs. A few were used medicinally by the Greeks and Romans as a remedy for many complaints, including colic, fractured limbs and bruises. Other bracket fungi have been used as curry combs for horses, as snuff, as razor strops and as a source of dye for clothing. The texture of the basidiocarp may be similar to that of cork, wood, leather, paper, or cartilage. Unlike the basidiocarps of the Order Agaricales, the basidiocarps of the Aphyllophorales are not fleshly and moist. Division of the members of the Aphyllophorales into genera was originally made on the basis of gross morphology of the basidiocarp and hymenium and Donk(1964) recognizes 22 families in this order. The species and genus whose typical in Aphylloporales were listed in Table. with related information. The ITS region sequence of some genus were found by BLAST search. Sequences retrieved from GenBank were visually aligned by the program CLUSTAL G. As a result, the medicinal mushroom was separated in four groups. In this multiple alignment, the sequence analysis among Fomes group, Inonotus group and Phellinus group showed high genetic similarity except Hericium group and Sparassis group.

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