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      • 장애 영·유아 조기발견 및 진단·평가 방안 연구

        이미선,강병호,김주영,조광순 국립특수교육원 2001 연구보고서 Vol.- No.6

        본 연구는 유아특수교육 분야에 있어 장애영·유아 조기발견 및 진단·평가의 중요성을 인식하고, 조기발견 및 진단-평가의 대상이 되는 우리 나라 유아특수교육 대상자의·새로운 정의와 기준 및 장애영·유아 조기발견 및 진단·평가 방안을 모색함으로써 향후 이들의 장애를 예방하거나 최소화하고, 교육 및 가족의 삶의 질을 향상시키며, 궁극적으로는 이들의 사회통합 강화와 국가 예산의 절감 효과를 가져오도록 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 연구에서는 장애영·유아 사정 단계별 개념과 절차 및 최근의 사정 동향과 쟁점, 우리 나라와 주요 선진국의 장애영·유아 조기발견 및 진단·평가 정책과실제에 관한 문헌을 분석하였고, 유아특수교육기관의 교사, 유아특수교육기관에 재학하고 있는 장애영·유아 부모, 그리고 기타 장애영·유아 조기발견 및 진단·평가 관련 전문가를대상으로 심층면담을 실시하였으며, 연구자 협의회를 개최하였다. 본 연구는 문헌분석, 심층면담 분석 및 연구자 협의회 결과를 모두 종합하여 다음과 같은 방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 1차 예방적 접근에 따라 우리 나라 유아특수교육 대상자의 새로운 정의와 기준을규정하되, 비범주적 접근인 '발달지체'라는 개념을 도입한다. 따라서, "장애영·유아"는 유아특수교육을 필요로 하는 만 6세 미만의 아동을 말하며, 인지발달, 언어(의사소통) 발달,사회·정서발달, 운동발달, 자조기술(적응행동)에 심각한 발달지체를 나타내는 경우로서 발달지체 기준에 부합하는 경우, 의학적 진단에 의한 장애 조건, 기타 심리·정신적 문제를 가진 아동 및 장애위험 아동을 포함한다. 이 때, 발달지체를 판정할 수 있는 기준으로서 양적 기준과 질적 기준을 모두 사용한다. 둘째, 장애아동을 조기에 발견하기 위해 조기발견 정책은 발견·등록 및 관리·진단 대상 아동의 정의, 대중 인식 프로그램의 실시, 의뢰체계 구축, 주 선별담당 기관에 의한 주기적인 선별검사 실시, 해당 아동의 등록·관리, 장애 가능성이 있는 아동의 진단 의뢰,조기발견에 대한 인식 유지 활동 등의 절차에 의해 체계적으로 이루어지도륵 한다. 셋째, 장애영 유아 특성에 적절한 진단·평가 절차와 방법에 관한 지침을 개발하고, 아동 및 부모 모두에게 중요한 의사결정이 이루어지는 유아특수교육 대상자의 적격성 판정 및교육기관 배치를 위한 진단 단계와 IEP 개발을 위한 평가 단계의 최소한의 중요 요소는 법규로 제정하며, 보다 구체적인 진단·평가 절차와 방법은 각 시·도 교육과정 편성·운영지침이나 지역교육청의 장학 자료로 사용될 수 있도록 널리 보급한다. 또한, 현재 시범 운영되고 있는 특수교육지원센터는 수요자들의 접근성 및 인적·물적 자원의 이용이 용이한특수학교에 우선 설치한다. 특수교육지원센터는 진단·평가팀을 구성하여 운영하되, 한정된 예산 및 전문가의 활용 가능성 등을 고려하여 진단·평가팀 구성원의 탄력적인 조직,연중 상시의 진단보다는 연중 정해진 날의 질단 실시, 의학적 진단을 포함한 다양한 분야의 종합적인 진단이 이루어지도록 한다. 진단·평가팀은 종합적인 진단 결과에 기초하여아동의 유아특수교육 대상자로서의 적격성과 교육기관 배치를 결정하도록 한다. 넷째, 선별, 진단, 교육 프로그램 계획, 아동의 진전 점검 등 각 사정 단계에 따른 다양한 사정도구 즉, 선별검사, 표준화 규준참조형 사정도구, 교육과정중심 사정도구를 국가차원의 지원 하에 개발하거나 외국의 것을 재표준화한다. 또한, 다양한 비형식적 가족진단 검사를개발하여 가족 요구,관심사 및 강점 등을 사정할 수 있도록 한다. 다섯째, 아동을 조기에 발견하고, 발견된 아동을 정화하게 진단하며, 이들에게 적절한중재 프로그램을 계획하기 위해 유아(특수)교육 교사나 관련 전문가들을 대상은로 하늘 선별요원 양성 과정, 유차특수교육 교사를 대상으로 한 장애영 '유아 진단'평가요원 연수과정을 개선하여 실시한다. 또한, 의료 보건 전문의를 비롯한 유아특수교육 관련 분얀의 전문가들이 다양한 분야의 전문가들을 서로 만나서 토의하고 협력할 수 있는 연수 혹은 워크숍의 기회를 제공하고, 이들의 직전교육을 강찬한다. 사정 과정에 있어 교사를 포함한 관련 전문가들은 가족참여의 중요성을 인식하곤, 가족과 동반자적인 관계를 구축하고 긴밀하게 협력하며, 가족을 다학문적팀의 완전한 구성원으로 인정해야 한다. 또한, 사정 과정에 가족들이 보다 적극적으로 참여할 수 있도록 부모에게 친숙한 사정 자료를 사용하거나 교사와 부모간의 사정 결과를 공유하는 등 다양한 전략을 사용하도록 한다. 마지막으로, 장애위험 영·유아 및 장애영아를 무상의 유아특수교육 대상자로 포함시키되, 순차적으로 실시하며, 장애아동의 조기발견, 진단·평가 및 이에 따른 교육 서비스가 효율적으로 이루어지도록 중앙정부 수준부터 지역사회 수준에 이르기까지 관련 부처간 협력체계를 구축하고, 이를 위해 관련 부처간 혹은 관련 기관간 협의체를 구성한다. 또한, 장애아동의 조기발견 정책을 보다 효율적으로 추진할 수 있도록 조기발견 시범사업을 실시 하고 이에 대한 예산을 지원하도록 한다. 조기발견 시범사업에 의해 도출된 선별의 효과, 비용 및 참여율 등의 평가 결과는 추후 조기발견 사업 계획에 적극 반영하도록 한다. Based on the recognition of the importance of early detection(child-find and screening) of ifants and preschoolers with disabilities along with their . diagnosis, and evaluation in the field of early childhood special education, the purpose of this study is to set a new definition and eligibility criteria for those who are subject to early detection, diagnosis, and evaluation; and to find strategies that will help early detecaon, diagnosis, and evaluation in order to henceforth prevent or minimize their disability, improve the quality of education of infants and preschoolers with disabilities and their families' living and eventually strengthen their social integration and reduce the national budget. To achieve the purpose of this study, Iiterature related to the concept and procedure of assessment by stage of ifants and preschoolers with disabilities, along with the recent tendencies and issues, policies and practices of child-find, screening, diagnosis, program planning, and program evaluation of infants and preschoolers with disabilities in Korea and developed nations were analyzed; in-depth interviews were conducted with teachers from education institutions for ifants and preschoolers with disabitities, mothers whose children attend the institutions, and other specialisls who are relevant to the field of early detection, diagnosis, and evaluation of infants and preschoolers with disabilities; and conferences by the researchers of this study were held several times. Putting together the results from the aforementioned analysis of literature, in-depth interviews, and conferences, this study presents the following strategies. First, according to the primary prevention appreach, form the new definition of children who receive early childhood special education and eligibility criteria for early childhood special education, but introduce the notion of "developmerltal delay" which is an un-categorical approach. Therefore, infants and preschoolers with disabilities refer to children under age 6 who need early childhood special education, and this includes children who show developmental delays in cognitive development, language(communication) development, social-emetional development, physical developent, and self-help stills(adaptive behaviors) that meet the criteria for developmental delays pesented in this study, children who are medically diagnosed to have disabled conditions, children who have other psychological or mental poblems, and children at risk Here, both quantitative and qualitative standards are used as the criteria to determine developental delays. Secorid, in order to detect children with disabilities at an early stage, systematic pocedures should be introduced in the policr of early detection such as defining the children who is subject to discovery, registration and tracking, and diagnosis; providing pblic awareness programs; establishing referral systems; carrying out screening tese that will be conducted periodically by the main sneening institution; registering and tracking pertinent children; referring children who show possibilities of disabilities to be diagnesed; and maintaining awareness on early detection. Third, develop guidelines for diagnosis and evaluation that are appropriate to the characteristics of infents and preschoolers with disabilities; regulate by law and regulation the minimum important elements that relate to·assessment process for diagnosis to make an eligibility and placement decision of the childreri who will receive early childhood special education, which will be important decision-making both for the children and parents and that relate to the assessment pocess for IEP development; and spread more detailed pocedures and mrthods so that they can be used as guidelines for the developerlt and management of the curriculum at the metropolitan and provinrial level or as materials for supervision at regional level. In addition establish special education support centers, which are currently being operated as the model, at special schools that are easily accessible by demanders and that are easy to acquire human and material resources. Special education support centers should form and operate multidisciplinary assessment teams. However, they should take in consideration aspects such as limited budget and availability of multidisciplinaiy specialists, and make flexible composition of assessment teams, operating on fixed days throughout the year rather than ordinary times year round, and making comprehensive diagnosis of various fields, including medical diagnosis. The assessment teams should allow the compehensive diagnosis results to be the basis of eligibility for a subject to receive early childhood special edtlcation and for placement of education institiltions. Fourth, develop various instruments aided by the government such as screening tests, standardized nom-referenced assessment instruments, assessment curriculum-based assessment instruments, or re-standardize appopriate foreign assessment instruments for each assessment stage, which indudes stages such as screening, diagnosis, program planning, and progress monitoring. Furthermore, develop various informal family diagnosis instruments to assess the family’s piorities, concerns, and strengths. Fifth, in order to find children with disabilities at an early stage; correctlydiagnose the discovered children; and plan appropriate inteuention program forthenL provide early childhood (special) education teachers and pe.tinent specialistswith training programs that teach the process of screening. Allow early childhoodspecial education teachers to receive training programs that teach how to diagnoseand evaluate infanc and peschoolers with disabilities. Ill additiof povide the opportunities of in-service training or wortshops so that specialists in various fieldsrelating to early childhood special education, including medical care professionals, can meet to discuss and cooperate, and strengthen their pre-service training programs. Teachers and specialists should be aware of the importance of flmily participation in the assessment process, and they should build partnership, keep close cooperation, and acknowledge the family as a full meuber of the multidisciplinaly assessment team. They should also allow the parents and other flmily members to participate even more actively by strategies such as usirg assessment materials that is familiar to the parents or having joint ownership of the assessment results between parents and teachers. Last, include infants and preschoolers at risk of disabilities and infants wilh disabilities as the subjects to receive free early childhood special education, but conduct it gradually. Also, establish collaborative systems among those from fields of education, medical service, and welfare from the central government to the regional level, so that early detection, diagnosis, evaluation of children with disabilities and education services can run effectively, and for this there must be a council of collaboration among related departments or institutions. Moreover, to promote an even more effective policy to find children with disabilities at an early stage, a model program for early detection should be conducted and the budget for this should be granted. Evaluation results such as screening effectiveness, budget used, and the rate of participation in the screening should be deduced from the model program, and afterwards positively reflected in the project of the early detection programs.

      • E. coli 과량발현을 통한 B형 간염 바이러스 preS1 유도체의 안정한 동위원소 N의 치환

        박병관,김세하,한규훈,김선영,홍요정,이시형,한동설,김순종,박진구 木浦大學校基礎科學硏究所 1997 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.15 No.-

        We have used molecular biology technique to label the side chains and backbone of HBV preS1(1-56) with stable isotope (??) during E. coli over-expression and purified the protein to near homogeneity. The expression level of ?? labelled preS1(1-56) seems to be ∼15% of the total protein. to characterize the secondary structure of the labelled protein, circular dichroism was used. In different buffer conditions including pH 3.3 and pH 7.4 the protein seems to be devoid of any stable secondary structure probably suggesting that the N-terminal portion (preS1(1-56)) of HBV preS1 might be unstructured before binding to its target cells.

      • KCI등재

        치면열구전색제의 열구 침투에 primer의 효과

        정혜선,최병재,최형준,이제호 大韓小兒齒科學會 1999 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 치면열구전색제 수복시에 상아질 접착제의 primer 도포의 치면열구전색제 열구 침투도 향상 효과를 확인하는 것으로 발거된 영구 구치상에서 통상적으로 치면열구 전색제를 도포한 대조군과 Scotchbond™ Multi-Purpose system과 ?? 2 system의 primer 도포 후에 치면열구전색제를 도포한 실험군들의 열구 기저부까지 전색제 침투 성공률을 비교하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. Scotchbond™ Multi-Purpose system과 All-Bond 2 system의 primer를 사용한 군의 열구 기저부까지 치면열구전색제 침투 성공률은 primer를 사용하지 않은 대조군보다 높았으나 통계학적으로 유의성 있는 차이는 없었다(p>0.05) 2. 열구 깊이와 폭 및 '깊이/폭' 값은 열구 기저부까지 전색제 침투성공율에 대하여 통계학적으로 유의성 있는 효과를 나타내었다.(p<0.05) 3. 열구 기저부까지 전색제 침투 성공률은 열구 깊이가 25㎛ 증가할 때마다 약 0.9배로 감소하였고, 열구 입구의 폭이 25㎛ 증가할 때마다 약 1.1배로 증가하였으며, 열구의 '깊이/폭' 비율이 1 증가할 때마다 약 0.6배로 감소하였다. The objective of this study is to confirm the effect of dentine bonding primer application on penetration of sealant. Extracted permanent molars were used to compare penetration success rate of control group (sealant application only) and experimental groups (sealant application after applying the primers of Scotchbond™ Multi-Purpose system and All-Bond 2 system). The following results were obtained: 1. The experimental groups using the primers showed increased sealant penetration success rate to the base of fissure when compared to control group but there was no statistically significant differences(p>0.05). 2. The depth, width and 'depth/width' value of fissure had statistically significant effect on sealant penetration success rate(p<0.05). 3. The penetration success rate decreased about 0.9 times as the depth of fissure increased every 25㎛, and increased about 1.1 times as the width of the fissure orifice increased every 25㎛, and decreased about 0.6 times as the 'depth/width' value increased every 1. From the above results, it can be concluded that fissure morphology had a great effect on sealant penetration and for better penetration, use of dentine bonding primer can be helpful but it needs more study in clinical bases.

      • 大學 敎養體育을 위한 未來指向的 論考

        權炳善 弘益大學校 1993 弘大論叢 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to view a new way of GPE for future. As the result, I propose the developmental ways of GPE for future as follows. 1. GPE is secured by law of the Minister of Education, and must satisfy the needs of nowadays which be agreed with content of GPE as science and culture. 2. We must open varied programs to lead the voluntary participation of students. As the result, Effect of education will rise. 3. We must open folkore exercise or conventional events as sports for all or life-related cource. 4. We must consider the content of GPE to include exercise events like bowling, golf, tennis, table tennis, swimming, ski,water ski, yacht, wind surfing, jogging, mountaineering, camping. aerobic dance, physical fitness and to make students understand the knowledge on prevention of adult disease for preparing high-aged society. 5. We must prepare exercise facilities, eqipment, lab, data bank because it is needed that students have scientific idea. 6. Because GPE brings up the physical fitness and the spirit of students, must be essential course for freshman. But it is no matter that GPE is essential or not for 2-4 grades. 7. The numbers of students must be 40-100 for lecture in classroom, 20-30 in individual events, and 40-50 in team games. 8. The staffs working at ground, tennis court, training room etc., must have the the teaching skill of the sports and the knowledge and sklll of first aid. 9. Team teaching staffs must consist of a professor and a assistant and do individualized education.

      • 타이밍 과제 수행에 있어서 연습다양성의 효과

        權炳善 홍익대학교 동북아연구소 1997 東北亞硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of variability pracice on the acquisition, retention, transfer of timming task. The subjects were thirty-two male college student. They were divided into serial, random, blocked, constant groups, according to practice condition. The dependent variable was the absolute error of movement time for movement distance. The total number of trial for each condition was 144. The results are as follows: First, On the acquisition stage, there was significant difference between the constant and blocked group in timing task performance, the serial and random group showed no significance. Second, On the retention stage, none of four groups showed significant difference. Third, On the transfer stage, the random showed the best performance, the blocked and seral group showed better performance than the constant group. The conclusion drawn from above results is that variability practice is one of determinants for the efficient motor performance and learning.

      • 분산 체제에서 최적 부하 균형에 관한 연구

        신재선,배용근,박병권 조선대학교 기초과학연구소 1990 自然科學硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        The number of loads standing by in each node can be different in the homogeneous type of distributed system. Some nodes have too many loads, while the others have few and so the waiting their own sources can occur. This paper in this case aims that in other to make the best use of sources through the equal distribution of loads between nodes load-balancing is made by using the optimum load-balancing algorithm and that high communication costs which are the hadicaps of dynamic algorithm are reduced to the minimum. Also, this. paper defines the matters to be considered in the design of algorithm, and analyzed and estimated the most suitable load-balancing algorithm through the implementation.

      • 고온 환경에서의 지구성 운동시 스포츠의복 재질에 따른 인체의 생리적 변화

        權炳善 홍익대학교 경영연구소 2007 경영연구 Vol.32 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the response (Ts, Tr, Clothing climate, sweat rate) to the Fabric Materials during exercising in high temperature. 10 male who majored in physical education participated in this test and all processes were performed in climatic chamber environment of which was fixed 30"C, RH 50% and wind velocity 3.5m/sec. All of subjects took the resting for 20 minutes then walked with the exercise density of 40%VO₂max during 30 minutes. Then subjects took the recovery period for 10 minutes. We analyzed the two-way repeated ANOVA for the difference according to Fabric Materials and the body responses, the results were as followed ; first, there were no difference In Ts according fabric materials(P<.05), but showed the tendency which C material was the lowest. Second, Tr had no significant difference in fabric materialst(P<.05). but existed the some kind of tendency that C Material was lower. Third, on the clothing climate there was no difference(P<.05), nevertheless temperature of C material was lower than and humidity on chest and back of D material was the lowest. Forth, on the sweat rating, there was no significant differcnc(P<.05), but C material showed the lowest tendency among the fabric materials. We concluded that D material (PP) might affect the performance of human exercise in high temperature positively.

      • 급성 백혈병 환자에서 발생한 감염 양상의 분석(1986~1992)

        박선양,오명돈,김양수,백경란,김병국,최강원,김성민 대한감염학회 1993 감염 Vol.25 No.3

        Infection is a major complication and potentially life-threatening in patients with acute leukemia. The patients require prompt broad-spectrum antibiotics therapy when fever develops. One of the keys to successful patient management is the recognition of institutional trends of the spectrum of infections and infecting microorganisms. So we evaluated 138 patients with acute leukemia and blastic crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia admitted to Seoul National University Hospital from July 1986 to June 1992. The results are following: 1) Total number of febrile episodes was 224 and 60% of them occurred after chemotherapy. 2) Microbiologically-defined infection, clinically-defined infection, and unexplained fever accounted for 28%, 45%, 27% of the febrile episodes respectively. 3) Fifty-eight percent of microbiologically-defined infections were caused by gram-negative bactria, and 36% were gram-positive bacteria. There was a tendency to a greater proportion of gram (+) organisms than that of the last study (p>0.1). Escherichia coli was the most common organism, and coagulase-negative staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae were common in decreasing order. 4) Pneumonia was the most common type of infection, followed by skin and soft tissue infection, perianal infection, gingivitis and primary septicemia. 5) Seventy-two percent of total infections improved with therapy and this success rate was higher than that of the last study(p<0.001).

      • 발(foot)의 크기가 瞬發力(power)에 미치는 影響

        權炳善 弘益大學校 1982 弘大論叢 Vol.14 No.2

        After a long survey of the influence of foot size on body height, in relationship to the standing broad jump and the sargent jump, the writer has come to the following conclusion. First, in both cases of boys and girls, the body height is proportionate to the foot size. Second, in the standing broad jump, the groups of boys and girls with large feet showed a 16cm and 21cm higher record on the average respectively than the groups with small feet. This means that a student who has large feet may make a better record. Third, as for the sargent jump, the same groups of boys and girls with large feet showed an average of a 5cm higher record alike than the corresponding groups with small feet. This means that a large foot has the advantage over a small foot in this area, too. The conclusion is that the larger a foot is, the better record it makes in terms of physical power.

      • 運動選手(籠球ㆍ排球ㆍ蹴球ㆍ野球)의 體力 特性 比較硏究

        權柄善 弘益大學校 1992 弘大論叢 Vol.24 No.2

        Strength, Endurance, and Power were tested in order to compare the characteristics of physical fitness of nine basketball players, 19 football players, 10 volleyball players and 28 baseball players. The results are as follows: (1) In case of a grip strength, a baseball players ranked the highest record of 53kg among others. (2) In case of a back strength, a volleyball player ranked the highest record of 199kg among others. (3) In case of a pull-up, a baseball player ranked eight times. (4) In case of a sit-up, a football player ranked 26 times. (5) In case of a standing broad jump, the records of the players of basketball, football and baseball were alike. (6) In case of a 100m sprint race, a football player ranked the fastest record of 13.1 seconds.

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