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        죽상경화증의 고위험 인자를 내재한 제2형 당뇨병 환자에서 말초동맥질환의 유병률 및 임상적 특징에 대한 다기관 공동연구

        이상열,오승준,최영길,김두만,차봉연,이현철,하승우,이인규,박태선,정민영,김인주,이문규,궁성수,박경수,민경완,김영설 대한내분비학회 2006 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.21 No.4

        Background: PAD-SEARCH (Peripheral Arterial Disease - Screening and Evaluation of diabetic patients in Asian Regions Characterized by High risk factors) is the first international study to investigate the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in Asian type 2 diabetic patients and to demonstrate the relationships between the putative risk factors and PAD in this population.Methods: A total of 6,625 type 2 diabetic patients (2,873 males and 3,752 females aged 50 and older) were enrolled in PAD-SEARCH in Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines from 攀접수일자: 2005년 6월 3일통과일자: 2006년 4월 10일 연구배경: PAD-SEARCH 연구는 죽상경화증의 고위험 인자를 내재한 아시아 지역의 제2형 당뇨병 환자에서 말초동맥질환(peripheral arterial disease, PAD)의 유병률과 임상적 특징을 파악하기 위해 시행된 대단위 연구이다.대상 환자 및 방법: 2003년 10월부터 2004년 3월까지 고혈압, 흡연, 이상지질혈증 등의 위험인자를 가지는 50세 이상의 제2형 당뇨병 환자 6,625명을 대상으로 한국, 중국, 대만, 홍콩, 인도네시아, 태국, 필리핀 등 아시아의 7개 연구지역에서 본 연구가 시행되었다. Fukuda vascular profile VS-1000을 사용하여 대상 환자들의 ankle-brachial index (ABI)와 brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV)를 측정하여 PAD를 진단하였고 환자들의 특성에 따라 세분하여 임상적 특징을 살펴보았다. 결과: 환자들의 평균 연령은 63.7 ± 8.2세로 이들의 평균 당뇨병 유병기간은 10.3 ± 8.0년이었으며 전체 환자의 17.7%인 1,172명의 환자에서 ABI 0.9 이하인 PAD로 진단되었다. PAD 환자들은 당뇨병 및 고혈압의 유병기간이 유의하게 길고 당화혈색소가 높았으며 체질량지수가 유의하게 낮았다. 지질관련 항목에서는 중성지방만이 PAD 유무에 따른 유의한 차이를 보여주었다. 성별에 따라 비교했을 때 ABI가 정상인 환자에서는 여자의 평균 ABI와 baPWV는 남자보다 유의하게 낮았다. 하지만 PAD 환자군에서 남자의 평균 ABI와 baPWV가 여자보다 유의하게 낮아서 성별에 따른 유의한 차이를 보였다. 다변량분석 결과 성별, 연령, 체질량지수, 흡연, 이전 대혈관 합병증의 과거력, 당뇨병의 유병기간 등은 PAD에 대한 독립적인 위험인자였다.


        소의 뇌로부터 Calmodulin 단백질의 순수분리 및 생화학적 성질 연구

        이상열,권헌영,김정희,이서구 ( Sang Yeol Lee,Heun Young Kwon,Jung Hye Kim,Sue Goo Rhee ) 생화학분자생물학회 1990 BMB Reports Vol.23 No.2

        Calmodulin, a heat stable Ca^(++)-binding protein, is a multifunctional modulator, mediating many of the Ca^(++) effects in cellular functions. This protein interacts reversibly with Ca^(++) to form a protein/ Ca^(++) complex, whose activity is regulated by cellular flux of Ca^(++). Calmodulin from bovine brain was purified to complete homogeneity by heat, acid treatment and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The biochemical properties of the purified protein were examined under various criteria. It was estimated to have an apparent molecular weight of 21K and 15K in the absence or presence of Ca^(++) respectively, which would mean the great conformational changes were induced by the binding of Ca^(++) to calmodulin. The calmodulin had distinct ultraviolet absorption peaks at 259, 265, and 279 nm due to phenylalanine and tyrosine residues. Also, this protein activated the Ins(1,4,5) P₃-Kinase of which role is very important in cellular signal transduction, about seven folds (at 6 μM Ca^(++) and 1.0 μM calmodulin) with a Ca^(++)-dependent manner.


        소 위의 Phosphoinositide - specific Phospholipase C Isozymes 에 관한 연구

        이상열,문경호,이기영 ( Sang Yeol Lee,Kyung Ho Moon,Kee Young Lee ) 생화학분자생물학회 1990 BMB Reports Vol.23 No.4

        Expression of multiple PLC isozymes was studied in bovine stomach of rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. The soluble protein of stomach homogenates was resolved on a DEAE column using high performance liquid chromatography. The PLC enzymes from the stomach of rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum were eluted from the DEAE-column at 26-30 min and 41-46 min. Comparing the retension times of stomach PLC enzymes with those of bovine brain PLC isozymes, the PLC in the first and second peak might be corresponded to PLC δ and either of PLC β or γ respectively. This result was clearly confirmed by monoclonal antibodies derived against PLC β, γ and δ of bovine brain. In immunoblot analysis, PLC in the first activity peak from bovine stomach was blotted only with the antibody against PLCδ, and the second peak PLC was reacted with the antibodies against both PLC β and γ, which showed that the second peak contained both PLC β and γ. Using monoclonal antibodies which bind to different epitopes on the same enzyme, tandem radioimmunoassay was performed for quantitating the amounts of PLC in this organ. The concentration of PLC δ in bovine stomach of rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum that appeared in the first peak from HPLC-DEAE column was in the range of 10-14 ㎍ and those of PLC β and γ in second peak were 1-2 ㎍ and 5-18 ㎍ per 100 ㎎ soluble protein of bovine stomach homogenates respectively. This paper demonstrated that bovine stomach contain the type δ as the major form of PLC and relatively small amounts of PLC β and γ.

      • KCI등재

        H2-M3의 세포 표면 발현이 NK 세포의 활성에 미치는 영향 분석

        이상열,전태훈,Lee, Sang-Yeol,Chun, Tae-Hoon 대한약학회 2009 약학회지 Vol.53 No.3

        H2-M3 (M3) is a unique antigen presenting molecule which provides N-formylated peptide to certain type of T cells. Previous observation indicated that NK cell activity is significantly diminished during listerial infection in $H2-M3^{-/-}$ mice. To explore the possibility that M3 expression directly effect on NK cell activity, we measured NK cell activity with or without stimulation of N-formylated peptide on antigen presenting cells. Results indicated that the expression of M3 is not directly influence on NK cell activity. Further study will be focused on the indirect effect of M3 on regulating NK cell activity.

      • KCI등재

        GIS를 활용한 할인점의 입지결정요인 특성에 관한 연구 : 대도시와 중소도시 비교 분석

        이상열,이용호 한국지적학회 2014 한국지적학회지 Vol.30 No.3

        The purpose of research is to find characteristics of location decision factors of mart by using GIS. And this paper is focused on comparative analysis of large cities and small-medium cities. The analysis was conducted by using the 'Commercial District Information System' of the Small Enterprise Development Agency. The result of the analysis exhibited that the optimum range for trade area in large cities is 500m, while the optimum range is 300m in regional small-medium cities. In other words, the range of trade area in large cities is wider than that in small-medium cities. In addition, location decision factors of the mart were different between large cities and small-medium cities. For example, the number of apartments is a location decision factor of the mart in large cities, whereas the number of non-apartments is a location decision factor in small-medium cities. 본 연구의 목적은 GIS를 활용하여 할인점의 입지결정요인을 찾아 중소도시와 대도시의 특성을 비교 분석하는 것이다. 이러한 분석을 위해 중소기업청의 상권정보시스템을 활용하였다. 연구결과 대도시에서의 적정 상권반경은 500m인 반면, 중소도시에서는 300m인 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 대도시에서의 상권의 범위가 중소도시의 상권범위보다 더 넓었다. 뿐만 아니라, 할인점의 입지결정인자도 대도시와 중소도시 간에 차이가 존재하였다. 예를 들면, 아파트의 수는 대도시에서는 할인점의 입지결정인자인 반면, 중소도시에서는 비아파트의 수가 입지결정인자이다.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of a DPP-4 Inhibitor and RAS Blockade on Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Diabetes and COVID-19

        이상열,이정우,남혜원,경대성,신동욱,김대중 대한당뇨병학회 2021 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.45 No.2

        Background: Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor (DPP-4i) and renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockade are reported to affect the clinical course of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). Methods: As of May 2020, analysis was conducted on all subjects who could confirm their history of claims related to COVID-19 in the National Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) database in Korea. Using this dataset, we compared the short-term prognosis of COVID-19 infection according to the use of DPP-4i and RAS blockade. Additionally, we validated the results using the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) of Korea dataset. Results: Totally, data of 67,850 subjects were accessible in the HIRA dataset. Of these, 5,080 were confirmed COVID-19. Among these, 832 subjects with DM were selected for analysis in this study. Among the subjects, 263 (31.6%) and 327 (39.3%) were DPP- 4i and RAS blockade users, respectively. Thirty-four subjects (4.09%) received intensive care or died. The adjusted odds ratio for severe treatment among DPP-4i users was 0.362 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.135 to 0.971), and that for RAS blockade users was 0.599 (95% CI, 0.251 to 1.431). These findings were consistent with the analysis based on the NHIS data using 704 final subjects. The adjusted odds ratio for severe treatment among DPP-4i users was 0.303 (95% CI, 0.135 to 0.682), and that for RAS blockade users was 0.811 (95% CI, 0.391 to 1.682). Conclusion: This study suggests that DPP-4i is significantly associated with a better clinical outcome of patients with COVID-19.

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