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      • MEMS 공정을 위한 여러 종류의 산화막의 잔류응력 제거 공정

        李相佑,김성운,李尙禹,김종팔,박상준,이상철,조동일 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1998 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        Various oxide films are commonly used as a sacrificial layer or etch mask in the fabrication of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Large residual strain of these oxide films cause the wafer to bow, which can have detrimental effects on photolithography and other ensuing processes. This paper investigates the residual strain of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), low temperature oxide (LTO), 7wt% and lOwt% phosphosilicate glass (PSG). Euler beams and a bent-beam strain sensor are used to measure residual strain. A polysilicon layer is used as a sacrificial layer, which is selectively etched away by XeF_(2). First, the residual strain of as-deposited films is measured, which is quite large. These films are annealed at 500℃, 600℃, 700℃ and 800℃ for 1 hour and residual strain is measured. Then, the residual strain after annealing at the conditions for depositing a 2μm thick polysilicon at 585℃ and 625℃ are also measured. Our results show that the 7wt% PSG is best suited as the sacrificial layer for 2μm thick polysilicon processes.

      • KCI등재

        삽목 조건이 ‘설향’ 딸기의 묘소질 및 과실 수량에 미치는 영향

        이상우,이용혁,홍점규,최성환,박수정,이상우 (사) 한국생물환경조절학회 2023 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        딸기 ‘설향’ 품종에 대해 삽목 육묘의 조건을 확립하고자 삽수 채취용 모주 선택, 삽수의 적정 엽수 및 삽목 시기를 구명하였다. 삽수 채취는 육묘장 모주와 과실 수확 후 재배 식물체에서 채취하였고, 삽수의 엽수는 0, 1, 2장 그리고 삽목 시기는 6 월 4일부터 7월 9일까지 1주일 간격으로 하였다. 육묘장 삽수와 재배 식물체 삽수의 최종 생존율은 각각 99.5%, 98.7%로높았으며, 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 근수는 육묘장 삽수에서3.1개 많았고, 관부와 잎의 생육은 차이가 없었다. 과실 수량은 육묘장 삽수와 재배 식물체 삽수에서 각각 419.2g, 428.4g 이었지만 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 삽수의 엽수별 생존율은엽수 1, 2장에서 각각 98.1%, 98.3%로 높았고, 0장은 25.3% 로 현저히 낮았다. 근수는 엽수 1, 2장에서 각각 26.0개, 26.3 개로 엽수 0장의 23.5개에 비해 많았다. 관부와 엽의 생육에서는 엽수에 따른 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 과실 수량은 엽수 1, 2장에서 각각 424.4g, 421.5g으로, 0장 396.7g 보다 많았다. 삽목 시기에 따른 삽목 후 생존율은 97.2% 이상으로 높았으며, 처리 간의 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 묘의 지하부와 지상부그리고 관부의 생육은 6월 4일과 11일 삽목에서 가장 좋았다. 과실 수량은 6월 4일, 6월 11일 삽목에서 각각 433.3g, 426.4g 으로 가장 많았으며, 삽목 시기가 가장 늦었던 7월 9일 삽목에서는 384.5g으로 적었다. 딸기 삽목용 삽수 재료는 육묘장 삽수와 과실 수확을 마친 재배 식물체 삽수 모두 가능하였고, 삽수의 적정 엽수는 최소 1장 이상 그리고 경남 지역의 삽목 시기는 6월 4일-11일이 적합하였다. This study was conducted to investigate optimal conditions for cutting propagation of the strawberry cultivar “Sulhyang” through the collection methods of cuttings (runners tips), leaf number of cuttings, and cutting time. Cuttings were collected from the mother plant in the nursery bed (MP) and plants after fruit harvest (HP); the leaf number of cuttings was 0, 1, and 2, and the cutting time was at one-week intervals from June 4 to July 9. The survival rates for MP and HP cuttings were notably high, reaching 99.5% and 98.7%, respectively, but no significant difference was found. The number of roots were higher in MP cuttings, and there was no significant difference in crown and leaf growth. The fruit yields were 419.2 and 428.4 g, for MP and HP cuttings, respectively. The survival rates according to leaf number of cuttings were 98.1% and 98.3% for 1 and 2 remaining leaves, respectively, and remarkably lower at 25.3% for no remaining leaves. The root numbers were 26.0 and 26.3 for 1 and 2 remaining leaves, respectively, compared with 23.5 for no remaining leaves, with no significant differences in crown and leaf growth. The fruit yields were 424.4 and 421.5 g for 1 and 2 remaining leaves, respectively, and 396.7 g for no remaining leaves. The survival rates according to cutting time was over 97.2% in all cutting time without any difference in each treatment. The root, shoot, and crown of the nursery plant before planting showed the best growth in the cuttings on June 4 and 11, resulting in the highest fruit yields of 433.3 and 426.4 g, respectively, with the lowest yields at 384.5 g for cutting time on July 9. Both MP and HP materials proved suitable for strawberry cuttings. The optimal leaf number for cuttings was at least 1, and the optimal cutting time in Gyeongnam area was evaluated as around June 4-11.

      • KCI등재

        실화책임과 공작물책임 - 개정 실화책임에 관한 법률의 적용범위 및 직접화재부분과 연소부분의 구별기준을 중심으로 -

        이상우 민사판례연구회 2012 民事判例硏究 Vol.- No.34

        By the "Inconsistent with the Constitution" decision of the Constitutional Court of Korea, the Act on Civil Liability for Fire Caused by Negligence (the “Act”) was amended. The amendment is aimed to enable the reduction of the amount of compensation for damages caused by combustion while the Act before the amendment (the “Pre-amended Act”) provided for the requirements for establishing the civil liability. However, under the amended Act, it is still unclear whether Article 750 of Civil Act shall only be applicable for the liability in respect of parts damaged by combustion resulting from the defect in the construction or maintenance of structure or Article 758(1) of Civil Act shall be applicable. Further, the applicability of the amended Act will be debatable as the amend Act does not provide for a clear standard to distinct ‘part damaged by the combustion,’ the term used in the amended Act, from "part damaged by direct fire."Analyzing the relevant court ruling and history of the precedent cases, the theory on the distinction between the ‘part damaged by direct fire’ and the ‘part damaged by combustion’ with respect to relationship of the Pre-amended Act and Article 758(1) of Civil Act seemed to have been the standard to define the scope of the applicability of the Pre-amended Act and the scope of direct fire were tend to gradually extend. The trend is based on full considerations for social developments such as change in building environment and installation and maintenance of fire protection system as well as fair apportion of the responsibility based on the principles of responsible risk and such trend, in my opinion, is in the right direction. Based on the above analysis, I agreed that the Article 758(1) of Civil Act shall be applicable to the establishment of legal liability for damages caused by fire by negligence as the general provisions of Civil Act shall be applied generally to establishment of legal liability for damages caused by fire by negligence. Moreover, I plan to propose a standard for distinction between the part damaged by direct fire and the part damaged by combustion with respect to the issue of reduction of the amount of damages. 헌법재판소의 헌법불합치결정에 의하여 실화책임에 관한 법률이 개정되었다. 손해배상책임의 성립요건을 규정하였던 구 실화책임에 관한 법률과 달리 연소로 인한 부분에 대한 손해배상액의 경감이 가능하도록 하는 내용으로 개정이 이루어졌다. 개정 법률 하에서 공작물의 설치보존상의 하자에 의하여 발생한 화재로부터 연소된 부분의 손해배상책임에 관하여 민법 제750조만을 적용할 지, 아니면 연소부분에 관하여도 민법 제758조 제1항을 적용할 지가 문제된다. 또한 개정 법률에서 규정한 “연소로 인한 부분”과 “직접화재로 인한 부분”의 구분기준 역시 문제된다. 대상판결을 비롯한 판례의 흐름을 분석하여 보면, 개정전 법률과 민법 제758조 제1항의 관계에 관한 직접 화재․연소부분 구별설을 개정전 법률의 적용여부에 관한 일반적 기준으로 채택하고 있는 것으로 보이며, 직접 화재의 범위를 점차적으로 넓혀 가는 경향성을 가지고 있다고 할 수 있다. 이는 건축환경의 변화, 소방제도의 정비, 위험책임 원리에 기초한 손해의 적정한 분담 등을 고려한 타당한 방향이다. 이 글에서는 위와 같은 분석을 기반으로 하여, 실화로 인한 손해배상책임의 성립에 관하여는 민법의 일반적인 규정들이 제한 없이 적용되어야 하므로, 민법 제758조 제1항의 적용가능성을 긍정하였다. 또한 손해배상액의 경감 여부와 관련하여, 직접화재로 인한 부분과 연소로 인한 부분의 구분 기준을 구체화하고자 하였다.

      • 漕艇競技의 內容에 관한 硏究

        李相于 東亞大學校 附設 스포오츠科學硏究所 1984 스포츠科學硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        In this paper, the author has compared the psysiques, pitches and records of the rowing crew of 6 Japanese teams who participated in the 61st Japanese Rowing Championship and of 8 teams who participated in the 23rd Oxford Rowing Championship, for the race improvement of rowing. As a result, the followings have been obtained: (1) The teams in the Japanese Rowing Championship are superior to those of Oxford Rowing Championship in terms of heights and weights. The Average weight of a Korean team(Dankook University) is higher than those of other teams by 3kg, whilst these shows little difference in height. Therefore, it is suggested that the steady state of weights should be maintained. (2) The record of Juodaikaku team who won the Japanese Rowing Championship is 6’15”30 and that of Dankook University team who won the Oxford Championship 6’29”42, thus showing the difference by 4”12. The former maintained the steady lap time in each quarter, whilst the latter maintained the stagnant record in the last 500 quarter. (3) It is desirable that the pitches should be adjusted in consideration of the race management of the rival team and the race ability.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경관자원을 중심으로 한 농촌마을들 간의 네트워크 잠재력 분석 - 충청남도 당진군, 서산시, 태안군을 중심으로 -

        이상우,전진형,김상범,김유진 한국농촌계획학회 2017 농촌계획 Vol.23 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to reveal network potential among agricultural villages focused on landscape and amenity resources. For this study, we conducted Social Network Analysis (SNA) utilizing existing landscape resource database. As a result of the study, major landscape types shared among villages were found for each city. For example, agricultural and residential landscapes were identified as major types for Danjin city. Add to major landscape resources, in Dangjin city, Habduk village were recognized as a core. Seokmun, Daehoji, Woogang, and Sunseong villages were widely found as the sub core group. For Seosan city, Jigok, Palbong, and Kobuk villages were widely recognized as core group. Most of villages which indicated the highest degree centrality were superior in terms of the number of total landscape resources as well as landscape type diversity. These results can be useful for initial planning process when considering major theme for landscape-based network organization. Also, this information will be helpful for planning stage through the specification of the potential role of each village in overall network.

      • KCI등재

        대장유리피판(Colon Free Flap)을 이용한 식도재건의 구제술

        이상우,민경원 대한성형외과학회 2006 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.33 No.2

        Besides gastric pull-up or colonic interposition, microvascular technique in esophageal reconstruction has been approved reliable methods. When free intestinal transfer is considered, jejunal free flap is commonly used. We treated the patient who had undergone reconstruction with a right colon interposition and suffered from inability of swallowing because of stricture and necrosis of the interposed flap. Although we have planned jejunal free transfer, we couldn't use jejunum due to adhesion by previous gastrojejunostomy and colon interposition. Salvage procedure with microvascualr free left colon flap was executed successfully. After 9 month follow-up, the patient was able to consume a normal diet.

      • 포커스 : 계약형 퇴직연금의 제도개선 필요성과 지배구조 개선방향

        이상우 보험연구원 2013 KIRI Weekly(주간포커스) Vol.260 No.-

        우리나라의 퇴직연금제도는 전체 가입률과 적립금 규모면에서 가시적인 성과를 보이고 있으나 중소기업 가입 저조, 원리금보장상품의 편중 운용, 자행예금 운용, 수급권 보호 미흡 등과 같은 문제도 동시에 나타나고있음. 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위해 다양한 논의가 진행되고 있는 가운데 최근 기금형 지배구조1)의 도입논의가 일부에서 제기되고 있음. 해외사례조사 결과 유럽의 기금형 지배구조의 도입이 단시간 내 중소기업의 가입률 제고나 편중 운용 개선을 위한 핵심적인 요인이라 보기 어렵고 오히려 일부 국가에서는 연금운용과 관련한 대규모 사기사건으로 심각한 수급권 침해가 발생한 사례도 있음. 이에 따라 기금형 지배구조는 더 많은 이해관계자와의 이해상충 발생 가능성이 높아 도입에 신중을 기할 필요가 있음. 향후 우리나라의 퇴직연금제도가 안정적인 노후소득보장 기능을 하기 위해서는 퇴직연금제도의 문제점을 외부요인으로 돌리기보다는 먼저 지속적인 현 제도의 개선 노력이 필요하며, 제도개선 결과에 따라 기금형 지배구조를 도입하는 것이 바람직함.

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