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      • KCI등재

        표준체 크기별 ‘바로미2’ 첨가에 따른 밀가루 혼합가루의 이화학적 특성 및 수제비 조리 적성

        오세아,윤지선,박혜영,김홍식,최혜선,박지영 한국산업식품공학회 2024 산업 식품공학 Vol.28 No.1

        With changing dietary trends, active research is underway to substitute rice flour for wheat flour, commonly added to various processed foods. This study aimed to explore whether Baromi2, a floury rice incorporated in the production of Sujebi, can effectively replace wheat flour at appropriate levels based on its physicochemical and cooking characteristics. Baromi2 was categorized based on particle size (100, 140, and 200 mesh) and added in proportions of 10% and 20% relative to the weight of wheat flour. As the amount of Baromi2 increased, the protein and lipid content of the mixed flour also increased. Simultaneous ly, the dough strength decreased as the noodles became thinner, reducing hardness, gumminess, and chewiness. Additionally, a decrease in particle size increased peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity, whereas setback viscosity decreased. When Baromi2 was added at a 10% ratio, it displayed a low cooking loss, demonstrating desirable characteristics for Sujebi and was considered the most suitable proportion for production. These results provide foundational data for developing various rice-processed prod ucts using Baromi2, contributing to expanding consumption and enhancing utility.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재
      • Williams 극에 나타난 Illusion과 Reality의 세계 : The Glass Menagerie와 A Streetcar Named Desire를 중심으로

        吳世娥 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 1992 人文科學論集 Vol.11 No.-

        Tennessee Williams writes on similar themes and simiar characters with similar styles and techniques in his early plays, The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire. He depicts reality versus illusion between ideal past and painful present. Each of three characters in The Glass Menagerie flees into his or her own world of illusion. Laura has retreated into her own world of little glass ornaments and phonograph records, Amanda clings to the past dignity and romantic gentleman callers and Tom, the unwillingly bread-winner trapped by his mediocre warehouse job writes poetry and escapes to the movies at night. Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire seeks refuge within southern traditionl and the secrecy of her own frightened heart. Inspite of chracters' recognition of certain needs within themselves and their consequent demands for the right mate, they try to escape into their own ilusions so that they cripple emotionally, spirituall and morally on the gap between their illusion and reality Conflicts, despair and pain of characters that derived from such crippling gaps are depicted by Williams own lyric naturalism and elegiac sensibility with his particular styles and techniques such as music, sound effects, light, costumes and diction. His compre hensive use of theatrical devices like screen, setting and props also adds to his lyricism. Time also has functional role of loss in his two plays. The brief period of youth and beauty disappear into the past and reverie. All the major characters who stand on the victim side look back with longing to the past that bas been sweetened in their remembering. These makes William's early plays "menory play." As Tichler's claim "Williams real talent lies not in comstruction, but in understanding, in chracterization rather than in plotting." (Tischler 169) Moreover Williams continues and extends his chracters, Jim, Laura and Amanda by replaying them as Blanche and Stanley. He puts on the same stage with Jim by emphasizing Jim's practical and positive traits, and puts Blanche by emphasizing Laura's and Amanda's negative and uninnocent traits, and makes these two different characters struggle for their own survival. Blanche, who is a liar and and alcoholic would breake up the Stanley's home if she could while Stanley strips away Blanche's illusions and artificiality. Like Corrigan writes "the conflict between Blanche and Stanley is an externalization of the conflict that goes on within Blanche between illusion and reality." (Corrigan 34) Blanche's defeat comes from not only the brutal reality, Stanley, but also her inner self, evil. Thus Blanche should struggle with the brutal reality as well as with her inrnral conflicts. By losing this struggle it is natural that reveals Blanche's distorted vision of reality as well as her collapse.

      • The Teaching Emotion

        吳世娥 淸州大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.18 No.1

        Two works, The Zoo Story and Look Back in Anger that had been written during the same periods are very similar in various respects. Both are realistic plays in form but absurd ones in content. Both plays feature protagonists who, belonging to the lower class and living in attic flat, heartily protest against the social system, especially the class society. Both are warm hearted idealists who express deep anger and frustration that comes from the awareness of class barriers. These two protagonists struggle to crash the barrier for their existence as well as human identity. Jerry tries to teach the upper class 'Emotion' while Jimmy tries to give 'Lessens in Feeling.' Both are similar in adopting 'emotion' as their weapons. But Jerry pays with his own death to give them 'teaching emotion' while Jimmy succeeds in gaining Alison's feelings through pain.

      • Pinter의 初期作品 世界

        吳世娥 淸州大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        Pinter 자신은 이를 가리켜, “You’re faced with a situation, a particular situation, two people sitting in a room, which hasn’t happened before, and is just happening at this moment, and we know no more about them than I know about you, sitting at this table.”이라고 설명하고 있지만 장소든 인간의 심리나 뇌이든 침입해서 한 개인을 부숴버리고 개인은 어떻게 해서든지 자기의 장소, 자아를 지키려고 노력, 따라서 이들의 소외와 단절은 사회에서 유리돼 개인이 살아남기 위한 선택에 의한 것이고, 결국 개인이 승리하지 못하며 그 소외와 단절 속에서도 사회적 침입의 희생자가 된다. Pinter는 현대인의 인간조건을 이렇게 보고 연극을 썼으며, 그의 사상이나 주제가 우리에게 친숙하게 느껴지는 것은 죽음이 우리를 갈라놓기 전에 벌써 이런 모순이 사회와 개인이 맞섯을 때, society-individual의 confrontation=breakdon공식이 우리 주변에 수없이 성립하기 때문이다.

      • "King Lear"와 "Romeo and Juliet"에 나타난 비극의 의미

        吳世娥 淸州大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        Coleridge는 Romeo and Juliet에 대한 comment에서 주인공의 sense of imperfection이 어떤 사랑스런 감정과 결합하고자 하는 욕망을 Shakespeare가 그린것으로서,마음속에서만 키워 온 Romeo의 사랑이 바로 imperfection이며 그위에 ignorant and unthingking man이 permanent love를 구가하면 바로 이런 비극적 결과가 초래됨을 꼬집은 것이 아니겠느냐라고 지적하고 있다.

      • 처칠의 영원한 과제 : 자유와 평등

        오세아 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2007 人文科學論集 Vol.35 No.-

        Churchill's to plays, Cloud Nine and Light Shining in Buckinghamshire sorbing sigh fling scgock and Monstrous Regiment combine Brechgian techniques sigh sogialsig feminist theory. Cloud Nine is based on "Sexual Politic" which deals with patriarchal repression of gender and class while Light shinning in Buckinghamshire is based on "Revolution" which deals with capitalism and class. Churchill's dramatic strategies also combines patriarchy and the economic system with multiple casting and cross-gender and race-casting. Her casting devices creates alienation-effect so that the audience acknowledge the constraint of social role. Act I of Cloud Nine takes plce in colonial Africa in 1879 and the set of Act II is in a London Park in 1979 exactly one hundred years later although the characters are only a quarter of a century older. In discourse of sexuality the normal standard of power is male, white, heterosexual, so Cline is in the censer of patriarchal power. All characters have different adulterous fancy defined abnormal by Cline: Harry's homosexuality with Edward and Joshua, Betty's adulterous fancy for Harry and Ellen's for Betty. But in Act II, after Joshua attics Clive, all constrained desires spring out: incest between Edward and Victoria, Victoria's lesbianism with Lin, Edward's homosexuality with Ger'y, etc. But the moot striking actor in Act II is Betty's, Edward's and Victoria's independence of economical, sexual, psychological, domestic and patriarchal repression. That fact that all the characters are played by actors of the right sex except Cathy shore role are played by an adult man means that all of them can take right sexual role in society by changing their manner of lives. In Light Shining in Buckinghamshire Churchill also uses Brechtian technique of alienation and historical events with multiple casting to stress revolution. She has six characters play 25 roles so that echo separate incident has its own meaning. When the poor fight against the King they have hope and dream to be equal in economics and free in religion but they realise their hope and dress distracted and extinguished by the Roundheads who push them to fight. After they realise that they had no place within the present economic structure they try to discover of self worth. In the process of self realization the characters are beginning to make contact with their real inner selves. They also realize "God is within them." Churchill's aim of writing lies in reforming patriarchy and economic system. Her concern is to introduce the struggle and suffering of the poor and women who are in the bottom of social hierarchy. Until the free and equal society without discrimi-nation of gender and class comes, Churchill's endless task, writing will continue.

      • KCI등재

        Molecular Characterization of Norovirus and Rotavirus in Outbreak of Acute Gastroenteritis in Seoul

        오세아,박상훈,함희진,성현정,장정임,서상원,조석주,최성민,정혜숙 대한미생물학회 2013 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.43 No.4

        Norovirus and rotavirus are important causes of acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis in communities worldwide. Genotypes of norovirus and rotavirus in stool samples, which were collected from patients, was determined by RT-PCR and ELISA. A total 4,484 stool samples (461 outbreak cases) collected during January 2010-April 2013 were analyzed. Four hundred thirty eight of samples were positive for norovirus. Twelve samples were positive for Rotavirus. Norovirus genotypes identified were nine kinds of G I genotype (G I -1, G I -2, G I -3, G I -4, G I -6, G I -7, G I -9, G I -12, G I -13) and nine kinds of G II genotype(G II -2, G II -4, G II -5, G II -6, G II -7, G II -11, G II -12, G II -15, G II -16). Rotavirus genotypes were G2P[4]. The results might be useful information for evaluating the epidemiological status of viral diarrhea in Seoul, and providing a strategy to prevent human norovirus, rotavirus and other threats to public health in Korea.

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