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      • KCI등재

        외모 및 체형에 대한 5세 유아의 인식 및 경험 분석

        김하종,경숙,주연 한국영유아교원교육학회 2012 유아교육학논집 Vol.16 No.5

        This study investigated how five-year-old children perceived their own appearances and body types and how their experiences about theses from their peers and parents. A total seventy-four young children (42 boys and 32 girls) were interviewed to figure out their perception and experiences about appearance and body types. The results are as follows. First, boys were more satisfied with their appearances than girls were, while most young children were very satisfied with their own appearances. Second, most young children considered medium-sized bodies as their real body types, and there was no significant difference between boys and girls. But boys preferred larger bodies than girls while girls preferred thinner bodies than boys. Third, girls had more comments about their appearances than boys from their peers. There were no differences between boys and girls from their peers in their experiences about body types. However, there were no differences between boys and girls from their parents in their experiences about their appearances and body types. More than half of young children thought if they became more beautiful (or handsome) or thinner, their peers and parents would show more attention and affection to them. 본 연구는 유아들이 자신의 외모와 체형을 어떻게 인식하고 있으며 이와 관련된 또래 및 부모와의 경험은 어떠한지 알아보고자 실시되었다. 이를 위해 만 5세 유아 151명(남 89, 여 62)을 대상으로 외모 인식과 체형 인식, 외모 및 체형에 대한 경험을 면접을 통해 조사하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 여아보다 남아가 외모 만족도가 높았으며 전반적으로 남녀 유아들은 현재 자신의 외모에 매우 만족하는 것으로 조사되었다. 둘째, 대부분의 남녀 유아들은 자신의 현재체형을 보통체형이라고 인식하였으나 남아는 여아에 비해 비만체형을 선호하는 경우가 많았고 여아들은 남아에 비해 마른체형을 선호하는 경우가 더 많았다. 셋째, 여아들이 남아들보다 또래로부터 외모에 대한 말을 들어 본 경험이 더 많았으며 체형에 관한 말을 들었던 경험은 남녀 유아 간에 차이가 없었다. 부모로부터 외모에 대해 말을 들었던 경험은 여아가 의미있게 더 많았고 체형에 대해 말을 들었던 경험은 남녀 유아 간에 차이가 없었다. 또한 절반 이상의 유아들은 지금보다 날씬해지거나 더 예뻐질 경우 친구들이 더 잘 놀아줄 것이라고 생각했고 부모들 역시 더 좋아해 줄 것이라고 생각하였다.

      • KCI등재

        고문자에 반영된 용(龍)의 원형(原型)고찰

        김하종 중국어문학회 2014 中國語文學誌 Vol.46 No.-

        對漢字是何時被創造的問題上,有不同的看法。但是,依據至今的考古學資料來看,大部分的學者壹致認爲漢字有흔大的可能性是在商代被創造的。從甲骨文中出現龍字的事實中可以知道至少在當時(或者之前)人們見過龍的진身,或者人們對龍的具體形態有所了解。所以,才能精確地把握龍的形態,創造出기抽象又生動的象形文字``龍``。因此,作者在本稿中對龍字的古文字進行分析得出以下結論。 壹,古文字龍字的間寫是巳(或者是子)字。這個是龍字的根幹。 二,爲了明確地表達巳(或者是子)字的意思,之後又和辛字相結合形成了今天的龍字。 三,龍字的根幹部分巳字象征著胚芽,子字象征著胎兒。 四,辛字象征著胚牙和胎兒成長發育後從母體出來的洋子。也就是出生後的洋子。從以上的字形分析結果中可以推斷出古文字龍字的原型是胚芽。胚芽在母親的子宮裏生長到4到8周的時候,像과두壹洋頭흔大,像석척壹洋長著尾巴。胚芽검部的最大特征就是眼睛흔大,저鼻子。在紅山文化遺址發掘的玉龍洋子就帶有저鼻子的特征。這壹點給了我們重大的계示。作者關於古文字龍字的推論在之後的甲古文和《說文》中也以類似的意義被使用著,再壹次證實了充分地理解象形文字中體現出的古人的世界觀,是把握字意的抉定性因素。

      • KCI등재

        한자 `□(되)`자 본의(本義) 연구

        김하종 중국어문학회 2016 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.57

        硏究`□`字的學者們的普遍看法是堆、弓箭、臀部等三個。最初主張“`□`是臀部”的學者是加藤常賢。徐中舒從□的字形角度硏究後發展了加藤常賢的主張,?錫圭從□的字音角度硏究後發展了加藤常賢的主張。筆者從當時的社會和文化環境角度硏究後同意了他們的看法。筆者這個結論爲基礎, 對幾個和□相結合的漢字嘗試初步的解釋。結論如下:○ □ : 臀部,坐過的(或者休息過的)痕跡。○ 師: 爲了狩獵或者戰爭, 人們坐過的痕跡(□) → 軍人(□) → 攻擊與防禦(□和?的結合. 師) → 統率軍隊的人(師) → 師傅(老師) ○ □: 放還自己?住的人後剩下的痕跡。○ 遣: 用兩個手從居住地或者陷?裏救出後讓他去。○ 追: 逐就是追獵物(動物)的意思, 追就是追人(或者人的痕跡)的意思。○ □ (次): 士兵逗留或者駐紮的地方。○ 官: 爲了不平常停留而制作的場所 → 管理那個地方 → 管理人 → 輔佐人。○ 歸: 爲了打掃剩下的痕跡,拿一把掃?再回去那個地方。○ □ : 露出痕跡。○ ?: 留下痕跡 → 憂患 → 罪人。

      • Teitz-Bart 과정에서 각 정점의 입지적 가치를 지닌 GRIA에서의 평정 방안

        김하종,권상준 청주대학교 산업과학연구소 2008 産業科學硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        This study aims to find a method how to solve p-Median problem and to suggest on the process that GRIA(global regional interchange algorithm) can enlarge the solution of Teitz-Bart process model. The GRIA can develop fourth proceeding steps for solving the problem of the reasonable and practical location in the set of allocation vertices changed into minimum cost occurred from the distance of optimum nodal points. The locational theory of the GRIA can be a method to interchange processes to capacitate the cost and benefit of public facilities. To solve the problem, this study suggests a kind of the GRIA proceeding steps and tool to acquire the locational evaluation with locational value of each vertices in the Teitz-Bart process.

      • KCI등재

        국내 유아특수교육 분야의 실험 사례연구 분석

        김하종(Ha-jong Kim),조광순(Kwang-Sun Cho Blair) 한국언어치료학회 2005 言語治療硏究 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this research was to examine the quality features of experimental case studies in early childhood special education in Korea through contents and methodology analysis. For this, 35 experimental case studies that were published from 1998 to 2004 in eight journals were reviewed. Studies were analysed according to participants' characteristics and settings, and contexts of methodology and quality features. The effectiveness of practices was examined according to the criterion of the American Psychological Association. The quality features of study that were assessed included research designs, fidelity of intervention, maintenance, generalization of effect, and social validity.The results of this study were as follows: first, the primary participants were children with developmental delays and language disorders, and the research was mostly conducted in clinical or segregated settings such as theraputic rooms and special classrooms. The descriptions of subjects and settings were insufficient. Second, the research studies primarily employed multiple baseline experimental designs, though AB design was also popular. Third, the analysis of quality features found insufficient fidelity of intervention procedures and evidence of generalization effect and social validity, and relative sufficiency with regard to the evidence of effectiveness and maintenance. Fourth, practices with well-established evidence of effectiveness were play activities structured and response prompting. Probably efficacious practices included functional assessment and positive behavior support, reinforcement, linguistic and acoustic approaches, naturalistic teaching approaches, family participation, and assistive technology.It is suggested that researchers should provide detailed descriptions of participants and settings, use a variety of research designs, measure independent variables and fidelity of intervention, evidence of intervention generalization, and social validity. We need more researchers in Korea, who are interested in investigating current practices or intervention strategies that are recommended in early childhood special education. It is necessary to introduce new practices to the field, which have well-established evidence of effectiveness. We also need research in inclusive settings to support young children with disabilities and provide comprehensive services to them.

      • 벌집나방 (Galleria mellonella L.)에 關한 硏究

        崔星植,尹淳奇,金河鍾 圓光大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.14 No.2

        벌집나방 (Galleria mellonella)의 生態 및 防除를 爲해 調査한바 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 벌집나방은 保管中인 空巢脾와 弱群의 벌통에서 巢脾에 侵入하여 坑道를 만들고 食害하므로 被害를 준다. 2. 成蟲의 雌雄別 個體의 體長, 開張 壽命 體幅 및 化性別産卵數等은 Milum, Kunike의 報告와 다소 차이를 나타내고 있다. 이것은 發育環境條件과 化性에 起因되는 것으로 생각된다. 3. 벌집나방의 發生은 全州地方에서 年 2 回이고 越冬態는 幼蟲이었으며 1 回 發生은 5∼7 月이고 2 回는 8∼10月이었다. 4. 防除藥劑로는 Potassium cyanide (KCN) Carbon disulphide (CS₂) 1, 2-dichloroeth-ane (C₂H₄CI₂) 等의 薰蒸劑 殺충劑가 殺卵 殺충, 殺踊에 效果的이었다. This study was conducted to investigate the life cycle and the control in greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.), The results obtained were as follows : 1. Greater wax moth damages stored vacant honeycombs or honeycombs in the beehive of lesser swarm by pitting and eating the honeycomb. 2. The body length, body width, wing spread of adults and the number of laid eggs show slight differences compared with the results of Milum and Kunike, and it is thought that the differences may be caused by the environmental condition of rearing. 3. Greater wax moth appears twice a year in Jeonju and overwinters in larva forms. The Ist appearance was from May to July and the 2nd was from August to October. 4. Insect fumigants, Pottassium cyanide (KCN), Carbon disulphide(CS₂), 1, 2-Dichl oroethane (C₂H₄CI₂) etc, Could be used as the chemicals for control. These had a great effect on killing egg, larvas and pupae.

      • KCI등재

        유아특수교육기관의 교육평가 실제에 대한 연구

        김하종 ( Ha-jong Kim ),경숙 ( Kyung-sook Kim ) 한국유아특수교육학회 2004 유아특수교육연구 Vol.4 No.1

        이 연구는 유아특수교육기관에서 이루어지고 있는 교육평가에 대한 실제를 교사의 인식을 중심으로 분석해 보고 바람직한 교육 평가의 활용에 관한 기초 자료를 제시하는데 그 목적 이 있다. 이를 위하여 광주전남에 소재의 유아특수교육기관에 근무하는 교사 6명을 연구 참여자로 선정하여 심층면담을 실시하고 문서자료도 함께 수집하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 육아특수 교육기관에 근무하고 있는 교사들의 교육 프로그램 평가나 가족 서비스에 대한 인식 부족, 교육평가활동에 대한 구체적이고 충실한 계획 수립의 필요성, 교육평가의 방법 및 도구의 다양화 및 유아의 수준에 적합한 평가도구의 개발 요구, 평가방법의 간소화 및 인력지원의 필요, 교육평가와 관련된 교사 교육의 필요성 등이 제기되었다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ways which educational evaluation was implemented in early childhood special education programs. Six teachers from early childhood special education programs were interviewed and relevant documents were collected. The findings of this study were as below: First, as for the purpose and content of evaluation, the teachers who participated were found to only be aware that educational evaluation was geared toward collecting information about children and choosing appropriate educational programs. Few considered it necessary to assess family services or the educational program itself. Second, it was found that an accurate and workable evaluation plan is required to be established in the beginning of every year to increase its adequacy and efficiency. Third, it was found that the type and frequency of evaluation differed. There were no specific criteria for evaluations, and they were fulfilled only in some fixed ways. The evaluation methods and instruments should be diversified and suitable for young children. Fourth, regarding evaluation procedure and feedback, it was found that the teachers rarely consulted with other professionals or parents, even when they saw a need to do so. Fifth, it was found that the number of teaching personnel should be increased to reduce the teacher to child ratios to ensure more successful individualized education and evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 암각화 부호와 고문자 부호와의 상관성 연구 2 -내몽고(內蒙古) 암각화 부호 "◇"를 중심으로

        임진호,김하종 중국어문학회 2012 中國語文學誌 Vol.38 No.-


      • KCI등재

        Outcomes of Arteriovenous Fistula for Hemodialysis in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients

        서민,민승기,안상현,민상일,하종 대한혈관외과학회 2016 Vascular Specialist International Vol.32 No.3

        Purpose: This retrospective review aimed to report the outcomes of arteriovenousfistula (AVF) and to evaluate the suitability of AVF as a permanent vascular accessin pediatric populations. Materials and Methods: Data were collected for all patients aged 0 to 19 yearswho underwent AVF creation for hemodialysis between January 2000 and June 2014. Results: Fifty-two AVFs were created in 47 patients. Mean age was 15.7±3.2 yearsand mean body weight was 46.7±15.4 kg. Of the 52 AVFs, 43 were radiocephalicAVFs, 7 were brachiocephalic AVFs and 2 were basilic vein transpositions. Witha mean follow-up of 49.7±39.2 months, primary patency was 60.5%, 51.4%,and 47.7% at 1, 3, and 5 years, respectively and secondary patency was 82.7%,79.2% and 79.2% at 1, 3, and 5 years, respectively. Age, body weight, AVF type,the presence of a central venous catheter, use of anticoagulation therapy, andhistory of vascular access failure were not significantly associated with patencyrates. There were 9 cases (17.3%) of primary failure; low body weight was anindependent predictor. Excluding cases of primary failure, the mean duration ofmaturation was 10.0±3.7 weeks. During follow-up, 20 patients (42.6%) underwentkidney transplantation, with a median interval to transplantation of 36 months. Conclusion: AVF creation in children and adolescents is associated with acceptablelong-term durability, primary failure rate and maturation time. Considering thewaiting time and limited kidney graft survival, placement of AVFs should beconsidered primarily even in patients expected to receive transplantation.

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