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      • 골외골육종의 압착도말 소견 - 1예 보고 -

        구미진,배영경,김미진,최준혁,최원희,Gu, Mi-Jin,Bae, Young-Kyung,Kim, Mi-Jin,Choi, Joon-Hyuk,Choi, Won-Hee 대한세포병리학회 2000 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Extraskeletal osteosarcoma is an uncommon tumor originated from soft tissue without evidence of skeletal involvement. It usually affects adults and its common locations are extremity, buttock, and retroperitoneum. Although the histologic feature of this tumor is well known, there have been few reports on the fine needle aspiration cytologic findings. We report the imprint cytologic feature of extraskeletal osteosarcoma. The patient was a 49-year-old man with a mass of the left anterior chest for 2 years. On the Imprint preparation, the smears showed malignant round, polygonal or spindle cells with coarsely clumped chromatin and occasionally prominent nucleoli. The malignant cells occur singly, in clusters, or associated with amorphous eosinophilic osteoid. Mitotic figures are also seen.

      • 분화가 좋지 않은 윤활막육종 접착도말의 세포학적 소견 - 1예 보고 -

        구미진,최준혁,배영경,Gu, Mi-Jin,Choi, Joon-Hyuk,Bae, Young-Kyung The Korean Society for Cytopathology 2003 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma is a variant of synovial sarcoma. We report a case of poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma imprinted after resection. The patient was a 47-year-old woman with a right shoulder pain for 6 months. The cytologic features showed malignant round to oval, monotonous tumor cells with high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio. Some tumor cells showed perivascular distribution and nuclear melding. Vague rosette-like structures were seen. On immunohistchemical stains, tumor cells were diffusely positive for CD99 and focally positive for epithelial membrane antigen. Ultrastructural examination showed desmosomes and microvilli.

      • KCI등재

        『당대화상동정전(唐大和上東征傳)』의 서술특성과 역사적 의미

        구미진 ( Gu Mi-jin ) 동아시아불교문화학회 2020 동아시아불교문화 Vol.0 No.42

        『당대화상동정전(唐大和上東征傳)』(이하 ‘『동정전』’)은 일본 나라시대의 문인인 오미노 미후네[淡海三船]가 찬술한 당나라 승려 감진(鑑眞)의 전기이다. 감진은 일본의 초청을 받고 도일(渡日)하여 활약했던 고승으로 일본 불교사에서 매우 중요한 인물로 꼽힌다. 그에 대한 열망에서는 당시 문화적으로 선진적 위치를 점한 당과 적극적인 교류를 시도했던 일본의 태도가 엿보인다. 그 결과 감진은 만년에 이르렀음에도 고대 일본의 불교계와 사회·문화에 큰 영향을 미친 상징적 인물로 자리하게 되었다. 본고에서는 이 점에 주목하여 그의 전기가 찬술된 배경을 추찰하고, 『동정전』의 서술특성을 통해 자료적 가치와 역사적 의미를 살폈다. 당시 일본에서는 그를 환대한 반면 비방했던 세력도 공존했는데, 감진의 문도 사탁(思託)은 선덕을 드높이기 위한 전기를 찬술하며 오미노에게는 별도로 『동정전』의 찬술을 요청했다. 이에 『동정전』에는 감진의 도일이 부각되어, 여러 차례의 실패와 어려움을 무릅쓰고 일본에 온 그의 역할과 의미가 강조되었다. 이러한 배경에서 찬술된 『동정전』은 서술형식과 기록문화의 측면에서도 크게 주목된다. 『동정전』은 승전의 구조를 취하면서도 구법여행기와 순례기 등 불교유입으로 등장한 서사양식이 크게 활용되기 때문이다. 그러므로 기본적으로는 감진의 일대기를 다룬 승전의 구조이지만, 실제 내용에서는 도일과정이 큰 비중을 차지하며 기행문학의 서술방식이 복합적으로 나타난다. 이러한 서술특성은 도일의 과정과 의미를 더욱 강조하고, 감진이 당시 일본 불교계와 불교문화에 미친 영향을 보여준다. 또한 그의 여정은 다채로운 이국의 문화를 함께 소개하며, 당시 일본인들의 관념과 인식을 더욱 확장해주는 계기를 마련한다. 이처럼 『동정전』은 8세기 동아시아 국가 간의 불교교류와 문화적 영향력을 보여주는 주요한 기록이라 할 수 있다. To Daiwajo Toseiden(唐大和上東征傳) is a biography of JianZhen(鑑眞), the monk of Tang Dynasty, by Omino Mifune(淡海三船), a writer in the Nara Period of Japan. JianZhen has been a key figure in Japanese Buddhist history, who was a high priest invited to Japan and played an active part in Japan. The hospitality for him show the attitude of Japan that wanted active exchange with the Tang. Therefore, JianZhen has become a symbolic figure who have had a great influence on Japanese Buddhist and social, cultural communities at that time, even though he was active in his later years. On the other hand, there were also the forces against him, while JianZhen's disciple 思度(Si Duo) accomplished To Daiwajo Toseiden by writing a biography to elevate JianZhen together with Omino. As a result, in the To Daiwajo Toseiden, his visit to Japan was highlighted among JianZhen‘s major achievements, revealing his role to visit Japan and meaning despite many failures. To Daiwajo Toseiden was written under this background, and is greatly noticed in terms of narrative form and documentary culture. This is because To Daiwajo Toseiden has the structure of biography, while taking the form of narrative which appeared with the introduction of Buddhism, such as travelogue for Dharma and pilgrimage. Therefore, To Daiwajo Toseiden was further emphasized since the narrative format of travel literature, where the process of paying a visit to Japan. As a result, JianZhen’s visit to Japan seen in To Daiwajo Toseiden has had a great impact on Japanese Buddhist and the culture. In addition, his journey introduced a variety of foreign cultures and further expanded the ideas and perceptions of Japanese people at that time. Thus, To Daiwajo Toseiden can be regarded as a major documentary about Buddhist exchange among East Asian countries and cultural influence in the 8th century.

      • KCI등재

        당(唐) 도선(道宣)의 석혜달(釋慧達) 서사와 감통관(感通觀)

        구미진(Gu, Mi-Jin),최연식(Choe, Yeon-Shik) 동국대학교 불교문화연구원 2019 佛敎學報 Vol.0 No.86

        석혜달(釋慧達)은 4-5세기에 활동하며 생애와 행적에 따라 다양한 일화를 남겼는데, 그에 대해서는 불교사와 불교문화 및 민간신앙과 설화에 이르기까지 여러 형태의 기록이 전한다. 특히 혜달에 관한 주요한 기록의 상당수는 당 도선(道宣, 596-667)의 찬술 속에 남아 있다. 도선은 스스로 혜달에 대한 깊은 관심을 가지고 능동적으로 조사하고 자료를 모아, 자신의 주요 저작인 『속고승전』, 『집신주삼보감통록』, 『도선율사감통록』 등에 이전 기록에서는 볼 수 없던 풍부한 내용의 혜달 서사를 이루었다. 특히 도선은 혜달의 출가 이후부터 말년까지의 활약과 입적 후의 영향력에 대해 크게 주목하였다. 이를 통해 혜달이 아육왕탑의 유적과 유물을 직접 탐방하고 발굴하였으며, 서상의 출현으로 나라의 길흉을 예언하였고, 입적 후에도 북방 이민족을 교화하는 등 여러 방식으로 불법을 실현했던 인물이었음을 드러냈다. 도선은 이민족 출신의 혜달이 불교에 귀의했을 뿐 아니라, 지극한 정성과 신앙으로 스스로도 발전하여 다시 많은 대중을 교화하며 감통을 실현한 상징적인 인물로 본 것이다. 혜달에 대한 도선의 관심과 적극적인 태도는 율학을 연구하고 계율을 중시했던 철저한 불교주의자로서의 도선이 자신의 의식을 구체적으로 드러낸 것이라고 할 수 있다. 도선은 삼보(三寶)를 공경하며 불법을 신실하게 따를 때 나타나는 감통(感通)을 통해서 불교의 우수성을 선양하고 호법(護法)적 입장을 표명하였기 때문이다. 그러므로 그는 삼보에 대한 불보살의 감통담에 주목하였고, 이것이 불교를 수호하고 불교적 삶을 널리 알리고자 했던 자신의 이론적·실천적 태도를 드러낼 수 있는 주요한 관념이라고 여겼다. 감통을 구체적으로 실현한 혜달의 행적은 도선의 감통관을 따라 그의 저작 속에서 풍부한 전기적 기록과 종합적인 혜달 서사를 이루었다고 할 수 있다. 한편 도선이 이처럼 자신의 감통관을 통해 호법적 태도와 홍법을 실천했던 것은 도교를 우위에 둔 당 태종의 불교정책을 경험하며 느꼈던 어려움에서 비롯되었다고 할 수 있다. 즉 불교가 배척당했던 시대적 배경 속에서 도선은 자신의 감통관을 통해 불교를 수호하고, 그 가르침을 널리 알리고자 한 것이다. A variety of mysterious episodes achieved by Huida (慧達), who lived in 4th to 5th century, handed down through the Buddhist history and many records about them were made by several authors. The most important and comprehensive records on Huida’s life appears in Daoxuan’s (道宣, 596–667) works in the early Tang(唐) dynasty. Daoxuan actively investigated and collected materials on Huida and showed strong interest in transmitting Huida’s stories. There are not a little stories on Huida not found in previous records in his works such as “Xu-gaoseng-chuan” (續高僧傳) and “Ji-shenzhou-sanbao-gantong-lu” (集神州三寶感錄). There are many episodes on the miracles achieved by Huida in his works; the foundings of the Budda’s relics and the remains of Asokan stupas, the predications of the nation’s fortune related with the auspicious image of Liangzhou (涼州), and the conversion to the Buddhism of the northern tribes with propagation. Daoxuan, the sincere precepts master, had great interest in the “gantong(感通),” mysterious achievement through sincere belief and practice, as the demonstration of the excellence of Buddhism. Daoxuan’s thought of “gantong” may have come from the difficulty he experienced during Tai Zong’s (太宗) reign when the government disregarded Buddhism preferring Taoism. In this circumstances, Daoxuan developed the idea of “gantong” and to spread it to the public to protect Buddhism. He considered Huida, a barbarian who not only reformed himself with Buddhist belief but also reformed the public through mysterious miracles, as a symbol of the “gantong(感通).”

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        보육시설의 지역사회서비스에 대한 보육교사·학부모의 요구조사

        신혜섭(Hye Seop Shin),구미진(Mi Jin Ku) 한국아동가족복지학회 2001 한국가족복지학 Vol.6 No.1

        The study is to research on parents' and child-care teachers' demands of community social service of child care center, which is a neglected part for the comprehensive care. Community social service of child care center is comprised of four categories : community service, community public relation, community participation, and community resources. The result shows that both parents and teachers agree that child care center need to provide more community social services. However, parents in general demand more of community social services than teachers. The followings are suggested. First, a variety of community social service programs(items) for child care centers should be developed and popularized. Second, better legal and institutional framework for community social service should be devised. Third, education on the community social service needs to be offered regularly to teachers. Fourth, parents need to be encouraged to participate actively in child care center programs. To promote community social service program is to build reciprocal relationship among children, their families and the neighborhood, and it will strength child care center's role in community.

      • 유방의 침윤성 관암종에서 핵등급 기준으로서 핵크기의 의의

        배영경,김동석,최혜정,구미진,이수정,이제영,Bae, Young-Kyung,Kim, Dong-Sug,Choi, Hye-Juug,Gu, Mi-Jin,Lee, Soo-Jung,Lee, Jea-Young 대한세포병리학회 1999 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        To make the objective standard of nuclear size ingrading nuclear pleomorphism of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast, we measured maximal nuclear diameter of tumor cells on imprint cytology slides and histologic sections from 65 cases by using computer-based image analysis system(Optimas 6.0). The maximal diameter of red blood cells were also measured to evaluate the ratio of maximal nuclear diameter of tumor cells to maximal diameter of red blood cells. The mean values of maximal nuclear diameter of tumor cells on imprint cytology slides and histologic sections were $7.56{\mu}m,\;7.53{\mu}m$ in nuclear grade 1, $8.92{\pm}0.98{\mu}m,\;9.02{\pm}0.74{\mu}m$ in nuclear grade 2, and $12.90{\pm}1.47{\mu}m,\;12.44{\pm}1.41{\mu}m$ in nuclear grade 3, respectively. There were no significant differences between values of imprint cytology and histologic section. The ratio of maximal nuclear diameter of tumor cells to maximal diameter of red blood cells were 1.3-1.4:1 in nuclear grade 1, 1.6-1.7:1 in nuclear grade 2, and 2.2-2.3:1 in nuclear grade 3. These values would be guidelines for grading nuclear pleomorphism of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast on routine surgical pathology work.

      • KCI등재

        평택시 군용비행장 주변지역 주민건강조사

        김현주,노상철,권호장,백기청,이무용,정재윤,임명호,구미진,김창훈,김혜영,임정훈,김동현,Kim, Hyun-Joo,Roh, Sang-Chul,Kwon, Ho-Jang,Paik, Ki-Chung,Rhee, Moo-Yong,Jeong, Jae-Yun,Lim, Myung-Ho,Koo, Mi-Jin,Kim, Chang-Hoon,Kim, Hae-Young,Lim, Je 대한예방의학회 2008 예방의학회지 Vol.41 No.5

        Objectives : We conducted an epidemiologic survey to evaluate the effect of the aircraft noise exposure on the health of the residents near the military airbases in Pyeongtaek City. Methods : The evaluation of environmental noise level, questionnaire survey, and health examination were performed for 917 residents. The study population consisted of four groups: subjects who lived in the village close to the fighter airbase (high exposure), subjects who lived along the course of fighters (intermediate exposure), and subjects near a helicopter airbase, and the control group. Results : The prevalence of the aircraft noise related accident and irritable bowel syndrome in the exposure groups were higher than that of the control group. The risks of noise induced hearing loss, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were higher in the exposed groups than in the control group. The prevalence of anxiety disorder and primary insomnia were higher in the exposed groups than in the control group. Prevalence odd ratios of the risk for primary insomnia after adjusting age, sex, agricultural noise, and occupation were 4.03 [95% confidence interval (95% Cl) 1.56-10.47] for the subject near the helicopter airbase, 1.23 (95% Cl 0.40-3.76) for those intermediately exposed to fighter noise, and 4.99 (95% Cl 2.14-11.64) for those highly exposed to fighter noise. Conclusions : The results of the present study suggest that the aircraft noise may have adverse effects on hearing function, cardiovascular health and mental health. Therefore, it seems to be needed to take proper measures including the control of the aircraft noise and the management of the exposed people's health.

      • KCI등재

        내시경 절제술과 방사선 치료로 완치한 식도의 기저양 편평세포암

        김승범 ( Sung Bum Kim ),이시형 ( Si Hyung Lee ),정다은 ( Da Eun Jeong ),김경옥 ( Kyeong Ok Kim ),구미진 ( Mi Jin Gu ) 대한소화기학회 2018 대한소화기학회지 Vol.72 No.5

        Esophageal basaloid squamous carcinoma (BSC) is a rare, aggressive variant of squamous cell carcinoma. BSC is usually diagnosed in advanced stage and its prognosis is relatively poor. A 59-year-old male with subepithelial lesion of the esophagus that was incidentally discovered during health promotion examination was referred to our hospital. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed a 10-mm bulging mucosa with an intact surface at 34 cm from incisor teeth. Endoscopic ultrasonography revealed a smooth margined homogenous hypoechoic lesion, measuring 11.3×3.9 mm with a submucosal layer of origin. The patient underwent endoscopic mucosal resection of the subepithelial lesion. Pathologic examination of the resected specimen revealed BSC with involvement of vertical margin by tumor. The patient then underwent radiotherapy, and is doing well without recurrence for 35 months. We report a case of esophageal BSC confined to submucosal layer successfully treated with endoscopic resection followed by radiation. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2018;72:258-261)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대망에 생긴 수질외 형질세포종 1 예

        박원규(Won Kyu Park),장재천(Jay Chun Chang),이헌주(Heon Zu Lee),최준혁(Joon Hyuk Choi),구미진(Mi Jin Gu) 대한소화기학회 2002 대한소화기학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        Plasmacytoma is a neoplastic proliferation of plasma cells and commonly occurs in the bone marrow. However, it may develop in any tissue throughout the body. Extramedullary plasmacytomas constitute 3-5% of all plasma cell neoplasms, and the most common site of these tumors is the upper respiratory tract. Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the omentum is extremely rare. We report a case of extramedullary plasmacytoma of the omentum presented as a huge omental cystic mass on ultrasonogram and CT scans. It was confirmed by immunohistochemical study of the resected specimen. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2002;39:142-145)

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