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        시 교육에서 유기체 모델의 구조와 변전(變轉) 가능성에 관한 연구

        강민규 한국문학교육학회 2024 문학교육학 Vol.- No.84

        이 글은 시 교육 현상의 이면에서 중요한 위상을 점해 온 유기체 모델의 구조를 밝히고 그 가치와 한계, 그리고 변전의 전망을 논하였다. 문학 교육과정과 교과서를 중심으로 유기체 모델의 하위 양상들을 검토한 결과 ①내용-형식 연계, ②구성 요소-전체 연계, ③부분-전체 연계 유형이 포착되었다. 이들은 유기체의 구성에 있어서 작품의 형식 및 내용 요소에 주목하는 쪽(①, ②)과 작품의 공간적 분할에 주목하는 쪽(③)으로 대별된다. 둘은 각각 문학 작품의 본질과 작품 수용 원리에 대한 유력한 설명 모델로 기능해 왔으며, 이와 같은 이원성이 유기체 모델의 일반 구조를 특징짓는다. 이 모델은 유기적 인식 자체가 교육적 효용이 있다는 점, 시에 고도의 사유 연습 제재로서의 위상을 부여한다는 점 등에서 가치가 있다. 그러나 유기적 인식이 저지되는 시 읽기도 적지 않다는 점, 읽기 과정의 폐쇄성과 무(無)시간성으로 인해 그 효용이 제한된다는 점, 비(非)유기체적 읽기도 오히려 사유 지평 확장에 기여할 수 있다는 점에서 한계를 가진다. 유기체 모델은 장기적으로 변화를 맞을 가능성이 있으며, 이는 시 교육의 내실화·다변화를 위해 필요하기도 하다. 이에 따라 유기체 모델과의 연속성을 전제로 해석의 개방성 또는 이해의 시간성을 구현하는 온건한 대안 모델, 그리고 비유기체적 읽기를 구현한 급진적 대안 모델을 잠정적으로 제안하였다. This study reveals the structure of the organism model, which has occupied an important position behind the phenomenon of poetry education, and discusses its value, limitations, and prospects for change. By examining the sub-aspects of the organism model, the following connection types were identified: ① content-form, ② component-whole, and ③ part-whole. They have served as powerful explanatory models for the nature of literary works and the principles of reader’s reception. The model is valuable in that organic perception itself has pedagogical utility, and it gives poetry its status as a sanctioned practice of high thought. However, it is also limited by the fact that there are many instances of poetry reading in which organic perception is inhibited, that its effectiveness is limited by the closedness and timelessness of the reading process. The organism model is likely to change in the long term, and which may be necessary for the evolution of poetry education. Accordingly, we tentatively propose a moderate alternative model that embodies openness of interpretation and temporality of understanding on the premise of continuity with the organism model, and a radical alternative model that fully embraces non-organismal reading.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Individual Case Safety Reports of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions in Korea

        강민규,손경희,강동윤,박한기,양민석,이주연,강혜련 연세대학교의과대학 2019 Yonsei medical journal Vol.60 No.2

        Purpose: Despite morbidities and fatalities, nationwide epidemiologic data for severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs), includingStevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), and drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemicsymptoms (DRESS), are not widely available. We aimed to investigate SCAR epidemiology over the last two decades in Korea. Materials and Methods: We analyzed individual case safety reports (ICSRs) of SCARs in the Korea Adverse Event Reporting Systemfrom 1988 to 2013. Administered drugs, demographic profiles, and causality assessment according to the World Health Organization-Uppsala Monitoring Center system were analyzed. Results: A total of 755 SCAR cases (508 SJS/TEN, 247 DRESS) were reported. The number of SCAR ICSRs has been increasingwith increasing ICSRs for overall adverse drug events. Since 2010, the number of SCAR ICSRs has increased up to 100 cases/year. Allopurinol was the most common causative drug (SJS/TEN: 10.2%; DRESS: 11.3%; SCAR ICSRs: 10.6%), followed by carbamazepine(SJS/TEN: 8.7%; DRESS: 9.7%; SCAR ICSRs: 8.6%). Regarding drug groups, antiepileptics (19.5%) and antibiotics for systemicuse (12.7%) were common causative drug groups. Twenty SCAR-related deaths were recorded. Antibacterials were the mostcommon causes of deaths (8 cases), followed by antiepileptics (5 cases). The potential risk of SCARs was not specified in the druginformation leaflet for 40.2% of drugs causing SJS/TEN and 82.5% causing DRESS syndrome in Korea. Conclusion: The number of SCAR ICSRs has increased rapidly with recent active pharmacovigilance programs in Korea. Allopurinoland antiepileptics are the most common individual and categorical causative agents, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Flexible 2-Layer Paper Printed Circuit Board Fabricated by Inkjet Printing for 3-D Origami Electronics

        강민규,강경태 한국정밀공학회 2018 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.5 No.3

        Inkjet printing has advantages to be easy to use, environmentally benign and adaptable for flexible electronics manufacturing. Also, paper is an emerging potential substrate due to extremely cheap price and its abundance. We used inkjet printing on a paper to make inexpensive flexible 3-D origami electronics. We printed two pads of 2 × 2mm2 and the metal lines between pads that had the width of 0.2 mm and the length of 5 mm on the paper. Repetitive printing methods reduced the resistance value of metal lines. The measured resistance values of metal lines printed on a chromatography paper ten times repeatedly were less than 10 ohms. We confirmed that the metal lines printed on both sides of the paper were not connected and could be connected through the ‘printed via without holes’. The inkjet-printed metal lines on paper were successfully used to construct the simple PCB with LED. We also tested bending test and confirmed lighting the LED. In order to prevent that metal lines were broken during folding the paper PCB, both sides of the folding point were additionally printed such as via. As a result, the metal line was not broken even when folded.

      • KCI등재

        현실 참여 시 교육 연구 시론(試論) -현실 대응 발화의 구성적 이해를 중심으로-

        강민규 한국국어교육학회 2017 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.112

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the nature of participation poetry from the viewpoint of poetry education and to suggest a direction to educate it. The participation poetry is a utterance against reality of the poetic subject, and the reader forms a communication framework in a way that responds to the method of coping with reality. Based on these assumptions, literature textbooks were reviewed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current educational models of participation poetry. As a result, we found three educational models of participation poetry, and the issue identified from these is how well the reader’s subjective meaning construct can be made about utterance against reality. Based on the above discussion, we tried to suggest the directions of constructive understanding of the reader about participation poetry. We have proposed a generalized understanding of poetic reality, understanding the conditions of coping with reality and the details of practice, and understanding the context of utterance against reality. 이 연구는 시 교육의 관점에서 현실 참여 시의 성격을 밝히고 그 교육 방향을 제안하고자 하였다. 현실 참여 시는 시적 주체의 현실 대응 발화로서, 독자는 시에 나타난 현실 대응 방식에 감응하는 형태로 의사소통 구도를 형성한다. 이때 독자는 시의 호소에 대해 직접 응답할 의무는 없지만 시적 발화의 전언, 맥락, 그것이 제출되기까지의 노정 등으로부터 윤리적 감수성을 자극받게 된다. 이러한 논의를 전제로 현실 참여 시가 현재의 시 교육에서 어떻게 다루어지고 있는지 파악하기 위해 문학 교과서를 검토하였다. 그 결과 크게 세 가지의 교육 모델들을 확인할 수 있었는데, 이를 통해 현실 대응 발화에 대한 독자의 주체적인 의미 구성이 얼마나 적실하게 이루어질 수 있는지가 현실 참여 시 교육의 성공을 위한 관건임을 볼 수 있었다. 이상의 논의를 토대로 현실 참여 시에 대한 독자의 구성적 이해 방향을 제시하였다. 여기에서는 일반화된 시적 현실의 파악, 현실 대응의 조건과 실천의 경위 이해, 현실 대응 발화의 소통 맥락 이해를 주요 방향으로 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Imatinib-induced hepatitis treated by corticosteroids in a patient with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor

        강민규,이헌주,최준혁 영남대학교 의과대학 2019 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.36 No.2

        Imatinib mesylate is currently used as the first-line treatment for metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). Imatinib-induced hepatotoxicity in patients with GIST is very rare. Its features vary from subclinical elevation of serum aminotransferase to clinically apparent acute hepatitis, which is associated with immunologic reactions. Imatinib-induced hepatotoxicity with autoimmune-like features can be treated by the discontinuation of imatinib mesylate and the administration of oral steroids. Here, we report a case of late-onset imatinib-induced hepatitis with autoimmune-like features in a patient with metastatic GIST, which was improved by oral corticosteroids.

      • KCI등재

        문학 작품 광고에 내포된 작품 수용 의식 연구 - 1931년 신문⋅잡지 수록 광고를 중심으로 -

        강민규,구영산 한국문학교육학회 2019 문학교육학 Vol.0 No.63

        The study is to analyze the awareness of reception of literary works embedded in literary works advertisements from the viewpoint of literary education. We tried to trace its roots through literary works at the beginning of modern literature in the early 1930s, by considering the totality of understanding and judgment about the reception of literature as ‘awareness of literature reception’. The premise of this analysis is that the advertisement casts the awareness of the readers through collective assumptions, and that the literary works ads are more homogeneous in terms of their formal characteristics. As a result of the analysis, the awareness of literature reception implied in the literature ads was divided into awareness about the present image of appreciation of literary works, awareness about the limits of literary reading utility, and awareness of the accumulation of literary reading. This awareness, which is almost always found in literary works ads, provides a preview of the literary reception of the public, which can contribute to setting the direction for literature education in the future. 이 연구는 문학교육의 관점에서 문학 작품 광고에 내포된 작품 수용 의식을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 문학 수용 현상에 대한 이해와 판단의 총체를 ‘작품 수용 의식’으로 보고, 현재의 문학 현상과 연속성을 가지는 1930년대 초의 문학 작품 광고를 통해 그 뿌리를 추적하고자 하였다. 광고가 집단적 가정을 통해 수용자의 의식을 주조한다는 점, 문학 작품 광고는 형식상의 특징으로 인해 그러한 의식의 의미망이 더욱 동질적인 것으로 파악된다는 점이 이 분석의 전제를 이룬다. 분석 결과 문학 작품 광고에 내포된 작품 수용 의식은 문학 작품 향유의 현재적 상(像)에 관한 의식, 문학 독서 효용의 제한성에 관한 의식, 문학 독서에 결부된 축적성에 관한 의식으로 대별되었다. 이후 시기에도 문학 작품 광고에서 비교적 지속적으로 발견되는 이러한 의식은 대중 독자의 문학 수용 현상에 대한 시사를 제공하며, 이는 향후 문학교육의 방향을 설정하는 데 기여할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Association between Atrial Fibrillation and Advanced Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

        강민규,박정길,김민철 연세대학교의과대학 2020 Yonsei medical journal Vol.61 No.10

        Purpose: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is independently associated with the development of atrial fibrillation (AF). However, the association of AF with advanced liver fibrosis, which is related to all-cause, cardiovascular, and liver-related mortality, has not been established in NAFLD patients. We aimed to investigate the association between AF and advanced liver fibrosis in NAFLD patients. Materials and Methods: Out of 53704 adults who participated in the health check-up program, 6293 subjects aged 35 years and older were diagnosed as NAFLD using ultrasound. The stage of liver fibrosis was assessed based on the newly adjusted NAFLD fibrosis score (NFS) and Fibrosis-4 (Fib-4) Index, which were used to determine the low and high cut-off values (COVs). Results: Of 6293 patients with NAFLD, 59 (0.9%) were diagnosed with AF. Patients with AF were older (52.0 vs. 64.6 years, p<0.001), had higher body mass index (25.2 vs. 26.6 kg/m2, p<0.001), and had bigger waist circumference (84.0 vs. 89.9 cm, p<0.001) than those without AF. In NAFLD patients, AF was independently associated with advanced liver fibrosis, assessed using both COVs of NFS [low-COV group: final adjusted odds ratios (aORs)=2.85, p=0.004; high-COV group: ORs=12.29, p<0.001). AF was independently associated with advanced liver fibrosis, assessed using both COVs of Fib-4 (low-COV group: aORs=2.49, p<0.001; high-COV group: aORs=3.84, p=0.016). Conclusion: AF is independently associated with advanced liver fibrosis in patients with NAFLD.

      • 신증후성 출혈열(HFRS)의 임상 양상에 관한 고찰

        강민규,황평주,김종학,나기량,이강욱,신영태 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.2

        Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS) is an acute viral disease characterized by fever, cardiovascular instabilities, hemorrhagic manifestation and renal failure. Eighty-eight cases of HERS who were admitted to Chung-Nam National University Hospital from July 1988 to December 1997 were analysed from the stand-point of clinical and laboratory findings. The results were as follows. 1. The months of peak incidence were November and December. 2. The most frequent chief complains on admission were fever and chill, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, myalgia and headache, respectively. 3. The clinical stage on admission were oligouric(42 cases), febrile(22 cases), hypotensive(5 cases) and diuretic(3 cases) phase, respectively. 4. In laboratory analysis, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia and proteinuria were observed in most of the case. 5. The infection rate of Leptospirosis and Scrub typhus in 72 HFRS patients was 13.9%(8 cases and 2 cases). 6. The mortality rate was 4.2% anti the cause of death were shock(2cases) and pulmonary hemorrhage(1 case)

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