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      • 탄소성 변형을 받는 냉간 압연강의 X선 잔류응력 특성에 관한 연구

        홍순혁,이동우,양광호,조석수,주원식 동아대학교 생산기술연구소 2000 生産技術硏究所硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        In textured material, diffraction angle 2θ usually shows a nonlinear relation against sin^2Ψ due to elastic anisotropy of crystals. SPHD and SPCD steel is cold-rolled carbon steel for automobile. The characteristics X-ray for stress measurement is Cr K_α and Mo K_α1characteristic X-ray. The sin^2Ψ-2θ diagram under elastic strain seems to have a linear behavior using regression line of data but has a nonlinear behavior in distribution of data by Cr K_αcharacteristic X-ray. As the plastic strain of specimen increases, the nonlinearity of 2θ with respect to sin^2Ψ increases remarkably. On the other hand, the diffraction angle 2 θ by Mo K_α1 characteristic X-ray shows a good linearity on sin^2Ψ-2θ diagram under plastic strain as well as elastic strain. Therefore, This paper presents the measurement of residual stress in cold-rolled carbon steel for automobile using penetration depth of Mo K_α1 charateristic X-ray and multiplicity factor of crystal diffraction plane.

      • 대장암에서 개복 대장절제술, 복강경 대장절제술 및 수부 보조 복강경 대장절제술의 단기 추적 관찰 결과의 비교

        홍경숙,노경태,오보영,이령아,정순섭,김광호 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2011 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.34 No.2

        Objectives: Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery had both technical advantages of open surgery and better postoperative short-term follow-up results of laparoscopic surgery. We compared open colectomy, laparoscopic colectomy and hand-assisted laparoscopic colectomy, and tried to find the most effective operative modality. Methods: 90 patients, who were diagnosed with colorectal cancer and underwent colectomy in our institution, were categorized as 3 groups of open colectomy (OC) group, laparoscopic colectomy (LC) group and hand-assisted laparoscopic colectomy (HALC) group by the surgical modality. Results: In this study, ratio of male and female was 57:37, and mean age was 64.1 years old. LC group and HALC group showed longer operation time, shorter hospital stay after operation, lesser pain and earlier removal of closed drainage catheter than OC group. Amount of bleeding during operation, frequency of transfusion and incidence of complication showed no significant difference. In permanent pathologic results, the number of harvested lymph nodes had significant difference between OC group and other groups (P=0.030), but it was probably caused by the bias of the different distribution of the stages in each group. Overall 14 of the cases resulted in complications while there was no mortality. Conclusion: Laparoscopic colectomy and hand-assisted laparoscopic colectomy showed better short-term follow-up results rather than open colectomy. And hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery could provide tactile sensation to operator, which lacked in laparoscopic surgery. Hand-assisted laparoscopic colectomy could be an alternative surgical option for colorectal cancer with these advantages.

      • Streptomyces coelicolor에서의 이차대사산물 생산조절

        홍순광,유재은 명지대학교 자연과학연구소 1996 자연과학논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        방선균의 이차대사산물 생산 및 세포분화의 연구대상으로 가장 많이 연구되고 있는 Streptomyces coelicolor에서, actinorhodin 및 undecylprodigiosin과 같은 이차대사산물 생산을 전사단계에서 positive하게 조절하는 global 한 조절유전자 AfsR을 클로닝하여, 이가 코드하는 단백질 AfsR의 기능을 조사하였다 AfsR 단백질은 세포내에 존재하는 인산화효소(kinase)에 의하여 인산화된으로서 활성화되어 이차대사 생산의 조절을 담당하고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 이와같은 AfsR 단백질의 인산화 잔기의 정체를 규명하기 위하여, 인산화된 AfsR 단백질의 여러조건에서의 안정성 및 단백질인산화효소 저해제에 의한 효과를 조사하여 보았다. 그 결과 AfsR 단백질의 인산화 잔기는 산, 알칼리, hydoxylamine, pyridine 등의 처리에 비교적 높은 안정성을 보였고, 많은 종류의 인산화효소 저해제의 처리 결과, 진핵생물의 protein kinase C 계열과 유사한 인산화 단백질임이 밝혀졌다. Streptomyces coelicolor is the best understood strain for the secondary-metabolits formation and cell differentiation among the Streptomyces. The afsR gene hed been cloned as a positive regulatory gene for the production of the secondary metabolites such as actinorhodin and undecylprodigiosin from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). The AfsR protein can be phosphorylated by a certain kinase (AfsK) which is located on the cell membrane and the phospho-relay system between the AfsR and AfsK is similar with the typical eukaryotic signal transduction system, The phosphorylated residues of the AfsR was very stable in extreme pH and solvent conditions. The protein kinase inhibitors, staurosporine and K-252a, showed severe inhibitory effect for the phophorylation of the AfsR protein and it was concluded the AfsR/AfsK phospho-relay system is similar with the eukaryotic protein kinase C family.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국에서 독일어 : 과거와 현재

        홍명순,정시호,이광숙,이성만,하수권,Ammon, Ulrich 한국독일어교육학회 2002 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.10 No.-

        Es handelt sich bei dieser Arbeit um die Frage, welche Rolle die deutsche Sprache und Kultur in der koreanischen Gesellschaft bis heute gespielt haben und noch in Zukunft spielen werden, wobei die folgenden verschiedenen Bereiche in Betrachtung genommen wurden: Wissenschaft, Kunst, Wirtschaft und Werbesprache. Außerdem wurde einen U¨berblick u¨ber die Geschichte der Fremdsprachenausbildung in Korea gegeben. Bis in die 1950er war die deutsche Sprache in Korea in denmeisten wissenschaftlichen Bereichen von großer Bedeutung vor allem in der Philosophie, Sozialwissenschaft, Rechtswissenschaft, Medizin und Musik. Danach verlor die deutsche Sprache allma¨hlich ihre Bedeutung, wa¨hrend Englisch und Japanisch eine zunehmend dominierende Rolle spielten. Die deutsche Medizin und die deutsche Sprache haben zur entwicklung der westlichen Medizin in Korea einen großen Beitrag geleistet. Zum Beispiel hat Deutsch in den Curricula der Soul und der Kyungpook Medizinschule bis 1945 fast eine gleich starke Stellung wie Englisch oder zeitweise noch sta¨rkere Stellung gehabt. Aber das Jahr 1945, besonders der Korea Krieg(1950-1953) war ein entscheidender Wendepunkt. Seitdem sind die deutsche Medizin und Deutsch verdra¨ngt worden. Es hat heute vo¨llig an Boden verloren. Und um die Beeinflußung der deutschen Musik in Korea fest zustellen, wurden in Korea erschienene Musiklehrbu¨cher und wissenschaftliche Bescha¨ftgung in der Musikwissenschaft untersucht. Nach der Analyse der Musiklehrbu¨cher ist folgendes zubemerken: Im ersten Schuljahr werden u¨berwiegend Komponisten aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum behandelt. Auf dem Hochschulbereich u¨ben sie einen gro¨ßeren Einfluss aua. Bei der Untersuchung der Magisterarbeiten auf dem Gebiet Vokal-, Klavier-, Kammer- und Instrumentalmusik zwischen 1958 und 1987 fa¨llt auf, dass ca. 60-70% der arbeiten Komponisten des deutschsprachigen Raums behandeln. Anders als in den oben erwa¨hnten Bereichen ist die Einstellung koreanischer Firmen zur deutschen Sprache extrem negativ. Seitens der koreanischen Firmen wird der deutschen Sprache fu¨r ihre gescha¨ftlichen Aktivita¨ten keinerlei Bedeutung beigemessen, in vielen Fa¨llen wurde auch das negative Image der deutschen Sprache erwa¨hnt. So kommt es nicht von ungefa¨hr, wenn Absolventen eines Studienganges in Germanistik ihre deutsche Sprachkenntnis in Bewerbungsschreiben erst gar nicht erwa¨hnen, sondern stattdessen nur ihre in den Englischzertifikaten TOEIC und TOEFL erlangten Punktzahlen angeben. Neben solchen Bereichen wurde in dieser Arbeit auch die Frage untersucht, ob und welche Bezeichnungen von Gescha¨ften und Geba¨uden aus der deutschen Sprache und Kultur stammen. Auch in diesem Untersuchungsbereich dominiert Englisch und wird Deutsch selten verwendet. Allerdings sind bei Kaffee-, Bierha¨usern und Konditoreien deutsche Benennungen nicht selten zu beobachten. Viele Kaffeeha¨user tragen die Namen der in Korea beliebten Komponisten aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum : Mozart, Schubert, Brahms und Beethoven, oder auch ihrer Werke. Fu¨r Bierha¨user beborzugt man Stadt- bzw. Ortsbezeichnungen wie Mu¨nchen, Bern, Berlin, Heidelberg, Schwabing und Mosel. Außer solchen Gesichtspunkten wurde hier auch die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Fremdsprachenausblidung in Korea untersucht. Diese Entwicklungsgeschichte hat eine enge Beziehung mit der politischen Geschichte. Chinesisch galt bis Ende des 19. Jahr hunderts als Bildungssprache, und zwar nur fu¨r ho¨here Schichten der Bevo¨lkerung. Der Fremdsprachenunterricht als allgemeine Bildung an Schulen hat seinen Ursprung in den spezifischen Fremdsprachenschulen, die Ende des 19. Jahrhundert gegru¨ndet wurden, in dem der Modernisierungsprozess Koreas begann: Englisch, Deutsch, Franzo¨sisch, Russisch, Chinesisch und Japanisch konnte man dort bei Muttersprachlern lernen. In der koreanischen Fremdsprachenausbildung haven aber heutzutage Englisch und Japanisch erste Priorita¨t vor allen anderen Sprachen. Deutsch wird zwar an den Schulen unterrichtet, findet aber daru¨ber hinaus, etwa im Berufsleben, so gut wie keine praktische Verwendung. Die Untersuchung zeigt auch in anderen Bereichen einen Wandel, na¨mlich bei der Benennung der Fremdsprachen, der Zahl der Fremdsprachen und den Unterrichtsinstitutionen. Es ist dabei festzustellen, dass die Unterrichtsmethoden und Lerngewohnheiten am wenigsten mobil sind. Wenn man solche Untersuchungsergebnisse zur Rechnung tra¨gt, scheint der Ru¨ckgang des Bedarfs der deutschen Sprache in Korea unvermeidbar sowohl in der Schule und als auch in der Universita¨t zu sein, obwohl auch in Zukunft Koreaner Interesse and de Kultur der deutschsprachigen La¨nder-im großen Abstand nach den USA, Japan und China-zeigen werden. Das ko¨nnte eine negative Kettenreaktion auslo¨sen : die Anzahl von Deutsch Experten geht zuru¨ck, ihre Berufschanchen verschlechtern sich weiter, viele Institutionen mu¨ssen zwangsweise geschlossen, Forschungaktivita¨ten beschra¨nkt werden usew. Wie vorher festgestellt, gru¨ndet sich das bestehende Lehrangebot an Deutsch in Korea weniger auf einem wirklich existierenden gesellschaftlichen Bedarf, sondem auf der Macht, u¨ber die Institutionen und Strukturen verfu¨gen. Eine am Anbieter orientierte Schulpolitik hat lange Zeit den Bedarf an Deutsch in Schulen und Universita¨ten garantiert. Mit dem nun stattfindenden Wandel hin zu einer nachfrageorientierten Schulpolitik verliert das Schulfach Deutsch sein bisheriges Fundament. Quantitativ gesehen hat der Markt fu¨r Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Korea eine Phase des Wachstums hinter sich und erlebt nun einen vielerorts deutlichen Abschwung. Die Krise, in der sich Deutsch als Frmdsprache in Korea zur Zeit befindet, wird sich vermutlich angesichts der gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen, des herrschenden Zeitgeists und der ungu¨nstigen Schulpolitik fu¨s Erste fortsetzen. Geht man von einem Ungleichgewicht zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage aus, wird dieser Abwa¨rtstrenderst zum Stillstand kommen, wenn ein Gleichgewicht hergestellt ist. Selbstversta¨ndlich sind solche Tendenzen im Zusammenhang mit der umfassenden Restrukturierung zu sehen, in der sich die koreanische Gesellschaft momentan befindet.

      • 확장된 Huckel 이론에 의한 이원자 분자의 고찰

        李廣純,洪宗基 聖心女子大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        원자간의 반발력을 고려하여 이원자 분자의 에너지와 전화분포등을 확장된 Huckel이론으로 구하였다. 이들 반발에너지는 Hellmann-Feynnlnn 이론으로 계산하였으며 전자의 비편재에너지는 일-전자 문제로 처리하여 구하였다. 이들 결과를 근거로 이 이론으로 고체표면에 흡착된 분자상태를 고찰하고 있다. Molecular energies of N₂ and CO isoelectron molecule are calculated by using the ASED -MD theory which is take into account of repulsion energy resulting from a molecule followed by the superposition of the rigid atom. The repulsion energies are calculated by Hellmann-Feyman electrostatic theorem. The electron delocalization energy ?? give rise by the Extended Huckel theory using one-electron Hamiltionian. We are now testing an applying this theory to the solid surface systems.

      • Sezary증후군과 병발된 용혈성 빈혈 1예

        유광하,진춘조,김홍승,이종인,심영학,정순희,이창훈 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1997 건국의과학학술지 Vol.7 No.-

        저자등은 전신적인 소양감을 동반한 홍반성 판상의 피부 병변과 자가 면역성 용혈성 빈혈이 동반된 Sezary 증후군을 진단하고 복합 화학 요법 CHOP으로 치료하여 피부 증상과 빈혈이 호전된 예를 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하였다. Sezary syndrome(SS), a leukemic variant of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma(CTCL), is monoclonal proliferation of CD4 T-cell having cerebriform nuclei in the skin and the peripheral blood. It is associated with erythroderma, pruritis, lymphadenopathy with protracted clinical course and systemic spread. We present a case of SS i a 38-year-old woman with generalized exfoliative erythroderma, plaques, and pruritus. Histopathologic findings of the skin lesions revealed infiltration of atypical lymphocytes in the dermis and epidermis. Electron microscopic findings of peripheral blood and skin showed atypical lymphocytes with cerebriform nuclei. Laboratory findings revealed direct Coombs' positive autoimmune hemolytic anemia, a rare association of SS. Chemotherapy with CHOP produced improvement of the skin manifestation and anemia.

      • 개질아스팔트 콘크리트의 변형강도와 소성변형특성 연구

        김광우,최선주,이문섭,홍상기,안경애,이순제 강원대학교 부설 석재복합신소재 제품연구센터 2003 석재연 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        본 연구는 정하중하에서 최대하중과 변형을 이용하여 구한 변형강도(K_(D))로부터 아스팔트 콘크리트의 소성변형 계수의 추정 가능성을 보여준다. 이 논문은 새로운 강도특성치인 K_(D)를 개발하는 김테스트 연구의 일부로 최근 2, 3단계의 연구결과이다. 19mm 편마암과 화강암 2가지 골재와 3가지 폴리머로 제조한 7가지 바인더로 같은 입도에서 소성변형 저항성이 다른 14가지 혼합물을 만들었다. 3단계에선 슬래브 공시체(30cm x 30cm x 6cm)를 제조후 반으로 나누어 한쪽 공시체에선 두 개의 김테스트 공시체 코어를 뜨고 다른 한쪽으로는 60℃ 반복주행(WT)시험을 수행하였다. 한편 2단계에선 슬래브 공시체의 가운데에서 WT 시험을 수행하고 그 양옆에서 김테스트 공시체 코어를 채취하였다. 4가지 하중봉을 사용하여 60℃에서 김 테스트를 수행하였다. 침하깊이-반복회수 곡선으로부터 최종 침하 깊이와 동적안정도 두 가지 소성변형 계수를 각 혼합물별로 구했다. 각 하중봉과 골재 별로 K_(D)와 소성변형 계수간의 통계적 상관관계 분석을 수행한 결과 K_(D)와 소성변형 계수와의 결정계수가 매우 높게(R² > 0.9) 나타났다. 그러므로 K_(D)는 소성변형 계수를 추정하는데 있어 매우 적합한 특성치이며 4cm 직경에 1cm 반경으로 원형절삭한 하중봉이 R² 가장 높게 나타나는 하중봉임을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 김테스트는 향후 소성변형을 추정하기 위한 표준화된 특성치로 사용할 수 있도록 더 연구 개발을 할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다. This study shows predictability of rut parameters of asphalt concrete based on the deformation strength (K_(D)) which is obtained from the maximum load, deformation and size variables of loading head under simple static loading. This paper is the result of latest studies, phases 2 and 3, which are parts of Kim Test study for developing a new strength property, K_(D), for asphalt concrete. Two aggregates, gneiss and granite, with maximum size of 19mm and seven binders using three polymers(LDPE, SBS, SBR) were used to produce 14 different natures of rut resistance mixtures using the same gradation. A slab(30m x 30cm x 6m) was cut into two pieces and 2 cores for Kim test were taken from a half piece and the other piece was used for wheel tracking (WT) test at 60℃ in phase 3. In phase 2, WT test had been carried out in the middle of a whole slab and cores were taken from both sides of the wheel path along the center line. Kim test was performed using four loading heads at 60℃. Two rut parameters, depth of rut and dynamic stability, from the rut depth-cycle curve from a WT test were obtained for each mixture. Statistical analysis were performed for each loading head and aggregate to find out correlation between K_(D) values and each rut parameter. The analysis result showed that K_(D) had very high coefficient of determination (R² > 0.9) on the average with rut parameters. It was found that K_(D) is a good property that has excellent predictability for rut parameter of asphalt concretes, and the 4cm diameter loading head with 1cm curvature radius gave the best result in R². Therefore, Kim test can be further developed as a standard property for use in rut performance estimation of asphalt concretes.

      • 개수로에서 곡선부의 수위변화 특성(1)

        池洪基,鄭光玉,李舜鐸 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 1995 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.23 No.2

        In order to enhance capacity of flood control in a design of open channel, it is desirable to design as a straight-course type except the curved channel that is inevitable. The flow in a curved channel is composed of the secondary flow and the hydraulic jump in case of supercritical flow, also cause the energy loss in the curved channel in case of subcritical flow. Therefor, the hydraulical analysis of a velocity distribution and the water level variation can be applied to prevent the overflow in a curved channel during a flood. The objectives of this research is the analysis of the flow characteristics in a curved channel based on the simulated channel.

      • KCI등재후보

        임신중 우측난소의 자궁내막장종의 성장과 파열의 1례

        이종학,홍순도,남상욱,최종호,허광현,박일영 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1993 계명의대학술지 Vol.12 No.2

        계명의대 산부인과에서 35세된 경산부에서 임신과 동반된 우측 난소의 자궁내막낭종의 성장과 파열을 경험하였기에 이에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다 Pregnancy had long been considered to have beneficial effect on endometriosis. During the pregnancy, extrauterine endomertrial tissues did not growth or enlarged because of physiologic amenorrhea and producing hormonal effect. However, we experienced a patient who underwent emergency exploratory laparotmy at gestation week 34/4 for rupture of an ovarian endometriotic cyst. The patient had a Cesarean section delivery of a 1,960gm female baby, who died at 1st day of life.

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