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        한국에서 마르틴 부처(Martin Bucer)에 대한 연구사

        최윤배 ( Choi Yoon-bae ) 한국조직신학회 2018 한국조직신학논총 Vol.51 No.-

        종교개혁500주년을 맞이했지만 마르틴 부처는 다른 종교개혁자들에 비해 국내 · 외적으로 여전히 “잊혀진 종교개혁자”임에 틀림없다. 그는 그의 조국 독일에 있는 자신의 고향 도시인 스트라스부르(Strasbourg; Straßburg)에서 약 25년간(1523.5~1549.8) 종교개혁 운동과 목회사역을 한 “스트라스부르의 종교개혁자”로서 스트라스부르교회의 감독이 되어, 스트라스부르의 종교개혁을 선봉에서 이끈 최고의 지도자였고, “개혁교회의 원조(元祖)”로도 불린다. 그는 스트라스부르에서 주도적인 지도력을 행사했을 뿐만 아니라 유럽 전역과 다양한 기독교파들과 특히 칼뱅에게 큰 영향을 주었고, 특히 교회연합과 교회일치(ecumenical)를 위해 큰 노력과 공헌을 하였다. 1999년 3월 30일에 국내학술지에 발표된 마르틴 부처에 관한 최초의 논문은 최윤배의 “부처와 깔뱅에게서 성령과 그리스도의 삼중직”과 2007년 황대우의 편저 『삶, 나아닌 남을 위하여: 마르틴 부써의 기독교윤리』 이래, 상당수와 저서와 논문들이 발표되었다. 국내 마르틴 부처연구 및 발전을 위해 매우 고무적인 현상은 마르틴 부처 비전문가들도 마르틴 부처에 대한 관심을 갖고 소논문, 서평, 신문기고문 등을 통해 마르틴 부처와 관련된 글을 상당히 쓰고 있다는 사실이다. 가령, 2003년 2월에 허정갑은 “마르틴 부처(1491-1551)와 스트라스 부르크 예전”을 썼고, 2003년 9월에 정장복은 예배 · 예전과 관련된 논문에서 마르틴 부처에 대해 상당 부분을 할애하였다. 2004년에 박경수는 “마르틴 부처와 요한 칼뱅: 교회일치의 옹호가들”이라는 주제로 발표하였고 그리고 최근에 김인주는 목회자로서 「한국기독공보」에 두 차례나 마르틴 부처의 생애와 목회사상을 소개했다. 마르틴 부처의 전문가들과 마르틴 부처의 제1차 자료 번역서의 확보와 마르틴 부처에 대해 관심 있는 신학자들과 목회자들과 평신도들과 교회의 노력과 기도와 후원이 있는 한, 네덜란드에서 1996년부터 그리고 국내에서 1999년부터 연구자에 의해 전문적으로 시작된 한국교회의 마르틴 부처에 대한 연구는 계속적으로 발전해서 완전히 “잊혀진 종교개혁자 마르틴 부처”가 잘 “알려진 종교개혁자 마르틴 부처”로 거듭나게 될 것을 기대한다. This study examines the research-history of Martin Bucer((Butzer)(1491-1551) in Korea. Although the 500th anniversary of the Reformation was commemorated last year, Martin Bucer could be a “forgotten Reformer” even now, compared to other Reformers. He became the director of the Strasbourg(Straßburg) Church as “Reformer of Strasbourg” who worked for about 25 years(1523-1549) in his home town of Strasbourg in Germany. He was the best leader who led the Reformation in the forefront and was also called the “originator of the Reformed Church.” He played a leading role in Strasbourg. He influenced the whole of Europe and various camps of Reformation, especially John Calvin. The first treatise on Martin Bucer in Korea, Yoon Bae Choi’s “the Holy Spirit and Christ’s tripple office in Bucer and Calvin,” has been published in a Korean journal on March 30, 1999. Since then a number of theses and academic papers have published. The growing interest in Martin Bucer is very encouraging for the study of Reformation theology in Korea. Even the non-professional persons of Martin Bucer have an interest in him and write articles, a short essay, a book review and a newspaper article over Martin Bucer. For example, in 2004, Kyung-Su Park presented the theme, “Martin Bucer and John Calvin: Advocates of Church Unity.” And recently, Kim In Ju introduced the life and ministry of Martin Bucer twice in a weekly magazine. We expect that Martin Bucer as “forgotten Reformer” would surely become a well-known “Reformer” in the future.

      • 우리나라의 測量制度 및 發展指標 定立에 관한 硏究

        崔在和,崔允秀,朴喜周,李碩培 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1994 論文集 Vol.45 No.2

        오늘날의 측량의 내용은 우주측지기술의 실용화, 컴퓨터를 이용한 수치지도제작 및 인공위성에 의한 영상의 획득이 가능해짐에 따라 종래의 지상측량 및 지도제작의 범위를 뛰어넘어 크게 확대, 발전되고 있다. 그러나 우리나라의 측량학계는 이러한 시대적 변화를 능동적으로 주도해 가지 못하고 있으며, 내부적으로는 제도적, 기술적인 여러 가지 문제점을 안고 있고, 또한 측량업과 측량기술자의 위상은 사회적 공헌도에 비해 열악한 상태에 처해 있는 것이 오늘의 현실이다 따라서 본 연구에서는 우리나라 측량의 현황과 문제점을 조사, 분석하고 측량기술의 발전과 측량업의 건전한 육성을 위한 여러 가지 방안을 연구, 검토하여 미래지향적인 발전지표를 제시하고자 하였다. Nowdays the scope and the contents of surveying are enlarged from a small area of the conventional surveying and mapping to a large area of the practical use of space geodesy technology, digital mapping using computers and the development of remote sensing. However, there are many structual, technological problems on the Korean surveying and mapping field, therefore they cannot actively lead the new tendency of current movement of surveying. The social status of survey engineers and the surveying and mapping industry is lower than it deserves for its social contribution. In this paper, the present status and problems of Korean surveying and mapping field are reviewed and analysed, and proper scheme for future development of the field with the prospect of surveying technology and the sound cultivation of surveying industry is proposed.

      • 농장 사육되는 타조에서 나타난 다리 기형의 증례 보고

        최종윤,손화영,전무형,조성환,김혜성,류시윤,박배근,이영원,윤원기 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2001 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.9 No.-

        Two farmed young ostrich chicks were applied to pathology laboratory at Chungnam National University. Grossly, one ostrich showed rotated tibiotarsus, the other showed rolled toes. Case 1 ostrich was hypertrophy of fibualis longus and tibial cranialis tendon and gastrocnemius tendon in crus, inflammation of flexor digitorum longus. In histopathological views, myocytes of fiburalis longus were showed hypertrophy and hyperplasia. It is not found any specific feature in X-ray of the case 2 ostrich. Limb deformities were detected frequently in farmed ostrich chicks in 2- to 3 weeks old. Limb deformities were an important cause of mortality in farmed ostrich chicks during the first 10weeks after hatch. Cause of limb deformities were considered a nutrition problem.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        헨드리꾸스 베르꼬프의 성령론과 기독론의 관계성 연구

        최윤배 연세대학교 신과대학 2003 신학논단 Vol.31 No.-

        This thesis treats of the relationship between the Pneumatology and the Christology by Hendrikus Berkhof(1914-1995). He asks the question : "Even in this new questioning it remains of essential importance how one answers the following question : what is the relationship between the Spirit and Christ? How does one avoid the Scylla of a narrow Christocentricity and the Charybdis of an unbridled or subjective spiritualism?" In the history of the Pneumatology one can find two extremes. They are that of the over- and the underestimation of Pneumatology. For Berkhof the relationship between the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ is doubly determined : Christ is the bearer and the sender of the Holy Spirit. On one hand Christ came into world, through the conception through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit descended upon Him. He performed His miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit. He offered Himself through the Holy Spirit. He was raised from the dead through the Holy Spirit. In short, Christ Himself was all through the Holy Spirit and all He did was totally through the Holy Spirit. Recent years there have been a number of theologians who have been interested in Jesus as the bearer of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand Christ sends His Spirit. The Holy Spirit belongs to Christ. He acquired the Holy Spirit and sends or gives Him. Christ Himself stands behind the work of the Holy Spirit. Christ glorified by the Holy Spirit. In his theory on the double relationship between the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ Berkhof holds fast to Scriptures : "I myself did not know him; but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me, 'He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit'"(John 1:33, RSV). For Berkhof the relationship between the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ is redemptive historically determined.


        Yoon,Myong-O,Park,Jin-Kook,Kim,Choong-Ik,Ryou,Hong-Sun,Kim,Jin-Gon,Kim,Myung-Bae,Choi,Jun-Seok,Kim,Kwang-Il 한국화재소방학회 1997 한국화재소방학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1997 No.-

        Fire characteristics of a typical apartment building in Korea was studied through full scale experiment and zone model simulation. The fire was ignited at the living room and allowed to spread to other parts of a single unit in a five storied apartment building. Various data including temperatures, species concentrations, and images were collected in the experiment. A zone model(CFAST) was used to analyze the same apartment building that represents the average households in Korea. The results were compared with a full scale experiments. While CFAST allows one compartment involved with fire, the experiment allowed the fire to spread to other compartments. Therefore, the comparison between experimental data and Zone-Model data is valid until the living-room fire spread to other parts of the apartment. Flashover occurred at approximately 380 seconds in a fire experiment, and at approximately 420 seconds in Zone-Model. Based on all of data between experimental data and Zone-Model data, it is concluded that the safe escape time is about 250 seconds.

      • PVC의 유리전이 온도에 대한 가소제의 영향

        이윤배,최정현,원상영 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1997 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        The plasticizer effect of poly(propylene carbonate) (PPC) on glass transition temperatures of po1y(vinyl chloride) (PVC) has been investigated and compared with dioctyl phthalate (DOP), a common plasticizer of PVC. The decrease in glass transition temperatures of the PPC blended PVC was not significant when compared with that of DOP. For the theoretical calculation of solubility parameters group molar attraction constants have been employed. The PPC performance was within an acceptable range for some type of application.

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