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      • 월악산국립공원의 곤충다양성에 관한 연구 : 노린재목, 딱정벌레목, 나비목

        박성준(Seong-Joon Park),전용락(Yong-Lak Jeon),홍의정(Eui-Jung Hong),윤주창(Ju-Chang Yun),박서경(Seo-Kyoung Park),김병진(Byung-Jin Kim) 국립공원연구원 2010 국립공원연구지 Vol.1 No.3

        본 연구는 2007년부터 2009년까지 3년 동안 월악산 모니터링 조사 지점과 동일지구에 대해 정기적인 주간조사를 통해 주간곤충류(노린재목, 딱정벌레목, 나비목)의 종목록을 확보 하여, 월악산국립공원의 생태계에 자연적 혹은 인위적으로 변화된 내용을 측정하여 곤충자원의 체계적인 관리를 위한 자료를 제공하고자 실시되었다. 본 조사기간 동안 채집 확인된 주간곤충류는 65과 404종(노린재목 21과 86종, 딱정벌레목 38과 244종, 나비목 6과 74종)이 조사되었다. 따라서 문헌조사를 포함한 결과 월악산국립공원에 서식하는 것으로 확인된 주간곤충류는 멸종위기야생동물 2종, 고유종 6종, 국외반출승인대상종 10종과 특정종 50종을 포함하여 총 72과 609종(딱정벌레목 44과 368종, 노린재목 22과 126종, 나비목 6과 115종)으로 나타났다. 아울러 조사지점별 분석결과 S3에서 종다양성이 가장 높게 나타났으며, S10은 다른 조사지점과 다르게 종다양성이 현저하게 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다. 각 조사기간별우점종으로는 2007년과 2009년도에 넉점박이송장벌레, 2008년도에는 더듬이긴노린재로 나타났다. This study were conducted for three years from 2007 to 2009 and at the same points as monitoring surveys, through regular surveys insects (Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera) to obtain the list, to measure and assess Woraksan National Park ecosystem’s natural or artificial change, to provide data for systematic management of the contents of insects. As a result of all the collections were examined, 404 species of 65 family under 3 order were identified. Therefore, the species composition of insect over each result from Woraksan National Park’s was a total of 3 orders, 72 families, 609 species including 2 Endangered species, 6 Endermic species, 10 Management of exotic species and 50 Designated species; 368 species of family Coleoptera which is the highest, 126 species of family Hemiptera and 115 species of family Lepidoptera. Site 3 had the highest indices diversity. In contrast, Site 10 indices diversity, different from the other survey points, were significantly low. In each survey period, dominant species included Nicrophorus quadripunctatus in 2007 and 2009. In 2008, dominant species was Pachygrontha antennata.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 韓國産 景天科 植物에 關한 本草學的 考察

        朴柱性,新民敎,宋昊埈 圓光大學校 韓醫學硏究所 1994 원광한의학 Vol.4 No.1

        For the purpose of developing Korean Herbalogy with the plants of Crassulacea which grow wild and is planted in Korea, the these and writings in hirbalogy, from literature of successive generations, have been throughly investigative and the results obtained were as follows; 1. There were totaled to 9 genera and 55 species in Korea and among them medicinal plants are 5 genera, 17species. Some 31% in total but the number of species may be added because of the similiar plants. 2. According to sum of 55 species in Crassulacea family, they were classified into Sekum genera 33, Orastachys 8, Rhodiola genera 4, Bryophyllum genera 3 etc. 3. According to the oriental names which can be used for medical purpose, the medicinal plants belonging to the Crassulacea family were classified as Herba 10, Radix 4, Folium 3, Flos 1. Thus it was noticed that Herba was the main kind. 4. According to nature of medicinal plants, they were classified into cold, cool, 6: balance, 3 ; warmth, 1. Thus it was noticed that cold, cool is the main in nature of medicinal plants. 5. According to properties and principal curative action, they were classified into drugs to remove dramatic swelling 9 drugs for hemostatis 7, to remove toxic heat with febri fugal and detoxicant drugs 6. From this result, it was revealed that the plants for medical purpose in Crassulacea was 31% of the whole, in which Herba was mostly abundunt. It is considered that many experiments and clinical apporaches must be continued to use Crassulacea plants widely.

      • 발전 및 산업 설비 지원 용접 기술 정보 시스템 개발

        박주용,홍성호 韓國海洋大學校 附設 海洋科學技術硏究所 1999 硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        Power and industrial plant use various welding processes and many kinds of materials. Thus, it is a difficult task to get the proper welding information. In this research. a welding information system was developed to solve the difficulty. It consists of databases system, knowledge based system and diagram analysis programs. Database system contains a large database and various searching method corresponding to the kind of information. A large part of welding information is managed by this database system. knowledge based system is used for decision of proper welding process and analysis of weld defects. It has conversion program from text to knowledge, and inference mechanism. Finally, Diagram analysis programs carry out the calculation of ferrite content in the weld metal. By the calculation, a crack occurrence can be avoided. The developed system can be a useful tool for welding in the field of power and industrial plant.

      • 흡연에 의한 급성 호산구성 폐렴 2예

        박종빈,김학렬,주현준,유태양,신성남,신정현,송정섭,황기은,김소영,양세훈,정은택 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 2008 圓光醫科學 Vol.23 No.2

        최근 흡연을 시작한 젊은 성언에서 급성 호산구성 폐렴의 발생에 대한 증례가 보고되고 있다. 급성 호산구성 폐렴은 대개 발열을 동반하기 때문에 초기에는 감염성 폐렴으로 잘못 진단, 치료되는 경우가 많다. 아직 정확한 병태 생리 및 조직학적 소견은 밝혀져 있지 않지만 병력 청취 및 임상 양상, 방사선 소견의 관찰을 통해 급성 호산구성 폐렴을 의심하고, 진단을 위해 기관지 폐포 세척액 검사를 시행한다면 좀 더 쉽게 진단 내릴 수 있을 것이다. 본 저자들은 최근 처음 시작한 흡연에 의해 발생한 급성 호산구성 폐렴을 진단하고, 스테로이드를 투여하여 성공적으로 치료한 환자 2예를 경험하였기에 이를 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Acute eosinophilic pneumonia(AEP) is characterized by acute febrile respiratory illness associated with diffuse pulmonary infiltration and pulmonary eosinophilia. The specific etiology for acute eosinophilic pneumonia is elusive. By some investigators, cigarette smoking is suggested as a causative substance which can cause AEP. In recent, the authors experienced two cases of AEP following cigarette smoking. Both cases had characteristic features including age around 20 years, new onset smoking before occurance of AEP, diffuse infiltration on chest radiography, pulmonary eosinophilia based on bronchoalveolar lavage and acute improvement after steroid therapy. These clinical features are resemble with previous smoking induced AEP case reports. Base on these clinical features, cigarette smoking associated AEP could be diagnosed more easily.

      • KCI등재

        경추손상이 의심되는 환자에서 경추전방 연부조직 폭 측정의 의의

        박주경,김성근,윤한덕,허탁,조석주,민용일 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        Prevertebral soft tissue swelling of cervical spine lateral radiogram is well known as an indirect evidence of occult cervical spine injury. But the clinical and statistical value of it has been of debate. We tried to analyse the value of cervical prevertebral soft tissue width as a screening test for cervical spine injury by comparison of two categorized study groups; the control group, traumatized patients without cervical spine injury and the injury and the injury group, traumatized patients with bony cervical injury. The injury group consisted of patients admitted between September 1993 and December 1994 with an ED diagnosis of bony cervical injury. The control group consisted of patients admitted between January 1994 and June 1994 who received cervical spine lateral radiograph because of suspicion of cervical spine injury or as a routine check. In both group, we sampled the patients who received cervical spine lateral rediograph within 24 hours after injury and excluded the patients less than 15 years old and more than 65 years old, In the control group, we confirmed the patients had no problem in cervical spine of follow-up. 101 control patients and 68 injury patients were identified. The injury group was further divided into two subgroups: those with injuries at C1-C3 to the upper injury subgroup and those with injuries at C4-C7 to the lower injury sub group. The prevertebral soft tissue widths of injury group were larger than of control group at C2(mean 6.1mm versus 4.5mm) and also at C6(mean 13.4mm versus 11.2mm). Especially upper injury subgroup had quite large value of C2 prevertebral soft tissue width(mean 14.1mm). Nevertheless, both in C2 and C6, there is no cutoff value with acceptable sensitivity and specificity as a screening test. But the 7mm at C2 and 14mm at C6 had high specificity(90%) and were thought to be a good radiologic indicators of further evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        법랑모세포 분화와 성숙과정에서 OD314의 발현

        박주철,안성민,김흥중,정문진,박민주,신인철,손호현 大韓齒科保存學會 2005 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.30 No.5

        법랑모세포는 법랑질을 형성하고 유지하는 세포로, 법랑질의 유기기질을 분비하고 법랑질 석회화 과정에도 관여한다. 치아 발생과정에서 법랑모세포의 분화는 순차적인 상피-간엽 상호작용에 의하여 조절되나, 분화나 성숙과정의 정확한 기전은 아직까지 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 최근에 상아모세포에서 처음 발견된 OD314가 치아 발생과정에서 상아질을 형성하는 상아모세포 뿐 아니라 법랑모세포에도 발현된다고 하였다. 이에 본 연구에서는 생쥐 하악 전치의 다양한 시기의 법랑모세포를 이용하여, 형태학적 분석과 in-situ hybridization에 의한 OD314 mRNA의 발현 그리고 OD314 항체를 이용한 면역조직화학적 분석을 통하여 OD314 유전자의 법랑 모세포 분화와 성숙과정에서의 역할을 연구하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 형태학적으로 법랑모세포는 분화 단계에 따라 분비 전단계 법랑모세포, 분비기 법랑모세포, 성숙기의 평탄끝 법랑모세포와 성숙기의 주름끝 법랑모세포로 구분되었다. 2. OD314 mRNA는 분비기의 법랑모세포에서부터 발현되기 시작하여 법랑모세포가 성숙해갈 수록 그 발현이 증가하였다. 3. OD314 단백질은 분비 전단계의 법랑모세포에서는 발현되지 않고, 분비기의 법랑모세포에서는 세포질에 전체적으로 발현되었다. 성숙기의 평탄끝 법랑모세포와 주름끝 법랑모세포에서는 세포의 근심과 원심끝단에 OD314 단백질이 강하게 발현되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 OD314는 법랑모세포의 분화와 성숙과정에서 세포질 내부에서 특징적인 역할을 하는 것으로 사료된다. Ameloblasts are responsible for the formation and maintenance of enamel which is an epithelially derived protective covering for teeth. Ameloblast differentiation is controlled by sequential epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. However, little is known about the differentiation and maturation mechanisms. OD314 was firstly identifled from odontoblasts by subtraction between odontoblast/pulp cells and osteoblast/dental papilla cells, even though OD314 protein was also expressed in ameloblast during tooth formation. In this study, to better understand the biologcal function of OD314 during amelogenesis, we examined expression of the OD314 mRNA and protein in various stages of ameloblast differentiation using in-situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. The results were as follows : 1. The ameloblast showed 4 main morphological and functional stages referred to as the presecretory, secretory, smooth-ended, and ruffle-ended. 2. ○D314 mRNA was expressed in secretory ameloblast and increased according to the maturation of the cells. 3. OD314 protein was not expressed in presecretory ameloblast but expressed in secretory ameloblast and maturative ameloblast. OD314 protein was distributed in entire cytoplasm of secretory ameloblast. However, OD314 was localized at the proxiamal and distal portion of the cytoplasm of smooth- ended and ruffle-ended ameloblast. These results suggest that ○D314 may play important roles in the ameloblast differentiation and maturation.

      • KCI등재
      • 골다공증 환자의 치주조직 상태

        박성표,김영준,정현주,박병주 전남대학교 치과대학 1999 전남치대논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between osteoporosis and periodontal condition in postmenopausal women. Twenty-eight patients who have been treated at Chonnam nationa university hospital with osteoporosis(osteoporotic group, mean age 62.2±6.6) and 21 normal postmenopausal women with periodontitis(control group, mean age 60.4±3.7) were examined. Bone mineral density(BMD) of lumbar spine(L2-L4) was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiomemtry(DEXA). Percentage to peaked bone mass in osteoporotic group was 70.9% which had lower BMD than in control group(p<0.05). The number of present teeth were 23.6 in osteoporotic group and 23.1 in control group. Percentage of bleeding on probing was 41% in osteoporotic group and 37% in control group. probing depth and attachment level were shown 3.18 mm, 3.63 mm in osteoporotic group and 2.85 mm, 3.11 mm in control group, respectively. probing depth and attachment level were significant greater in osteoporotic group than in control group(p<0.05). The significant negative correlation was found between BMD level and periodontal attachment level(p<0.001, γ=-0.56). These results suggest that osteoporosis may be associated with periodontal breakdown.

      • KCI등재

        급성췌장염을 동반한 특발성 양측성 횡격막 마비 1례

        박주경,소정일,류진호,김성근,허탁,민용일 大韓應急醫學會 1998 대한응급의학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        Bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis(BDP) is a rare disorder, which can be secondary to spinal cord injury, motor neuron disease, myopathy, noninfectious polyneuropathy, infection, iced saline cardioplegia performed during cardiac surgery, or idiopathic causes. There may be typical presentations such as dyspnea, paradoxical respiratory movement, and hypercapnic respiratory failure. It needs to exclude above secondary causes to consider idiopathic bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis. We report a 51-years-old man who presented with idiopathic bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis combined with acute pancreatitis. We couldn't find out the association of these two clinical conditions. The patient was improved by mechanical ventilation.

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