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      • 老齡者의 建康을 위한 生活習慣 實態調査

        申東敏,長鳳愚,李揆文,金賢俊,金昌範,崔宗洙,崔鍾晥,李鍾珏,金圭碩,趙庚旭,金鍾聲,朴鍾振 平生體育硏究所 論文集 1987 平生體育硏究所 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        With a view to examining the habit and method in which old people maintain and improve their health, we consulted 551 men and 444 women who were over 65 years old, and concluded as follows: 1. Habit of eating It's been revealed that most of the old people keep a regular eating hour, control the quantity of meal or eat a little food, and prefer vegetables to meat. 2. Mental health Old people feel the necessity for mental health and most of them (about 80%) keep good mental health without becoming pessimistic. Their chief concenrs have turned out to be about their sons and daughters and their own health and finance. 3. Managing Good Health It has been revelaed that old people do not possess any special kind of secret to keep good health but taking plenty of rest, regular meal, and proper exercise, and many of them (about 60%) have been shown to eat invigorant food that they can easily get around their living area. 4. Physical Functions It has been revealed that many old people are conscious of some symptoms about their parts of body and about to percent of them suffers from neuralgia. Some measures like medical aid especially for old people need to be taken as soon as possible. As we have found that the health-keeping method of old people consists plenty of rest, proper exercise, and appropriate nutrition, we can conclude that the recreatonal and culture facilities and programs for keeping old people in good health should be developed. It is also necessary to study food that contribute to their health and develop ways to get rid of the stresses to which they are exposed in their daily life. Presides, it is natural that government found an administrative department to deal with these matters effectively.

      • 세라믹튜브 및 패킹형 플라스틱 여재충전 혐기성 여상의 유가공 폐수 처리특성 및 반응조 내부거동

        허준무,장봉기,서성철,박종안,이종화,배형석,김준현 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 1997 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.3 No.2

        This study was carried to develop of anaerobic reactor to be able to maximize the organic removal efficiency using laboratory-scale anaerobic filter. The ceramic tube and pall ring media were tested for the applicability as packing media of anaerobic filter for the treatment of a dairy waste. This study was conducted to determine the anaerobic treatability of a dairy waste, and investigate the effects of ceramic tube and pall ring media. Anaerobic filters were packed with packing volume of 65% of total working volume. When treating a dairy waste, the organic removal efficiency of anaerobic filter packed with pall rings was a little higher than that of anaerobic filter packed with ceramic tubes. This was because the reactor packed with ceramic tube had clogging problems and substrate transfer limitations. It seemed that the reactor packed with ceramic tubes had uneven packing due to structural characteristics. The COD removals of ceramic tube and pall ring anaerobic filters were greater than about 91% and 94%, respectively, at organic loading rate lower than 5kgCOD/㎥/d. The COD removals of both reactors decreased to 80% with organic loading rate of 10kgCOD/㎥/d. Biomass capture and solid-liquid-gas separation efficiency seemed to vary with the type of media.

      • 지렁이를 이용한 슬러지 안정화시 부하율의 영향 및 슬러지 종류별 안정화 가능성 검토

        서성철,박종안,이노섭,배형석,이종화,허준무,김준현 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 1997 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.3 No.2

        Stabilization of organic sludges using earthworms was conducted in a laboratory to investigate the effect of feed rate on the vermistabilization, and feasibility of vermistabilization of various sludge was also carried out to further wider application of vermistabilization. Sludges used in this study were septic tank sludge, papermill sludge and brewery sludge. Sludge reduction, cast production, earthworm growth rate and cocoon production were monitored periodically to check degree of stabilization. Feed rate of septic tank sludge did not have a notable effect on the sludge reduction and cast production per unit weight or earthworm. There was also no difference in the earthworm growth rate per unit weight of the sludge removed among the different sludge feed rate. The amount of septic tank sludge, papermill sludge and brewery sludge per gram of earthworm per day were 0.06, 0.05, and 0.02g, respectively. The weight of increase of earthworm per unit weight of the sludge removed was 0.18g/g for the septic tank sludge, 0.21g/g for the papermill sludge, and only 0.06g/g for the brewery sludge. It was therefore concluded that brewery sludge was not suitable for vermistabilization mainly due to high organic content to be easily converted organic acid. The concentrations of several heavy metals, volatile solids, total organic carbon and total kjeldahl nitrogen in the cast were generally lower than those in the raw sludges.

      • 독성물질의 세포사 기전 및 세포사 유발물질의 검색법 개발에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) : 독성물질로 인한 파킨슨병 모델에서의 세포사 기전 연구 Study on the cell-death mechanisms of toxin-induced parkinsonism

        강태석,김종민,서경원,김영옥,김준규,오재호,이윤동,김규봉,오정자,송연정,임종준,전범석,문전옥,최광식 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        MPTP 독성물질이 도파민성 신경세포에 선택적으로 작용하여 산화성 손상에 의한 신경세포사를 일으키는 것을 이용하여 파킨슨병의 동물모델을 만들고, 이를 통해서 아폼토시스를 비롯한 포사의 기전에 대한 연구 및 너코틴의 신경세포 보호효과 여부를 판정하는 실험을 병행하고자 하였다. 파킨슨꾐의 동물모델을 MPTf 독성 물질을 이용하여 확립하였으며, MPTP(30mgag, i.p.)를 투여한 후 1, 2,3, 4, 5일째 흑질 조직을 채춰하여 tarm로 박걸하여 tyrosine hydroxylase 면역조직화학염색을 수행하여 cell countif우한 결과, control은 57.635ce11s, 1일째 친.OfDells,2일째 57.9±6cells,3일릴 없.3±죠ells, 4일째 49.0츠3cells, 5일째 39.4±Scells료 4, 3일째 뚜렷한 신경세포 수의 감소를 보였다. 신경세포사 기전 규명을 위한 아폼토시스 분걱에서는 벼PTP 투여 후 1, 2, 3, 4, 5일째 조직을 채취하여 Hoechst staining, TUNEL staining을 수곡하였는데 양성 반응을 보인 신경세포는 관찰되지 않아. 아폼토시스로 인한 세포사가 관찰되지 않았다. bIPTP 파킨슨병 동물모델에서 nicotine 보호효과 탐색에 관한 실험은 nicat푸e 0.2mgAg을 5일 퐁안 투여 후 리『fP(30mgag)를 CS7Bt/6 마은스에 복강 내주사로 nicotine과 병용 투여한 후 1, 2, 3, 4, 5일째 뇌를 적출하땄다. 신경세포사가 뚜렷이 관찰되기 시작하는 4, 5일째의 신경세포 수의 감소 정도를 20. 30% 정도 약화시키는 경향을 보였으나, nicotine 보호효과에 대한 추가 실헝이 현재 수행 중에 있다. The cause of Parkinson's disease (PD) is largely unknown. However, free radical toxicit? may plaf a role ip. the degeneration of substantia nigra, which is the Hajorfocus of pathological damages in PD. Recently, a neuroprotective effect of nicotine in PD has been suggested. Therefore, the mechanism of neurodegenerafion and protective potential o( nicotine in PD were investigated in the experimental modeB of Pll using a neurotoxin, C57BL/6mice were administered with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP, 30 mg/kg,j.p.). The degree of neurodegenerafion was determined by immunohistochemical stainiHB oftyrosine hydroxylase (TH). TH-positive cells on nigral sections were found 56.0 ±4, 57.9 ±6,52.315ce11s, 49.0±3cells, and 39,4±Scells at days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, respectively (controls : 57.6±Scells). Hoechst and TUNEL staining showed no evidence of apoptosis. The exandnation on themice co-adrunistered with nicotine(0.2mgAg) and MPTP(30mgag) revealed a tendency ofnicotine protective effects. At days 4 and 5, the degree of TH-positive cells was decreased by20-30%, In corclusiffn, the role of apoptosis was not evidenced in this MPTP modeB of PB.The possible proteccon by nicotine should be elucidated with further studies.

      • KCI등재
      • 높은 지향성을 갖는 Air Line 결합기 설계

        길준범,이성원,최영호,박종임,안달,박준석 호서대학교 반도체제조장비국산화연구센터 2000 학술대회 자료집 Vol.2000 No.1

        본 논문에서는, 일반적인 스트립 구조의 결합기가 갖는 문제 즉, 높은 온도에서 나쁜 특성을 보이는 문제점을 극복하고자 Air Line Type의 결합기를 구현하였다. 또한 이 결합기는 24dB이상의 지향성을 가지고 있다. 해석을 위해 짝수 모드와 홀수 모드 해석법을 사용하였고, EM-Simulation으로 확인한 특성과 실제 제작된 20dB, 30dB Cellular 대역(800∼900MHz) Air Line 결합기의 결고 특성은 좋은 일치를 보여주고 있다. 또한 최대 장점인 온도 특성은 온도 데이터를 통하여 온도에 강한 특성을 보임을 알 수 있다.

      • 원형질체 융합에 의한 체세포 잡종의 형질 발현에 관한 연구 : Ⅰ. Nicotiana tabacum과 N. sylvestris의 원형질체 융합에 의한 체세포 잡종의 생성 및 형질 발현 Ⅰ. Somatic Hybrids by Protoplast Fusion between Nicotiana tabacum and N. sylvestris

        김준철,원종락,이광웅 慶尙大學校 기초과학연구소 1987 基礎科學硏究所報 Vol.3 No.-

        담배재배종인 Nicotina tabacum cv.Nc 2326과 야생종인 N.sylvestris 간의 원형질체 융합에 의한 체세포 잡종을 생성하고 이들 잡종의 유전 및 형태적 특성을 모식물체와 비교한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 체세포 잡종식물의 엽조직에서의 peroxidase 밴드패턴을 부분적으로 함께 나타내고 있었다. 2. 꽃의 색깔과 길이, 초장은 모식물체의 중간형이었고 잎배열은 N.tabacum에 엽맥의 색깔은 N.sylvestris에 가까웠으며 그밖의 형질은 일정한 경향이 없었다. 3. 체세포 잡종식물은 개화는 되었으나 종자의 결실은 되지 않았다. Somatic hybrids were produced in the callus derived from the fused cells between Nicotiana tabacum cv. NC 2326 and N. sylvestris. In biochemical analysis of the somatic hybrids the peroxidase isozyme patterns in the leaf partly showed the profiles of both parents. In the hybrids the flower colour and length, and plant height were the intermediate form of both parents. In leaf arrangement the hybrids were similar to N. tabacum and in colour of mid vein they were similar to N. sylvestris. The other phenotypes had no tendency as compared to their parents. The hybrid plants had flowers but could not set seeds.

      • 肝카필라리아症(Hepatic Capillariasis)에 있어서 卵周圍 沈降反應에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        金正俊,李駿商,林漢鍾 고려대학교 의과대학 1982 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.19 No.1

        The present study was undertaken to investigate the circumoval precipitation (COP) reaction of Capillaria hepatica. The source of C. hepatica eggs was the deposit of nonembryonated eggs encapsulated in the liver of the house rat. The eggs were embryonated in the incubator at 27℃ to 30℃ for four to five weeks. Rat was infected orally with 2,000 embryonated eggs. Blood collections were made by the cardiac puncture after infection of C. hepatica for 10 to 63 days. Fresh eggs obtained from the liver of the house rat washed three times with distilled water and lyophilized with the freeze dryer. lyophilization was carried out on a temperature of -50℃ and a vacuum of 10^(-4)㎜Hg. The occurrence of circumoval precipitation (COP) reaction was proved by the embryonated eggs of C. hepatica which were incubated in the sera from rats given embryonated eggs of C. hepatica by orally. The result findings were as follows: 1. The precipitations were formed around the mucoid plugs of the embryonated eggs after 24 hours at 37℃ by the sera from infected rats. 2. The average positive rates of COP reaction in different diluting solutions were 46.5% in PBS, 35.5% in Millonig's buffer solution, 20.2% in normal saline and 8.8% in distilled water. 3. Precipitations in COP reaction was noticed even in highly diluted sera up to 1 : 128. The high positive rate of COP reaction in serum with the PBS diluting solution was shown to be over 76% at the dilution of 1 : 16 to 1:32. 4. There were no differences in the positive rates of the COP reaction between the fresh and lyophilized eggs using PBS as a diluting solution. 5. There were no differences in the positive rates of COP reaction using lyophilized embryonated eggs in each serum collected during the 10th to 63rd days after infection of C. hepatica. 6. With the embryonated eggs of C. hepalica precipitations were not produced in the sera from rats infected with Clonorchis sinensis, Metagonimus yokogawai, Paragonimus iloktsuenensis and by the sera from human infected with Ascaris lumbricoides.

      • 坡州郡 廣灘面에 있어서의 肺吸蟲症의 疫學的 推移

        李駿商,鄭然郁,林漢鍾,朴永模 고려대학교 의과대학 1980 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.17 No.3

        Paragonimiasis is a common trematodiasis of medical importance and one of public health problems in many areas of southern part of Korea. During the last sixty years, several surveys on the prevalence among the Korean population have been carried out by various investigators, although the general distribution and prevalence of paragonimiasis are not yet clearly determined. This study was undertaken to compare the status of human paragonimiasis in Kwang-Tan Myun, Pa Joo Gun by the use of intradermal screening test with Veronal buffered saline antigen. 1. In 1969, 27.9 per cent of the inhabitant examiners showed positive reaction, with sexual difference of 38.7 per cent in male and 8.3 per cent in female. 2. In 1977, 19.8 per cent of the inhabitant examiners showed positive reaction, with sexual difference of 31.9 per cent in male and 3.8 per cent in female. 3. In 1977, 1.9 per cent of the student examiners showed positive reaction. 4. In the inhabitant examiners, relarively higher positive rate was shown from the age group of 10 years in 1969, but it was shown from the age group of 40 years in 1977.

      • 高興郡 浦頭面에 있어서의 肺吸蟲症의 疫學的 推移

        林漢鍾,李駿商,金東彦,鄭城守 고려대학교 의과대학 1980 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.17 No.1

        It is recognized that Ko Heung Gun is the most well known endemic foci of paragonimiasis in Korea. Authors carried out the survey for human paragonimiasis in Po Du Myun, Ko Heung Gun (from 1968 to 1979) by the use of intradermal screening test with Veronal buffered saline antigens. In 1968 and 1979, inhabitants, of all age groups in these areas were examined. In 1979, 1,484 middle school students in Po Du Myun and 1,247 high school students in Ko Heung Eup were examined. The infestation rate of crabs with Paragonimus metacercaria was also examined. The following results were obtained in this survey. 1. In 1968, 353 inhabitants were showed 56.9% positive reaction, with sexual difference of 60.2% in male and 50.8% in female. The positive rate was shown over 50% in the age groups of over 10 years old. 2. In 1979, 387 inhabitants were showed 48.8% positive reaction, with sexual difference of 61.0% in male and 38.6% in female. The positive rate was shown over 50% in the age groups over 40 years old. 3. In 1979, middle school students in Po Du Myun were showed 16.4% positive reaction and high school students in Ko Heung Eup were showed 5.7% positive reaction. 4. The positive rate of Paragonimus metacercariae was 25.0% in crabs (Eriocheir japonicus) and the mean number of metacercaria per crab was 0.6.

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