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        한국과 독일 설화 속 원조자의 형상과 의미 -신령과 난쟁이의 거리에 얽힌 세계관적 편차

        신동흔 ( Dong Hun Shin ) 한국고전문학회 2015 古典文學硏究 Vol.47 No.-

        이 논문에서는 한국과 독일 설화에 등장하는 원조자의 양상과 거기 얽힌 세계관적 의미를 비교 고찰하였다. 양국 설화에서 신령과 난쟁이는 서사적 위치와 기능이 대응되는 주요 원조자로서 수많은 설화에 등장해서 주인공의 문제 해결에 결정적 역할을 한다. 신령과 난쟁이는 현실세계의 권역 밖에 있는 비일상적 존재로서 그들과 만나는 일은 ‘다른 세계와의 만남’으로서 의의를 지니며, 그들의 도움을 받는 일은 ‘다른 세계에 깃든 큰 힘’과 접속되는 일을 표상한다. 이는 양국 설화에 공통되는 기본적인 서사적 화두가 된다. 이때 ‘다른 세계’는 흔히 ‘자연’으로 의미화되거니와, 신령과 난쟁이의 원조에 얽힌 서사는 ‘자연’으로 표상된 ‘세계’에 대한 대응의 문제를 원형적으로 함축한다고 할 수 있다.자아와 세계의 관계에 얽힌 서사는 한독 설화에서 구체적 양상이 꽤 다르다. 한국 설화가 세계/자연의 힘을 본원적이고 집중화된 형태로 문제삼는다면 독일 설화는 좀더 실제적이며 다양화된 차원에서 다루는 쪽이다. 한국 설화의 신령이 순일하고 절대적인 존재로서 접속 자체가 문제시되는 것과 달리 독일 설화 속의 난쟁이는 중립적이고 양향적이어서 접속보다 ‘대처’가 문제시된다는 사실도 큰 차이가 된다. 전체적으로 한국 설화에 비해 독일 설화가 더 현실적이고 상대주의적인 관점을 나타내 보이는 형국이다.원조자에 얽힌 세계관적 편차를 살핌에 있어 심리적 맥락에 유의할 필요가 있다. 한국 설화에서 신령은 ‘지극정성’으로 표현되는 내면적 신념과 의지의 표상으로서 성격을 지닌다. 신령과의 접속이 이루어진 상황은 그러한 내면의 힘과 외부세계의 힘이 접속되어 합치된 상황으로서 의의를 지닌다. 이는 독일 설화의 난쟁이에 얽힌 서사에서 보기 힘든 특징이다. 독일 설화 속의 난쟁이는 자아와 분리된 외부적 존재로서 ‘대상’의 성격이 뚜렷하다. 전체적으로 한국 설화가 정신적이고 본원적인 측면을 중시하는 데 비해 독일 설화가 물리적이고 현실적인 측면을 중시한다는 사실은 동서양의 세계관적 편차로까지 해석될 만한 흥미로운 차이라고 할 만하다. In diesem Aufsatz wird eine vergleichende Analyse der Tendenzen der Helferfigur in Koreanischer und Deutscher Marchenliteratur und die damit verwobenen kulturspezifischen Grunduberzeugungen durchgefuhrt. Den Mittelpunkt dieser Auseinandersetzung bilden die reprasentativen Helferfiguren aus der Literatur der beiden Lander, namlich der Shin-Lyung“(신령; der heilige Geist) und der Zwerg“. Diese sind Helferfiguren mit großer Kraft und spielen eine konstitutive Rolle in der Losung der Konflikte des Protagonisten. Was bei dieser Analyse zu erst ins Auge gefasst wird, ist die Analogie der Bedeutungsdimensionen der zwei Figuren. Sie unterscheiden sich zwar erheblich in ihrer außeren Erscheinung, weisen aber ein par wesentliche Gemeinsamkeiten auf. Beide befinden sich jenseits unserer alltaglichen Welt. Folglich ist der Kontakt des Protagonisten mit diesen Figuren, ein Kontakt mit einer fremden Welt. Die große Kraft des Shin-Lyungs und des Zwergs symbolisiert die Kraft, die der anderen Welt innewohnt. Es ist wahrlich nicht einfach Kontakt mit dieser Welt herzustellen. Der Shin-Lyung zeigt sich nur selten in unserer Welt und der Zwerg ist wegen seiner Erscheinungsform leicht zu ubersehen. Die Verbindung mit der Kraft der Helferfiguren, setzt eine besondere Konzentration und ein außergewohnliches Interesse des Protagonisten voraus. Das Wesen der Kraft, welche durch die Helferfiguren verkorpert wird, ist die Natur. Wie der Shin-Lyung kann auch der Zwerg, der oft als Inhaber vom Wald, Boden oder Brunnen beschrieben wird, als eine Art Reprasentant der Natur gesehen werden. Allerdings ist die symbolische Bedeutungsdimension des Berges oder des Waldes nicht auf Elemente der Natur zu beschranken. Diese Orte konnen stets auch als die Gesellschaft“ oder die Anderen“ interpretiert werden. Dies lasst folgern, dass der Shin-Lyung und der Zwerg Figuren sind, deren Bedeutung auf die große Macht, die der Welt innewohnt“ erweitert werden kann. Die Geschichte, die mit den Helferfiguren verwoben ist, ist eine Geschichte uber die Relation zwischen dem Subjekt und seiner Umgebung. Die konkreten Tendenzen dieser Relation weisen in der Koreanischen und Deutschen Marchenliteratur erhebliche Unterschiede auf, die auf die Unterschiede in den kulturspezifischen Grunduberzeugungen zuruckzufuhren sind. Der Shin-Lyung aus den Koreanischen Marchen erscheint oft alleine und die Konfrontation mit ihm ist außerst selten. Der Zwerg aus Deutschen Marchen hingegen erscheint oft als Gruppe und die Konfrontation mit ihnen ist leichter und variabler. Wenn koreanische Marchen die Kraft der Welt in einer konzentrierten und fundamentalen Form darzustellen versuchen, wird dasselbe in deutschen Marchen in variablerer und handfesterer Form verbildlicht. Interessanterweise ist die Kraft des Shin-Lyungs aus den Koreanischen Marchen absolut, so dass die Verbindung mit ihm meistens zu der automatischen Losung aller Probleme und Konflikte fuhrt. Der Zwerg aus den Deutschen Marchen hingegen ist in dieser Hinsicht neutraler, vielfaltiger und polarisierender. Dies macht die individuelle Entscheidung des Protagonisten zum Katalysator der Konfliktlosung. Die archetypische Form der Reaktion des Protagonisten gegenuber den Helferfiguren in Koreanischen Marchen ist die einseitige Unterwerfung und Akzeptanz. Im Deutschen Marchen hingegen wird die Interaktion selbst, die vom Handschlag bis zur Bandigung reicht, umfassender und in variabler Form thematisiert, was auf eine realistische, subjektive und individuelle Ansicht hindeutet. Was bei der Betrachtung der Unterschiede in den kulturspezifischen Grunduberzeugungen besonders beachte werden muss, ist die psychologische Symbolik der Helferfiguren. In Koreanischen Marchen ist der Shin-Lyung die Verkorperung des inneren Glaubens und Willens, die oft als große Sorgfalt“ ausgedruckt wird. Der Moment der Verbindung mit dem Shin-Lyung bedeutet die Verschmelzung der inneren und außeren Krafte. Dies ist eine Eigentumlichkeit von Koreanischen Marchen, die in Deutschen Marchen nicht leicht zu finden ist. Der Zwerg aus den Deutschen Marchen ist eine externe Instanz, die als Objekt betrachtet wird und angewendet werden muss. Dies deutet auf die Ansicht der Deutschen Marchen hin, die im Vergleich zu Koreanischen Marchen, welche sich auf die internen und psychologischen Momente konzentrieren, tendenziell realistisch und materialistisch ausgerichtet ist. Es ist ein interessanter Unterschied, der als unmittelbare Konsequenz der Unterschiede in den kulturspezifischen Weltanschauungen interpretiert werden kann.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷, 이야기, 그리고 생활정치 : 네티즌의 정치참여에 대한 문학적 고찰 A LITERARY STUDY ON POLITICAL PARTICIPATION BY NETIZEN

        신동흔 민족문학사학회 2005 민족문학사연구 Vol.27 No.-

        최근 놀라운 속도로 확산된 인터넷 네트워크는 사회문화 전반에 큰 변화를 가져왔다. 그 속에는 정치가 포함되며 또한 문학이 포함된다. 그간 네티즌의 정치 행위와 문학 행위는 별개의 문제로 논의돼 왔는데, 실상 양자는 서로 긴밀한 연관을 맺고 있다. 네티즌들은 지난 2002년 대선에서 2004 총선에 이르는 국면에 대거 정치적 행동에 나서 정치의 향방을 바꾸었거니와, 그러한 행동의 밑바탕에는 상시적인 문학적 소통을 통해 형성된 정서적 공감대가 자리하고 있었다. 정치판에 얽힌 상념이나 경험을 전하는, 재미와 감동을 추구하는 무수한 이야기들이 쏟아져 나와 인터넷 게시판을 달구었다. 일반 아마추어들이 현실적 삶에 대응하여 문학적 표현과 소통에 적극 참여하는 현상은 20세기와 구별되는 '21세기적 참여문학'의 면모를 엿보이는 것으로서 앞으로 그 동향을 주목할 필요가 있다고 본다. An internet networking that has been widely and rapidly spread recently has caused a big change in an overall social culture. This trend includes not only politics but literature as well. It has generally been understood that there is no relation between political action and literary works. However, the two have strong connections in internet network. The Korean netizen participated in political movements through literary way, which swayed election results from 2002 to 2004. The internet boards were filled with innumerable political anecdotes that were at times funny and at times touching. Through their ongoing literary correspondence, netizen formed emotional bonds that fueled the political movements. Amateur writer are coping with social situations by participating in literary expressions and communications. These 21st century trends, participating literature, are distinguishable from the 20th century's. We need to wait and see such movements' outcomes in the future.

      • 글로우 방전을 이용한 이산화탄소의 전환특성

        신용섭,송승훈,곽동주 慶星大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.2

        In this study, the characteristics of CO₂conversion and glow discharge were investigated using glow discharge plasma reactor with a parallel copper electrode system. A pure CO₂ gas was used for the carrier gas under gas pressure of 10∼80 torr in a glow discharge. For glow discharge, discharge current was increased with the increase of discharge voltage. In the case of constant discharge voltage, the discharge current tend to increase with the decreasing of gas pressure. Using pure CO₂only, the CO₂conversion was increased with the increase of discharge power and the decreased of gas pressure. The maximum CO₂ conversion was 28% at 10 torr, 598 W, 902.4V. Energy yield was decreased with the increase of discharge power and discharge voltage. Also, the concentrations of CO₂and O₂in the produced gas were slightly increased with the increase of CO₂ conversion.

      • 배전압 회로를 이용한 마이크로웨이브-DC 변환효율 개선에 관한 연구

        신동훈,이영철,김태효 慶南大學校 附設 工業技術硏究所 1999 硏究論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        본 논문에서는 2.45GHz의 무선전력전송을 위한 마이크로웨이브-DC 변환효율 특성을 나타내는 정류안테나(Rectenna)를 설계 ㆍ 제작하였다. 정류안테나에서 마이크로웨이브-DC 변환효율을 향상시키기 위해서 배전압 회로(Voltage Doubler Circuit)를 사용하여 변환효율을 이론적 ㆍ 실험적으로 분석하였으며 단일 다이오드를 사용하였을 때 정류회로의 변환효율은 약 65%이며, 배전압 회로를 사용했을 때는 약 80%의 변환효율을 보였다. In this paper, we designed the rectenna elements which converts microwave energy into DC for Wireless Power Transmission. We used Voltage Doubler Circuit to improve the converting efficiency of the Rectenna array microwave-to-DC conversion, and analyzed the converting efficiency of the Rectenna both experimently and theoretically. In the case of single diode, we have obtained about 65% conversion of efficiency for the rectifying circuit, and with double diodes has proved about 80% efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        하악골 전돌증 수술 후 하악골 이동량에 따른 발음 양상에 관한 비교 연구

        신기영,이동근,오승환,성헌모,이숙향 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2001 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.23 No.1

        After performing mandibular setback surgery, we found some changes in patterns and organs of speech. This investigation was undertaken to investigate the aspect and degree of speech patterns according to the amount of surgical setback in mandibular prognathic patients. Thirteen patients with skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion were studied preoperative and postoperative over 6 months. They had undergone the mandible setback operation via bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy(BSSRO). We split the patients into two groups. Group 1 included patients whose degree of mandibular setback was 6mm or less, and Group 2 above 6mm. Control group was two adults wish normal speech patterns. A phonetician performed narrow phonetic transcriptions of tape-recorded words and sen- tences produced by each of the patients and the acoustic characteristics of the plosives, fricatives, and flaps were analyzed with a phonetic computer program (Computerized Speech Lab(CSL) Model 4300B(USA) ). The results are as fallows : 1. Genera1ly, Patients showed longer closure duration of plosives, shorter VOT(voice onset time) and higher ratio of closure duration against VOT 2. Patients showed more frequent diffuse distribution than the control group in frication noise energy of fricatives. 3. In fricatives, frequency of compact from were higher in group 1 than in group 2. 4. Generally, a short duraction of closure for /ㄹ/ was not realized in the patient's flaps. Instead, it was realized as fricatives, sonorant with a vowel-like formant structure, or trill type consonant. 5. Abnormality of the patient's articulation was reduced, but adaptation of their articulation after surgery was not perfect and the degree of adaptation was different according to the degree of surgical setback.

      • B-스플라인 曲線을 利用한 無人走行 로봇의 經路 製作

        申東憲 서울市立大學校 1994 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        본 논문에서는 무인주행로보트에 쓰일수 있는 결로를 B-스플라인 곡선을 사용하여 제작하고 실험하였다. 주행경로 생성 초기단계에서 장애물을 피하고 최종 목표점에 도달하기 위해서 필요한 일련의 목표점들이 만들어지면 이로부터 로보트의 주행제어를 쓰일 수 있는 매우 세밀한 경로로서 B-스플라인 곡선을 사용하여 목표점들을 연결하였다. 실험으로써 카네기 멜런대학의 옥외용 로보트 Navlab Ⅱ를 사용하여 만들어진 경로를 무인주행하였으며 주행곡률과 경로곡률을 비교하였다. 만들어진 경로는 B-스플라인 곡선의 특성상 곡률까지 연속적이므로통상적인 차량형태의 주행로보트에까지 쓰일수 있다. This paper introduces a method for generating smooth path specifications as applied to mobile robot path planning. At one level, a sequence of objective points that the robot must attain to avoid obstacles and to progress towards its goal are supplied by a coarse path planner. Using B-spline curves, these objective points are converted into a path of finer detail, as requisite to robot driving controller/tracker. Through experimental results with the Navlab Ⅱ. a mobile robot vehicle at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), we differentiate the advantages of this approach over conventional poly-line fit/round corner used todate

      • KCI등재

        沙參의 免疫調節作用에 대한 實驗的 硏究

        申東薰,徐榮培 대한본초학회 2000 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.15 No.1

        In order to investigate the immunomodulational effects of ATE(A. triphylla var. japonica HAM. extract). The author measured proliferation of lymphocytes, increase and decrease of CD4 , CD8 T cells, CD19 B cells, gene expression of the IL-10, IL-l2(P35), IL12(P40), IFN- y , and creation of IgE. The results were obtained as follows: 1. The number of lymphocytes was significantly increased at the all degree of density compared with control group. 2. ATE reduced the number of CD4 T cell, CD8 T cell and enhanced the number of CD19 B cells, macrophage. (ill vivo and in vitro) 3. ATE significantly enhanced the gene expression of IL-I2(P35), IL-l2(P40), IL-I0 and somewhat reduced the gene expression of IFN- y. 4. Compared with the control group, the creation of IgE was dereased. The above results demonstrate that A. triphylla var. japonica HARA. can be used more effectively in the disease such as allergy and other diseases concerned with IL-12, IL-10 by enhancing the gene expression of IL-12, IL-I0 and by prohibiting the creation of IgE.

      • 폐분체 도료의 재활용 방안에 관한 연구

        신동철,김영훈,이순기,김경원,신선명,강헌찬 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1999 硏究報告 Vol.22 No.1

        With the progress of industry, the much more demand of paint around us grows rapidly. However, the whole quantity of raw materials used to make powder coatings is presently imported to fill the domestic needs. Moreover, it is well known that the waste powder coatings from the domestic industries are mostly incinerated. The method of destructing the waste powder coatings by fire causes VOC to be generated, and this results in some serious environmental problems such as air pollution and so on. Therefore, the effective and proper measure must be devised to reuse the waste powder coatings for the purpose of eliminating waste of resources and avoiding the outflow of foreign currency. This study aims to make the plan to recycle the waste powder coatings, and its conclusion is drawn as follows: First, it can be seen that the waste powder coatings with a weak electrostatic power restore gradually to the original state of electrostatic power through the process of fusion and retreatment. Second, it can be estimated that those coatings, with the use of the cyclon, can be removed by dividing a powder of particles less than 10㎛. Third, it can be ascertained that the possibility of reusing the waste powder coatings is proved when it is divided into particles by cyclon and a revolving screen after the process of fusion, rolling, crushing and pulverization.

      • 광섬유 집합체 센서를 이용한 6MV 광자선의 반음영 및 심부선량백분율 측정

        신상훈,장경원,조동현,유욱재,서정기,이봉수,문주현,박병기 제주대학교 방사선응용과학연구소 2008 방사선응용과학연구소논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        In this study, a fiber-optic bundle sensor has been developed using water-equivalent organic scintillating fibers for photon beam measurement. Beam penumbra and percent depth doses(PDD) are measured according to the depth of the photon beam. This sensor has many advantages such as high resolution, real-time measurement and ease of calibration over conventional radiation measurement devices.

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