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        청소년의 학업스트레스와 가족건강성이 우울에 미치는 영향

        한지인 한국아동심리치료학회 2013 한국아동심리치료학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        This study was taken to find out how family health affects depressive adolescents due to academic stress. The results of the data analysis are as follows. First, On their parents' education of variables associated with adolescents’ parents, there is no significant difference in all three scales - academic stress, depression and family health. Depending on whether adolescents live their parents together or not, in case of living with their mother, there is a significant difference in all three scales. In other words, adolescents living with their mother get lower scores on academic stress and depression, and get higher scores on family health. Concerning conversation-time with adolescents’ parents, all three scales show significant differences. That is to say, having a lot of conversation-time among family members doesn't automatically prove that it is good for adolescents. but overall, it has positive influences on all three scales. Second, the correlation analysis on academic stress, depression and family health shows that the higher the academic stress, the greater the depression; meanwhile, the healthier the family functioning, the lower the academic stress and depression. Third, as the result of multiple regression analysis to investigate how school academic stress and family health have the effect on depression, The communication among families of sub scales of family health revealed significantly negative effect on depression. And the future career stress and the exams stress of sub scales of academic stress revealed significantly positive effect on depression. As the result like this, when academic stress is higher, family functioning is weaker, adolescents become more depressed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전통 천연염색의 소재와 매염제에 따른 색채 변화에 관한 연구

        한지원(Han, JiWeon),문은배(Moon, EunBae) 한국색채학회 2017 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.31 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in colors through natural dyeing process and the methods which could be reproduced by modern materials and techniques. In the first place, we examined the types and methods of natural dyeing currently being used, and defined the methods and scope of the traditional dyeing with Naju Foundation of Natural Dyeing Cultural, a specialized organization, and then applied FITI-certified ISO materials for real dyeing. To derive colors based on more precise experiments and investigation, the dyeing was performed by a qualified natural dyeing research laboratory and 2 researchers as dyeing specialists. For the analytical frame of the results of this study, the color measurement was performed by using X-Rite Color i5 at D65/10 ̊based on L*a*b* coordinates. Munsell data were also collected by using iColor QC, a color program. In this study, the analyses were made based on Munsell coordinates which were more precise and understandable. Based on results of dyeing, more changes in colors were observed, depending on the type of standard campus, than changes in colors, depending on mordant dyeing material. Alum and non-mordant dyeing exhibited difference only in color fastness, and no significant change was observed in saturation and hue. However, iron mordant dyeing was found to show changes, particularly, in brightness even in same dyeing materials. Moreover, reference color was difficult to be determined for a considerable number of materials, depending on dyeing materials and canvas. The results of this study would provide useful basis for research on natural dyeing with higher precision and changing diversity, going beyond study on colors of natural dyeing which have been categorized and communicated vaguely by only the name of dyeing materials.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 초 잉글랜드 지주층의 경제 인식

        한지원(Jiwon Han) 한국서양사연구회 2015 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.52

        This thesis is to examine the economic awareness of the English landed class in the beginning of the eighteenth century. Roger North(1651-1734)’s Gentleman Accomptant(1714), a double-entry bookkeeping manual for nobilities and gentries, is mainly used to investigate the change in the landlords’ economic mentality. The landed have been described rather consistently, although difference in degree, as had accepted the market philosophy but only limitedly so due to their old genteel value which disdained extensive pursue of profit and involvement in the world of everyday labor. However, North’s Gentleman Accomptant suggests a possible adjustment to this widely accepted description of the English landed class. Its contents and context reveal that pecuniary interest was highly regarded in estate management that even some modification of the landlords’ genteel life style could be positively perceived. Double-entry bookkeeping is recommended although it demands the bookkeeper to spend considerable time and effort daily and interfere with trivial operations of his estate. Then double-entry would become an useful skill for landlords to maximize profit and to cope with the fatal threat of financial fraud. Stock-jobbing is particularly criticized because its innate conditions scrutinized are unfavorable to landlords’ economic interests. With the keen understanding of contemporary economic development, application of double-entry bookkeeping to estate management is an example of the landed class’ learning from commercial world for their own economic advantage. The landlords like such clearly displays developed capitalistic mentality in the age of early capitalism.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 경무국 위생과 조사보고서를 통해 본 의료민속 연구

        한지 한국역사민속학회 2013 역사민속학 Vol.0 No.42

        This text is the only bulletin issued directly from the Japanese Government-General of Korea and analyzed, on a medical folklore perspective, the custom inspection report concerning sanitation of the sanitation division of the police department published in the 1920s in the longest Japanese publicity media 『Chosun(朝鮮)』 before the colonization period. Although the colonization authority, with the nationwide resistance of the ‘March First Independence Movement’ induced by the forced domination of the Japanese Empire by means of military police and police forces as the triggering event, presented the principle of assimilation through conversion into the deceptive era of the so-called cultural governance during the 1920’s, it implemented dualistic hygiene and sanitary administration policies and sanitary police policies that are different from those of the mainland Japan. The sanitary police, who kept surveillance and controlled the general rituals and daily life of individuals in the name of cleanliness and hygiene, strengthen the controls and punishment through quarantine activities and cleanliness inspection. In order to establish the colonial sanitary policy and secure the legitimacy of the colonial administration, the folklore medical treatment done in the overall regions of Chosun and the general form of medical customs was inspected on a colonial perspective and contributed to the media. Although the Japanese Empire announced that investigation report was published in the magazine 『Chosun』 in order to educate the people of Korea on their superstitious beliefs related to hygiene, only a very few Koreans were able to understand the article since it was written in Japanese language. 『Chosun』 was the official magazine used by the Japanese Government General to announce the administration policies, and was distributed to each of the authorities that composed the Japanese Government General in Korea and obligatorily supervised by each of the ranks of the administrative staffs. The magazine served the main purpose of introducing the colonized Korean society to the Japanese expatriates residing in Korea, public officials and civilians in the mainland Japan. Conclusively, it was aimed to stipulate and propagandize that the traditional folk medical knowledge of Koreans as ‘unclean’ and ‘barbarous’ rather than for the purposes of ‘enlightenment’ and ‘edification’ of the knowledge of Koreans on hygiene and sanitation. However, as the result of the overall analysis of 『Chosun』 with the traditional oriental medical texts, Danbang medical book, the bestseller at the time, and the practical encyclopedia frequently referenced by the civilian noble households during the Choseon Dynasty, the folk medical practices of Korea in the 1920’s were the self-rescue measures taken by the public within the given limited medical environment at the time. Such measures were composed diversely with orally handed down knowledge and experiences, documented records, oriental medical knowledge and therapies based on popular beliefs. Therefore, it can be seen that newly devised and modified folk medical treatments were executed to treat disease incidental to civilization introduced to Korea through colonization by Japan. 이 글은 조선총독부가 직접 발행한 유일한 기관지이자, 식민지 전 시기에 걸쳐 발간된 최장수 선전매체인 일문판 『朝鮮』에 게재된 1920년대 각 도 경찰부 위생과에서 조사한 위생 관련 풍습 조사보고서를 중심으로 의료민속학적 관점에서 분석하였다. 일제의 무단적인 헌병경찰통치로 촉발된 3ㆍ1운동의 민족적 저항을 계기로 식민당국은 1920년대 기만적인 문화통치기 체제로 전환하여 동화주의(同化主義)를 내세웠으나 일본 본국과는 다른 이원적 위생행정수립과 강압적인 위생헌병 정치를 시행하였다. 조선총독부는 위생경찰을 검역활동과 청결조사 등을 관장케하여 개인의 의식주와 일상생활 전반을 감시 통제하며 단속과 처벌을 강화하는 한편, 조선 전역에서 행해지는 민속적 치료행위와 의료관습의 총체적인 모습을 식민지적 관점에서 조사하여 선전매체에 기고하였다. 일제는 조선인의 위생과 관련된 미신적인 사고를 계몽하고자 조사보고서를 『朝鮮』에 게재하였다고 밝혔으나, 일본어로 표기되어 있어 이를 해독할 수 있는 조선인은 극소수였다. 『朝鮮』은 총독부의 시정방침을 알리는 기관지로서 조선총독부를 구성하는 각 기관에 배포되어 각급 행정직원들이 의무적으로 강독하였고, 조선 내에 거주하는 내지인과 일본 본국의 공직자 및 민간인에게 식민지 조선사회를 소개하려는 목적이 컸다. 결론적으로 조선인의 위생에 대한 ‘계몽’과 ‘교화’가 목적이 아닌 조선인의 전통 민간의료지식을 ‘불결’하고 ‘미개’한 것으로 규정하여 선전하기 위한 것이었다. 그러나 『朝鮮』의 전면적인 분석과 아울러 한의학 전통의서 및 당시 베스트셀러였던 단방의서(單方醫書), 조선시대 민간 사대부가(家)의 실용백과사전류와 비교한 결과, 1920년대의 의료민속은 제한된 의료환경 내 민중의 자구책으로서 세대를 걸쳐 전승된 구전과 경험방, 문자기록, 한의학적 지식과 민간신앙에 근거한 요법이 다양하게 공존하였고, 식민지 상황에 따른 문명병의 유입으로 새롭게 창출ㆍ변형된 민속적 치료행위가 이루어졌음을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        인도양 무역 네트워크와 문명 공간 ― 西海, 西洋, 그리고 西域의 개념을 중심으로 ―

        한지 명청사학회 2017 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.48

        This study speculated on the world of the Indian Ocean through terms of 西海(xihai), 西洋(xiyang) and 西域(xiyu). Originally, 西海(xihai) was a term with directionality based on Chinese world view, but it indicates the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea as physical space along with cultivation of Silk Road on land. The Indian Ocean was recognized as 西海(xihai) or 西南海(xinanhai) in the Song and Yuan periods. the concept of 서양 has directionality starting from the coastal waters of Fujian and Guangdong, but the concepts of the east and the west that was examined from 『南海志』 published in 大德 years indicate the range central port cities had influence on and is spacial as it covers even religious and ethnic conflicts and cooperation. That is, 西洋(xiyang) indicates the Indian Ocean, but it also means a trade network in this area. The term of 西域(xiyu) is related to appearance of large historical stage. The Islam that began to grow through the Middle Ages was a center of wide historical stage over Europe and Asia under Mongol Empire. The Indian Ocean network was expanded inland and a key factor when it connected different civilizations was reciprocal trade. The Indian Ocean network connected local products each subcategory wanted to import. In particular, cotton which was produced in India was spread over each civilization through trade via the Indian Ocean network. 西域(xiyu) was a wide economic area where different civilizations were linked to guaranty reciprocal trade, not an east-west passage. The Indian Ocean network covered the Arabian Ocean along the western and southern coast of India and connected the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea on land via the Persian Gulf. It connected to the Arabian Ocean along the eastern sea of Africa, which formed a big link. Local products from East Asian products via large and small islands on the Indian Ocean, India, Java and Srivijaya empire were accumulated on this central link. It also connected Arabia, Asia Minor, the western and northern area of Africa, Iberia, India, West India and Yunnan civilizations. Port cities of each civilization were converged in a big link of the Indian Ocean while leading area of subcategories by connecting hinterlands. The term of 西洋(xiyang) was used when Chinese people explored such Indian trade networks and joined in them through the oceans. Important passages to the Indian Ocean were Guang-zhou and Ch'uan-zhou. They developed greatly as big cities that had China and East Asia as hinterlands.

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