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정성원,이준희,이경재,김형렬 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2019 Safety and health at work Vol.10 No.4
Background: Headache/eyestrain symptoms are common health problems that people experience in daily life. Various studies have examined risk factors contributing to headache/eyestrains, and physicochemical exposure was found to be a leading risk factor in causing such symptoms. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of headache/eyestrain symptoms with physicochemical exposure among Korean construction workers depended on worksite. Methods: This study used data from the 4th Korean Workers Conditions Survey and selected 1,945 Korean construction workers as participants. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to determine the relationship. Results: Exposure to vibrations among all construction workers affected the moderate exposure group [odds ratio (OR) 1.53, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01e2.32], the high exposure group (OR 1.77 95%CI 1.17e2.67), and the indoor high exposure group (OR 1.61, 95%CI 1.02-2.55) and among outdoor construction workers, the moderate group (OR 6.61, 95%CI 15.4e28.48) and the high group (OR 6.61, 95%CI 1.56e27.98). When exposed to mist, dust, and fumes, the indoor high exposure group was significantly affected (OR 1.63, 95%CI 1.07e2.47). All construction workers exposed to organic solvents were affected, high exposure group (OR 1.69, 95%CI 1.15e2.49) and indoor high exposure group (OR 1.77, 95%CI 1.08 e2.89). The high exposure group in all construction worker (OR 1.70, 95%CI 1.20e2.42) and the indoor high exposure group (OR 1.83, 95%CI 1.17e2.89) also were affected by secondhand smoking exposure. Conclusion: Many physicochemical exposure factors affect headache/eyestrain symptoms among construction workers, especially indoor construction workers, suggesting a deficiency in occupational hygiene and health environments at indoor construction worksites.
철도건설공사에 적합한 스마트 건설안전기술 적용방안에 대한 연구
정성원,오태근 국제문화기술진흥원 2024 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.10 No.1
Railroad construction requires a lot of budget, manpower, and equipment, and as a result, many accidents occur. Although efforts are being made at the national level to reduce the accidents at railway construction sites, the occupational accident rate is not showing a downward trend. Various efforts are needed to reduce accidents, the application of smart construction safety technology will be effective. However, if smart construction safety technology is introduced indiscriminately without analysis, duplicate investment may occur, which may lead to a waste of budget for railway construction. In this regard, this study analyzes accident cases at railroad construction sites through a survey of stakeholders and proposes smart construction safety technologies to be effective for those accident types.
정성원,정재윤,이정구,서명환 대한평형의학회 2008 Research in Vestibular Science Vol.7 No.2
Herpes zoster oticus usually accompanies vestibulopathy on the ipsilateral ear. However we have encountered two herpes zoster oticus patients with bilateral vestibulopathies. Bilateral vestibulopathy was detected on the 2nd month and 19th day of herpes zoster oticus, respectively. While the contralateral vestibulopathy was detected 2 month after the ipsilateral vestibulopathy in the first patient, the vestibular function deteriorated simultaneously on the 19th day in the second patient. It seems that the bilateral vestibulopathy was caused by an autoimmune process in both cases, but the initiating event is different. The ipsilateral vestibular damage may have sensitized the immune system in the first patient resulting in sympathetic vestibulopathy. But in the second patient, the ipsilateral cochlear damage may have sensitized the immune system resulting in simultaneous bilateral vestibulopathy. Herpes zoster oticus usually accompanies vestibulopathy on the ipsilateral ear. However we have encountered two herpes zoster oticus patients with bilateral vestibulopathies. Bilateral vestibulopathy was detected on the 2nd month and 19th day of herpes zoster oticus, respectively. While the contralateral vestibulopathy was detected 2 month after the ipsilateral vestibulopathy in the first patient, the vestibular function deteriorated simultaneously on the 19th day in the second patient. It seems that the bilateral vestibulopathy was caused by an autoimmune process in both cases, but the initiating event is different. The ipsilateral vestibular damage may have sensitized the immune system in the first patient resulting in sympathetic vestibulopathy. But in the second patient, the ipsilateral cochlear damage may have sensitized the immune system resulting in simultaneous bilateral vestibulopathy.
정성원 대한수부외과학회 2012 대한수부외과학회지 Vol.17 No.2
목적: 수지 신전건의 만성 파열에 대하여 신전건을 이용하여 이전술을 시행하고 임상적인 결과를 조사하였다. 대상 및 방법: 신전건 이전술을 시행하고 6개월 경과관찰이 가능하였던 18예를 대상으로 조사하였다. 완관절 굴곡-수지 신전된 상태에서 봉합하는 표준 긴장법 대신에완관절 중립-수지 신전된 상태에서 봉합하는 긴장법을 사용하여 수술을 시행하였다. 결과: 총 운동범위는 수술 전115˚에서 수술 후 160˚로 증가하였다. 신전지연은 수술전 47˚에서 수술 후 11˚로 감소하였다. 수지의 굴곡상태에서 수지첨부에서 수장부의거리는 수술 전 0.2 cm에서 수술 후 0.6 cm으로 증가하였다. 수지 파악력은 수술 전35 g에서 27 g으로 감소하였다. 결론: 수지 신전건의 만성 파열에 대하여 완관절 중립-수지 신전한 상태에서 신전건이전술은 비교적 쉽고 만족할 만한 결과를 나타내었다. Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of extensor tendon transfer that involves increased tensioning for delayed repair of ruptured finger extensor tendons. Materials and Methods: Eighteen patients (11 women and 7 men) with old ruptures of one or more finger extensors underwent tendon transfers was evaluated. Instead of the standard tensioning, the tensioning was performed with the thumb or finger in full extension and the wrist in the neutral position during the tendon transfers. Results: The mean overall range of motion of the fingers improved from 115° preoperatively to 160° postoperatively. The mean extension lag improved from 47° preoperatively to 11° postoperatively. The mean fingertip to palm distance was 0.2 cm preoperatively to 0.6 cm postoperatively. The mean finger grip strength was 35 g preoperatively to 27 g postoperatively. Conclusion: Extensor tendon transfer with increased tensioning is a reliable alternative for the reconstruction of chronic ruptures of finger extensor mechanism.