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      • 생리적 신호를 이용한 통증 인식을 위한 딥 러닝 네트워크

        ( Kim Ngan Phan ),이귀상 ( Guee-sang Lee ),양형정 ( Hyung-jeong Yang ),김수형 ( Soo-hyung Kim ) 한국정보처리학회 2021 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.28 No.2

        Pain is an unpleasant experience for the patient. The recognition and assessment of pain help tailor the treatment to the patient, and they are also challenging in the medical. In this paper, we propose an approach for pain recognition through a deep neural network applied to pre-processed physiological. The proposed approach applies the idea of shortcut connections to concatenate the spatial information of a convolutional neural network and the temporal information of a recurrent neural network. In addition, our proposed approach applies the attention mechanism and achieves competitive performance on the BioVid Heat Pain dataset.

      • KCI등재

        해운대 해수욕장의 이안류 발생기구 및 수치모의

        김인철(Kim, In-Chul),이주용(Lee, Joo-Yong),이정렬(Lee, Jung-Lyul) 한국해안해양공학회 2011 한국해안해양공학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        2009년 8월 13일과 15일, 부산 해운대 해수욕장 앞 해상에서 이안류가 발생하였다. 또한, 올 여름인 2010년 7월 29일과 30일에도 이안류가 발생하여 피서객 들이 조난된 사고가 발생하였다. 해수욕객들은 전원 구조되어 인명 피해는 발생하지 않았지만 최근 이안류 발생이 너무 잦아져 이에 대한 원인파악과 대책마련이 시급한 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 파랑모형과 조류가 결합된 해빈류 모형을 기본으로 튜브거동까지 재현되는 사용자 편의를 위하여 GUI로 개발된 HAECUM 모형(HAEundae CUrrent Model)을 이용, 해운대 해수욕장의 이안류 발생 수치모의를 실시하였다. At Haeundae Beach in Busan, people were swept away by the fast-moving rip current and rescued, on August 13th and 15th, 2009 & July 29th and 30th, 2010. In predicting the wave-induced current and consequent tube movement for public safety, the coastal flows and waves are calculated at each time step and grid point by means of systematic interfacing of hydrodynamic and wave models (Lee, 2001). To provide a user-friendly simulation tool for end-users, the forecasting system has been built in a software package called HAECUM. Outputs from the system are viewed as graphs of tube positions with combined current vectors for easy decision of emergency management officials. The tube-wave interaction is taken into account and the traces of swim tube are simulated by using a Lagrangian random walk (Chorin, 1978; Lee, 1994). In this study, we use the Lee's approach (Lee, 1993) in estimating the surface onshore currents due to wave breaking.

      • KCI등재

        Sarmanov형 이변량 일반화이항모형의 적합

        이주용,김기영,Lee, Joo-Yong,Kim, Kee-Young 한국통계학회 2009 응용통계연구 Vol.22 No.2

        급내/급간상관이 동시에 존재하는 이변량 이항자료에 대한 모형으로 Danaher과 Hardie (2005)는 베타이항분포를 제안한바 있다. 그러나 이 모형은 베타분포에 따르는 성공확률을 통해 급내 상관을 묘사하므로 그 적용범위가 양의 급내상관을 가지는 자료에 제한된다. 이 연구에서는 보다 더 넓은 범위의 급내 상관에 대해 유용성을 가지는 일반화가법/승법이항모형과 확장베타이항모형 등에 Sarmanov형식의 이변량 확장을 고려하고 이들을 기존 모형과 적합도의 측면에서 비교한다. 실제자료인 주식자료와 소비자패널자료에 이변량 일반화이항모형들을 적용한 결과, B-mB와 B-ebB의 성능이 우수한 것으로 나타나며, 그 중 상대적으로 넓은 허용범위의 급내상관을 가지는 B-mB가 선호된다고 할 수 있다. For bivariate binomial data with both intra and inter-class correlation, Danaher and Hardie (2005) proposed a bivariate beta-binomial model. However, the model is limited to the situation where the intra-class correlation is strictly positive. Thus it might be seriously inadequate for data with a negative intra-class correlation. Several authors have considered generalized binomial distributions covering a wider range of intra-class correlation which could relax the possible model restrictions imposed. Among others there are the additive/multiplicative and the beta/extended beta binomial model. In this study, bivariate models of the Sarmanov (1966) type are formed by combining each of those univariate models to take care of the inter-class correlation, and are evaluated in terms of the goodness-of-fit. As a result, B-mB and B-ebB are fitted, successfully, to real data and that B-mB, which has a wider permissible range than B-ebB for the intra-class correlation is relatively preferred.

      • KCI등재

        Stiffness of the Central Corpus Cavernosum on Shear-Wave Elastography Is Inversely Correlated with the Penile Rigidity Score in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction

        이주용,정대철,Lee Seungsoo,Kang Nam Gyu,오영택,Han Kyunghwa 대한남성과학회 2021 The World Journal of Men's Health Vol.39 No.1

        Purpose: To perform real-time quantitative measurements of penile rigidity for patients with erectile dysfunction (ED) using shear-wave elastography (SWE). Materials and Methods: A total of 92 patients with clinically diagnosed ED filled out an abridged five-item version of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) questionnaire and underwent SWE as well as penile color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) after intracavernosal injection for penile erection. Elasticity measurements were repeated on two sites of the corpus cavernosum (central and peripheral elasticity of corpus cavernosum [ECC]) and the glans penis during the erection phase. Correlations between penile elasticity and rigidity scores or IIEF-5 were evaluated statistically. Penile elasticity was also compared with the ED types based on CDUS. Results: The mean age of all patients was 53.5±13.4 years, and the mean IIEF-5 score was 9.78±5.01. The rigidity score and central ECC value demonstrated a significant correlation (r=-0.272; 95% confidence interval: -0.464 to -0.056; p=0.015). The IIEF-5 score was not significantly correlated with penile elasticity. Vascular ED patients showed significantly higher central ECC values than nonvascular ED patients (p<0.001). At a cut-off value of 8.05 kPa, the central ECC had a specificity of 41.5%, a sensitivity of 84.6%, and an area under the ROC curve of 0.720 with a standard error of 0.059 (p=0.019) for predicting vascular ED. Conclusions: Quantitatively measuring Young’s modulus of the corpus cavernosum using SWE could be an objective technique for assessing penile erectile rigidity and the vascular subtype in patients with ED.

      • 콜로니 에너지를 이용한 단백질-리간드 결합 문제에서의 엔트로피 효과 계산

        이주용,석차옥,Lee, Ju-Yong,Seok, Cha-Ok 한국생물정보시스템생물학회 2006 Bioinformatics and Biosystems Vol.1 No.2

        단백질-리간드 결합 예측은 새로운 신약 선도 물질을 발견하고 최적화 하는데 있어서 중요한 도구로 널리 사용되고 있다. 결합의 정확도는 일반적으로 각 결합 계산에서 사용되는 평가 함수(scoring function)에 따라 결정된다. 평가 함수는 그 함수가 가지고 있는 기력 가정에 따라 force-field based, empirical, knowledge-based의 세 가지로 분류할 수 있다. 이 중에서 force-field based 함수는 물리적인 상호작용을 가장 구체적으로 기술한다. 그러나 현재 제시된 대부분의 force-field based 함수들은 분산력과 정전기적인 힘 등의 에너지만을 고려할 뿐 엔트로피의 영향을 포함하지 않는 단점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 force-field based 평가 함수를 이용하는 경우 기존의 도킹 프로그램이 생성해 내는 구조 정보를 활용하여, 엔트로피를 고려할 수 있는 방법을 제시한다. 또한 이 방법을 DOCK 평가 함수에 적용시켰을 때 decoy discrimination에서 향상된 결과를 얻어낼 수 있음을 보였다. 이는 더 정확한 도킹 계산이 가능함을 의미한다. Computational prediction of protein-ligand binding has been widely used as a tool to discover lead compounds fur new drugs. Prediction accuracy is determined in part by the scoring function used in docking calculations. Diverse scoring functions are available, and these can be classified into force-field based, empirical, and knowledge-based functions depending upon the basic assumptions made in development. Among these, force-field based functions consider physical interactions the most in detail. However, the force-field based functions have the drawback of not including the entropic effect while considering only the energy contribution such as dispersion or electrostatic forces. In this article, a method to take into account of the entropic effect using the colony energy is suggested when force-field based scoring functions is used by extracting conformational information obtained from the pre-existing docking program. An improved result for decoy discrimination is illustrated when the method is applied to the DOCK scoring function, and this implies that more accurate docking calculation is possible.

      • KCI우수등재

        이용자 중심의 스마트공원 조성을 위한 공원서비스의 상대적 중요도 분석

        이주용,이형숙,Lee, Ju-Yong,Lee, Hyung-Sook 한국조경학회 2021 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.49 No.4

        최근 스마트도시의 급부상에 따라 스마트공원에 대한 관심이 증대되고 전국적으로 확산되고 있으나, 획일적인 시설물 도입과 기술 위주의 스마트공원 개발에 대한 우려 또한 커지고 있다. 본 연구는 향후 이용자 중심의 스마트공원을 개발하기 위해 지향해야 할 가치 및 우선적으로 고려될 공원서비스가 무엇일지 전문가와의 심층인터뷰와 계층분석기법을 통해 그 상대적 중요도를 평가하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 공원 기능 및 서비스에 대한 선행연구 및 문헌을 고찰하였고, IT전문가 및 조경분야 전문가를 대상으로 전문가 인터뷰를 2차례 실시하여 내용분석을 통해 서비스 항목을 도출하였다. 4개의 가치와 15개의 공원서비스로 구성된 AHP 모델을 구축하고 38명의 조경 전문가들을 대상으로 한 설문조사를 통해 공원서비스의 중요도를 산정하였다. 그 결과, 자연접촉, 휴식, 운동·산책 등 공원의 본질적인 기능 향상을 위한 서비스의 중요도가 높았으며, 미세먼지나 폭염 등 기후변화에 대응하는 재난재해 방지 및 안전성 관련 서비스도 높게 나타났다. 사회통합 관련 서비스의 중요도 값은 상대적으로 낮았으나, 지역주민들의 참여와 체감도 제고에 있어서는 중요한 서비스로 논의되었다. 향후 스마트공원 개발에 있어 과다한 인공시설물과 기술의 도입으로 인해 자연접촉과 휴식이라는 기존의 공원 기능이 퇴색되지 않도록 하며, 이용자의 요구에 근거하고 지역특성을 반영하는 스마트기술의 적용이 필요할 것이다. 스마트공원의 홍보교육 강화를 통해 이용자의 친밀감을 높이고, 스마트공원에 대한 이해도를 제고하는 노력이 요구된다. Interest in smart parks has been increasing due to the recent rapid rise of smart cities, but concerns are growing over the development of technology-oriented smart parks. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relative importance of park services through Focus Group Interviews and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to develop user-oriented smart parks in the future. To this end, literature on park functions and services was reviewed, and interviews with experts in the field of landscape architecture and IT were conducted to derive service items. The AHP model consisted of four values, and 15 park services were established and used to survey 38 landscape experts. As a result, services for improving the park's essential functions, such as contact with nature, relaxation, and exercise-walking, were deemed important. Services related to the environment and safety in response to climate change, such as the amelioration of pollution and heatwaves were also high. The importance of social integration services was relatively low, but it was considered an important service to when enhancing community participation. Future smart parks should enhance the health benefits of contact with nature rather than implementing excessive artificial facilities and technology. Additionally, smart technology will need to be applied based on users' needs while reflecting local characteristics. Efforts should be made to enhance user intimacy and improve the understanding of smart parks by strengthening public relations education.


        Rhizobium sp . SNU 003 의 생육에 미치는 Canavanine 과 Arginine 의 영향 및 Arginine Deiminase 의 성질

        이주용,권영명 ( Ju Yong Lee,Young Myung Kwon ) 생화학분자생물학회 1990 BMB Reports Vol.23 No.2

        The growth of Rhizobium sp. SNU 003 isolated from the nodule of Canavalia lineata was inhibited by canavanine and promoted by arginine. The growth inhibited by 2 mM canavanine was approximately shown 78-95% recovery by the addition of 2-20 mM arginine. Arginine deiminase of this Rhizobhtm is an active catabolic enzyme of arginine and the enzyme activity was promoted about 10-times when arginine was added into the medium. Arginine deiminase was purified 45-fold and the yield was 11% by the following steps: Protamine sulfate and ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel chromatography, and Sephacryl S-300 gel chromatography. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was 190,000 by gel filtration and optimum temperature for activity was 30℃. Enzyme showed the highest activity at pH 6.0 in the sodium-acetate buffer. Canavanine was not catabolized by arginine deiminase and competitively inhibited the degradation of arginine. The activity of enzyme was inhibited by Co^(2+), A1^(3+), Cu^(2+), Pb^(2+) and Zn^(2+), however promoted by 1() mM of Mg^(2+) and Mn^(2+) approximately 30-40%.

      • KCI등재

        체질에 따른 기저동맥 평균 혈류속도와 균형 기능과의 상관관계에 대한 연구

        이주용,최재송,배나영,안택원,Lee, Joo-Yong,Choi, Jae-Song,Bae, Na-Young,Ahn, Taek-Won 사상체질의학회 2010 사상체질의학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        1. Objectives This study was carried out to investigate the equilibrium functional difference according to mean velocity of basilar artery with Sasang Constitution. 2. Methods We analyzed the data of 300 adults(194 males, 106 females), who visited oriental hospital of D university for medical examiation, which includes Sasang constitution examination, equilibrium function test, transcranial doppler ultrasonography(TCD). We evaluated the trace length and envelop area of open eyes and closed eyes, mean velocity of basilar artery and analyzed its statistical data. 3. Results and Conclusions 1) Within all subjects, trace length and envelop area of closed eyes were significantly lower, in the order of increased mean velocity of basilar artery group, normal mean velocity of basilar artery group and decreased mean velocity of basilar artery group. 2) No significantly difference was seen between the mean velocity of basilar artery and equilibrium function in Soyangin and Soeumin. 3) When closed eyes, trace length were significantly lower in order of increased mean velocity of basilar artery group, normal mean velocity of basilar artery group and decreased mean velocity of basilar artery group, in Taeeumin.

      • KCI등재

        기부채납 시설의 건설관리 및 법제에 관한 개선방안

        이주용,정영철,Lee, Juyong,Jung, Youngchul 한국건설관리학회 2024 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.25 No.1

        개발사업시 공공에 필요한 기반시설과 용지를 확보하기 위한 기부채납제도는 공공의 이익추구를 실현하는 유효적인 수단과 개발이익 환수의 개념으로 활발하게 적용 되어 왔고, 공공의 어려운 재정 여건에서 사회에 기여한 바도 크다. 그러나, 기부채납제도의 법적 기준과 운영에 대한 규정이 모호하고 법적 근거가 부족하여, 기반시설을 설치토록 기부채납 부관을 부여하는 형태로 행정 실무상 편의에 따라 임의적으로 사용되어 왔다. 또한 기반시설은 개발사업자 입장에서는 개발 이익내에서 공사하여 기부하는 시설로서 채산성 향상을 위해 공사비용을 최소화 하는 방향으로 추진되어 기반시설의 계획·설계·시공의 부실화로 시민의 안전 및 유지관리비 증대를 초래하는 위험성을 내포하고 있어 시급한 개선이 필요한 실정이다. 현행 기부채납제도는 개발사업자에 의해 설계·시공·건설사업관리자가 선정되므로, 시설물의 품질·안전성 확보를 위해서는 시공단계 건설사업관리자를 인허가청이 지정토록 해야 하며, 계획·설계단계(프리콘)에도 행정청을 대리하는 전문조직(PM단)을 운영할 수 있는 제도개선이 필요하다. 기부채납제도의 개선으로 계획·설계·시공의 내실화를 통해 반백년 이상 이용하게 될 시설의 우수성, 편의성, 안전성 등을 향상 시킬 수 있도록 지속적인 제도 및 법적 개선을 해야 한다. The donation collection system to secure infrastructure and land necessary for public development projects has been actively applied as an effective means of realizing public interest and the concept of recovering development profits, and has contributed greatly to society in public difficult financial conditions. However, due to the ambiguous legal standards and lack of legal grounds for the operation of the donation collection system, it has been arbitrarily used for administrative convenience in the form of granting a donation collection assistant to install infrastructure. In addition, infrastructure is a facility that is constructed and donated within development profits to obtain licenses, and is promoted to minimize construction costs to improve profitability, posing a risk of poor infrastructure planning, design, and construction, resulting in increased safety and maintenance costs for citizens. Continuous system and legal improvement are needed to improve the excellence, convenience, and safety of facilities that citizens will use for half a century through the improvement of the donation system.

      • KCI등재

        Security of Upland Irrigation Water through the Effective Storage Management of Irrigation Dams

        이주용,김선주,김필식,Lee Joo-Yong,Kim Sun-Joo,Kim Phil-Shik The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 2006 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.48 No.2

        In Korea, upland irrigation generally depends on the ground water or natural rainfall since irrigation water supplied from dams is mainly used for paddy irrigation, and only limited amount of irrigation water is supplied to the upland area. For the stable security of upland irrigation water, storage level of irrigation dams was simulated by the periods. A year was divided into 4 periods considering the irrigation characteristics. Through the periodical management of storage level, water utilization efficiency in irrigation dams could be enhanced and it makes available to secure extra available water from existing dams without new development of water resources. Two study areas, Seongju and Donghwa dam, were selected for this study. Runoff from the watersheds was simulated by the modified tank model and the irrigation water to upland crops was calculated by the Penman-Monteith method. The analyzed results showed that relatively sufficient extra available water could be secured for the main upland crops in Seongju area. In case of Donghwa area, water supply to non-irrigated upland was possible in normal years but extra water was necessary in drought years such as 1998 and 2001.

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