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        학생부종합전형 입학생들의 대학생활 특성 탐색: 수도권 소재 D종합대학 사례 연구 중심으로

        이영희 인하대학교 교육연구소 2019 교육문화연구 Vol.25 No.4

        The study is to analyze the college adaptation, academic achievement and style, emotional adaptation, and career of students who were admitted through admission officer system. The two steps of qualitative research methods were used to analyze the students’ characteristics who were admitted through admission officer system in 2016 at the university in Gyeonggi-do. The 37 open-ended questionnaire were answered by 37 students by both of groups from admission officer system and college entrance exam as the first step of research in order to compare and contrast their characteristics of two groups of students. The second step of qualitative research was to conduct in-depth interview for the 6 students who were admitted through Admission Officer System in order to analyze their concrete characteristics. The results are followed. Overall, while the characteristics of academic achievement and style are similar in the two groups of students from both Admission Officer System and college entrance exam, college adaptation, emotional adaptation, and career are relatively different between two groups of students. First, the students who were admitted through admission officer system are influenced by their academic interest and needs when they applied for the university and deciding their majors. And they were active to participate in many kinds of activities in both academic and non-academic fields in colleges. Second, the students who were admitted through admission officer system think of the relationships among people and try to be involved in the groups activities while they are in college. Third, the students also think that having a lot of experiences in the college life is important to improve their competency which is critical to be prepared for the future career. Thus, they want to be involved in many different types of activities and experiences in college. These findings are aligned with the results of quantitative research that was conducted previously by the researchers. 본 연구는 학생부종합전형으로 입학한 학생들의 대학생활, 학업, 정서, 그리고 진로 영역에 대한 특성을 질적 연구방법을 통하여 분석하였다. 연구 방법은 수도권 소재 종합대학의 2016학년도에 입학한 대학 3학년 재학생들 대상으로총 2단계 걸친 분석 과정으로 진행되었다. 1단계에서는 37명의 대학생을 대상으로 학생부종합전형 및 정시전형으로입학한 학생들로 구분하여 대학생활 전반에 대한 개방형 설문을 통하여 전형에 따른 학생들의 응답 특성 및 차이를분석하였다. 2단계 분석에서는 학생부종합전형 입학 재학생들 6명을 대상으로 심층 면담을 진행하여 학생부종합전형입학생들이 보이는 구체적인 특성을 탐구하고자 하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 전반적으로 학생부종합전형 입학생들과 정시전형 입학생들은 학업 관련 부분의 특징에서는 큰 차이가 없었으나 대학생활, 정서, 진로 영역에서 보이는특징들은 차이가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 첫째, 학생부종합전형 입학 재학생들의 대학생활에서의 주요 특징은 자신의적성을 바탕으로 학문적 호기심과 전공에 대한 관심을 갖고 대학 진학 및 전공 선택을 하였다. 따라서 대학생활에서의가장 큰 만족도 또한 자신들의 학문적 욕구에 대한 충족감이라는 점이었다. 둘째, 학생부종합전형 입학생들은 정서영역에 대한 주요 특징으로 대학생활 전반에서 다양하고 적극적인 교류와 활동 참여를 통하여 타인과 공감 및 소통하는인간관계를 추구하고 있었다. 셋째, 학생부종합전형 입학생들이 보이는 진로 영역에 대한 특징은 전문 분야로 진출하고자하는 확고한 의지와 이를 위하여 다양한 활동과 경험을 통한 적극적 진로 준비를 관찰할 수 있었다. 이와 같은 연구결과는 양적 연구 방식으로 수행되었던 선행 기초 연구(임현정, 이영희, 2017)의 결과를 뒷받침하는 결과로써, 질적분석을 통하여 결과에 대한 배경 및 이유, 그리고 변인들 간의 상호 연관성 등의 맥락적 해석을 할 수 있었다. 학생부종합전형의 궁극적 취지를 살리고 전형에 대한 타당성을 확보하기 위해서는 지속적인 종단 연구를 통하여 학생부종합전형입학생들의 성장과 잠재력 발현에 대한 추적 연구가 필요하다. 또한 대학교육의 질 관리를 통한 학생부종합전형의본질적 목적과 가치를 실현하고자 하는 노력이 선행되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        G. Kaiser 의 " 깔레의 시민들 " 연구

        이영희 한국독어독문학회 1983 獨逸文學 Vol.29 No.1

        Die vorliegende Studie zum Drama $quot;Die Burger von Calais$quot; von Georg Kaiser versucht durch eine Inhalts- and Formanalyse herauszuarbeiten, wie Kaiser seine Idee, daB die Rettung der Menschheit nur durch das Opfer des Individuums mSglich sei, durch die dramatische Realisation gestaltet. $quot;Die Burger von Calais$quot; unterscheiden sick in ihrer Struktur von anderen Werken des Expressionismus. Wahrend in den meisten expressionistischen Dramen die traditionelle Einheit aufgegeben wird, so daB Raum and Zeit aufgeltSst sind and Akte and Szenen als Trager der Fabel fehlen, hat Kaiser in dem Werk $quot;Die Burger von Calais$quot; die Einheit beibehalten. Formal zeigt sich dies in der Einleitung in Akte and Szenen, inhaltlich ist es an der durchlaufenden Fabel, die sich von dem Tod Eustaches schlieBlich bis zum Geburt des Prinzen entfaltet, zu erkennen. Obgleich die kiinstlerische Ausdrucksweise sich im Laufe der Zeit wandelt, kann die moralische Funktion der Kunstwerke nie aufgegeben werden. Diese moralische Funktion ist im Drama besenders unentbehrlich. In unserem Werk fragt Kaiser, was die Rolle des Individuums ist. Gleichzeitig zeigt er uns, daB das Opfer des Individuurns der Weg zur Rettung der Menschheit ist. Es ist ein neues Menschenbild, das Kaiser in dem Werk zu verwirklichen versucht. Der Gedanke der Rettung durch das individuelle Opfer ist die Idee, die Kaiser in diesem Drama zu verwirklichen versucht. Und in dieser Idee liegt auch die moralische Funktion des Dramas. Zur Realisierung dieser moralischen Funktion verwendet Kaiser die aristotelische Technik, das passendste Mittel fur dic Herbeifiihrung der Katharsis. Mir scheint, das er dadurch seinem `clerk ein klassisches Aussehen gibt.

      • 한국 노인의 건강개념과 Newman이론의 건강개념과의 비교 : 간호 이론개발을 위하여

        이영희 中央醫學社 1996 中央醫學 Vol.61 No.11

        Nursing theory development is the means by which nursing will establish a defined area of concern. It will be becomes more effective in dealing with phenomena in these areas. Subsequently, it is one means of facilitating the evolution of nursing as a science. The purpose of this study was compared health concept in Korean Elderly with Newman's Health concept, and provided for basic knowledge of theory development in health of Elderly. Through this study was compared the moment of theory development, method, expressed health concept. Researcher was not interpreted by Newman's theory with the result of qualitative research. But, some aspect of the result consisted with Newman's health and person concept in order to take the position of simultaneity paradigm. The perspective about the person consisted with Newman's person concept. The person showed patterning which continuously interacted with environment. But, the direction of pattern required further study, and showed cultural discrepancy about interaction pattern with environment. Concept of Health consisted with Newman's health about awareness, acquisition of insight, personal empowerment, mastery over body. And disease was integrating factor of health, helped recognition of pattern with environment. But, the proposition that was constituted by four concept of -conscious, movement, time, space did not showed in researcher's study. In researcher's study, the proposition follows. The elderly lived a healthy life through interaction with environment. The relationship was improved the elderly self consciousness. The elderly self consciousness was related with awareness of becoming older, acceptance, transcendence of physical aging. The relationship formation was related with support system formation and self expansion. The linage ness was related with transcendence of self, pursuit of continuing life. If does the theory development through the qualitative research, researcher was opposed to theory development depended on theory or theoretical framework. It will be disturbed new discovery. The methods in theory development through qualitative research was needed consideration the following issues ; the meaning of discovery, the interrelationship between meaning of the context and interpretation to formal generative theory, scope of theoretical pre-understanding, feasibility of pure inductive research. We should be needed paradigm shift. Further exploration to build theory development through qualitative research may contribute to development nursing discipline.

      • KCI등재
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