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      • 광주천저서성대형무척추동물분포특성을이용한수생태건강성평가a

        윤상훈,정숙경,위환,안상수,장서은,조영관 한국환경생태학회 2015 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2015 No.2

        광주천은 무등산에서 발원하여 광주광역시를 통과한 후 영산강과 만나는 길이 약 20km의 지방하천이다. 생태하천 복원사업 등을 통해 부족한 수량을 확보하기 위해 하천유지 용수 명목으로 주암호 호소수, 영산강 하천수, 그리고 하수 처리장 방류수 재처리수 등이 다량 방류되고 있다. 그러나 이에 대한 생태학적 영향 조사는 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 환경부 주관의 전국자연환경조사나 수생태계 건강성 평가 에 따른 대규모 생태조사시 광주천은 2~3지점 포함되어 조 사되고 있으며, 과거 광주천의 저서성 대형무척추동물에 대 한 분포조사는 거의 전무한 실정이다. 더욱이 세계적인 물 관리 패러다임이 생물․ 생태학적으로 변화함에 따라 광주천 에 대한 수생태계 건강성 평가 연구를 시작하게 되었고 그 일환으로 저서성 대형무척추동물 분포조사를 실시하였 다. 본 조사는 2014년 10월부터 2015년 4월까지 총 3회에 걸쳐 현장조사 및 저서성 대형무척추동물 분포조사를 수행 하였다. 1차 조사는 2014년 10월 30일, 2차 조사는 2015년 2월 4일, 3차 조사는 2015년 4월 22일 실시하였고 조사대상 지점은 교란지점을 중심으로 상류부터 5개 지점을 선정하 였다. 지점 1~3은 상류지역으로 하수처리장 방류수 재처리 수 방류구 , 주암호 호소수 방류구, 영산강 하천수 방류구가 설치되어 있다. 지점 4는 중류지역으로 다른 하천이 유입되 는 지점이다. 지점 5는 하류지점으로 영산강과 합류되는 지 점이다. 대조군으로는 광주천이 발원하는 무등산 제2수원 지 상류 계곡 한 지점을 선정하여 조사하였다. 조사결과 총 4문 7강 16목 31과 50종이 확인되었다. 곤충 류가 39종 (88.1%), 비곤충류가 11종 (11.9%)으로 나타났 다. 곤충류는 하루살이목(Ephemeroptera)이 48.1%, 날도래 목(Tricoptera)이 28.3%를 차지하였고 파리목(Dipteria), 딱 정벌레목(Coleoptera) 순이었다. 평균 개체수는 지점 1에서 586개체, 지점 2에서 348개체, 지점 3은 187개체, 지점 4는 184개체, 지점 5에서는 58개체였다. 분류된 종과 개체수에 대한 군집분석 결과, 각 지점별 우점종은 지점 1과 2에서는 부채하루살이(Epeorus pellusidus Brodsky), 지점 3에서는 꼬마줄날도래(Cheumatopsyche brevilineata Iwata), 지점 4 와 5에서는 개똥하루살이(Baetis fuscatus Linnaeus)로 나 타났다. 우점도지수(DI)는 평균 0.62로 5개 지점에서 모두 비슷한 결과를 나타내었다. 종다양도지수(H')는 평균 2.18 로 4, 5지점에서 다소 낮게 분석되었다. 종풍부도지수(RI) 는 평균 2.33으로 지점 1에서 평균 3.35, 지점 5에서 1.14로 상류에서 하류로 내려갈수록 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 균등 도지수(J')는 평균 0.62를 나타내었고 상류에서 하류로 갈수 록 낮아지기는 하나 그 차가 크지 않았다. 하천 수질상태를 직접적으로 판단할 수는 없지만 간접적으로 유추해 볼 수 있는 비내성 범주 지수(EPT)를 조사한 결과 지점 1에서 86.0%, 지점 2는 85.4%, 지점 3은 61.5%, 지점 4는 54.0% 그리고 지점 5에서 46.9%를 나타내었다. 본 조사는 광주천에 대한 향후 지속적인 수생태 건강성 평가연구의 일환으로 지방하천에 대한 체계적인 생물조사 를 바탕으로 생태학적 관점에서 하천에 대한 수질관리를 목표로 하고 있다. 또한 기후변화와 저서성 대형무척추동물 의 분포와의 관계를 파악할 수 있을 것이다. 특히 유하거리 가 짧고 도시의 불투수층의 증가로 인해 하천 수량이 줄어 들며 다양한 인위적인 교란요인이 상존하는 광주천에서는 이화학적 수질조사는 그 한계가 있어 저서성 대형무척추동 물을 포함한 다양한 수서생물 이용한 생태학적 수질조사가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        토지이용실태에 따른 하남산업단지 토양오염물질 분포 특성에 관한 연구

        공화진,위환,김승호,박옥현,장길식,정희윤,배석진,정숙경,조영관,Kong, Hwa-jin,Wi, Whan,Kim, Seung-ho,Park, Ok-hyun,Jang, Gil-sik,Jung, Hee-yun,Bae, Seok-jin,Jeong, Suk-kyung,Cho, Young-gwan 한국지하수토양환경학회 2018 지하수토양환경 Vol.23 No.2

        Soil contamination survey was conducted during March - July, 2017 to obtain soil contamination profile of 16 organic and inorganic contaminants in Hanam industrial complex located in Gwangju, Korea. The concentrations of all surveyed contaminants except Cd showed were within 0.3~1.5 times of their natural background levels. Cd showed concentrations as high as 6.9 times of the background level, signifying the influence of the metal processing facilities in the complex. The concentrations of Zn, Pb and Hg in areas nearby industrial facilities were 1.3~5.5 times higher than those within the facility and green area. The concentration of Cu in the green area was 1.4~2.9 times higher than in other areas. The Soil Pollution Index (SPI) analysis revealed 54% of the total area belong to first-grade soil, 43% to second-grade, and 3% to third-grade. The Enrichment Factor (EF) of Zn, Pb, and Cd were 9.2, 15.6, and 88.5, respectively, indicating high accumulation and contamination of the soil with Cd.

      • KCI등재

        마을하수처리시설(BBF-DNS공법)에서 응집 및 질소처리공정 효율 향상에 관한 연구

        박옥현 ( Ok-hyun Park ),위환 ( Hwan Wi ),김승호 ( Seung-ho Kim ),공화진 ( Wha-jin Kong ),장길식 ( Gil-sik Jang ),배석진 ( Seok-jin Bae ),조영관 ( Young-gwan Cho ),김은선 ( Eun-sun Kim ) 한국수처리학회 2017 한국수처리학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        In this study, small-size rural sewage treatment facility with BBF-DNS method were diagnosed treatment efficiency and investigated how to improve facilities by process. The coagulant was added to the coagulating sedimentation tank by using a stream of influent water to which sewage was pumped as a raw solution. The biofilter tank continuously was injected oxygen through the oxygen feed pump and prevented the filter pores from being blocked by the influent. In the denitrification tank, the backwash plate was reinstalled to uniformly disperse air during the backwash and the number of backwash was increased to prevent re-contamination by the sediment. The BOD of the effluent before the facility improvement was 9.2 mg/L, COD of 16.4 mg/L, SS of 15.1 mg/L, T-N of 24.289 mg/L and T-P of 1.974 mg/L, respectively. After the facility improvement, effluent BOD was 3.7 mg/L, 97.2% of the treatment efficiency compared to the influent, COD was 11.6 mg/L, 80.5%, SS was 7.2 mg/L, 95.4%, T-N 8.258 mg/L was 75.5% and T-P was 1.013 mg/L, 76.9% and all items met the effluent quality standards of the public sewage treatment facility. The nitrification rate was 32.4% and the denitrification rate was 41.1% before the facility improvement, but were improved to 76.9% and 86.2%, respectively.

      • 학교소음이 학업성취에 미치는 영향

        정경훈,박상일,강영주,위환,염동익 조선대학교 환경공해연구소 2006 環境公害硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        The reason for the school noise problem located in the city is due to the fact that this noise is aroused by the development of industrial facilities that give too much importance to certain provinces and the cityward tendency of the population and so on. which is scattered nearby school, In addition, the indoor noise caused by the students themselves is loud. It damages the environment as would a loudspeaker, and the noise from the school itself compounded with the noise from outside raises a serious problem. Measure and analysis of the actual condition of this school noise shows its influence and effect on scholastic achievement. Noise can be felt through a man's sense, and it can be felt differently according to an individual's habit, and the time and place. That's why the physical amount, which is measured by a measuring instrument, can't display the grades of noise. The results of a survey show that students' attitudes toward noise and the students' psychological reactions are more apparent in those who take part in classes located in the south building, which is exposed to a large amount of noise from highway traffic. One important factor in the different degrees of school noise is that it becomes louder as one travels higher within the building. We can determine the different effects by comparing the scores of students from various classes. For instance, the scores of students who are exposed to this noise will be compared with those who are not. To survey how much the students themselves are effected by the noise in their studying atmospheres, we selected the north building, which the noise does not penetrate as readily as it would another building and where the measure of the noise amount(Leq, 10 min.). As a result, the classes' records will show the data between the areas where the amount of noise is high and those where the amount of noise is low. It is economically and actually difficult to make a countermeasure for the schools that are influenced by noise, but we should make plans to allocate flexible arrangements of classes and time tables, and to create a good environment for teachers to utilize their professionalism in their own subjects, a variety of teaching skills and the teaching techniques necessary to work with the various levels of the students.

      • KCI등재

        물놀이형 수경시설의 수질과 항생제 내성 대장균 분포에 관한 연구

        윤상훈,김선경,김난희,위환,이세행,조광운,김동수,조영관,Yoon, Sang-Hoon,Kim, Seon-Gyeong,Kim, Nan-Hee,Wi, Whan,Lee, Se-Hang,Jo, Gwang-Woon,Kim, Dong-Su,Cho, Young-Gwan 한국환경보건학회 2014 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.40 No.3

        Objective: This study was performed in order to investigate the distribution of antibiotic resistant E. coli and water quality in waterscape facilities. Methods: Nine waterscape facilities were selected and classified into three types: ground, wall and general fountain. The items analyzed in this study were pH, turbidity, $KMnO_4$ consumption, total colony, total coliforms, fecal coliforms and E. coli. Additionally, an antibiotic resistance test on E. coli was performed. Results: There were no sampling sites that exceeded the permitted limits of water quality, but the concentration of pollutants was high at the beginning operation in June. Moreover, concentration of turbidity, $KMnO_4$ consumption and total colony were higher in ground fountains than in wall and general fountains. Five species of antibiotic resistant E. coli were detected from three sampling sites. Conclusions: The waterscape facilities were significantly contaminated with water microorganisms, especially total colony, total coliforms and fecal coliforms. Disinfection and filtration systems to remove pollutants should be installed for safe waterscape facilities.

      • 철도교통소음의 수평·수직적 전달 및 감쇠 특성

        최형일,정원삼,김난희,강영주,위환 조선대학교 환경공해연구소 2006 環境公害硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        This study has been conducted to achieve the following objectives: First, in order to understand the horizontal propagation and attenuation characteristics for the railroad traffic noise, we selected actively developed areas within 100 meters away from the road to measure the level of traffic noise near a road. To measure the noise near a railroad, we selected areas within 100 meters away from the railroad and then selected Saemaul-ho and Mugoongwha-ho as the subjects for our experiment, In this way, we analyzed the horizontal propagation and attenuation characteristics for the traffic noise occurring in diversified areas. Second, in order to understand the vertical propagation and attenuation characteristics for the railroad traffic noise, we measured and analyzed the distributional characteristics of vertical sound pressure levels on each floor of multi-storied apartment buildings according to changes of traffic load and types, and the existence or nonexistence of soundproof walls. For the case of the railroad traffic noise, we also selected Samaul-ho and Mugoongwha-ho as the subjects for our experiment, and we measured and analyzed the different noise levels on each floor of multi-storied apartment buildings from the soundproof wall. The results of Horizontal propagation and attenuation characteristics for the railroad traffic noise are as follows: In cases of the flat land, cutting land, and bridge area, as distance increases, the sound pressure level steadily decreases. The cutting land has an especially high distance decrease compared to the other areas, and the sound pressure level for the bridge area is higher than that of the flat land with a measurement of 9.7~17.5㏈(A). Vertical propagation and attenuation characteristics for the railroad traffic noise are as follows: The amount of sound pressure level decrease is 13.9~15.4㏈(A) for Samaul-ho and 10.9~11.5㏈(A) for Mugoongwha-ho when measuring the vertical sound pressure levels at heights lower than 4.5m, which indicates a fairly large decrease. At 6m, the amount of decrease is 7.3㏈(A) for Samaul-ho and 5.0㏈(A) for Mugoongwha-ho, which indicates a small decrease.

      • KCI등재

        광주지역 빗물이용시설의 수질특성에 관한 연구

        안상수 ( Sang-su An ),위환 ( Whan Wi ),윤상훈 ( Sang-hoon Yoon ),장서은 ( Seo-eun Jang ),정숙경 ( Suk-kyoung Jeong ),조영관 ( Young-gwan Cho ),김은선 ( Eun-sun Kim ) 한국환경분석학회 2016 환경분석과 독성보건 Vol.19 No.2

        To investigate the characteristics of rainwater quality as pH, color, turbidity, EC (electronic conductivity) and heavy metals in Gwangju area, 43 samples were collected at initial rainfall amounts over 3 mm/day during March to October in 2015. For 32 samples over 5 mm/day rainfall amount, pH was 4.8~6.5, and turbidity, color and NH3-N were 0.77~97.88 NTU, 4~16 degree, 0.6~12.0 mg/L, respectively, which are exceeding the drinking water standard. Heavy metals (except for Fe, Zn and Cu), volatile organic compounds and pesticides were not detected. Concentrations of color and turbidity in rainwater were decreased contrarily to the lapsed time at the storage, whereas the concentration of Zn was not so much changed compare to the initial state. Particulate matter (PM10) in air has the negative correlation with pH and positive correlations with turbidity, color and EC in rainwater. Seasonal variation showed that pH, DO, turbidity, color and EC in spring was lower than in summer with the influence of rainfall frequency and amount. Rainwater quality of pH, color and turbidity was lowered depending on the lapsed time for 10 days. pH was a little higher at concrete storage tank than at FRP storage tank because alkaline compound as CaCO3 flow out of the concrete surface, whereas turbidity was a little higher at FRP storage tank than at concrete storage tank.

      • KCI등재

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