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      • KCI등재
      • 자율주행 로봇의 지능제어

        김준홍,이우송,Nguyen Huu Cong,한성현 한국공작기계학회 2009 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.-

        This paper presents a new approach to the design of cruise control system of a mobile robot with two drive wheel. The proposed control scheme uses a Gauss ian function as a unit function in the fuzzy neural network, and back propagation algorithm to train the fuzzy neural network controller in the framework of the specialized learning architecture. It is proposed a learning controller consisting of two neural network-fuzzy based on independent reasoning and a connection net with fixed weights to simply the neural networks-fuzzy. The performance of the proposed controller is shown by performing the computer simulation for trajectory tracking of the speed and azimuth of a mobile robot driven by two independent wheels.

      • 영상피드백에 의한 로봇 지능제어

        김준홍,Nguyen Huu Cong,이우송,한성현 한국공작기계학회 2008 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        The equipment of industrial robot in manufacturing and assembly lines has rapidly increased. In order to achieve high productivity and flexibility, it becomes very important to develop the visual feedback control system with Off-Line Programming System(OLPS). We can save much efforts and time in adjusting robots to newly defined workcells by using OLPS. A proposed visual calibration scheme is based on position-based visual feedback. The calibration program firstly generates predicted images of objects in an assumed end-effector position. The process to generate predicted images consists of projection to screen-coordinates, visible range test, and construction of simple silhouette figures. Then, camera images acquired are compared with predicted ones for updating position and orientation data. Computation of error is very simple because the scheme is based on perspective projection, which can be also expanded to experimental results. Computation time can be extremely reduced because the proposed method does not require the precise calculation of tree-dimensional object data and image Jacobian.

      • 셀룰로오스/인산 용액으로부터 얻어진 재생셀룰로오스 섬유의 물성에 관한 연구

        金埈弘 수원대학교 산업기술연구소 1996 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        Cellulose/phosphoric acid solutions were prepared and spun to fibers in methanol. Chemical structure of the fiber was not changed from that of native cellulose, however, its microstructure changed to Cell Ⅳ from CellⅠ morphology. Cell Ⅳ structure devoted to the high tensile strength and initaial modules of the fiber own.

      • General network에서 k번째 최단경로를 구하기 위한 효율적 앨고리즘

        金埈弘 수원대학교 산업기술연구소 1999 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.14 No.-

        We present two algorithms for finding the k-th shortest loopless paths from one node to another node. The first algorithm can be applied to general networks where some are distances are negatives. The second algorithm can be applied only to networks where all are distances are non-negative. In the best case, the first algorithm requires ?? addition-subtractions and ½kn²comparisons ,and second algorithm requires kn²additions and ½kn² comparisons. In the worst case, the first algorithm requires ⅓kn³addition-subtractions and ⅓kn³ comparisons, and the second algorithm requires ?? additions and ⅓kn³comparisons.

      • A study on the implementation of the quasi-differentiable optimization problem

        金埈弘 水原大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        의사결정에 대한 문제가 증가하여 가고 있는 가운데, 특히 non-differentiable, non-convex 최적화 문제에 대한 방법들은 지난 몇 해 동안 최적화 이론분야에서 주 관심사가 되어 왔다. 지금까지는 smooth problem의 approximation으로서 nonsmooth problem들을 사용하였거나, 도는 어떤 결과를 달성하기 위하여 발견적 방법을 취하였으나, 어느 것도 그 결과 최적해의 neighbourhood에 있다는 것을 증명하거나 평가할 수 없다. 이 연구는 실제에 있어서 Demyanov 「2,4」의 이론적인 결과를 실제화하기 위해, 우선 의사미분가능 함수에 대한 이론을 언급하였다. 그리고, 제약이 없는 비선형 최적화 문제에 대한 최적해 알고리즘을 연구하기 위해 non-differential function에 대한 주요한 정리를 제시하고, 이를 중심으로 알고리즘의 타당성을 증명하여 그것을 예시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        제3의 의미, 시각적 기억, 그리고 역사교과서 - 독일․프랑스 공동역사교과서와 한․중․일 공동역사교과서의 사진 이미지를 중심으로 -

        김준홍 동북아시아문화학회 2010 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.23

        In this paper, the author chose two history textbooks, 「Histoire. L'Europe et le monde depuis 1945 / Geschichite. Europa und die Welt seit 1945」 in European context and 「History to Future」 in East Asian context to analyze visual data i.e. photographs for the study of collective and visual memory. For theoretical backgrounds, we reviewed and applied the discussions of the third meaning and studium / punctum expounded by R. Barthes, and subjunctive voice and collective memory by B. Zelizer. The author found subjunctive voice facilitating the third meaning or punctum beyond denotation / connotation or studium. And we also found the triangular relationships: subjunctive voice, collective memory, and the visual data in analyzing visual images describing war crime trials(Nuremberg and Toyko trials), and so forth.

      • KCI등재

        한국어의 기원 탐구를 위한 문화계통수(文化系統樹) 연구 방법의 설계와 적용에 대한 시론

        김준홍,강남욱 중앙어문학회 2019 語文論集 Vol.80 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to review the cultural phylogeny method and its application to the origin and evolution of language family, as well as to consider its application to Korean and its adjacent languages. Since the early 2000s, the cultural phylogeny method has been quite successful in clarifying language origins such as the Indo-European and Austronesian languages. Language origin studies can reveal the form of protolanguage, classify language families, and identify the social relationships among its speakers. The first attempt was made by historical linguistics using the comparative method and lexicostatistics. While the comparative method was successful in providing protolanguage reconstruction and the cognate judgement method, it had critical flaws such as the assumption of glottochronology that the change rate of the basic lexicon is more or less constant. Evolutionary biology has faced the same problems while constructing phylogeny and has established several tool boxes to solve recalcitrant problems such as homoplasy and the nonconstant evolutionary rate. We hope to apply the latest phylogeny method (Bayesian inference method) to the Korean language and its adjacent languages (including the so-called Altai language family). We therefore lay out our plans of application and review hypotheses from various linguists. 본 연구는 비교적 최근 진화생물학에서 제기되어 주목할 만한 성과를 보이고 있는 진화계통수(문화계통수)의 방법론으로 언어의 기원을 분석해 내는 연구 방법론의 틀과 사례를 개괄하고, 한국어의 기원 탐구를 위한 기초적인 문제설정을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 언어의 기원에 대한 연구는 조어의 형태, 언어의 분류, 그 언어를 사용하는 화자들의 사회적 관계에 대해 많은 것을 알려준다. 언어 기원 연구에 대한 첫 시도는 역사언어학에서 비교 방법론을 통해서 이루어졌다. 조어를 복원하는 방법론, 동족어를 판단하는 방법 등 많은 성과를 이루었지만, 논의가 진행되면서 드러난 방법론상의 문제점으로 인해 적지 않은 비판을 받은 것도 사실이다. 진화생물학에서도 역사언어학에서와 동일한 문제를 오랫동안 고민했으며, 그러한 문제에 대한 이론적 발전과 함께 통계적 기법의 발전, 컴퓨터 처리 용량의 증대로 인해 최근 새로운 계통수 방법론의 적용이가능해졌다. 베이지언 추측법으로 요약되는 방법론을 통해 최근 답보 상태에봉착한 한국어의 기원 연구도 새로운 도전을 기대해 볼 수 있게 되었으며, 이에한국어와 동족어로서 비교할 만한 대상 언어군을 기존 이론에 근거하여 시론의 차원에서 제안해 보았다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        성별집단별 약물남용에 영향을 미치는 요인: 고위험집단을 위한 커뮤니케이션 중재전략의 모색

        김준홍,조민정 대한의사협회 2012 대한의사협회지 Vol.55 No.1

        The aim of this research was to assess the influence of social-demographic, psychological, health beliefs, and social environmental factors on the substance use in each gender group. Greater knowledge concerning these issues may help public health and medical policy-makers design more effective means for preventing substance abuse. Logistic regression analyses of the 2005 Korean Institute of Criminology Survey were conducted for exploring gender-specific factors in the sample of 1,332 male and 131 female prisoners. Prevalence for substance abuse was 49.5% of men and 50.1% of women. For both men and women, social environment factor such as drug use by family and friends was associated with substance abuse (odds ratio [OR], 2.738 for men; OR, 5.072 for women; P<0.01). Perceived severity (OR, 0.816 for men; OR, 0.839 for women; P<0.01) and perceived vulnerability (OR, 1.149 for men; OR, 1.215 for women; P<0.01) were also factors contributing to substance abuse. Among women, depression and impulsive behavior increased the risk of substance use. Men, on the other hand, age, no religion, and smoking were the risk factors of substance use. We find support for the current argument that there are differences in contributing factors in each gender group in regards to the risk of substance abuse. Our findings suggest that there is a need to develop appropriate health communication and policy intervention strategies for substance abuse prevention and treatment for gender specified groups at greater risk.

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