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치주조직유도재생술 시행시 Gore-tex 차폐막에 부착되는 치주세균에 대한 미노클린첨부제의 향균력에 대한 미생물학적 연구
최점일,주애라,Choi, Jeom-Il,Ju, Ae-Ra 대한치주과학회 1996 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.26 No.2
The present study was done to evaluate the antibacterial effects of $Minoclin^R$ which was localally delivered on the $Gore-tex^R$ barrier membrane in the guided tissue regeneration(GTR) therapy for treatment of human furcal defects. Beneath the membranes. the antibiotics were applied for 1 week and then changed with new one. The $Minoclin^R$ was removed out one week later. 6 weeks after the GTR therapy. No systemic antibiotics were administered except for oral mouthrinses with chlorhexidines. 2 weeks and 6 weeks following the membrane therapy, the bacterial samples were examined for periodontopathic microorganisms. The results indicated that the locally delivered $Minoclin^R$ successfully inhibited the growth of periodontopathic organisms. This results might be further applied in the subgingival plaque control regimen in the GTR procedure, especialy in patients who is contraindicated for oral administration of systemic antibiotics
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans의 혈청형별 제한절편장 다변화에 관한 연구
최점일,고명연,윤일,Choi, Jeom-Il,Koh, Myung-Yun,Yun, Il 대한치주과학회 1996 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.26 No.2
5 serotypes(a, b, c, d, e) of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans showed distinct hybridization patterns(DNA fingerprinting patterns) when the bacterial DNA were hybridized with randomly cloned 4.7-Kb sized DNA probe. The sizes of hybridized bands in each serotypes were different among serotypes and represented unique patterns of hybridization with the probe used. The serotype a showed two bands of fingerprinting patterns: 23.1 kb and 2.5 kb respectively. Serotype b and c showed single band: 6.6 kb and 9.5 kb, respectively. Serotype d and e showed two bands of hybridization: 23.1 kb and 2.8 kb, and 23.7 kb and 2.1 kb, respectively. The results indicate that this standard fingerpriting patterns of DNA hybridization with 4.7 kb probe can be further used for genotyping clinical isolates of Actinobacillus 8ctinomycetemcomitansand its relevance with periodontal disease activity.
실험적 동맥경화증에서 Porphyromonas gingivalis 열충격단백-항원결정부위-특이성 T-세포주의 SCID mice내로의 주입효과에 대한 연구
최점일,Choi, Jeom-Il,Witztum, Joseph 대한치주과학회 2005 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.35 No.1
Bacterial heat shock protein has been one of the components that are responsible to induce autoimmune disease mechanisms in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis due to high level of homology in sequence with human counterpart. This mechanism may explain how bacterial infectious disease, such as periodontal disease, might contribute to the acceleration of the disease process of atherosclerosis. Porphyromonas gingivalis which is a major periodontal pathogenic bacterial species, has been implicated as one of the pathogenic bacteria playing the role in this context. The present study has been performed to evaluate the anti-atherosclerotic effect of adoptive transfer of Porphyromonas gingivalis heat shock protein epitope-specific T cell lines into severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. Peptide no. 15 with amino acid sequence VKEVASKTND-specific T cell line was selected for the transfer. When experimental atherosclerosis was induced in SCID mice adoptively transferred either by the T cell lines (experimental group) or by non-specific mouse T cells (control group), there was no significant difference in the severity and extent of the atherosclerosis induced by hypercholesterol diet.
Porphyromonas gingivalis의 열충격단백 발현조절 환경인자에 관한 연구
최점일,Choi, Jeom-Il 대한치주과학회 2004 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.34 No.1
The present study was done to evaluate the environmental factors responsible for the expression of Porphyromonas gingivalis heat shock protein. The intensity of the heat shock protein gene expression was comparable to those seen by the heat shock ptreatment of the bacteria $(44^{\circ}C)$ when the bacteria was grown as a mixed culture or biofilm state at $37^{\circ}C$.
T lymphocyte response to periodontal complex bacterial biofilm
최점일,김성조,김수진,Choi, Jeom-IL,Kim, Sung-Jo,Kim, Su-Jin Korean Academy of Periodontology 2002 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.32 No.1
본 연구는 P. gingivalis biofilm을 쥐에 면역했을 경우 숙주의 면역체계중에서 T 임파구가 어떻게 반응하는가를 비교연구한 것으로 P. gingivalis biofilm은 단일 세균으로 구성된 것과, F. nucleatum과 복합된 것 공히 T 임파구가 유리하는 cytokine 중에서 IFN-gamma의 현저한 감소를 초래하는 것으로 판명되어, 향후 숙주 면역방어체계에 미치는 영향을 연구하는 중요한 지침자료를 제공해 주었다.
Fusobacterium nucleatum modulates serum binding to Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilm
최점일,김성조,김수진,Choi, Jeom-Il,Kim, Sung-Jo,Kim, Soo-Jin The Korean Academy of Periodontoloy 2001 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.31 No.4
Anti-P. gingivalis immune sera were obtained from mice immunized with either P. gingivalis alone, or F. nucleaturm followed by P. gingivalis. Two groups of immune sera were examined for binding capacity to P. gingivalis biofilm by confocal laser scanning microscope, Antibody avidity index was also determined for each immune sera. The results indicated that prior immunization of mice with F. nucleaturm impaired P. gingivalis-specific immune sera in binding capacity to biofilm and antibody avidity to P. gingivalis. Elevated antibody responses in patients with destructive periodontal disease has often been related to suboptimal level of protective antibody $(opsonophagocytosis)^{1-3)}$ while post-immune sera obtained with experimental animals using a single periodontal pathogen demonstrated satisfactory levels of protective function against the homologous bacterial $challenge^{4,5)}$.The reason is unclear why elevated IgG responses in periodontal patients to periodontal pathogens do not necessarily reflect their protective function. Such an immune deviation might be derived from the fact that destructive periodontal disease is cumulative result of immunopathologic processes responding to an array of different colonizing microorganisms sequentially infecting in the subgingival environmental niche. Fusobacterium nucleaturm is one of the key pathogens in gingivitis, in the transitional phase of conversion of gingivitis into destructive periodontitk, and in adult $periodontitis^{6-8)}$. It also plays a central role in coaggregation with other important microbial species in subgingival $area^{6,9,10)}$ as well as in $biofilm^{11)}$, especially with Porphyromonas gingjvalis in synergism of virulence in human periodontal disease or in animal $models^{12-14)}$. This organism has also been reported to have immune modulating activity for secondary immune response to Actinobacillus $actinomycetemcomitans^{15)}$. It is presumed that sequential colonization and intermicrobial coaggregation between intermediate and late colonizers could potentially modulate the immune responses and development of specific T cell phenotypes in periodontal lesions. We have recently demonstrated the skewed polarization of P. gingivalis-specific helper T cell clones in mice immunized with F. nucleaturm followed by P. $gingivalis.^{16)}$. Consequently F. nucleaturm may initially prime the immune cells and modify their responses to the successive organism, P. gingivalis. This could explain why one frequently observes non-protective serum antibodies to P. gingivalis in periodontal patients in contrast with those obtained from animals that were immunized with $P.gingivalis\;alone^{17)}$. The present study was performed to investigate the immune modulating effect of F. nucleatum on serum binding to experimental biofilms and the avidity of anti-P. gingivalis antibody.